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Guest converge241

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Willie Green of the Mean Street Posse

Who the fuck was Willie Green?  I remember him being mentioned during the Posse's promos of them prasing Shane.

"That Willie Green was something."

"I saw Shane and Willie chewing on the glass"

He is also mentioned, in the WWF magazine at various times, and when ever I do a search on stables, his name is listed with other Posse members.

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Guest dreamer420

back when the posse was giving prerecorded interviews on some raw awhile back, there was one dude who was interviewed but his face wasn't shown.  it was like they were hiding him to hold of a big debut or something but the guys was never really seen.

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I just recalled something else.  When the Posse attacked X-Pac in the parking lot, Lawler yelled out all of their names, even Willie Green.  All of those people were seen in the front row, but why did they not bring in Willie?

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Guest converge241
i loved scott hall during this crap.  seeing him driving the bus full of nuts was one of the funniest moments in wrestling I have ever seen





i cant believe i forgot about that




what about joey numbers? they never really made an angle but Tazz would mention him.

id always hoped they would put Tazz, DDP, kanyon, and Chetti as Joey Numbers in some kind of NJ Crew/Sopranos knock off.

you could add the mamalukes if that meant getting maria in there as well (maria.....oooofa)

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Guest dreamer420
i loved scott hall during this crap.  seeing him driving the bus full of nuts was one of the funniest moments in wrestling I have ever seen





i cant believe i forgot about that


seriously if anyone has a tape of this I would love to get a copy.

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Guest Mark4steamboat

What exactly was that? Can someone describe it for me?


Mean Street Posse is one of my favorite gimmicks of all time.From the sweater vests, to the whole "means streets of greenwich", to them bringing a leather sofa out to watch Shane's match at summerslam 99, they were a great gimmick.

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Guest converge241

Ric flair was confined to a mental institution for a few shows and it was stupid, but it was some of the funniest stuff ever (including non-wrestling stuff). Him and the patients were strutting and whooing and one time Hall commandeered the outpatient bus.

I taped this stuff , because i wasnt watching it as it aired and may have it in my tape collection if i didnt tape over it. Only problems are:

1)its unlabeled

2)its in my music movies room in the new house i bought and its pretty disorganized until i build some good shelving.


Im going to tackle it hopegully on next vacation. i get 4 weeks a year and havent picked 2 of my last 3 yet, so when i do find it i will make copies.


im cracking myself up just thinking about it

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Guest dreamer420

cool.  if we could get a trade or something in the works that would be sweet. I would love a copy of that tape when you find it.

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Guest Human Fly

Not really a storyline, but I remember that one time the WWF said they were getting a new hardcore belt. That was around two or three years ago. Supposedly it appeared at a few shows, but I'm not sure. Does anyone know?


The Mean Street Posse was great. "Then Shane punched me in the face! I said Thanks, I needed that."

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Guest dreamer420

i liked the posse too.  you can't tell me they didn't have the coolest entrance music ever.

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Guest converge241

hey another good Lita!!!!


i liked the MSP, i just wish they all could have been trained wrestlers. whatever happened to Joey Abs anyway?

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Guest JMTapes

Yes, there actually was a new Hardocre title. Road Dogg carried it at a few house shows in very late 1998. I guess it was silverish looking. Why the hell are they still using that POS belt now? -Jim

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