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CM Punk...

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Guest DRH 502

I'd like to add to this thread that CM Punk has a very good understanding of what to do and why to do it. Since his time in OVW he has learned to tone down the highspots and work a more simple style that connects you with the fans as opposed to those buying DVDs. He has tremendous charisma, and the straight edge thing is a new concept to some people (blah blah people living under rocks) and they are intrigued by his character. His persona. His livejournal also helped connect him with his hardcore fan base because it made him more human...more like them. I personally don't care for his work a ton but I can definately see why there is such a buzz surrounding him.

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Because CM Punk debuted on ECW, I thought I would bump the thread, as still not many people know about him.


I hate to be a nitpicker, but his finisher is the Pepsi plunge and he has a tatoo of the pepsi logo. As far as sXe is concerned, where do people draw the line? Just addictive drugs? Is caffeine okay? That can be addictive. Or vitamin C or A? They're drugs too. Even lycopene in tomato sauce. Look, I'm not a troll. I just don't know a lot about the sXe movement.

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Because CM Punk debuted on ECW, I thought I would bump the thread, as still not many people know about him.


I hate to be a nitpicker, but his finisher is the Pepsi plunge and he has a tatoo of the pepsi logo. As far as sXe is concerned, where do people draw the line? Just addictive drugs? Is caffeine okay? That can be addictive. Or vitamin C or A? They're drugs too. Even lycopene in tomato sauce. Look, I'm not a troll. I just don't know a lot about the sXe movement.


Straight Edge is a more philosophical offshoot of the punk movement, a reaction to the hedonism and self-destruction that characterised punk. The basic tenet of the philosophy centres around the issue of self-control. The goal is to regain as much personal control over your own life as possible. sXe is the only youth counter-culture to actively discourage drug use, alcohol use, and casual sex. Straight edge is a lifestyle centred around personal development and well being, while encouraging fun and togetherness. sXe is not just about being into contemporary punk music acts and being against drugs. It goes deeper than this. The movement wishes to attract people away from dependancy lifestyles centred around drug habits (legal or illegal) and unhealthy and exploitative eating and general living habits common in modern cultures. sXe is not dogmatic, there are no hard rules, these are for you to decide. Nobody should dictate like the police, or preach an ideology like the church or state.


Most straight edgers seem to feel that caffeine is not an issue, whilst some do. So you can't really say that taking it is or isn't straight edge. Like a lot of straight edge, it's more about what you feel is right for you, rather than trying to adhere to some strict set of rules.




Punk, for instance is obviously a Pepsi fan as well as a insane coffee drinker.

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Drinking caffiene constantly seems worse then smoking an occasional joint or having a drink everyonce in a while.


But, hey. More power to him, I fucking exstatic that there are folks in the wrasslin' biz that may come out of it as half way normal people.

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Guest DRH 502

Dude I support my marijuana but how in the fuck did you come to that conclusion?

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From wikipedia's entery on caffeine:


oo much caffeine, especially over an extended period of time, can lead to a number of physical and mental conditions. The Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders, Fourth Edition (DSM-IV) states: "The 4 caffeine-induced psychiatric disorders include caffeine intoxication, caffeine-induced anxiety disorder, caffeine-induced sleep disorder, and caffeine-related disorder not otherwise specified (NOS)."


An overdose of caffeine can result in a state termed caffeine intoxication or caffeine poisoning. Its symptoms are both physiological and psychological. Symptoms of caffeine intoxication include: restlessness, nervousness, excitement, insomnia, flushed face, diuresis, muscle twitching, rambling flow of thought and speech, paranoia, cardiac arrhythmia or tachycardia, and psychomotor agitation, gastrointestinal complaints, increased blood pressure, rapid pulse, vasoconstriction (tightening or constricting of superficial blood vessels) sometimes resulting in cold hands or fingers, increased amounts of fatty acids in the blood, and an increased production of gastric acid. In extreme cases mania, depression, lapses in judgment, disorientation, loss of social inhibition, delusions, hallucinations and psychosis may occur.[17]


It is commonly assumed that only a small proportion of people exposed to caffeine develop symptoms of caffeine intoxication. However, because it mimics organic mental disorders, such as panic disorder, generalized anxiety disorder, bipolar disorder, and schizophrenia, a growing number of medical professionals believe caffeine-intoxicated people are routinely misdiagnosed and unnecessarily medicated. Shannon et al (1998) point out that:


"Caffeine-induced psychosis, whether it be delirium, manic depression, schizophrenia, or merely an anxiety syndrome, in most cases will be hard to differentiate from other organic or non-organic psychoses....The treatment for caffeine-induced psychosis is to withhold further caffeine." A study in the British Journal of Addiction declared that "although infrequently diagnosed, caffeinism is thought to afflict as many as one person in ten of the population" (JE James and KP Stirling, 1983).


Because caffeine increases the production of stomach acid, high usage over time can lead to peptic ulcers, erosive esophagitis, and gastroesophageal reflux disease.[citation needed] Furthermore, it can also lead to nervousness, irritability, anxiety, tremulousness, muscle twitching, insomnia, heart palpitations and hyperreflexia.[18]


It is suggested that "slow metabolizers" who carry a variant of polymorphic cytochrome P450 1A2 (CYP1A2) enzyme have an increased risk of nonfatal myocardial infarction (see references).


It's probably more dangerous to drink caffeine constantly than to have a joint every month because the more time between joints, the higher the chance that your body will return to normality. Problems normally only occur when you can't get the toxins sout of your system (eg drinking every night, smoking 20 a day, having a joint frequently).

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Guest Connzilla

From what I have seen in the three amtches he has had on tv for ECW the Hype is right he is really good.

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