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Tag Team World Cup: Regional Finals

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The 2006 Tag Team World Cup


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*Overhead camera shot of Wembley Arena is shown.*



They are packed to capacity here in Wembley Arena, London, England, ready for the European Regional final! The winner will compete in the bright lights at AngleSlam, August 27!


*Camera cuts inside to Tony and Jesse.*





Hi, I'm Tony Schiavone here with Jesse "The Body" Ventura, we'll be calling the action here in London, and Jesse, the home heroes from here in England may have been eliminated, but this place is still jumping!



That's right, Tony Schiavone, the hated French team put away the top-seeded Brits nine days ago over in Manchester, and most of this crowd is hoping that the Jamaicans, the Cinderella story of the World Cup, can avenge that for them! They've had a nice run...but I think the clock will strike midnight for them tonight, Tony Schiavone, that's my prediction!



It all remains to be seen, and as you mentioned, a lot of support for the Jamaicans here tonight!


*Camera cuts to fans holding a Jamaican flag in the crowd, and various fans with the flag painted on their faces.*



Right now, let's go up to our ring announcer!


Master Blaster (Jammin') hits, and the crowd goes NUTS as the Jamaicans come through the curtains.



The following is the European Regional Final, of the Tag Team Woorld Cup tournament! It is scheduled for one fall, with a one hour time limit! Introducing the first team, representing Jamaica, from Montego Bay, weighing in at a combined weight of 479 pounds...the team of DENZEL SPENCER, and his partner, REGGIE LAMONT!!!!!



What an eruption for the Jamaicans!



No doubt who the crowd favorites are in this match!


The Jamaicans step into the ring and jump onto opposite buckles, raising their hands. They then hop off as the La Resistance theme hits and the cheers promptly turn to boos as the French team emerges with their flags.



Their opponents...representing France, from Paris, at a combined weight of 508 pounds...the team of DOMINIQUE GASTON, and his partner, LEOPOLD MARTIN!!!!!


The French step into the ring, and continue to wave their flags, then set them outside the ring, and jump the Jamaicans from behind!





Here we go! One of these teams will be in Miami on the 27th for AngleSlam!


Dominique knocks Denzel out of the ring, then joins Leopold in a double team on Reggie. The French set up Reggie, and deliver a double suplex!



And the French team gaining an early advantage with the sneak attack, much to the chagrin of this crowd!


The French follow up by whipping Reggie into the ropes, and meeting him with a double clothesline! Leopold then sets Reggie up for a piledriver, but Reggie backdrops out of it! Reggie then exchanges blows with Dominique, getting the better of things, but Leopold quickly recovers and sends a knee into the back of Reggie. The French then set up Reggie for a double DDT!



And the French setting up their version of the double DDT, they call it the CREPE CRUSHER~!!!


However, Denzel is climbing to the top rope, and before the French can execute the move, he SKIES off the top and floors them both with a flying bodypress!



But Denzel with the save!


Denzel hammers away on Leopold, while Reggie delivers a side slam to Dominique! Dominique staggers up, and is clotheslined from the ring by Reggie, while Denzel dropkicks Leopold over the top on the other side!



And the French sent to the floor, and they had better regroup!


The French talk it over on the floor, and then get back to the ring, and Leopold steps in with Reggie. The crowd gets on Leopold's case with various derogatory chants, frustrating him. Leopold hops out onto the floor and puts his hands on his hips, then yells at the official, telling him to shut up the crowd.



Fans really getting under the skin of the French right now!


Leopold slowly climbs back in, and circles the ring.



So, it's Leopold Martin and Reggie Lamont, one-on-one!


They tie up, and Leopold backs Reggie into the corner. Leopold drives in a couple knees, then attempts an Irish whip. Reggie reverses, however, and Leopold is sent in, and backdropped on his way out! A gutwrench suplex follows that up, then a cover...










Leopold quickly rolls to his corner, and tags in Dominique.



First tag, and it's Dominique Gaston stepping into the ring!


Reggie waves his arms at the crowd, and they quickly shower Dominique with similar chants. Dominique covers his ears, then steps through the ropes and pulls back his fist angrily. Reggie quickly approaches him, but Dominique bends down and covers his head. Reggie steps to the second rope over him, and the referee lays a count on him. Reggie steps down and backs off.



See, I think this could be a problem for the Jamaicans. We know the French will do anything to go on to AngleSlam, but the Jamaicans are really just being too careful about the rules! I think it's going to take a little bending of the rules to get a win in this match!


Dominique emerges from the corner, and goes in for a tieup. Reggie grabs a side headlock, and is backed into the ropes, where Dominique makes a blind tag to Leopold. Dominique pushes off, and Reggie bounces off the ropes, then hops over. Dominique gets back up and goes into the opposite ropes as Reggie is leapfrogged by Leopold. Reggie stops behind Leopold, then shoves him into a charging Dominique, sending both to the mat! Reggie then tags in Denzel.



And the first tag on the Jamaican side, Denzel Spencer in the ring now!


Denzel grabs Dominique and delivers a snap suplex! Dominique slides out as Denzel scoops up Leopold in a fireman's carry, and delivers an airplane spin! Denzel does five rotations, then drops him on his back on the mat! Denzel gains his footing, then dropkicks Leopold from behind, sending him over the top to the floor!



The Jamaicans looking GREAT here in the early going!


The French regroup once again, and Dominique climbs in. Denzel goes for a tieup, but Dominique sends a boot to the gut. He then backs Denzel into the corner and lays in forearms, then brings him out and whips him into the ropes. Denzel ducks a clothesline, and hits Dominique on the rebound with a flying cross chop! Leopold comes in and is caught with a belly-to-belly gutwrench suplex! Reggie then tags back in, and whips Leopold to the ropes, then backs into the opposite side and connects with a high knee! He then picks up Dominique up on his shoulder, as if to deliver a spinebuster, then points to Denzel.



And the Jamaicans setting up the SINSEMILLA~!!!



...the WHAT?



A double-team move they're famous for...


Denzel backs into the ropes, then leaps HIGH into the air and hits an axe kick on Dominique, who is on Reggie's shoulder!



And great leaping ability put on display by Denzel!



Continuity ALL on the side of the Jamaicans right now, Tony Schiavone!


Reggie covers...












Reggie picks up Dominique and grabs a side headlock. Dominique backs him into the ropes, then pushes him off. Reggie bounces off one side, then hops over Dominique...and goes over the top to the floor backwards, the result of Leopold pulling down the rope!



Illegal move from the outside by Leopold Martin...



Well, that goes back to what I mentioned earlier, Tony! The Jamaicans are too worried about the rules and pleasing these people! It worked for them early on, but now it's desparation time on the part of the French, and the Jamaicans are in trouble!


Leopold stomps away at Reggie on the floor, as the referee restrains Denzel, then tosses him back in to Dominique, who delivers a back suplex! Cover...














Dominique tags in Leopold, then whips Reggie hard into the corner, and as he bounces out, Leopold goes to the ropes and catches him from behind with a bulldog! Cover...












Shoulder up!



Quick covers by the French! Smart on their part!



But the Jamaicans will not quit!


Leopold cheap shots Denzel, drawing him into the ring.



And now it's the Jamaicans letting their emotions get the better of them, and it leads to a double team by the French!


Leopold holds Reggie back, as Dominique lays in a savate kick! Leopold then covers...












Shoulder up!


Leopold whips Reggie into the ropes, and sinks in a sleeper as he comes back! Reggie fades, but the crowd doesn't!



And listen to the crowd here in the UK!










The referee checks the arm...






















THR...NO!!! Reggie holds through! He works his way back to his feet, then drives in an elbow! A second! A third! Reggie backs into the ropes, but Leopold catches him with a knee to the gut!



Reggie should have made a tag there!



No question, and it could prove to be the difference...a cover!
















NO! Shoulder up!



But no! Reggie showing tremendous resiliency!


Leopold reapplies the sleeper, aas the chants start up again!










The referee checks once again...






















THR...NO! He holds through again, and gets up again! An elbow! A second! This time, however, Leopold goes to the eyes, and delivers a Russian legsweep!



Hey, he can't do that move! He's from France!


Leopold then goes to the second rope, and hops off...right into Reggie's boot!



And now, maybe Reggie can tag!


Reggie inches over to his corner, as Leopold makes it over to tag Dominique, who runs right over and jumps on Reggie, who was inches from his corner. Dominique hooks Reggie's right arm behind his back, then puts his head under his left shoulder, and flips him over! Cover...






















NO! Shoulder up!


Dominique sets up a suplex, but Reggie blocks! Then blocks a second time! Reggie then lifts Dominique up, and brings him back down FACE-FIRST with a sitout front suplex!



That's his move! The BLUE MOUNTAIN BOMB~!!!111



But does he have enough to cover?


Reggie sluggishly rolls over for the cover...






















NO! Leopold makes the save! Leopold then takes a shot at Denzel, who comes into the ring. As the referee restrains him, the French duo hooks Reggie in a double top wristlock. Reggie flips backwards and armdrags them both over and to the mat! Reggie crawls over to his corner once again, and Dominique attempts to grab a foot. Leopold makes his way over, distracting the referee, as Reggie MAKES THE TAG! The crowd goe crazy!






The referee was distracted, though!


The referee turns around and forces Denzel out of the ring, drawing HUGE boos. Dominique recovers, and delivers a backbreaker to Reggie. Leopold goes to the top rope, and Dominique stands in the corner in front of him.



Here comes the BISTRO BOMB~!!!111






I swear to God I'm not making this up.


Leopold steps up onto the shoulders of Dominique, then comes off with a legdrop!





...but Reggie rolls out of the way!



Nobody home!


Reggie gets to his feet slowly, and floors Dominique with a bicycle kick! He then falls to one knee, then quickly bounces up and MAKES THE TAG!



There's a tag, and the referee saw that one!


The crowd goes nuts as Dominique begs off, to no avail, as Denzel lays in rights and lefts, then sends a foot to the gut, and backs into the ropes, delivering an axe kick! Reggie climbs into the ring, and Denzel yells something out to the crowd.



I've got another one for you, Jess.



Oh yeah?



It's time for the PAPPY-SHOW~!!!


Denzel whips Dopminique into the corner, then whips Reggie across, and Reggie delivers an avalanche! Denzel follows with a handspring elbow! Dominique staggers out, right into a bicycle kick from Reggie!



And the crowd really into this one!


Denzel picks up Dominique, and delivers a NORTHERN LIGHTS BOMB~!



That's it! The CARRIBEAN COMPACTOR~!!!111
































NO!!! Leopold saves!


Reggie hammers away on Leopold, then charges, but gets backdropped to the floor! Leopold then delivers a LOW BLOW~ to Denzel, before reviving Dominique.



Who's legal?



I believe the legal men are Gaston and Spencer.


Dominique pulls a pair of knucks from his tights, as the crowd begins to boo.



This is how they beat the Brits, now the referee has to stop this!


Dominique cocks back as Leopold holds Denzel, but the referee hooks his arm! Dominique argues briefly, then takes the knucks off and hands them to the referee. As the referee takes them to the timekeeper, Dominique then grabs his flag!



Come on!


Denzel escapes, and Leopold takes the flagpole shot, falling to the outside! Denzel springs to the second rope, and catches Dominique with a hurricanrana! Reggie comes into the ring, and picks Dominique up in a fireman's carry as Denzel goes to the top! Reggie takes a couple steps forward, then spins Dominique's head backward into a flapjack, as Denzel comes off the top rope with a legdrop!



THE JAMAICAN BOBSLED~!!!111 That's it!!!












































The crowd EXPLODES!





THEY DID IT! A major upset here at Wembley Stadium!



The Jamaicans have won the European Bracket, and they are on their way to AngleSlam!



The winners of the match, and the CHAMPIONS of the European Bracket...TEAM JAMAICA!!!!!


As Master Blaster plays, the Jamaicans go out into the crowd and celebrate with their fans.



And these people are loving it!


The fans give Denzel their flag, and he takes it into the ring, as Reggie comes up with another flag. Tony Schiavone steps into the ring, and stands in between the two at the trophy table.


TONY (in ring)

Well folks, eight great teams comprised the European Bracket in the World Cup. But when the dust settled, it's the team from Jamaica, the seventh seed, going to AngleSlam!


*Denzel and Reggie grab the trophy and raise it in the air.*


TONY (in ring)

Denzel, let's start with you, how does it feel?



*Jamaican accent* It's a great feeling, Mr. Schiavone...(catches breath) the French, they fought hard, they did good...but we believed in ourself, we didn't let no one break our confidence, and we're going to AngleSlam!


*crowd cheers*



*Jamaican accent, slightly thicker* Dat's right, and we still believe! And with the support from these people, there was no way we could lose!


*crowd cheers*








Tony makes his way back to the table as the Jamaicans continue to celebrate.


TONY (at table)

That means "Jamaica", in case you're wondering, Jess.



Yeah, thanks.



Now let's explain the sceanrios for the Jamaicans at AngleSlam...if the Canadians are victorious against Mexico, it'll be Canada taking on Jamaica in the semifinals, and the winners of the Asian and African brackets would meet. Should Canada lose, the next highest seed would be Japan, and after that, the Lithuanian team. If all the 1 seeds lose, then it will be Team Heyross as the highest 2 seed, to take on the Jamaicans. So there's what lies ahead for the Jamaicans, the European bracket champions! Congratulations once again, we're out of here, for Jesse "The Body" Ventura, I'm Tony Schiavone! Let's send it out to Soccer City in South Africa, to "Stagger" Lee Marshall and Tazz!

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*overhead shot of Soccer City.*



Thanks Tony, this crowd is unbelievable, approximately 80,000 people packed in for this great action, Tazz!



No doubt about it, Lee, this is gonna be a real rocket buster, both of these teams primarily win their matches with brawling tactics, the Egyptians with a *little* more in the way of technical wrestling skills, should be fun to watch!



And of course, the Egyptains have the home continent advantage, at least, but the Lithuanians were chosen the #1 seed, and both teams feel like they have something to prove here today! Let's go to our ring announcer!


Walk Like An Egyptian hits and the Egyptian team walks out to a big pop.


ANNOUNCER (in Portugese)

The following is the African Regional Final, of the Tag Team World Cup tournament! It is scheduled for one fall, with a one hour time limit! Introducing the first team, representing Egypt, from Cairo, at a combined 514 pounds...the team of HAPU and KHUFU ANUBIS!!!!!



We got a brother team competing here in this match, that's cool!



Hapu and Khufu are brothers, Hapu is the older brother, and I'm told that the name Anubis means "God of the Dead."


The Lithuanians make their way out, with no music.



Their opponents, representing Lithuania, from Kaunas, at a combined 519 pounds...the team of TOMAS VINCENTAS, and his partner, STEPONAS JUOZAPAS!!!!!



In Soviet Russia, Egyptains walk like you!



These guys are from Lithuania, Tazz.



What's the difference?


The referee explains the rules, and the teams exchange handshakes before going back to their corners. Tomas and Hapu start the match.




Tomas and Hapu tie up, and Hapu backs him into a corner, then breaks cleanly on the referee's count. Tomas comes out and ties up once again. This time, Tomas gets a knee into the stomach, then fires off a couple right hands before setting up a piledriver!



Could be a piledriver comin' here!


However, Hapu blocks, then backdrops Tomas! Hapu follows with a clothesline! Tomas rolls over to his corner, staring down Hapu briefly, then confers with his partner before tagging him in. Hapu makes a tag, as well.



Early tags on both sides, and Steponas in there now with Khufu!


Tie up, and Khufu sends a knee to the gut. Right is blocked, and the two trade fists, with Steponas eventually getting the better of the exchange. Khufu reverses an Irish whip, and takes Steponas over with a monkey flip! Khufu then hammers away at Steponas as he gets up, but Steponas comes up with an inverted atomic drop, then holds him in the same position and takes him overhead with a suplex!



Nice combination of moves there, first the inverted atomic drop, then the overhead, almost like a modified T-bone suplex by Steponas!


Steponas follows up with a headbutt...but it has no effect!



Wow, Khufu just absorbing that headbutt right there!


Khufu delivers a foot to the gut, followed with right hands, then whips Steponas in and delivers a clothesline! Khufu follows with a jumping fist drop, and covers...










Khufu backs Steponas into the corner and tags in Hapu. Hapu grabs a side headlock, but Steponas backs him into the ropes, gets position, and delivers a knee!



That one looked like it may have been a little low!


Steponas delivers a vertical suplex to Hapu, then tags Tomas, who goes to the top rope.



The Lithuanians goin' for it all early!


Tomas attempts a splash, but nobody home!



But Hapu out of the way!


Hapu gets up, and delivers a bodyslam to Steponas, who's illegal in the ring! Khufu then steps in, and presses Tomas overhead! Steponas gets up, and has his partner tossed right into him! The Lithuanians roll out of the ring.



And these guys had better regroup on the floor!


The Lithuanians quickly roll back in, however, and get into a slugfest! They pair off in opposite corners, before the Egyptians whip the Lithuanians into each other! Steponas rolls out to the apron, as Hapu grabs Tomas in a headlock. As the referee forces Khufu out, Tomas shoves Hapu off...right into a knee from the outside by Steponas!



Wow, what a knee right there! Hapu really hurting after that move!


Steponas tags in, and delivers a big kneedrop! Cover...












Steponas snapmares Hapu over, then drives another knee to the back, keeping it there and pulling back on the head. Hapu quickly forces his way up, but Steponas quickly turns around and drops him with a neckbreaker! Cover...












Steponas goes to the ropes, and attempts a senton splash, but Hapu rolls out of the way, and into his corner to tag Khufu!



Tag made, and Khufu back in!


Khufu chops away at Steponas, then whips him into the ropes and takes himdown with a high knee! Khufu follows with a floatover suplex...












Khufu delivers a bodyslam, then goes to the top rope. He waits for Steponas to get up, then delivers a front dropkick! Cover...












But Tomas makes the save!



It's going fast and furious here, and as I predicted, it's been a real hard-hittin' match so far!


The referee puts Tomas out, and Khufu wrings Steponas's arm, then tags Hapu back in. Khufu holds Steponas as Hapu lays in a savate kick! Hapu follows with a double underhook suplex, then covers...














Hapu whips Steponas into the ropes, but Steponas ducks a clothesline, then ducks a second one, then connects with a big flying headbutt!



BIG move from Steponas right there!


Steponas whips Hapu into the ropes, and catches him with a sidewalk slam! Cover...












Khufu reaches in and breaks up the fall!


Steponas tags in Tomas, then slingshots him over the top rope on top of Hapu!
















Shoulder up!



And the Lithuanian side has really got some nice continuity going now!



No doubt, if they keep this up, they're well on their way to AngleSlam!


Tomas pick up Hapu in a back suplex, then spins him around for a Blue Thunder bomb!
















NO! Shoulder up!


Tomas whips Hapu into a corner, then charges, but Hapu gets his feet up! Tomas staggers back, but doesn't go down. Hapu hops to the second rope, and waits for Tomas, who charges in. Hapu jumps over him, rolling on the mat into his corner, where he tags Khufu!



And a tag made!


Khufu kicks and chops away at Tomas, then whips him into the ropes and presses him up in the air, letting him drop to the mat! Tomas gets to his feet, and Khufu scoops him up with a gutwrench, and delivers a TOMBSTONE~!



Tombstone piledriver by Khufu, that could be it!






















NO!!! Steponas breaks it up!


Hapu asks for the tag, and gets it, then goes to the top rope. Khufu comes over and tosses him off onto Tomas!



ROCKET LAUNCHER! Is that enough?


Khufu intercepts Steponas as the referee counts...
































NO!!! Tomas gets the shoulder up!


Hapu sets up an Irish whip, and Steponas blind tags himself in, creeping into the ring as Tomas reverses the Irish whip. Hapu hops over Tomas...and runs right into a MASSIVE clothesline which sends him for a backflip!



THERE IT IS! That big sickle of Steponas!


Steponas nonchelantly drops to his knees as Hapu turns over, and lays across him...

























There it is! The Lithuanians are going to AngleSlam!




ANNOUNCER (in Portugese)

The winners of the match, and the CHAMPIONS of the African Bracket...TEAM LITHUANIA!!!!!


The Lithuanians congratulate each other as the ring attendants set up for the trophy presentation. Steponas then shakes hands with Khufu as Tomas helps up Hapu.



And great sportsmanship being shown here, as the teams congratulate each other in the ring. We're about ready for the presentation, as the Lithuanians have the flag, let's go up to Todd Grisham!


TODD (in ring)

We're ready for the trophy presentation to the winners of the Africa regional, the team from Lithuania! Tomas, can you give us your thoughts?


TOMAS (through interpreter)

I'm very excited to go to AngleSlam and the OAOAST, to be one of the top 4 tag teams in the world. Egypt is a great team, great preparation for the finals, it is a great match, and we expect no less at AngleSlam.



Steponas, the Sickle was the difference tonight, how will you fare with it at AngleSlam?


STEPONAS (through interpreter)

The Egypt team, they fought hard, but once I hit the sickle, that was it. If I can hit it at AngleSlam, it will be no different.


*The Lithuanians are handed the trophy, and raise it up, as the South Africans applaud respectfully.



Well, they said it all, the Lithuanians, the winners of the African Regional! Back to Lee!



And at AngleSlam, the Lithuanians' opposition will be one of four teams: If Mexico defeats Canada, which is up next, they will meet the Mexicans in the semifinals. If Canada wins, then the Lithuanians will meet the winner of the US/Japan match in the Asian Bracket, and should Canada and Japan *both* lose, then the Jamaicans, who won in our first match, will meet the Jamaicans. We're outta here, for Todd Grisham and Tazz, Lee Marshall, sending you out to Shea, and Sofa Central, MC and the Coach!

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*Overhead shot of Shea Stadium.*



All right, thanks, Lee and Tazz, a beautiful day here in New York, Shea Stadium, I'm Michael Cole here with the Coach, who wore the wrong uniform today!


COACH (wearing a Yankee jersey)

What are you talking about?



This is Shea Stadium, Coach, the Mets play here! The Yankees play across town...at least until the playoffs start!






Folks, they've been waiting in anticipation here, they've watched the first two matches on the big scoreboard, and now, it's time, the Canadians ready to take on the Mexicans! Now, a win for the Canadians, and they will take on Jamaica in the semi-finals at AngleSlam! There are two possibilities for the Mexicans! A win combined with a Japan win, the Mexicans will first meet Lithuania...a win combined with a US win, it'll Mexico against the US, which of course is represented by Team Heyross!


Bailamos by Enrique Iglesias hits, and the Mexican team makes its way out.



This is it!



Will this be one of the teams that competes at AngleSlam?



I don't know...from what I've seen of the Canadians, I have a hard time not seeing them at AngleSlam!


The Mexicans climb into the ring and pose on the buckles, drawing respectful applause from the crowd. Tom Sawyer hits and the Canadians coome to the ring, drawing a mixed reaction from the crowd.



And here are the Canadians, Felix Strutter and Ken Pantera! A mixed reception for these guys, obviously a lot of people feeling that it should be Team Heyross with their seed!


The Canadians step in and exchange handshakes with the Mexicans, then go to their corner as Michael Buffer steps into the ring.



We're ready for action, let's go up to Michael Buffer!



LLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLadies and gentlemen, this match is the finals of the American Bracket, in the 2006 Tag Team World Cup! It is scheduled for one fall, with a one hour time limit. The winner of this match will go on to AngleSlam in Miami, Florida, on the 27th of this month, to compete for the tag team World Cup!


*crowd cheers*



Introducing the first team, representing Mexico! They weigh in at a combined weight of 446 pounds...first, from Tijuana, RRRRRRRRRRRRRRRAFAELLLLLLLLLLLL ORRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRDOOOOONNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNEEEEEEEEEEEEEEZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZ!!!!!


*crowd cheers as Ordonez raises his hands in the air.*





*crwod cheers as Sanchez raises his arms.*



Their opponents represent Canada, and are the #1 seed in the tournament. They weigh in at a combined 485 pounds...first, hailing from Thunder Bay, Ontario..."AFTER HOURS" FFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFELIXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX SSSSSSSSSSSSSSSTRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRUTTERRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRR!


*crowd is mixed, as Strutter jumps to the second buckle and raises his arms.*





*Pantera waves out to the crowd, which gives another mixed response.*




Pantera starts the match off with Rafael. The two circle the ring, then tie up. Pantera backs Rafael into a corner, but Rafael manages to turn him around. Rafael breaks clean.



The good thing about these tournaments is the great sportsmanship between the teams!



Maybe so, Cole, but at the end of the day, it's the guys who will do anything it takes, even if it means going against the rules, that make the big paychecks.



Case in point, the two men main eventing AngleSlam, World champion Alfdogg and Drek Stone!


Pantera and Rafael tie up again, and this time Pantera shoves him off. Rafael looks him down for a second, then moves in again. He takes Pantera down with a drop toehold, and grabs him in a waistlock, but Pantera gets to the ropes.



Nice basic move there by Rafael Ordonez, drop toehold into a waistlock, but Pantera too close to the ropes!


Pantera grabs a side headlock, and takes Rafael over to the mat. Rafael grabs a headscissors, but Patera escapes. Patera backs off and circles the ring again. Another tieup, and Pantera grabs another side headlock. Rafael shoves him off into the ropes, and goes for a flying shoulder tackle, but bounces right off Pantera and falls to the mat!






Rafael with the shoulder tackle, but it's him who hits the canvas!


Pantera picks up Rafael, then whips him into the ropes, and lifts him in a PRESS SLAM~! Pantera slams Rafael to the mat, then drops an elbow and covers...










Pantera picks up Rafael and whips him across the ring, but Rafael ducks out of the way of a charge! Rafael goes to the ropes as Pantera staggers out, and floors him with a spinning wheel kick! Cover...










Rafael waits on Pantera to get up, then gives him an enziguri to send him back to the mat in a flip! Rafael hops up and delivers a standing moonsault!











These Mexicans quick as greased lightning!


Rafael quickly attempts a hurricanrana, but Patera catches him and delivers a sitout powerbomb!



Well, he was just slowed down right there!


Pantera tags in Strutter, who whips Rafael into the ropes, and hits a dropkick, sending him backwards over the top rope! Pantera steps back in, and lifts his partner overhead, tossing him down to the ground on top of Rafael!



Nice teamwork by the Canadians!


Strutter hammers away at Rafael, then tosses him back into the ring. He delivers a foot to the gut, then backs into the ropes and delivers a swinging neckbreaker! Cover...










Strutter whips Rafael across the ring, but runs into his feet! Rafael then tags in Antonio!



Tag, and Antonio Sanchez in for the first time!


Antonio whips Strutter into the ropes, and executes a tilt-a-whirl backbreaker! Antonio yells out to the crowd, which cheers in response. Antonio follows up with a Tiger bomb! He plays to the crowd once again.



Antonio needs to stay on him here, though!


Antonio attempts an Irish whip, but Strutter reverses. Antonio leapfrogs Strutter, but turns around right into a high round house kick!



WOW, what a kick, and Antonio flat on his back!














Strutter goes to pick him up, but when he does, Antonio springs up and hits an inverted atomic drop! Antonio follows with a MICHINOKU DRIVER~!



Oh man, that could be it!














Antonio picks up Strutter, and delivers a European uppercut, staggering him. He then uses the ropes to hop up and hook his ankles around Strutter's head, but Strutter blocks and flips Antonio over the top to the ground!



Hard fall Antonio took right there!


Pantera tags, and hops down to grab Antonio and toss him back into the ring. Pantera follows him in, and delivers a trapped-arm belly-to-belly! He then waits on Antonio to get up, and raises his hands in the air, wiggling his fingers.



Could be time for the full nelson!


Pantera hoooks one arm, but Antonio struggles, not allowing him to grab the other arm, then spins around and manages a back suplex!



But a nice counter by Antonio!


