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Guest Thoth

What do Internet smarts say about the SWF/SJL?

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Guest Thoth

Just a random idea to get creative juices flowing.


If we were a "real fed," what would smarts say about us?

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Let me assume here that you mean barring some of the more.... unbelievable things, like the cock being a wrestler?


Well, I'm not a full fledged smart, but I see some good, consistent plotlines, although occasionally they are cut off for no reason (No-showing/people departing) and often run quite short. Stables and angles get broken up whenever a talent moves up to the WF, unless careful planning goes to closing it off, so that would be noted. Some of the characters are often silly, though I don't think there's too many unbelievable ones.


The JL is often more overdramatic, while the WF angles are USUALLY more subtle, well laid. This could be seen as bad, but it gives variety, so it's actually a bonus. People do work hard, and with the exception of matches being cut short for word limits, usually well paced, with good flow, particularly in the WF, so that's a major thumbs up. (Even if there are still a few competitors who toss out a 1/2*, or DUD affair every now and then.) Umm.... Promos are rare for a lot of people, but I think the people who put them up regularly do a good job making up for that.


But, of course, that's all very objective, and I'm involved, so I was biased. There would be Smarts who would definitely rip us to shreds, and it would be hard to please without perfection. I don't know if they'd call us the best ever, and doubt it. But they wouldn't call us the worst, surely. Hey, anything's better than WCW during the russo era, right?

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Guest midnight_burn

They'd say Stryke is an overpushed, talentless hack, who should be at JL TV Title level at best.

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Guest CED Ordonez

*reads the bi-line...thinks about it...nods head in approval*


Now, onto being my own smark:

*smark mode on* I don't know if the bookers are gonna give Ordonez a belt just yet. He's been fairly inconsistent since his spectacular debut back in February and he's yet to cut a decent promo by himself.*smark mode off*

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Guest redbaron51

Xero: A veteran that has been here for a long time. Though he has the workrate of X-Pac only do well when matches counted, he is lazy as Kevin Nash. Though he has pulled off some incredible moves which Rey Mysterio Jr would shit his pants

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Guest Edwin MacPhisto

Thugg would have simulataneously been praised for giving credibility to the World Title with a long reign and slandered for holding other talent back.  When he finally passed the torch to Edwin, people started bitching about that and saying he should have given it to Sacred.  When Sacred wins the title, they'll complain and say it should have gone to Erek Taylor.


And so on, and so on.



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Guest Insanityman

IL: A worthless jobber who keeps getting pushed but losses every time he gets the shot.


Edwin: Deserves to pass on the torch to Sacred then they'll bitch that maybe ELM deserves it again.


Deathwish: Most talented wrestler.


Thugg: Has to come back but not for the WF World.


Something like that... (all the smarks opinions not mine)!

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I think the internet smarks would be happy with the way the JL's going. An increase in fresh new talent. The internet posterboy Danny Williams gets a title shot. TNT putting over younger talent. The re-newing of a feud between stables X force 9 and the New Sound/sWo. And a huge angle involving the Euro & World titles between Frost/Tod/Syd.


Same for the WF. Three JL talents come up and two out of the three get to hold a belt, even if one reign was short. Xero looks to be a top cruiser weight in the division. Ash gets a match with the World Champ even if it's not for the Title and Durandal gets a huge push to the US title. Though some would bitch that they're not ready for their pushes most would give the writers and bookers props for pushing young talented wrestlers. Thugg puts over Edwin after the strongest reign as champ which is commendable but smarks must bitch so they may argue that Sacred's under the imfamous glass ceiling like Jericho was. Wilson's return is given props since his workrate is up and he's showing great locker room leadership. Much like the Undertaker and he's putting over JL talent by allowing his name to be used which the smarks really respect.


Great showings by both feds say the internet smarks!

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Guest Chuck Woolery

Mike Van Siclen?  Oh yeah, the overrated, gay jobber in the JL that should never have been permitted to feud with Shawn Brody, the best technician in the SJL.  His match with Deathwish was mayber a *1/2, and if Williams can't carry Van Siclen to at least a ***1/2, with his build, he must really suck.


- Mike Van Siclen.

  Naturally hateable since 1989.

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Guest BA_Baracus

PROMO (Stubby P. McWeed);

"Stubby P. McWeed - One of the best bookers ever and the greatest SWF champ in history.  As far as legends go, he makes Ric Flair look like a bum.


The rest of you are just leeching off my heat.


Mothernature says, yeah..."

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Guest Insane Clown Dan

Flunkmasta Flexxx-


A talented ring worker, but with a lousy workrate and bad history with other wrestlers backstage. Often comes to the arena under the influence of alcohol. Makes Scott Hall's reputation seem like nothing to worry about.


-Insane Clown Dan, sadomasochist autobiographer that doesn't make sense and doesn't bother trying to.

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Guest El Luchadore Magnifico

El Luchadore Magnifico- A skilled cruiserweight, but was given the World Title way too early. Added a good bit of value to the LHW Title, but he's got it too many times. Maybe still not ready for the World Title, but should stick in the upper mid-card and hone his skills until he is.


All my Ladder Matches were ***** classics, BTW. ^_^;

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Guest Ace309

Durandal - "Why is Thoth going to the booking meetings? Why is he forcing this dumbass gimmick on Tom Flesher? I can barely pronounce his name and he never uses the Boilermaker anymore." :P


"Tom Flesher, Durandal or not, had an amazing streak in the feeder fed and his handicap match with Annie was at least ***. Early matches with Danny Williams were below both guys' potential, but today they could easily hit ****. I want to see him work against Annie in a straight singles to see how their styles mesh."

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Guest Suicide King

I hope that the smarks would hate KoH for his rampant egotism and tendency to hold everyone else down.  Cause I am, and I do.


Damned smarks.  Never happy.

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Guest Suicide King

Oh, and I got the title by sleeping with Stubby's daughter. :D

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Guest Insane Clown Dan

Damn you, King! You're holding Munich down!






Er, I mean, DAMN YOU HHH! You're holding Bradshaw down!



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Mafia - Talent, potential, and a mind for the business. Uses a well-rounded style, which works for him, and can best be compared to Kurt Angle when he first started out. His character amd gimmick could use some work, as the powers-that-be have never found anything definite for him yet. Has been plagued with rumored injury and personal problems from the very start of his career, limiting him in the end. Sometimes doesn't give it his all in the ring, and in these periods is obviously when he's at his worst.


Well, it's more like a commentary on myself, and doesn't really read like what a smark would say, aside from the powers-that-be comment. In that case it'd be a curse word and hate filled rant about how G0R0 and Stone Froze are secretly plotting with Edwin on how to hold me down.

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Guest Grand Slam

Let's be honest here... if we are talking about the Internet Smarks they would have nothing good to say about anything...


They would say that Thugg held everyone back when he was Champ.  


They would say that the JL is great except for the goofy crap King and Edwin do.


They would bitch about how the new talent is being held down or forced into stupid "Pokeman" gimmicks.


They would be thrilled at some of our Pay-Per-View matches, and bitch about the length of the regular show matches.  Hell, they would complain that the PPV matches are too long.


They would talk endlessly about Munich being a locker-room cancer.


They would talk forever about rumors of all the retired guys (Me, Axis, King, Thugg) only quitting to a.) get more money, b.) satisfy our over-inflated egos with a huge "going-away" storyline and c.) jump to the WWE.


They would bitch that Granmd Slam is an announcer now because he "wanted to spend more time with his family" and now he is on the road again, ignoring the fact that he works two days a week max.


They would piss and moan about X coming back the same night as Wilson with no warning so we couldn't "pop a PPV buyrate".


They wouldn;t stop talking about the tag division, ignoring the fact that it is slowly on its way back.


There would have been a massive rant about changing the name from "Hardcore-Gamers" to "Hardcore".


They would complain about Funyon's announcing, sayiong that sometimes he "gets too into it" and says more than he should.


They would complain that the music most people use as their entrances are out-of-date and stale, then go on to say that the SWF is spending too much money on the rights to these songs.


There would be a small group of people who refuse to acknowledge the SWF name and still call us the IGNWF.


They would occasionaly mention that there are some great workers in the WF and JL that need pushes, but as soon as they are pushed, would complain endlessly that they weren;t ready for the push and they suck.


Don't get me started about what they would really be saying about Wilson helping to form the sWo...


They would have raved for days about Grand Slam's retirement matchas an "instant classic" and  a "MOTY Candidate", but within a week, they would have started bitching either that he didn't pick a new guy, fresh from the JL, to put over or that he only puts his friends over in big matches.


They would be saying right now how the sorry state of the SWF (because no company is ever doing anything right for the Smarks) could be fixed by bringing back some old stars like King, Grand Slam, Neilsen, Rane, PDS and Stubby in an active role, then piss all over their returns by blaming them of using locker-room politics to make their returns the centerpiece of the fed.


They would absolutely despise and abhor the Midnight Carnival, because we have fun.  Fun shouldn't be allowed in a wrestling promotion.


