alfdogg 0 Report post Posted July 21, 2006 Not sure why he sent it to me, but here it is -We fade in from commercial to Byron Blach, the newest OAOAST reporter. He is standing beside TJ Burns, the OAOAST X Champion. The belt rests over TJ’s right shoulder. Regina is noticably absent. BLACH “Fans, welcome back to HeldDown. I am standing here with the OAOAST X Champion, TJ Burns. TJ, how are you?” -TJ nods. BLACH “Well, to start off, TJ, you have been obviously not on OAOAST Television for the past couple of weeks. It seems like you came here, won the X Title, issued the challenge, and left. What’s the deal? -TJ looks down at the ground for a second, trying to think of his answer. He nods slowly and looks up. TJ “You see...the past couple of weeks have been busy for me, Byron. I have been defending this title almost every night...” BLACH “I’m sorry to interrupt, but no-one here accepted the challenge.” TJ “Aye, no-one HERE did. Doesn’t mean other’s didn’t. You see, I challenged EVERY wrestler in the lockerrooms. I did not say WHICH lockerrooms. I have been traveling all around the globe, defending this title’s honor. What you people don’t that the OAOAST? It’s a joke. Here in America, it might be grand, and in Japan, it’s held in some regard, but the rest of the world? They don’t take it seriously. Dance Dance Dragon? The Spanish Inquisition? Angle-Plex? It’s all a joke to them. I was trying my hardest to bring some respect back to the company that helped build me. BLACH “Understandable. To shift gears, Where is Regina?” -TJ glares slightly at Byron, but then looks down. TJ “She...She was accosted in an airport in Florida...I was in the bathroom, and I thought she could take care of herself, and this man...I can’t even talk about it...” BLACH “It’s ok...” TJ “So...due to the fact that I can’t ALWAYS be there, I hired Regina a female bodyguard.” -Byron looks past TJ, then turns and looks the other direction. BLACH “I-I don’t see anybody.” TJ “Well...if I’m here, and Regina isn’t, then don’t you think it’d be odd if I brought her BODYGUARD with me instead?” -With that, TJ shakes his head and walks away. FADEEEE!~!~! Share this post Link to post Share on other sites