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Guest tank_abbott

Vince and The Boys

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Guest tank_abbott

Animal on Kayfabe Memories had this to say:


WWF Fun Times


I remember one time when Vince McMahon was a real nice kind of person, before he began to self-promote himself all over the TV and degrade certain sexes.  It was after a pay per view around 1990 and all the top stars were in the WWF:  The Ultimate Warrior, Hulk Hogan, The Legion of Doom, The British Bulldog, Bret "the Hitman" Hart, Jimmy Hart and just about every top star that has ever been in professional wrestling... so many I can't remember them all.


Well, we were in a night club all relaxing after a hard nights work and we, Hawk and I, looked over and Vince comes in the club.  A silent hush came over the boys, and some wondered what he was doing there?  Back then Vince never socialized with any of us.


He was buying beverages for most of the guys and then he got in a somewhat playful mood.  Now you have to understand that Vince comes off as unapproachable as they come, so we were all surprised.  Vince starts to wrestle around with, I think it was, The Warlord, and Warlord handled him easily.


Then he tried messing around with the Hulkster and the Hulk had him turned upside down or a sleeper I can't quite remember, whatever it was Hulk had no problem whatsoever.


Then he tried the Bulldog, and let's just say that Davey Boy gave him his running slam on the floor of the club.


Then when Vince wasn't looking due to the Hulkster having his attention (and when Hulk wants your attention, he gets it), I quickly got behind Vince and before you know it Vince was on my shoulders and I signaled Hawk to jump up on the stage of the club and we gave Vince " The Doomsday".  


We all laughed, including Vince, for at that one instance he seemed like he was almost one of us, one of the guys.  For a few months the camaraderie continued, but then... well, nothing lasts forever. Just like that, it all went back to the way it is today though I doubt he'll take anyone's finish in a club ever again.


Oh, What A Rush!

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Guest JAxlMorrison

It's true, Bam bam Bigelow told the same story on his RF Video shoot interview, which BTW I highly recommend getting.

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Guest dreamer420

wow.  vince taking bumbs like a mofo in a bar full of wwf wrestlers just doesn't sound believable to me.

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Guest J*ingus

I've heard this story somewhere else, but damned if I can remember where.  The version I heard was of a drunken Vince INSISTING on taking the finishing move of every wrestler in the bar.

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Guest dreamer420

i hope hogan hit him with the big boot and then dropped the leg on him

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Guest caboose
Shame D'Lo wasn't with the company back then.


Would Vince have been able to take the move properly unlike Droz?

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