And finally, they would never, ever stop talking about the occasional "shoot" interview the boys give.  Backstage stuff reported on would heavily outweigh the actual show reports and they would keep saying things like "the SWF reminds me of WCW in its last year of existance".


Sorry... that rant lasted longer than I thought it would.  Anyways, that is my opinion, your mileage may vary... ;)

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Guest midnight_burn

Now smarks would have even moe reason to declare Stryke an overpushed hack.



"What the hell are they thinking, giving Stryke the Hardcore and Tag Titles at the same time! He's only average in the ring, has poor mic skills, and put a stop to the initial push of Ash Ketchum in the WF by having to win his Hardcore title back right away. And now he's just leeching heat of Chris Wilson, and is main eventing Storm even though he hasn't been in the WF very long at all. What ever hapened to paying your dues?! He must be using friendships backstage to ensure a push. Politics I say!


Just because his initial huge push in the JL coincided with a big pick up in the ratings following the failed Red Storm Rising angle is no reason to keep shoving him down our throats.


Stryke should be jobbed out and then fired, he's a bum. Get his crappy character off my TV and push the damn light heavyweight division!"



That's what smarks would say, even though a few months ago he was a smark darling, the Internet community demanding he be given the IGNJL World Title and praising his great in-ring performances.


But the rumours of Stryke being very unhappy at being passed over for the World Title at the start of the year, and as a result becoming unmotivated and putting in half-assed matches, becoming a backstage cancer and eventually quitting following a big depush back down to midcard level still linger in the smarks fans minds. Due to that uproar now they think he's a crybaby, and influencing the bookers to ensure he gets pushed and do what's best for him since coming back.


EDIT: Oh yeah, and Erek Taylor carried thier feud, the smarks say that too.

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Guest DiabloIIFreak1010

Poisyn/Matt Myers - Talanted high flyer. Respected for his love of the buisneus and the fact that he started at such a young age. But complains about injuries way too much. If he would not complain about his injuires, he would be going to the top of the JL very quickly. Alot of smarks think that Flexxx is holding him back ;-). (Kidding, Flexxx!)


"The Fallen Angel" Shawn Brody - Respected for his ring ability, but HATED on the internet for selling out the SJL and jumping to the World Wrestling All-Stars, where he is now under-paid and under-pushed in a Las Vegas stripper gimmick. Take that, Shawn. Take that.

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Guest Renegade

Renegade = Workrate king, even whilst not being active


Cutthroat has been jobbed too much, he deserves a push

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Guest Insane Clown Dan

Cutthroat is in the same position that X-pac SHOULD be in...

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Guest Renegade

*was dripping with sarcasm*


not the bit about me though, i am the workrate king

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Guest TheBostonStrangler

The Boston Strangler: A big guy with no charisma, slow in the ring, and good for little more than a few power moves. Why is it that management insists on pushing the big guys on us?


Strangler was a by-product of desperation in the JL main event, and was given the title to try and stop the bleeding. His HIAC with Brimstone is the only semi-memorable match from his run in the JL at the top, and management fucked up big time by making the two big guys fight each other. Haven't we seen that enough already? Then, he got into the WF, joined up with the Clan, did a generic storyline about being unable to mesh with a group, and had one of the worst PPV matches in history with the horrible gimmick match, "Death on Ice". He and Munich's feud was nothing more than juvenille pranks, sexual innuendos, and crappy, cliche-filled matches. Strangler never defended the HGC belt, and carried it for WAY too long, destroying all interest in the hardcore division before mercifully retiring.



Good times, good times. Smarks = (Y).

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Guest Rabbi_wilson13

Ooo...fun, fun


Chris Wilson: A solid worker who can handle varying styles and has the "We actually hate this guy" heat, ala X-Pac.  All of his feuds and many of his matches have been memorable, including a **** match with Stevens when he captured the World Title.  A disappointing champion, but always capable of elevating other talent, whether that be opponent or ally.

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Guest AnnieEclectic

Annie E: Good talent, fair worker, has had more gimmicks pushed on her, and cheesy outs of those gimmicks than anyone in history. I mean, come on... her TWIN SISTER?


...OK, so she has a twin sister, but you knew that was her fighting the whole time anyway except for the match with Durandal.


It seems as if there's a pending feud between her and Durandal, who is a talent finally worth a push, but unless she gets motivated, it won't go anywhere. Plus we all know the S(IGN)WF will never put any strap besides Hardcore on a woman, and Sarah got her's purely from being buddies with Thugg!


Too bad she doesn't have a penis.









That's what they'd probably say about me.



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