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Guest kurtangledoesnotsuck

Bret Hart vs British Bulldog Summerslam 1992

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Guest kurtangledoesnotsuck

Following the sad passing of British "Davey Boy Smith" Bulldog, I felt I should do a rant on a match that many regard as his finest. The one I am talking about is the Intercontinental Title Match between The Bulldog and his brother-in-law Bret Hart. The match was in Davey's home country of England. And in front of 80,000+ people at Wembley stadium in London, a truly magnificent match took place. Here is the rant.


Summerslam 1992, Wembley Stadium, London

The Main Event

British Bulldog vs Bret Hart © Intercontinental Title Match


The crowd are going totally nuts and it gets even louder when Bulldog arrives with Lennox Lewis who, ironically, is Canadian. The crowd are equally pleased at Bret's arrival and Bret puts his shades on a young fan at ringside. The crowd are going bananas. Stare down to start and some pushing also. Bulldog gets the upper hand early on with a tie-up and pushes Bret outside. Bret comes back in and he gives Bulldog a side head lock. A cradle and a small package get two two counts for Bret. Both guys work on the arm in a series of spectacular reversals. Catapult and a crucifix pin gets a two count for Bulldog. More arm work and Bret puts Bulldog in the sleeper hold. Bulldog fights back but gets caught with a reverse elbow and an elbow drop. Inverted atomic drop by Bret labelled a "piledriver" by Vince McMahon. This is, of course, Pre - JR years. Bret reverses a crucifix into a samoan drop for two. Super fast action and Bulldog throws Bret across the ring with a monkey flip. Bret goes to the top rope but gets slammed off by Bulldog. Bulldog misses a flying headbutt. Bret throws Bulldog to the outside to massive boos and catches Bulldog with an over the top rope crossbody. Bret rams Bulldog into the ring post. Back in and Bret hits the Russian leg sweep labelled a "neckbreaker" by Vince McMahon. Good God. Thats gets a two count, by the way. Forearms, a dropkick and a backdrop get a two count for Bret. Sleeper applied and a Bret suplex gets two. Another sleeper by Bret but Bulldog fights back by a back slide for two. Backbreaker and an elbow gets a two count for Bret. Bret yanks the hair and goes to another sleeper. Bulldog gets to the ropes. Another sleeper by Bret (believe me, it isn't as boring as it sounds). Bulldog makes the comeback, hangs up Bret up on the ropes and hits a few clotheslines. Gorilla press gets a two count for Bulldog. Stalling vertical suplex gets a long two for Bulldog. Whip into the turnbuckle gets two. Bulldog powerslam only gets two and you know there is no way Bulldog is going to win here. Bret with the german suplex for a two count. Double KO and Bret applies the sharpshooter from the lying-down position. Bulldog makes the ropes. Sunset flip is reversed by Bulldog and he cradles both of Bret's legs......one, two, three and the place errupts. Bulldog wins the title and Bret, Diana Hart ( Bret's sister and Bulldog's wife) and Bulldog embrace at the end in a great moment. *****, by the way. This match was a classic. See it if you can.


For more wrestling opinions go to http://www.geocities.com/wrestlingrants/Wrestling_Rants.html

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