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The Niggardly King

Hey JustPassinBy

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Guest Felonies!
Damned elitist groups that hate The Pit!

The Pit isn't so bad now, but I can't turn down a Jingus jab.

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Guest Felonies!
How has the Pit improved.

Oh, it hasn't. I just learned to ignore it and focus on more important things. Like how they rebranded Marshall Field's as Macy's. No! Macy's is East Coast. I'm boycotting them now, which will prove problematic in coming months, because they usually sell the best wool coats, and I need a new one for this autumn/winter.

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No, I'm not cool enough to make my own board. I don't listen to indie rock music.

I love the indie rock line when someone pulls it out. Shows they have no idea what they're talking about.


I'd jump on the Pit people for doing the whole other board thing since they bitched and moaned and made a huge scene out of it as they exiled themselves. We just started an idle, rather free form and laid back chit-chat board quietly, invite other like-minded guys and go about our business, never mentioning it all that much here or anything. Do you seriously think it was under the same childish circumstances as when The Pit was created? TSM isn't even mentioned over there. Seriously.

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I love the indie rock line when someone pulls it out. Shows they have no idea what they're talking about.


I was trying to see how much of a fool I could make of myself before making myself laugh.

Like, nothing I said was serious, at all. So it's really not a big deal, unless someone wants to make it one.

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It was early in the thread before you went all goofy, so I didn't know if it was part of that or not. It's cool if it was.


Well, it's cool even if it isn't. We're not terribly caring at the secret cabal.

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I was all goofy from the beginning. I was trying my hardest to get someone to say something so that I could turn it into a real flame war, but it wasn't working, and the rest was for my amusement.

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I was all goofy from the beginning. I was trying my hardest to get someone to say something so that I could turn it into a real flame war, but it wasn't working, and the rest was for my amusement.


I know how you feel

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Guest Felonies!

For being the secret cabal, Kotz sure mentions it more than anybody.


Also, Kingofthe909 is Matt Youngin' it.

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Hey, go right ahead and flame me all you like. Unlike some people I can take it.

Damnit, now it's not fun

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Guest Felonies!

Ya rly. "Fine then....you INDIE ROCK DORKS! Hah, got 'em there." "Oh I was just kidding. SWOIVE!" If that's not Matt Youngin' it, what is? (Besides hitting on 15 y/o girls, dating drug addicts, wearing 7th grader D&D shirts, liking three baseball teams at once, and bragging about being a Gamefaqs legend)

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Ya rly. "Fine then....you INDIE ROCK DORKS! Hah, got 'em there." "Oh I was just kidding. SWOIVE!" If that's not Matt Youngin' it, what is? (Besides hitting on 15 y/o girls, dating drug addicts, wearing 7th grader D&D shirts, liking three baseball teams at once, and bragging about being a Gamefaqs legend)

You forgot "Masturbating to Ashlee Simpson" and "Listening to shitty emo"

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omg you'll never guess what just got posted at the secret board! I didn't for a second think that [x] would go there. It's just another level of posting. You guys wouldn't be able to handle that shit.

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Guest Vitamin X

No, I'm not cool enough to make my own board. I don't listen to indie rock music.

We just started an idle, rather free form and laid back chit-chat board quietly, invite other like-minded guys and go about our business, never mentioning it all that much here or anything. Do you seriously think it was under the same childish circumstances as when The Pit was created? TSM isn't even mentioned over there. Seriously.


Who controls the British crown?

Who keeps the metric system down?

We do! We do!

Who leaves Atlantis off the maps?

Who keeps the martians under wraps?

We do! We do!

Who holds back the electric car?

Who makes Steve Guttenberg a star?

We do! We do!

Who robs the cave fish of their sight?

Who rigs every Oscars night?

We do! We do!

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Guest JustPassinBy

I dont like wiggas or niggas.


What you trying say here? I don't mind the wigga thing... but nigga??!! IT'S ON SON... IT'S ON!!!!!!!!!!!!!


I dont like niggas or wiggas.

Being a server at Red Lobster made me a bit of a racist against non college educated blacks.


I think I hate wiggas more though.

Dont be offended, there's alot of people I dont like...Emo kids, terrorists, many far out liberals, casual sports fans that dont understand statistics...old people that date young people....

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Guest Hotbutter Spoontoaster
Well, good thing I went to bed early last night. Holy fuck, what an awful thread. First of all, JustPassinBy is a gimmick folder. Second of all, mocking people for being anonymous? Who gives a flying fuck?

I like this. It makes it seem like whenever Felonies! is awake, he's on here. Always on TSM.

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Guest Felonies!
Being a server at Red Lobster made me a bit of a racist against non college educated blacks.

Why is this funny.

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Just PassinBy: MikeSC's more racist cousin.

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Guest Felonies!

I like how this guy is just so overt. MikeSC was always beating around the bush. This guy says he just plain hates dumb black guys. Because of a bad Red Lobster experience, no less.

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