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Guest Oldschool Jason

Why I Hate Valentine's Day & a song I wrote enjoy

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Guest Oldschool Jason

Today is a day about love...




Love, is a horrible thing in my mind right now

Last night my girlfriend left me, stating that my insecurities are pushing me away.


Okay first off before I start getting really pissed off.

She has no right to say that about me... She said I need a girl who is clingy...(what the F#ck!). What pisses me off more is that her best friend is a lesbian... Now I wouldn't normaly have problems with that but when the friend told me flat out that she like my girlfriend...I mean that pissed me off...And no she isn't a cute lesbian..She is one them butch ones


When she said the thing about the insecurities...

I was ready to flipp the hell out!!!

but I didn't...

I decided to write a song about it...

Here it is for all of you to enjoy...


Throat (by Jason D'Agostino)



You got what you wanted

now you left me wounded

cause it's the way you like it

you like the way i used

to tie you up, and lick you down


you felt me so many times

sliding up and down...

this game you would play

has fucked my mind

and now I wanna play...


The song is over

I got that through my head

What I can't get out

is what you said...


Blame my insecurities!!!


You said so much with just one sentence


I'm still playing what you said in my head

It's like a song, I hit rewind and hear it again

The meaning has already sunk in...

But you went for the throat...


The taste of what you gave me...

is so sour, that I'm wondering if you were true...


My heart is broken, but i'll move on

I'll tell myself that, cause it's hard to believe

that this has ended...


You went for my throat

said things i never would've thought you could say

you gave a list of excuses that hurt

but were they what you really thought




Did someone else made you think that

Did they have you say those things

Did they tell you what to do...


I know who you ran to...








Here is hoping that i'm not the only pissed off person today


(I appologize to anyone who could be offended by my statements, and Scotsman you are the man!!)

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Guest JerryDrake

Valentines Day sucks, im going to my friends house to whine about being single to him and his girlfriend.


They pittied me so much they invited me over :( .

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