Guest WildPegasusXXII Report post Posted June 4, 2002 I was so hopeful when Nash opened his "announcement" by blathering about how things don't always work out the way they were planned...I thought he would end it. I guess not, and this is what we have...lets look: Nash: fat, old, out of shape, and hurt. Before he got hurt, he didnt seem to be trying to hard. Flair: Is he even actually a member? I don't think he's so much as said he was remotely associated with the nWo other than wrestling against Austin with The Big Show. Big Show: no direction, also big, fat and out of shape...not quite old yet. he is pretty boring though. Shawn: can he/will he even wrestle? Jury is obviously still out on him, but I'm not expecting or looking forward to anything. X-Pac: 'Nuff said..its X-Pac. Booker T: Umm...doesnt use the music, doesnt have anything to do with the other guys....WTF is the point. have: a lazy fat guy, a big lazy fat guy, a cripple, the WWF's most hated wrestler, and two guys who arent really in the much for the feared organization they once were. Should they just cut their losses and find something else? I think so. Even Benoit coming back and going nWo due to his Flair association would suck...I pray they don't do that, because it'd ruin Benoit pretty much for good. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Guest Report post Posted June 4, 2002 Stop being so critical the nwo has been a big part of raws rebound the last few weeks, and I wouldnt call Michaels a "cripple", one its an insulting term, and two Michaels can still wrestle if he chooses too. And how is Nash fat? Doesnt look like it to me. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Guest Report post Posted June 4, 2002 Nash: fat, old, out of shape, and hurt. Before he got hurt, he didnt seem to be trying to hard. So, you're a judge on how "in shape" Kevin Nash is these days? Doesn't look fat to me. Why don't you wait until he gets back into the ring before you make judgements on how "in shape" he isn't after this recent injury. As for calling Shawn Michaels' a cripple. You're really reaching there.. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Guest notJames Report post Posted June 4, 2002 Yes. The whole concept of them as "poison" is over and done with. Now they're just DX v3.0, destined to kill us all with lame dick and fart jokes and shitty wrestling. Kill the group and dispose of the bodies. Booker T definitely can get along fine without them. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Guest Jobber of the Week Report post Posted June 4, 2002 Nash doesn't look nearly as fat as he did in 96, however I think someone once mentioned here that his knees are ground chuck at this point, which probably explains why we're "lucky" when he even gets a punch in wrestling matches anymore. I'd rather keep the nWo around because not only are they the last lingering component of WCW (which, admit it, you know you miss at least a little after all these months of horrible shows,) but the stable has been around for a while and done okay in changing with the times (Nashville World Order generation aside.) Go look at that picture of Hogan and Bret and some other guys in that one poser's sig ("Hogan Made Wrestling", if I remember right?) and look at it today. It's changed a lot, dropped the whole Wolfpac thing, and the only real part that remains mostly the same is Nash. I see HBK as "The Next 'Third Man'" honestly. Although I only give him three matches to prove himself (and the first two are for ring rust), it's BatB all over again. Oddball years aside, there seems to be a tradition of sticking the shirt on a guy who's near retirement (Hogan, Nash, HBK, whoever) and letting them lead the proverbial war on those young whippersnappers who currently are at the top of the business. =b Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Guest WildPegasusXXII Report post Posted June 4, 2002 Stop being so critical the nwo has been a big part of raws rebound the last few weeks, and I wouldnt call Michaels a "cripple", one its an insulting term, and two Michaels can still wrestle if he chooses too. And how is Nash fat? Doesnt look like it to me. bahahahaha...the nWo was part of the reason the ratings are so godawful to begin with...they're not the solution. excuse me for not being politically correct, but Michaels is indeed a cripple. his back is pretty much FUBAR, and if he tried to wrestle, he'd probbaly have to take Ric Flair back bumps, or break it for good. How is Nash fat? by having a nice big ole gut, thats how. put him in tights without the FUBU baseball jersey, and you can see it. he's not as big as he used to be, but he's still fat. As for him being out of shape...he's been out of shape ever since about halfway through WCW when he stopped giving a shit. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Guest Report post Posted June 4, 2002 And you know Michaels cant take normal bumps how? Unless your a psychic u have no right to reserve judgment on someone until u have seen what they can do, especially someone the caliber of Michaels. And Jobber of the Week and I must be blind or something because when Nash wears his wrestling outfit all I see is muscular arms, no gut, someone who is fat would be the Big Show, or Bubba Ray, does nash bear a resemblance to them? Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Guest WildPegasusXXII Report post Posted June 4, 2002 And you know Michaels cant take normal bumps how? Unless your a psychic u have no right to reserve judgment on someone until u have seen what they can do, especially someone the caliber of Michaels. lets see...fused vertabre(however you spell it) in the lower and mid back, plus a big hard canvas mat that you get slammed on your mid and lower back on about a hundred times a week....that doesnt bode well for said back with fused vertabre. Plus, if you had any sense, you would realize the number of wrestlers who have already retired due to pretty much the same thing. As much as I hate Shawn, I'd rather not see him end up in a wheelchair like the Dynamite Kid, or with brain damage and chronic unfixable pain and whatnot like Mick Foley. Not to be a jerk, but I should have expected reactions like this from someone named Syxx. I'm suprised you didnt attempt to incoherently flame me for my lack of respect for your namesake. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Guest Risk Report post Posted June 4, 2002 Why not just throw away the NWO name, kick out Booker T and Big Show(or is he G-Money now?), and rename themselves the Kliq. MAYBE keep the Big Show as muscle, but that's all. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Guest Report post Posted June 5, 2002 Pegasus, not everyone is fucking Benoit, but are u going to sit here and tell me Waltman hasnt ever put on any good matches or that he isnt a good wrestler, sure he gets lots of underserved heat from "trendy" smarks but I would like to think u have more sense, maybe not. The dact that all u could say for Waltman was "its x-pac nuff said" proves u are following typical smark partyline and bashing a guy who is better than half of the roster currently, and was revolutionary in the early 90's WWF, but I guess thats not good enough. Why would I incoherently flame u, u have a cool name but obviously need a little touch up on showing a little respect and actually making sure Shawn cant go, u at least owe a great performer that much, and there are plenty of people around here that said he was fine in his one match since retirement, and I am just stating the obvious that Nash isnt fat, so that u dont throw false statements around. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Guest Risk Report post Posted June 5, 2002 I agree partially with Syxx. Waltman was one of the best junior heavyweights before Hall and Nash left in 96. NO reason he can't be that good again. Pac just needs to revamp his character and strike out on his own. Maybe a new name. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Guest WildPegasusXXII Report post Posted June 5, 2002 Pegasus, not everyone is fucking Benoit, but are u going to sit here and tell me Waltman hasnt ever put on any good matches or that he isnt a good wrestler, sure he gets lots of underserved heat from "trendy" smarks but I would like to think u have more sense, maybe not. The dact that all u could say for Waltman was "its x-pac nuff said" proves u are following typical smark partyline and bashing a guy who is better than half of the roster currently, and was revolutionary in the early 90's WWF, but I guess thats not good enough. Why would I incoherently flame u, u have a cool name but obviously need a little touch up on showing a little respect and actually making sure Shawn cant go, u at least owe a great performer that much, and there are plenty of people around here that said he was fine in his one match since retirement, and I am just stating the obvious that Nash isnt fat, so that u dont throw false statements around. Sean Waltman was a good wrestler...I stress the was. ever since back in 1996 or so when he figured out he didnt have to bust his ass every night and took his effort down, I've disliked him. When he came back as X Pac, I thought he was okay, and then he busted up his neck, and hasnt been the same since. 123 Kid/Syxx=good X-Pac=bad. I never said that he didnt wrestle good matches at one point. I stated my opinion on him now. I need to make sure shawn can go before I said anything? other than calling him a cripple, I beleive I did just that...go back and read my original post. I never saw his one match back, being that it wasnt on TV, and I dont do videos. Perhaps he can go...perhaps not. He's untested at the moment, and that doesnt bode well for the position he's been put in. as for Nash being fat, i guess our personal opinion differs. No big whoop. EIther way, as I originally stated, the nWo needs to be eliminated. Just how, is the idea. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Guest Report post Posted June 5, 2002 Ok, my sattellite is indefinetly turned off so I cannot watch the new NWO's antics. But as it seems to me, they need to turn Flair face again. He is a great heel, a great face, and intrest in him wanes between the two. I say let him go out as a face, which is probably how he wants it. Nash can stay, but make him more comical like he used to be, maybe even DX HHH-esque in his character. He cant wrestle decently anymore lets face facts, but if you want a leader of a stable, he's got the experience and the knowledge to take the NWO far. Booker T should start fresh. Lose the "SUCKAAA!!" thing and just let him be what he truly is, a good wrestler and a good performer. BTW Cut the hair. X-Pac... well like him or not... wait what am I saying? Someone liking X-Pac? Sorry about that must've slipped. Well anyways he is a good wrestler and can draw money by being an annoying little brat. Micheals is a bit of a wild card. He was never that good to begin with but he can still draw money. Let him lead the NWO with Nash. No wrestling for Shawny Boy, just run-ins. Goldust could drastically improve the NWO even keep it alive, but they have to alter his gimmick slightly. Not as much creepy obsessive stuff, but more good wrestling and psychological battling. What will probably happen. They break the NWO into factions, import Shane MacMahon, have tensions rise backstage, Micheals quit, and the angle be dropped faster than the Cactus Jack amnesia angle. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites