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Man Who Sold The World

Get this song out of my head!

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"You're My Prison Bitch"


Damn Walton and Johnson played that on the radio the other way. ><


Ah a fellow Houstonian? I'm more of a Rod Ryan fan myself than Walton and Johnson. W&J's whole schtick grew old to me after awhile. It's cool that they can create all those different voices, but the show doesn't have much variety as far as content and such.


As far as songs stuck on my mind...nothing right now thankfully, but if I read this thread much longer each and every one of these songs will be on my mind....except the ones I don't know.

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"You're My Prison Bitch"


Damn Walton and Johnson played that on the radio the other way. ><


Ah a fellow Houstonian? I'm more of a Rod Ryan fan myself than Walton and Johnson. W&J's whole schtick grew old to me after awhile. It's cool that they can create all those different voices, but the show doesn't have much variety as far as content and such.


As far as songs stuck on my mind...nothing right now thankfully, but if I read this thread much longer each and every one of these songs will be on my mind....except the ones I don't know.



Yup, I used to listen only to Rock 101 KLOL, until Clear Channel thought it'd be cute to can it and replace it with the 16th Spanish Speaking station in houston. Plus, 103.7 is the only thing I can really stomach on the radio. God, I've listened to W&J for hell, 10 years now?

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