Both men get to their feet, and Pantera grabs a side headlock. Antonio makes a blind tag to Rafael, who climbs to the top rope as Antonio pushes Pantera into the ropes. Pantera hops over, and is floored with a missile dropkick by Rafael! Cover...














Strutter saves!


Antonio climbs in and shoves Strutter, and the referee forces him out.



Tempers starting to get the better of these guys, perhaps!


As Strutter exits the ring, Rafael hits him with a dropkick, sending him down to the ground! Pantera hammers away on Rafael, then whips him into the ropes. He puts his head down, and Rafael floors him with a DDT! Strutter climbs back onto the apron as both men struggle to their corners, and tags are made on both sides!



And it's Felix and Antonio!


Slugfest is won by Antonio, but Strutter slips behind on a slam attempt, then pushes him into the ropes. Antonio ducks a clothesline attempt, but Strutter takes him down with a drop toe hold, then spins around and hooks an STF in one motion!



Submission hold applied! Will Antonio submit?



Can you believe how quickly Felix was able to apply that?


But Rafael breaks it up! Pantera comes in and goes after Rafael, but gets backdropped to the floor!



And it's 2-on-1! Could the Mexicans pull off the upset here?


Antonio climbs to the top rope, as Rafael executes a fisherman's buster! Antonio gains his balance...and attempts a SKY-TWISTING SHOOTING STAR PRESS...which misses!






How many times did his body spin?



But more importantly, Felix got out of the way!


Pantera rolls back in, and floors Rafael with a clothesline, then picks up Antonio, and drops him with an over-the-shoulder backbreaker! Pantera then picks up Antonio in a powerbomb, and Strutter grabs his head, and pulls down as both men sit out!



They call that the Penalty Box, will it be enough?

























Yes it will! The Canadians are going to AngleSlam!







The crowd cheers respectfully as the Mexicans offer congratulations to the Canadians, and the teams exchange handshakes once again.



As the trophy presentation is being prepared, the Mexicans congratulating the Canadians, their opposition will be the Jamaican team at AngleSlam! Let's go to Josh!



Well, they're the tournament's #1 seed, and they showed why here tonight, the champions of the American bracket, Team Canada! Adorned in the Canadian flag, let's start with Felix Strutter.



I've never had a rush like this, Josh...knowing that we've finally made it to the big time, the OAOAST, AngleSlam, August 27th, I can't wait. And I think we have every chance to win the whole thing.



Your first opposition at AngleSlam will be the Jamaican team, how will you go into that match?



It's going to be a war, no doubt about it. They're a great team, they seem like a couple of nice guys, and it should be a great match. But we don't have to change a thing.



That's right, Felix. We'll go into that match just like we came in tonight. The Jamaicans are a great story, but unfortunately, Canada holds the publishing rights.


*The Canadians are handed the trophy, and raise it in the air. Pantera holds one finger in the air.



Obviously Canada expecting no less than #1 at AngleSlam, but they've got a tough road to travel. Back to Sofa Central!



So one matchup set for AngleSlam, it'll be the winners of the American Bracket, the Canadians in the ring, taking on the team from Jamaica! That means the Lithuanians await the winner of the Asian Bracket, the Japanese team, or the team representing the states, Team Heyross!



Well, I'll tell you something, Cole, and I hate to say it, I've picked Team Heyross all the way along...I'm not sure anymore. This Canadian team, in the matches we've seen them, looked like they could have ended any of these matches at any point they want to! And if it ends up the US against Canada...anything can happen.



But first, the US has got to get through Japan, and they're waiting to get that started at the Egg Dome! So for Josh Matthews and the Coach, I'm Michael Cole! Let's take you to Tokyo, and the announcers for our last match, Joey Styles and Bobby "the Brain" Heenan!

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*overhead shot of the Egg Dome.*



We are here in Tokyo, the Egg Dome, for the match that will complete the picture for the Final Four at AngleSlam! It's the Japanese team vs the Americans, Team Heyross, 1 against 2, I'm Joey Styles alongside Bobby "the Brain" Heenan!



The last time someone laid an egg this big, it was called the Punjabi Prison match!



Well done, and of course the winner of this match will meet the Lithuanian team in the semifinals, and the winner of that match advances to the finals, to face either the Canadians or Jamaicans! That all happens at AngleSlam, August 27th from Miami, Florida, but right now, let's go up to our ring announcer!


Punishment by BIOHAZARD hits and Team Heyross makes their way out.


ANNOUNCER (in Japanese, duh)

The following is the Asian Regional Final, of the Tag Team World Cup tournament! It is scheduled for one fall, with a one hour time limit! Introducing the first team, representing the United States of America, at a combined weight of 482 pounds...first, hailing from Minneapolis, Minnesota...CHARLIE MOSS!!!!!


*Moss waves out to the crowd before stepping into the ring.*


His partner, from Seattle, Washington...QUENTIN BENJAMIN!!!!!


*Benjamin, already in the ring, poses on the buckles.*


Team Heyross stretches, as Dreams by Van Halen hits and the Japanese get a big pop as they make their way to the ring.



Their opponents, representing Japan, at a combined 464 pounds...first, from Tokyo, RAIDON YOSHI!!!! And his partner, from Osaka, RYUICHI TARO!!!!!


*The Japanese wave to the crowd and step into the ring.*



Raidon and Ryuichi, the Japanese team!



No, I'm not itchy.



No, that's his name, Ryuichi.



Same to you!


The Americans and Japanese exchange handshakes, and go into their corners as the bell sounds.





And it'll be Moss starting off with Raidon!



You know, know that I think about, if you put a big black toilet seat around the building, it'd be like a king-size model of Okerlund!


