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There sure are a lot of music games these days

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EBA looks rediculously fun, almost "get a DS just to get the game" fun.


Maybe, but it doesn't have to be.


Come for the EBA, stay for the tons of excellent platformers, puzzlers, RPGs, and quirky-games-that-don't-really-fit-in-any-genre.

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I probably will break down and get a DS at some point in the near future. I just have to pay for my car...and a loan I took out...and a PS3 a friend bought on my behalf... first. It might be a while.


I'm a sucker for the offbeat kind of games. Between this, Phoenix Wright, and the surgery game (the name escapes me) it looks like my kind of system.

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Guitar Hero is such a shitty game. I really can't get into these games. For those that can, more power to you, but they are boring to me. I have read that people have GH parties. HOW!?!?! When you are sitting there watch someone else play this game it's boring as fuck. I almost fell aslepp watching my friend play this game.

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Guitar Hero is such a shitty game. I really can't get into these games. For those that can, more power to you, but they are boring to me. I have read that people have GH parties. HOW!?!?! When you are sitting there watch someone else play this game it's boring as fuck. I almost fell aslepp watching my friend play this game.


I wouldn't see Guitar Hero being so much fun in a party setting but I went to a party for work where we played Rock Band and it was surprisingly fun. I think when you have the drums and singing and everyone going at once it adds another element. I found it fun just doing it but some people were talking about recording it and putting it on Youtube, which I just find odd.

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The best music game is one that haven't come outside of Japan: Taiko no Tatsujin, which I guess Donkey Konga ripped off. A new one just came out for DS, and it comes with two styluses, so you can use the touch screen like a drum.

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The best music game is one that haven't come outside of Japan: Taiko no Tatsujin, which I guess Donkey Konga ripped off. A new one just came out for DS, and it comes with two styluses, so you can use the touch screen like a drum.


Taiko Drum Master doesn't count because of the song list?

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No ones mentioned audio surf?

Its a cross between F-Zero, Guitar Hero and Tetris.... your a little spaceship flying down a track based on a song of your choosing... collecting blocks



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