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Man Who Sold The World

The Things That Anger You Thread.

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My brother and I play poker, so we've been watching the 2008 World Series on ESPN.


We've watched the 19 shows that have aired so far, and on the morning of the finale they fucking scroll the winner on the bottom of the screen. I didn't even bother watching the last episode after that.

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I was talking with my manager about some dumb sports thing, and another coworker walked by when he made a comment about how the NBA in the 80's was more exciting, and the walker-by goes, "That's debatable."




No shit, it's debatable, there is little on the planet that ISN'T debatable. Way to pipe in, guy who is likely a pedophile in a conversation that didn't involve you.


Also people who justify some off the wall retarded statement with, "That's my opinion, you can't say it's wrong." Sure I can, if you are just saying something to be different, I can call you on your bullshit.

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This motherfucker named Caesar Silva who has a similar number to mine. Every few months, I'll get a call from this old guy going "WHERE IS YOU?!" I have to keep telling him that I'm not Caesar, I've never been Caesar, and to get the number right. It's fantastic when I'm at work and pulled into a company meeting, phone on silent, and continuously getting a call from the same guy.


Also, how fast time flies when you're on percocet. The last 2 hours have been a nice prescription opiate-induced relaxation period, but it annoys me that I can't even really remember what I've been doing.

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There was a guy named Robert Billcliff or something that had a very similar number to mine. There was a period of about a month or two where I'd get a call for him almost every day. From what I gathered, he owed a lot of money to somebody. Hope he's alright...

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My brother and I play poker, so we've been watching the 2008 World Series on ESPN.


We've watched the 19 shows that have aired so far, and on the morning of the finale they fucking scroll the winner on the bottom of the screen. I didn't even bother watching the last episode after that.


I went on WSOP.com yesterday afternoon to check what time the finale was going to be on and right away a video interview with Eastgate started up. How do they expect people to watch when they reveal the winner ahead of time? Especially this year, since there was such a short time delay between the event and the airing..it was stupid.

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On that front, music files that for some reason have the audio set higher then other tracks. My iPod was on random today and a Sufajn Stevens song came on that sounded like it was cranked to 11 and damn near blew my eardrums out.


This. Why the hell do people do that? The problem is that it sounds fine on my computer speakers so I never know until I actually listen to said songs on my iPod.

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What'd you do, vomit all over your GRE? Metaphorically, of course?


Pretty much, yeah. I did alright on the verbal section, but the rest just did not go well at all. And don't even get my started on the sheer retarded awfulness of the English Lit subject test. Ughh.


Adiós, dreams of going to Berkeley :(

How was it (in terms of how the test was comprised)? I'm gonna have to take that sometime in the next few months.

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God, ain't that the truth. I forgot it was that time of year again until someone mentioned it on 11/01, and I was caught with absolutely no ideas whatsoever.


This is my first year in it. Once I got into the groove (boy you gotta prove your love to me) it isn't so bad. I'm a little below the halfway point (22,066 words); this thing is cake compared to the 3day novel.


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I tried it last year and got around 10K words before running out of ideas and giving up. This time I didn't even have any concepts or premises kicking around in the back of my head for a starting point, so after the first few days of fruitless brainstorming I decided not to bother.

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Having basically your entire future potentially put in jeopardy because you didn't properly study for and subsequently underperformed on some stupid bullshit standardized test is somewhat upsetting :(


Sounds like my maths GCSE, except that I'm just going to have to retake it at some point before I go to university. I would have been able to wave goodbye to numbers entirely at the age of 16 if I had properly revised for it.

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Guest Israeli Mixed Wrestling
What'd you do, vomit all over your GRE? Metaphorically, of course?


Pretty much, yeah. I did alright on the verbal section, but the rest just did not go well at all. And don't even get my started on the sheer retarded awfulness of the English Lit subject test. Ughh.


Adiós, dreams of going to Berkeley :(

That sucks a lot, but if you're a bright enough guy, the quality of your life shouldn't be predicated on the outcome of one test, right? Don't you have an option to cancel before you or anyone else finds out the score? I don't know. Don't take advice from me. I blew my life at several junctures and only now am I even starting to make any inroads at eventually reaching success through the backdoors.


Standardized tests aren't good for anything but telling if you're good at taking standardized tests. I mean, look at me. I got a 34/36 on the ACT, and that despite the fact that on test day I was suffering with a really nasty stomach infection which kept me in the bathroom for at least fifteen minutes of test time.

Geez, Jingus, if you do any more self-handicapping, the DMV's gonna give you a parking pass. Besides, they're not supposed to let you leave the room under any circumstances; if you're so sick that you have to leave, you come back when you're not sick and try again. I smell fibs.


unique and beautiful snowflake.

People from your board use this phrase (and variations on the theme) a lot and I don't know why. The disdain for anyone who's not resigned to mediocrity is spread pretty thick over there.


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Don't you have an option to cancel before you or anyone else finds out the score?


You have to make that decision before you even see your scores because it's a giant scam lol. Also, if I had canceled them I wouldn't have had time to re-take either test before applications are due this year. Oh well. Most programs say that they don't really weigh test scores heavily at all, so there's still a chance that my future's not completely ruined. Fingers crossed!

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Guest Israeli Mixed Wrestling

Well, good luck, then.


I'm looking for evidence that Jingus is a big fat phony re: missing 15 minutes of the ACT to take a puke break but I can't find anything regarding test center protocol. I'm pretty sure it's standard operating procedure to not let anyone leave prematurely without cancelling the best, though. Our AP proctor was refreshingly laid-back and even she wouldn't let us leave the room because of the obvious tampering concerns, to say nothing of the huge distraction it would be for everyone else to have someone entering or leaving due to vomit-related circumstances, so I'm pretty certain "you can't come or go" is boilerplate for any standardized test. Don't get me wrong, everyone's anecdotes here are enhanced, embellished, or outright fabricated, but knowing what to embellish and where is the art of storytelling. The standardized test experience is by nature, well, standardized, so "I got a 34 and missed 15 minutes to puke!" doesn't pass muster because I'm nearly certain you don't "miss minutes" and come out with a score. If you could do that, everyone would do it, because sitting in the test room for like twenty minutes at some high school cafeteria that isn't even your own once you've finished that remedial reading comprehension shit is the worst high-school-rite-of-passage wasted time ever.

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IIRC the ACT gives you a 10-15 minutes break in the middle. Perhaps Jingus puked during that and his DXM-damaged mind has somehow transfigured "puking during alloted break time" into the slightly more impressive "running out of the room to puke during the test." Or maybe he's just full of shit. Who knows. The world is full of mystery......

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The fact that commercials tend to be played at a much louded volume then regular programming. Very annoying when you're watching TV at a comfortable volume and have to find the remote and turn it down every time the commercials come on because suddenly it's painfully loud.


That's just you becoming old and bewildered.

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Having basically your entire future potentially put in jeopardy because you didn't properly study for and subsequently underperformed on some stupid bullshit standardized test is somewhat upsetting :(


haha, welcome to life pal.


Don't feel to bad... somebody has to make my french fries.

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What the hell, Czech? Why are you calling me a liar? Since when do I just blatantly make up false shit to make myself sound cool? Especially since I so readily admit the thousand ways in which I am not?


I didn't leave the room early. During the test, they let you out for a few minutes for a break period. Or at least they did in Tennessee in 1997. I'd been feeling sick, made a beeline for the bathroom, and ended up staying in there fifteen minutes past when the test resumed. When I came back to the room, they let me back in and resume testing with no problems. I don't know if that's the accepted official protocol, it's not like I've got the rulebook memorized. But it's exactly what happened. I have no reason to invent stories about my mad skillz at pointless academic feats from over a decade ago.


Oh, and it wasn't vomit. It's an interesting experience, taking a hugely important standardized test while you're sitting on top of an intestine full of diarrhea, squirming in your seat and desperately hoping you can hold it until break time. Focuses the mind wonderfully, lemme tell ya.

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Guest Israeli Mixed Wrestling

Five bucks says Jingus already flashed the Batsignal at his board for everyone to come read this thread and then console him.

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Wait, I'm Batman now? Or at least Commissioner Gordon? Score.


I don't understand why you got argumentative in the first place. Objet was down because he flubbed the tests, I tried to console him with "tests are bullshit anyway, here's an anecdotale example which illuminates that point", that was it.

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Guest Israeli Mixed Wrestling

Well, I had to call you out for blatant self-handicapping, which is one of the cheapest and lamest tricks in the book, always transparent, always douchey. The part where I ripped you for how you misremembered your anecdote was admittedly gratuitous.

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Well, I had to call you out for blatant self-handicapping, which is one of the cheapest and lamest tricks in the book, always transparent, always douchey. The part where I ripped you for how you misremembered your anecdote was admittedly gratuitous.




Look, LSOVakia, lol... i mean Czech, don't fuck wtih this dude, he is in the biz. Did you see what Kane did to Rey... torture him? What about what Eric Bischoff do to Linda, Kane do to Shjane and RVD, Bossman due to Big Show, Kane do to Vader, etc. etc.



Also Kingus is from hicklands, I bet he knows how to throw fireball.


watch yoself czech, i dont wanna see you hunted down and stab with fork and hbit with fireball :-(

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My facebook got hacked and I sent all of my friends some retarded message about how their picture is on some website that is actually nothing but a popup. Bah!

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What'd you do, vomit all over your GRE? Metaphorically, of course?


Pretty much, yeah. I did alright on the verbal section, but the rest just did not go well at all. And don't even get my started on the sheer retarded awfulness of the English Lit subject test. Ughh.


Adiós, dreams of going to Berkeley :(

Yeah, the English lit subject test is awful. You actually probably aren't in that terrible a position; if there's one thing I remember English grad departments not giving a shit about, it's the math side of the GRE. I think you'll find that recommendations will carry significantly more weight.

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Guest Smues

Compatibility issues between Office 2003 and 2007. I'm less bitching about the products compatibility itself, and more about how someone at the office thought it would be a good idea to upgrade one machine at a time here and there. So between laptops and desktops we've got like 3 runnings 2007 and 18 running 2003. Such a pain in the ass when I go to grab a file I need to work on and oh look it's in 2007 and wasn't saved in 2003 format. I downloaded a converter that will at least let me view the files, and if it's a word file it's ok, but most of what I deal with is in excel and the files are useless because they completely lose their formatting. OH BUT WAIT when the first machine here got 2007 the IT lady said it'd be no problem because she'd just set the option to automatically save files in 2003 format. But apparantly that didn't work or didn't happen because files coming from that machine are always 2007 only.


It feels embarassing to have to page someone with Office 07 and ask them to open and save a file for me on the server.

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The fact that Zales changed the music in that one commercial (you know, the one where the young couple walks past the old couple) to that gay-ass "Stand By Me" bullshit.

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