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Guest Patorick

Idea for a new WWF title after the split

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Guest Patorick

Just an idea people, I know how everyone was complaning during the Invasion about there being way too many titles. I also know that more attention should be given to cruiserweight wrestling.


It sounds a bit odd I'll admit, but wouldn't you love to see a title that can only be won by making your opponent tap?


For starters it would increase the amount of submission matches in the WWF, encorage more technical wrestling, introduce the audience to different submission holds and (above all else) allow Benoit/Tazz/Angle/Regal etc to have some sort of championship gold regularly.


If marketed well with the right people used properly I have no doubt that a "WWF World Submission Championship" could add a bit more excitement to WWF programming.


It's just an idea that popped into my head a few days go, what do think?

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Guest TheHulkster

Its an idea. Ideas rule! Besides, 90% of the roster is lost in the shuffle anyway. Something needs to give them shit to do.

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Guest The Vanilla Midget

they cant even give the euro and cruiserweight titles tv time as it is, how would they fit in a new belt.  also there is one major problem, in that faces rarely ever tap to heels unless the heel is *much* higher on the card (angle + godfather from raw).  this creates a problem, as you could have only dominant face champs, as any heel champ would totally undermine the credibility of every face he defends the belt against.

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Guest EUX4life

i did something like this in an E-Fed a while back.  i had a lance storm type character, just a great technical wrestler, nothing flashy or hardcore or anything.  then my character won the hardcore title, and i renamed it the traditional title and gave it a whole new set of rules and everything.  match has to stay inside the ring.  if you leave on your own it's a dq, no weapons, no top rope spots, just a straight on mat wrestling match, and you can only win with a submission move.  i think it's a great thing for a guy like lance storm to do, since it fits perfectly into his character, he's already done stuff like that, and it'd get him heat after a while because people would miss the hardcore matches.  it'd make table spots and chairshots mean a little more

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Guest The Masked Yodeler

I've thought about a similar title, as well.  When they do the roster split, it might not be a bad idea to turn the Euro into a shoot-style title.  Battlarts rules (submissions and knockouts only).  Angle, Benoit, Storm, Funaki, Lesnar, and Waterman could all do it.  They could even bring in some indy guys that work that style.  It'd be hella better then the Dumbcore title.

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Guest netslob

what i'd do is create a "Triple Threat" or "Triangle" title and have it defended in only 3-way dances.  hell, they can take 3 of the "lesser belts" (i.e. Euro, Hardcore, LightHeavy and/or Cruiserweight), have the 3 champions defend them in one match, and have the winner unify the 3 titles into the new "Triple Threat" title!  that way, they could trim the fat and get rid of alot of useless belts.

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Guest Dr. Wrestlingphysics

Very well said Mr. Yodeler! Triple threats are almost always piss-poor.

  I prefer the mat-based submission idea, but would the crowd go for them? The smarks would love it, but if them matches send everyone else to sleep, then why replace the ever popular, but ever crap, hardcore matches?

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Guest Rabies

NO MORE TITLES! If the WWF were serious about giving their titles any dignity, there should only be the WWF World, IC, and Tag Team titles, and MAYBE the cruiserweight title. But you have to also remember that having a cruiserweight title and having cruisers in the division may be "segregating" the wrestlers. They'll have somewhat of a stigma when they leave the CW title division and go into the upper-mids. I'm not saying there shouldn't be any CW matches, but having a CW beltholder puts a stamp on the wrestler. Having the HC, European, and Women's title is just a waste of everyone's time in my opinion.


Submission title? Hopefully this just wishful thinking.

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Guest DaddyRecklessEric

How about...after all is said and done:

WWF1                                      WWF2

WWF Champ                              World Champ

Hardcore Champ                         ECW Champ

Tag Champs                              Tag Champ

European Champ                         Triple Threat Champ

Women's Champ                          Women's Champ


-I don't like the Crusierweight belt

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Guest theWCWRaider

The WWF doesn't have enough women wrestlers to justify having 2 women's titles, 1 per promotion.

Also, the WWF can't use the ECW title name, because they don't own the trademark, and its up for grabs in bankrupcy court. They had a deal to use it for a time, but that has either expired, or they just don't do it anymore.


We have to have at least 1 Cruiserweight devision, because the WWF has a wealth of Cruiserweight talent, and without that devision they don't have a lot to do, because Vince doesn't favor smaller guys.


A tag team title for each group wouldn't work, because right now, there is a tag team shortage.


I would split them something like:



WWF Title

Intercontinental Title

WWF Hardcore title



World Title

Tag Title

Cruiserweight title.


Something like that...although now thinking about it, I see the need for 2 tag titles, otherwise there would be no point for tag matches to happen in 1 promotion.


So we'll go with:

WWF1 WWF Title, IC title, Tag Title, Hardcore title, Women's title.

WWF2  World Title, U.S. Title, Tag Titles, Cruiserweight title.

I could ramble on about tther posibilities, including having the belts pass from promotion to promotion...but since we really don't know, we'll have to just wait and see what the WWF does.

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Guest Brooding Genius

We had a rather interesting idea for a "specialty" belt up here.


The Classic Title


The rules were generally the same as a normal wrestling match, with a few twists:


1. The belt must be defended at least once every 15 days or it is vacated.


2. The champion loses the belt to his opponent if he is disqualified.  In the event of a double DQ, the title is vacated.


3. Two refs will always work the match: one inside the ring, and one outside.  No "special guest refs" allowed; only qualified referees.  If either referee is incapacitated by outside interference, the match is stricken from the books.


4. In the event of a vacated title, the top four contenders will participate in a single-elimination tournament for the belt at the first possible date.  Opponents and match order will be drawn at random.


Thoughts?  Opinions?

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Guest The Masked Yodeler

Those rules break kayfabe to an extent by admitting that referees are incompetent.

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Guest goodhelmet

Man announcers have been calling the refs incompetent for years. Kayfabe doesn't really exist anymore. The WWF has admitted this much


Sidenote for Yodeler- Is that Ralph Macchio next to JYD?

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Guest Mudshark

Did anyone read Rick Scaia's fantasy booking for Wrestlemania X7 last year? It contained a pretty neat idea for a title, called Beat The Champ (I think he said he took the idea from Smoky Mountain, but can't remember for sure).


Basically the idea was that there would be a battle royal to decide the first beat the champ champion. He would then go on to defend it once a week. If it was defended 5 times, he would get a world title shot on the next Raw. If he was beaten for it, the new champ would start going for his run of five defences.


I say ditch the Euro and hardcore titles, and replace them with this Beat The Champ idea. It would give the title more focus, with the wrestlers having something definite to aim for.


Any thoughts?

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Guest TheBigBadBootyDaddy

take your three posts and go home little boy, its a stupid idea

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Guest Mad Dog

I think this belt could've worked in WCW but it would never catch on in the WWF for a few reasons:


1. Lack of TV time for the Euro, Hardcore, CW and even to an extent the I.C.


2.  Most WWF wresters do not use a wide range of submission moves.


3.  Wrestlers in this division would be screwed b/c they are not wrestling the horrible "WWF style" and would forever be stuck in that division or jobbed to everyone else after leaving.


4.  Fans attention spans can not sit through the amount of match time that this sort of division would require.  It would be hard to have any decent matches with 2 minute specials.


5.  Faces don't tap.  So heels would discredit the whole title.

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Guest Mad Dog

And also no ECW title.  Sorry if your going to recognize another federation it has to be WCW.


ECW was good and everything but it was never anywhere near being the No.2 federation in the U.S.  WCW at it's very worst still had probably at least double the fanbase.

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