Guest crusen86 Report post Posted June 8, 2002 Alright people, this has been bugging me for quite a long time. One aspect began with Stryke, and it's kind of snowballed from there. Yeah, you know what I'm talking about - jobbing matches. The entire point of this fed is to WIN matches - not write yourself losing for the good of the angle. Or, write together with your opponents. It makes things 10x worse when it's for a title. Now, I completely understand this in some cases. For example, TNT has been way above the TV title for ages, and only just dropped the title. Although it's late, this is an acceptable case. When you're ready to progress, or when we tell you (either directly, subtle hints or cards, or where abouts in the card you are in the card), is the only time you should drop the belt. Which leads me nicely into my main point. The entire objective of the SJL is to prepare you for the SWF. That is all. The objective of being in the SJL is to, believe it or not, write winning matches and progressing to the SWF. Writing with other people (unless they're your tag partner) or writing yourself to lose will hamper this progression. Lately, there's a whole "paying the dues" mentality developing in the SJL. Why? So what if someone's been around longer than you - if you're better, you deserve the duke. It's that simple. We don't book you in encounters with vets for the newer guy to lose. We do it because we believe you're ready to make the big step - and sometimes, losing matches like these hurt. Jobbing/writing together for storyline is not on. Sure - storylines are great, and are currently top notch in the SJL. But, writing losing matches "for the good of the storyline" is juts not on. Don't get me wrong - storylines are essential. BUT, it really disapoints me when people job themselves, particularly to no showers, for the good of the storyline. I'm rambling, but I think you get my point. The SJL is, and always has been, a training ground for the SWF. It's here you learn to win. It's here you learn the hetic schedule. It's here you learn storyline basics. Remember, you should always be going for the highest title in your division. Nothing less. Remember wise Edwin's words: "The SJL place to learn, not imitate." By the way guys, don't take this the wrong way - I'm pretty damn proud of the way this league in all accounts is going, and love storylines. But when they get in the way of progression, it's not on. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Guest midnight_burn Report post Posted June 8, 2002 I've created a monster. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Guest Renegade Report post Posted June 8, 2002 Damn you Stryke, damn you to hell! Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Guest Insane Clown Dan Report post Posted June 8, 2002 Gee, someone finally said it... Not to mention that when you job to somebody, it makes that person unimaginably upset that they couldn't win on their own. It doesn't matter who you're up against... you should always keep that in mind. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Guest Insanityman Report post Posted June 8, 2002 Yeah also if you will job... tell the person. Even though the SJL is to learn and win when you've been in the minor leagues as long as some of us have it feels more like the real federation (and have no desire too now be bumped to the WF, ha ha I'm such a liar everyone wants to be bumped). In other words I always thought for progressing storylines would be right. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Guest Suicide King Report post Posted June 8, 2002 Now let's just all remember that there are legitimate times to job. But if you're doing it more than once every ten matches or so, you're definitely doing something wrong. You can establish plotlines without constant jobbing. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Guest redbaron51 Report post Posted June 8, 2002 Shame on all of you Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Guest TheBostonStrangler Report post Posted June 8, 2002 I don't know if I ever wrote myself to job in the JL, and look at the moderately successful person I became! If you want to be mediocre, look at me as your success model! Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Guest Tod deKindes Report post Posted June 8, 2002 I don't know about the others, but I'm having a hell of a time here in the JL. It's relatively simple, just come up with storylines and write matches accordingly. Sure, I'll move up to the WF one day when the time is right, but while I'm here I wanna make the most of it and take part in some interesting storylines. There are times when jobbing oneself is necessary so as not to take anything away from your intended storyline. Hell, I've been e-fedding for years now AND I work wrestling shows each weekend (as ref) so I KNOW how a good match is put on. I'm just here to have fun. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Guest Edwin MacPhisto Report post Posted June 8, 2002 There are times, Tod, but like King said, they should be fairly infrequent. Above all, the JL is intended to be breeding ground for future WFers. That's it's primary function. Telling stories is good--nay, it can be great--but part of this game we play is its competitive nature. The majority of your matches should not have outcomes predetermined between all opponents. It's cool to have a story thing happen--say, MVS run in and attack (insert wrestler here) in some part of a match--but you can do that effectively giving yourself the win whether you're the target or just the target's opponent. Make some sense? Hopefully. I go eat now. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Guest Chuck Woolery Report post Posted June 8, 2002 YES! I am totally random, go me. Anyways... I agree with much of what is said here, even though I'm probably going to wind up eating those words sometime in the next couple of weeks. Blah. Oh well... maybe not. - Mike Van Siclen. How about it's the teacup calling the plate white? Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Guest HVilleThugg Report post Posted June 9, 2002 Well, I agree and partially disagree. I do think that jobbing a match is necessary SOMETIMES for the sake of an angle. For instance, in a match right before I left, I fought Raynor for the title. Now, while my match won, Raynor's match was a job, and the reason this was a good job was because had he defeated me, he would have ruined an entire month of build up in the last show before the PPV. I think it's ok to job sometimes, but that's only because we all KNOW who won the match, writing-wise, even if the in-character outcome is different. I do, however agree that the JL is a breeding ground for the WF, so jobbing too much makes it harder for you to progress to where you need to be for a bump. I would say don't job unless it's necessary...but it's not as dire as Crusen is making it out to be, in my opinion. Personally, I think the bump should be based on talent, not by what titles you've held or how many IC matches you've won. I think it's about your work, and the quality of your matches and/or promos. OOC, we all know who won what match, so IC, it doesn't really matter what the outcome is, if we're talking about bumps and such. So, I say, job sometimes, just don't do it all the freaking time. I will say that the fact that Stryke jobbed the title so much made it that much more huge when he did finally win it. I will say this though, I think that in the JL, people give up too easily and job matches. What do I mean? Well, I think that people look at what they want to do in a match (interference, beatdown, whatever...) and then decide that it's better if they lose this match because so and so is going to attack them. I don't think you should give up that easily. Xstasy and I were talking about this back when edwin and I were planning my retirement angle. Everyone knows that if you read an HVT match, there's gonna be some interference or something. Most of the time, it's against I've had to find ways to win matches, despite having the whole locker room out trying to take my head off...and I did. I did have the benefit of a huge character who could take a lot of punishment, but still...I think you all can find ways to win matches, despite MVS's run in and ensuing chair shot. It is possible, so don't give up so easily. Long and short of it...I don't think the jobbing problem is as dire as this thread makes it out to be. If you want to job, fine...job...just make sure it's worth it, and that there's no other way to get your storyline across. Like many have said, this IS a competition, as nice as we try to be about it. So, keep that in mind when you think to job a match. But most certainly, I don't think bumps should be about what the character has done should be about the abilities of the person behind the character...the writer. In the WF, that's when IC stuff becomes important, because there's no where else to get bumped to. WHile it's still a competition there, it's less of one, and more of a joint effort to provide enjoyable angles. I mean, obviously, everyone's trying to reach for the prize, but it's more of a long term investment, so it's ok to job a match more often for the sake of an angle. Dammit, I've gone and rambled on again. Oh well... WOOOOOO!! 300TH POST!! HELLS YEAH...BEEATCH! Da "PMT - Post Masta Thugg" H Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Guest Ash Ketchum Report post Posted June 9, 2002 If you really have a reason to job, let the other guy know. Or, even better, if someone's gonna job to you, see if you and the other guy and work on a match together. That's exactly what Durandal and I did in his last match. That, and Frost wanted to keep his Euro Title anyways(you're doing a great job, BTW!), so we teamed up and ended up winning. Of course, he jobbed me the title for storyline reasons (because we were planning ahead for the WF), but still, jobbing to someone should be *Special* occasions only. You're not all the Mean Street Posse, you know... *holds up "PUSH RODNEY!" sign, then takes it down and burns it* Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Guest AnnieEclectic Report post Posted June 9, 2002 But.... that goes against the competition idea of this league... working together..... grarg. Listen to them, they know of what they speak, I'm still a newbie technically. -Annie p.s. I'M WORKING ON THE GRAPHICS THUGG, DON'T KILL ME, I'M JUST TRYING TO GET IT TO LOOK GOOD! :D :D Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Guest HVilleThugg Report post Posted June 9, 2002 It's cool Annie! Don't rush it...take all the time you need. Ans's a secret. Da "keepin' it on the DL" H Share this post Link to post Share on other sites