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Bruce Blank

The Third, Fourth and Fifth again

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[Deep booming ”NFL Films” Voiceover]


SWF Storm, Cancun, Mexico - April 29th 2005


”At Battleground Landon Maddix had won the title and Jay Hawke had earned the first shot at the new champion. If Landon thought he could rest on his laurels he was wrong as he put the belt on the line no more than 5 days after winning the title to begin with.”


“La Cucaracha faced the Dean of Professional Wrestling in the main event of Storm”




Pete: “The Land of Nod! Landon Maddix is going to take Jay Hawke into the Land of Nod with that dragon clutch!”


King: “NOOOOOOOOOOOOO! Come on Jay! Get out of it!”


Maddix continues to pull back on the neck, but he decides to add a body scissors to the hold -- partly to keep Jay Hawke trapped and unable to move toward the ropes, and partly to relieve the pressure off his own knee.


Pete: “He’s got it now, King! No way can Jay Hawke gets out of this!”


King: “You mean I have to suffer with another four month title reign from this guy?”


Matthew Kivell moves in and asks Jay Hawke if he wants to submit, and Hawke waves his right hand to indicate that he can still continue. Kivell asks again, and the wave gets a little bit slower. He asks again…




…and this time the arm goes limp.


Pete: “The challenger’s fading, King! After all the punishment Jay Hawke did to the International Champion, Landon Maddix is going to end up retaining it anyway!”


King: “No! Anything but that! Fight it Jay!”


But Jay can’t fight it. He’s fading fast. Todd Cortez shouts, “Tighter! Just a little tighter!” Maddix puts every bit of strength into the hold until Jay Hawke’s arm is completely at its side. Matthew Kivell lifts Jay Hawke’s arm…



…it falls.


Pete: “The arm drops once! Two more times and the match is all over!”


Matthew Kivell lifts Jay Hawke’s arm…


Megan Skye anticipates the end of the match, jumping up and down before giving Todd Cortez a quick hug.


…it falls. The crowd erupts, as Jay Hawke is clearly out for the count.


Pete: “One more it’s over!”


Landon Maddix looks up, getting an eyeful of Megan Skye letting go of the hug she just gave Cortez.


Matthew Kivell lifts Jay Hawke’s arm…






…doesn’t matter, as the hug has thrown off Landon Maddix’s concentration to the point that he releases the hold before Kivell can drop the arm the third time.


Pete: “He let go of the hold!”


King: “I think somebody got jealous of that hug on the outside!”


Pete: “It means nothing, though! She was celebrating a sure victory!”


Landon Maddix stares down with his mouth agape as if he wants to say something, but he just stands there with his arm outstretched as if to say “What the hell is going on?” Megan and Todd, too busy celebrating, have yet to realize Landon released the hold.


Pete: “Maddix needs to ignore that and focus on…”


…Jay Hawke gains his bearings just enough to hit Landon Maddix with a low blow from behind.


Pete: “…Jay Hawke!”




Landon Maddix crumbles to the mat, and Jay Hawke senses this might be his last opportunity. With Maddix face first on the mat, Jay Hawke pulls Maddix toward the center of the ring. He pulls back on the injured leg, locking in a half Boston crab. The crowd, only seconds earlier assuming their man was sure to retain, now has to try to rally their hero…







Landon tries to crawl toward the ropes, and Megan Skye and Todd Cortez finally realize what’s going on and try to cheer Landon to make it. He gets a couple of feet away, but Hawke pulls him back into the center of the ring, this time driving a knee into the back of the neck as well.


King: “Brilliant! He’s got the neck and the knee locked up!”






Landon reaches forward, but realizing how far off he is and how much the pain is pouring through his body, he has no choice…











Megan Skye buries her head into her hands as Todd Cortez merely puts his head down.


Funyon: “Ladies and gentlemen, in 15 minutes 41 seconds … the winner of the match … and NEW SWF International Champion … JAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAY HAWWWWWWWWWWWWWKE!”


Matthew Kivell hands Jay Hawke the title belt, and Jay proudly raises it over his head.


A still of Jay Hawke is shown on the screen with the International title peaking out from under his elaborate robe


Third SWF International Champion: “the Dean of Professional Wrestling” Jay Hawke


SWF Storm P.Diddy’s Private Island, the Seychelles - May 29th 2005


“After defeating Maddix Jay Hawke got embroiled in a heated series of matches with Arch Griffon over the gold, having already defended the title against Arch Griffon with success Hawke goes into his second International title defence against Arch Griffon with confidence.











Fans on the island pop like rabid monkeys on speed. Hawke pops up from the cover, and immediately gets into the face of Mathew Kivell, who stands by his decision. Jay quickly walks over to the cane in the middle of the ring. He leaps on to of Griffon, and shoves the pipe into Arch’s throat. Griffon gasps for breath, as more blood get squeezed out of his forehead. Hawke throws the pimp cane away, and gets off of Griffon. He exits the ring, leaving his opponent gasping for air. Jay goes out to the aisle, and grabs his International Title belt.