Moss and Raidon circle the ring, and tie up. Raidon backs Moss into a corner, and holds him down for a while, but breaks clean. They circle the ring, and Raidon goes in again, but this time Moss takes him down with a single leg trip, and grabs the foot, but Raidon gets to the ropes. Raidon then gets up and tries to catch Moss off guard, but Moss sees him coming. Raidon stops, and ties up again. Moss wrings the arm, then drops to his knees and takes him over with a fireman's carry.



Some nice wrestling early on by Charlie Moss!


Raidon tries to get up, but catches himself in a front facelock.



Well, the Japanese team doesn't want to match wrestling with Team Heyross, they'll come up on the short end of the stick. Or the chopstick, as the case may be. The Japanese team is very adept at the high-risk moves.



And as we know, that plays right into the game of Quentin Benjamin, maybe the best high-flyer in all the world!


Moss whips Raidon, but Raidon reverses. Moss shoulder-checks him down, then goes to the side ropes. Raidon flips over, and Moss hops over. Raidon goes for a slam, but Moss goes behind the back and delivers a back suplex! Ryuichi comes in, and gets a foot to the gut, followed by a vertical suplex! Moss whips Raidon into the ropes once again, and catches him with a dropkick! Raidon rolls into his corner.



And Charlie Moss able to fend off both of the Japanese members right there!


Ryuichi gets back on the apron, and Raidon tags him in. He circles the ring with Moss, then ties up. Moss backs him into a corner, but Ryuichi turns it around and lays in two big knees. He then whips Moss across the ring, and follows with a handspring elbow!



And a great move there by Ryuichi Taro, obviously a very agile man!


Ryuichi goes to the top rope, and comes off with a West Coast Pop on Moss!



That's known as the Hiroshima Heimlich!



Oh, stop!












Benjamin breaks it up!



And Team Heyross in trouble early here!


Ryuichi goes around to the legs, and sets up a Scorpion Deathlock!



Could be a Scorpion here!


Ryuichi turns it over, as Moss screams in pain and struggles towards the ropes! Moss crawls, and eventually grabs the bottom rope!



He didn't have enough weight to really get a guy like Moss trapped in that hold!


Ryuichi pulls Moss out, and flips over with the legs into a pinning combination!







Moss gets his legs free, and bridges up. He turns over, and hooks the arms of Ryuichi, taking him over with a double-underhook suplex! Moss then tags in Quentin Benjamin.



Tag, and Quentin Benjamin in for the first time!


Benjamin goes to the top rope as Ryuichi staggers to his feet.



And right into high-flying mode!


Benjamin comes off the top with a BULLDOG~!



Bulldog from the top! A cover...












Shoulder up!



Nope, this guy's tough!


Benjamin picks up Ryuichi and sets up a piledriver, but Ryuichi backdrops out and tags in Raidon.



Nice job avoiding that move, and now tagging Raidon Yoshi back in.


Benjamin gets back to his feet and ties up with Raidon. Raidon grabs a side headlock, then takes Benjamin down to the mat. Benjamin gets to his feet, and tries to break Raidon's hands apart with his own. Raidon breaks and goes behind, then Benjamin switches and PLANTS him with a German suplex!
















Raidon lays on the mat holding his head as Benjamin approaches him again. He picks Raidon up and hooks him in a side headlock. Raidon tries a suplex of his own, but Benjamin blocks it. He releases the headlock, and instead wrings the arm, then backs him into his corner and tags Moss back in. Moss picks up Raidon over his shoulder, and drops into an over-the-shoulder backbreaker! Moss then drops down and rolls him over into a BOW-AND-ARROW~!



Bow-and-arrow applied! Could we get a submission here?


Moss cranks back on the hold, forcing grunts out of Raidon, but Raidon is too close to the ropes and grabs the bottom strand! Moss releases the hold, but stays on him. He tags Benjamin back in, and whips Raidon into the corner. Benjamin goes for a flying splash, but Raidon moves out of the way!



Nobody home!


Raidon sets up Benjamin on his shoulders as he backs up, and tags Ryuishi, who goes to the top rope.



Japanese setting something up here!



I know what it is, they call this the Sapporo shish-kebab!



No, they don't!


Ryuishi leaps off the top rope...and Benjamin CATCHES HIM WITH A BELLY-TO-BELLY!



Oh my GOD!!!



That's it, it's over!


Benjamin covers...






















NO! The fall is broken up with a kick to the head by Raidon! Moss steps in the ring and shoves Raidon in response.



And tempers starting to flare now!



They're just showing you how bad they want it!


Benjamin and Ryuishi exchange blows, and Benjamin grabs a side headlock. Ryuishi pushes off, and leapfrogs Benjamin, who drops behind him, and puts a foot up. Ryuishi grabs the foot and spins him around, but Benjamin uses the momentum and floors Ryuishi with a spinning wheel kick! Cover...
















Shoulder up!


Ryuishi gets to his corner and tags Raidon.



The action is fast and furious!



This is almost as good as watching you and Okerlund fight over the last blowfish earlier!


Raidon hammers away with chops, then delivers kicks to the leg. Raidon trips Benjamin up, and delivers a legdrop to the inside of the leg, then turns the leg and pluus away at it.



Look at the pressure on the knee!



Not only the knee, but he's also twisting the ankle at the top there! This is a great hold! Oh, I won so many matches with this one!



Quentin looks like he may be trying to counter this!


Benjamin reaches up and grabs Raidon under the chin, and rolls him over!












Shoulder up!


Raidon is forced to release the hold. He wrings the arm of Benjamin, and floors him with a back kick! He then tags Ryuishi, who goes to the top rope. He goes for a SWANTON BOMB~!, but Benjamin rolls out of the way, and over to his corner for a tag! Moss comes in, and takes Ryuishi over with a belly-to-belly overhead! He then waits on him to get up, and delivers the STO BACKBREAKER~!



