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Soliticing suggestions for a gimmick

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The gimmick I am considering is a 'Heel Frat Boy' gimmick for a small wrestler (6'0", 210lbs) in an e-fed


accessories for the gimmick:


Finishing move: Phi Beta Slamma (Falcon Arrow)


Theme music- "Party Hard"- Andrew WK


Comes out with a beer helmet on, along with a t-shirt with Greek letters and jeans.


Most likely he comes out with an empty keg (to use as a foreign object)


I have a feeling that in the real world, this gimmick would be cheered, any suggestions to make the 'Bad Frat Boy' more hated.


I feel there is no better forum for this than a Fantasy booking board.

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You can act as a frat boy, but to be more hated, you would have to say it's all a lie, and become a geek.

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Guest Zack Malibu

You could be a dick/jock type, who's not that smart, but "mommy and daddy's money" bought your way into college.  Say that you have buildings on campus named after your family, etc.  I've actually done a similar gimmick to this before, but feel free to use it if you'd like.

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