“Jay Hawke is willing to take every shortcut he can to win this match!” yells Pete. “These aren’t shortcuts, my Floridian friend. These are super cool attacks he is using,” says King.


Hawke climbs the steel stairs and then climbs to the top turnbuckle. Back in the ring, Griffon slowly climbs to his feet. Finally taking his hands away from his throat, Griffon turns around. Quickly, Hawke leaps off the top. He holds the title high above his head, as he flies. The big man sees Hawke coming and takes a step forward. Griffon leaps up into the air to meet Jay. Hawke is helpless, and out of range for the belt shot. Arch grabs him in mid air, and spins into a one-hundred eighty degree turn. Griffon plants the Champion to the mat with a Twisting Spinebuster.




“Griffon just drove Jay into the mat with a Spinebuster! Hawke is out cold!” says Pete. “Hawke should have known better than to do that!” yells King. “You never open yourself up like that, no matter how much more athletic you may be!”


Both Archie and Jay lie in a heap in the middle of the ring. Hawke lies on his back, looking up to the heavens. Griffon is on his stomach, and he is slowly crawling towards Jay. Archie throws an arm over Hawke and Kivell is right there too much the count.












“And Hawke is just able to kick out!” says Pete. “Archie is going to have knock Jay out to defeat him!”


The middle of the ring is littered by droplets of blood. Above the droplets are Hawke and Griffon. Archie slowly rises to his feet. He wipes some fresh blood away from his eyes, and zones in on the fouled up neck and body of Jay. Griffon slowly drags Jay back to his feet. Griffon hits a boot to the stomach, which doubles the Champion over. Hawke nearly falls to the seat of his tights, as he gets a nasty knee to the face that brings blood off of his face like it was sweat. Griffon then puts on a standing head scissors on Jay Hawke. Arch quickly picks up the lighter man, and holds him in the air between his massive legs. Griffon hooks his arms around Hawke’s legs, gaining leverage. Griffon then drives the lifeless Hawke into the mat with the Arch Nemesis!


“ARCH NEMESIS!” yells Pete.




Griffon throws himself on top of Hawke, and Kivell slide into position.










Kivell calls for the bell.








“Griffon has done it! Hawke couldn’t slow him down this time!” yells Pete.


The big man Arch Griffon is shown with the title draped over his shoulder and a clenched fist raised in the air as he celebrates his upset victory over Hawke.


Fourth SWF International Champion: Arch Griffon


13th Hour 2005: The Vatican - June 6th 2005


“Arch Griffon has held the International title for 15 days while the angry Ex-Champion hounded him and chased him until finally getting his rematch on PPV”




With Nick Soapdish still on the mat in an attempt to shake off the cobwebs, Jay Hawke rolls out of the ring, then begins to crawl underneath the ring. Griffon reaches through the ropes and tries to grab a hold of Hawke. As Soapdish returns to his feet, he tries to grab Griffon and get him away from the ropes. Unaware it’s the referee, Griffon shoves Soapdish to the mat out of instinct.


Pete: “Oh no!”


King: “He’s going to end up getting himself disqualified!”


Hawke has begun crawling from underneath the ring, and Griffon again reaches through the ropes to grab his challenger…









…only for the Dean of Professional Wrestling to level Arch Griffon in the left knee with a lead pipe. Griffon screams and clutches the knee as Hawke manages a smirk.


Pete: “Come on!”


King: “Brilliant! And because Griffon tossed Soapdish across the ring, the referee never saw that!”


Jay Hawke slides back into the ring. Still holding his neck from the Arch Nemesis onto the title belt, he slowly gets to the center of the ring. He grabs Arch’s injured knee and spins him around, locking in an inside stepover toehold before spinning around into a crossface.


Pete: “STF!”


King: “And that’s going to wrench the knee!”


Arch Griffon screams in pain as a dazed Soapdish turns around and crawls over to check on the champion.








The crowd’s chants don’t block out the intense pain, as Griffon begins pounding on the mat with his fist, then biting his own fist to try to block out the pain. Jay Hawke pulls back just a little bit more though, and Griffon has no choice:











Funyon: “Ladies and gentlemen, in 14 minutes 38 seconds … the winner of this contest … and NEWWWWWWWWWW SWF International Champion … JAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAY HAWWWWWWWWWWWWWKE!”


The crowd continues to boo as Nick Soapdish picks up the title belt and hands it to Jay Hawke, who clutches it against his chest as he collapses to the mat out of exhaustion.


“Jay Hawke recaptured the title from the big man and became a man obsessed with the title, his title.”


Still photo of Jay Hawke with the International Title once again back in his possession.


Fifth SWF International Champion: “the Dean of Professional Wrestling” Jay Hawke

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