That's usually the setup for the MOSSY KNOLL~!!!


And Moss goes for the hold, but once he has it turned over, Raidon breaks it up! Benjamin climbs into the ring, and sneaks behind Ryuishi, and Moss backs into the ropes, and Team Heyross completes the DOUBLE GOOZLE~! Moss covers...



No referee!



Turn around, ref!
















NO!!! Ryuishi gets the shoulder up!


Moss backs Ryuishi into the ropes, where Raidon blind tags himself in. Ryuishi reverses the whip, Moss hops over, and Raidon executes a SPRINGBOARD BLOCKBUSTER~!



What great moves we're seeing in this match!



That's why it's the World Cup, the best tag team action in the world going on right now!


















Benjamin saves!


The referee puts Benjamin out, and Raidon whips Moss into a corner. Moss dodges a charge, however, and Benjamin is tagged back in! Benjamin delivers forearm shots to the back, but Raidon immediately grans him around the waist and backs him into the corner, where he tags Ryuishi.



These tags are super-fast, neither team able to really sustain an advantage!


Benjamin ducks a clothesline, and connects with a superkick! Benjamin follows with a belly-to-belly overhead, then tags Moss right back in. Likewise, Ryuishi manages to tag Raidon back in. The fans applaud as Raidon and Moss look at each other.



Fans really appreciating this great exhibition of wrestling!


Tie-up, and Raidon grabs Moss in a top wristlock. Ryuishi jumps back in and grabs the other arm. Moss then flips backwards, and takes both men over, and both men slide to the outside, where Benjamin climbs to the top, and performs a SOMERSAULT TO THE FLOOR on top of both men! Benjamin jumps up, and tosses Raidon back into the ring, where Moss measures him, and attempts a superkick...but Raidon ducks, then spins Moss around and applies a hangman's hold!



The Nagoya Noose!



ACTUALLY, it's a hangman's hold, and we could see the submission right here!


However, Moss is too close to the corner, and pushes off and over in front of Raidon, hitting the superkick! Meanwhile, Raidon is in a parallel corner, and when Moss turns to face him, he comes off with a HURRICANRANA, and hooks the legs...






















...but Benjamin slides in and dropkicks Ryuichi, turning the hold over!






















NO!!! Kickout!



Back and forth, back and forth! This may be the greatest tag team match I've ever seen!



The legal men, I believe, are Charlie Moss and Raidon Yoshi...



Oh, the referee lost control of this one a long time ago!


Moss whips Raidon hard into a corner and charges, but Raidon bounces out, and both men collide in mid-ring, then stumble back into their corners and make tags!



Tags again, and it's Quentin Benjamin and Ryuichi Taro!


Slugfest ensues, with Ryuichi getting the better of things, then backing Benjamin into a corner. Benjamin reverses a whip, and Ryuichi hops to the second rope, but Benjamin ducks as he leaps back for a bodypress! Benjamin sends a foot to the gut, and drills Ryuichi with the ORANGE CRUSH~!!!



This is it! That's the patented move of Quentin Benjamin!
































NO!!! Raidon saves!


Benjamin gets up and slugs it out with Raidon, as Moss comes in and works over Ryuichi. Moss whips Ryuichi hard into the corner, as Benjamin backdrops Raidon to the floor, and lifts him on his shoulders!



Here comes the Super Rocker Dropper!


Benjamin quickly goes to the top as Moss gets position, and comes off, completing the SUPER ROCKER DROPPER~!!!!!11111





































He got him!



And Team Heyross, Team USA, is going to AngleSlam!


ANNOUNCER (in Japanese)

The winners of the match, and the CHAMPIONS of the Asian Bracket...TEAM USA!!!!!


The crowd applauds respectfully as Team Heyross embraces, then help the Japanese up and exchange congratulations.



So we've now got our field for AngleSlam, as the trophy presentation is being set up!


Team Heyross receives the flag, then the Japanese girls hand them flowers.



Let's go to "Mean" Gene Okerlund!


OKERLUND (in ring)

All right, thank you, Joey Styles...the Tag Team World Cup at AngleSlam wouldn't have been the same without these two, and now it's official, Team Heyross is one of the final four teams!



That's right, there was never any doubt in our minds, Okerlund. The competition was stiff, and it won't get any easier at AngleSlam, but Team Heyross is the best team in the world, no matter what the World Cup committee thinks.



Quentin, Lithuania the first opposition for you guys at AngleSlam, what do you expect?



We expect two things: A fight, and a win. We'll show the committee the error of their ways.



Of course, there's the possibility of a showdown with the Canadians in the finals, the team who WAS ranked #1 in the world.



I hope so. We want prove without a shadow of a doubt that we're the best team in the world, and we have to beat the Canadians to do that. We know it, but we want to make sure the committee knows it, when we're holding that trophy at AngleSlam.



Speaking of trophies, I'm gonna let you two gentlemen get to raising this one. Joey, let's go back to you!


*Team Heyross hands their flowers back to the ladies, and raises the trophy in the air.*



Well folks, it's been a great day of tag team action, but the field is now set! It'll be the Canadians taking on the Jamaican team, and the Lithuanians challenging Team Heyross, who are the champions of the Asian Bracket, representing the USA! So for Tony Schiavone, Jesse "the Body" Ventura, "Stagger" Lee Marshall, Tazz, Todd Grisham, Michael Cole, Jonathan Coachman, Josh Matthews, "Mean" Gene Okerlund, and Bobby "the Brain" Heenan, I'm Joey Styles! So long folks, and tune in this Thursday on HeldDOWN~!


Team Heyross exits the ring and slaps hands with the fans as we...



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