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Guest Downhome

Why I love Hulk Hogan matches...

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Guest The Vanilla Midget

what we really need here is a conspiracy forum, bps can even moderate it!

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Guest goodhelmet

A conspiracy forum would ROCK! We can even have a seperate Smarks conspiracy forum moderated by..err...Scotsman.

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Guest RickyB

Just one thing to the guy who said that Vince McMahon made Hulk Hogan - did you ever see the AWA in the early 80's?  If you did then who was their top face?


Yep, you guessed it - Hulk Hogan.


If the AWA had put the belt on Hulk Hogan then they would have been what the WWF are now because Hulk Hogan was so over at that time (just after Rocky 3).  Vince McMahon didn't make Hulk Hogan, he was already over and he was already playing that same basic character in the AWA.  All Vince McMahon did was take that character and give him the World Title - wow, he really did loads to get make Hulk Hogan a star!

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Guest BernieLicious

I would totally mark out if Hogan faces Jericho in a match, and ends up giving him the big leg drop and wins the title.  Hogan might not be the best technical wrestler, but his matches tell a story and he is the king of promos.  In my mind, bringing in the nWo will be the best thing the WWF can do right now.  Hulkamania is going to run wild in the WWF again.

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Guest bps "The Truth" 21

Just one thing to the guy who said that Vince McMahon made Hulk Hogan - did you ever see the AWA in the early 80's?  If you did then who was their top face?




But the AWA didn't put the belt on him did they?  Gagne didn't think that would do business.  His loss.  Hogan left for Japan because of that.  Had he not been called up by McMAhon, he would be Stan Hansen, minus the talent.  Had McMahon called someone else...we wouldn't be having this discussion.

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Guest RickyB

"But the AWA didn't put the belt on him did they?  Gagne didn't think that would do business.  His loss.  Hogan left for Japan because of that.  Had he not been called up by McMAhon, he would be Stan Hansen, minus the talent.  Had McMahon called someone else...we wouldn't be having this discussion."


No, he was in Japan before the AWA.  He won the belt once and the fans went crazy when Gernge reversed the decision and there was almost a riot which shows how over he was.  So McMahon just took an already over talent and give him the belt.  No-one else was as over as he was, Ric Flair was a Heel, Dusty had less talent than Hogan, Orndorff wasn't as well known as Hogan, neither was anyone else in the WWF.  So he had to choose Hogan because EVERYONE knew who he was from Rocky 3.  If he chose someone else then the WWF would still be part of the NWA today.

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Guest bps "The Truth" 21

It is so ignorant to say that no one else could have done what Hogan did...(Stand there and pretty much do nothing but get pushed harder than anyone in the history of wrestling)


He went to Japan AFTER AWA.  He went there "to get a fair shot" at a title.  And beat Inoki to become the first ever IWGP champion.  Hogan left AWA in May 83...won the Japan title in June 83...

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Guest Tony149

No way would the WWF still be part of the NWA without Hogan. Vince could of taken Dusty Rhodes and made him a star. He could of gave him Hogan's "Real American" gimmick and the "less talented" Dusty would of been the next big thing. Hogan DID a lot for wrestling, yes. But anybody who got his gimmick would of been the star.

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Guest RickyB

Watch Super Sunday in , Hulk Hogan was really really over, he was the most well known Wrestler AT THAT TIME before he went to the WWF.  Vince McMahon took an already well known Wrestler and built the WWF around him.  Vince McMahon did NOTHING to make him into a star he just used his fame to help make the WWF bigger.  Dusty would never have worked as the "Real American" in the WWF because Hogna was better known than Dusty outside of Wrestling.  Hogan was known in the mainstream while Dusty was only known inside of Wrestling.  THAT's why Hogan made the WWF.  Hogan's fame to people outside of Wrestling (thanks to Rocky 3) got a lot of people interested in the WWF.  If it wasn't for him then the WWF would never have grabbed onto those mainstream fans during the 80's which would have meant that their next attempt at going national would have failed and they would still be in the NWA.


Your right about Hogan going Japan after the NWA, I just checked my "best of Hogan" tape (getting ready for NWO) and Hogan left in May 83 and won the Japanese Title later than year.  I just want to say this but if Hogan never went to the WWF then he would have actually been a good Wrestler, the "roids" killed his talent :(.


Just checking but does anyone know if you can get a tape of Hogans first WWF World Title win against The Iron Sheik?

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Guest Downhome

Ok, come on people, can you honestly say that RAW tonight and everything Hogan was a part of wasn't great TV? Some of the best damn WWF TV in a VERY long time...


...like I said before, it's all about the excitement, emotion and MEANING!

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Guest UndertakerHart

It's been better what they have been rehashing for the last two months. The writers actually tried something different like I use to see in WWF in '98. It was called entertainment because three mid life crisises (sp?) put away The Rock.

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Guest goodhelmet

"It's been better what they have been rehashing for the last two months. The writers actually tried something different like I use to see in WWF in '98"


Man, they're not rehashing old WWF angles, well they are actually, they're just rehashing old WCW storylines. NWO beatdown ,spraypaint, more beatdown. Substitute Sting (or Luger or Savage or Giant or DDP) for Rock and it's Nitro circa 1997. The story is the same, only the names have changed. Shockingly, Rock's interview skills DID make the segment entertaining.

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Guest nWoScorpion

Im sick and tired of everyone bad mouthing Hulk Hogan. Lets go back, well, 1980's. First of all, he was the most beloved wrestler in the entire united states. (cant say japan, cuase i could care jack-shit about that). He made a great role model for everyone, inside and outside the ring. He was charritable, which doesnt make him a bad man. Yes, maybe he did lack wrestling skills, but come on, he carried the ULTIMATE FUCKING WARRIOR for just about the entire Wrestlemania VI match. His matches (other then the Main event one in 1990) with Randy Savage were classics. Sure. Maybe after as while aeveryone wasnt cheering for him like mad. But look why. WWF Still had Randy Savage, Bret Hart, the Undertaker, a newly turned Mr. Perfect, and a newly arrived Stiener Brothers. What ya think would happen? Anyway, Hogans only downfall to me was his ego behind the scenes, pushing everyone down the ladder when they were reaching his pinicle. WCW, I must admit, was a sorry choice for him to make, because after the 3 or 4 TALENTED workers he faced in like 1995, the rest was garbage. Lex Luger.....LAZY Luger, The Giant aka Big Slow, Karl MAlone!!!!! JAY LENO!!!! RODDY PIPER, WARRIOR, GOLDBERG (yuch), and lets not forget the memorable debut of the nWo. It was fun FOR WCW for about an hour. Now that Hogans back in WWF no one likes him cause hes egotistic. COUGH: ROCK: COUGH: TRIPLE H: COUGH: KURT ANGLE: COUGH: STONE COLD: COUGH NEED I SAY MORE?

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Guest Downhome

More than ever, my original post in this thread, is damn true. I wish I knew why I mark out for Hogan every time he's on TV. Even watching Jacked last night, I marked out for just the re-play of the Hogan/HHH standoff, and I was like "hell yeah!" when he did the "Whatcha gonna do!" bit, lol.


Hulkamania is alive and well, and it's not the WWF forcing him on us, it's because the fans that MATTER, the casual fans, are demanding it!


I'm pathetic, lol, every time Hogan is around I want him with the title, and I know I shouldn't be like that, I just can't help it...


...oh well! :D

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Guest godthedog

i've said it before & i'll say it again, this is what i want to see at backlash:


triple h turns heel and buries hogan.  he no-sells all that shitty offense and just annihilates him.  the match ends when he pedigrees him 3 times in a row, then pins him with one finger.


'hulking up' does not constitute filling a match with drama.  in fact, i'll argue that the predictability of him hulking up in every match sucked drama OUT of each match.  if you're a babyface, you put drama in a match by ACTUALLY MAKING IT LOOK LIKE YOU COULD LOSE.  when he hulked up, he was basically saying, 'i was never in any danger of losing in the first place, muahaha!'


when the warrior dodged the legdrop & splashed hogan for the pin, THAT was drama.  you know why?  because everybody thought he was going to lose at that point, & he didn't.

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Guest Downhome
'hulking up' does not constitute filling a match with drama.  in fact, i'll argue that the predictability of him hulking up in every match sucked drama OUT of each match.  if you're a babyface, you put drama in a match by ACTUALLY MAKING IT LOOK LIKE YOU COULD LOSE.  when he hulked up, he was basically saying, 'i was never in any danger of losing in the first place, muahaha!'

To you, yes, but not to the crowd which goes CRAZY over that, even though it is retarded as hell in reality, lol. They give the fans that matter what they want, not the smarks on the net. Thus the WWF allowing crap like The Peoples Elbow, Stinkface, and even Hulk Hogan to run wild once again.


By the way, there is 0% chance of Hogan winning at Backlash if you ask me, so fret not. Someone is turning heel, and will keep Hogan from winning.

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Guest razazteca

I'm being held down!!!!your stealing my heat!!!! its a conspiracy!!!! :)


Hulkamaina will never end will it, everytime you think its over then all of a sudden it rises to the top of the forum with several threads of the I hate him/I love him arguement.


Hulkamaina is like taxes some people get it (marking out or refund), some people have to pay back (owe the govt $$$ or  lose to Hogan).

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Guest Downhome
I'm being held down!!!!your stealing my heat!!!! its a conspiracy!!!! :)


Hulkamaina will never end will it, everytime you think its over then all of a sudden it rises to the top of the forum with several threads of the I hate him/I love him arguement.


Hulkamaina is like taxes some people get it (marking out or refund), some people have to pay back (owe the govt $$$ or  lose to Hogan).

For some reason I just LOVED your response, lol. :D

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Guest RickyB
Wrestling lore will likely forever hold that, prior to his pixilated appearance as “Thunderlips” in the box office smash “Rocky III” in 1983, Hogan was a relative unknown in the business. However, the truth is that he had been the biggest, most consistent drawing card around since his early-1982 babyface turn in the AWA, and the mainstream rub he received from his cinematic efforts alongside Sylvester Stallone only augmented his burgeoning success. The “Incredible” Hulk possessed dynamic physical charisma, which perfectly complimented his unique, chiseled, and steroid-fueled physique. What’s more, his ear-cupping, power-fueled, posing-and-posturing live act; garrulous rap on promos; long, corn silk (and thinning) hair; chestnut tan comprised a package unlike any fans in the Twin Cities had ever seen before. It, combined with his “Rocky” notoriety and the national reputation he had amassed as Andre the Giant’s frequent WWWF rival in 1979-1980, made him the most marketable performer in the business -- not even with the exception of the vaunted Andre.


Just to down all of the comments that Hogan was a nobody who Vince McMahon made a star by putting him over everyone in the company.  Read that.  Hulk Hogan was the most consistant draw since his face turn in 1982 - 2 years before he joined the WWF.  Not only that, but he was well known since 1979-1980 when he was jobbed out to Andre the Giant on a regular basis.

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