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Craig Th


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Say it all together now...6*1*9!!!!!

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I hope Gabe offs the Wonder Twins sometime very soon.


I have to agree with that. EDIT: They're definitely the Nikki & Paulo of Heroes... :P

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I have to imagine that that West fellow is going to end up being a bad guy. I can't imagine how the writers could possibly think that, in any way, shape, or form, that he's a likeable character; therefore, I must think that they're just intentionally turning the audience against him so that they'll hate him properly when he turns.

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I also foresee West becoming a villain in the not-too-distant future. Also, throw me on the board that hates the fuckin' Wonder Twins. Actually, I don't mind the guy, but the chick just grates on me. Actually I don't really like the guy either.


I'm psyched to see Sylar get his powers back, 'cause you know that's coming. Some big shit went down with Parkman, and a slight return to form for Nathan made this a good one for me. And with no Hiro! More Peter next week, from the previews, and hopefully more Hiro, plus Parkman goes on a mission to save Molly, and we get Veronica Mars so that'll be new. I'm excited more after this episode than any so far this season.

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Can Sylar take the Twins powers and still be able to stop himself from crying black blood all the time?


And next week, we get Kristen Bell! Though I don't know why they introduced her like that because Veronica Mars was watched by 10 people.

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Good lord, this show has taken such a turn to the lame. The only compelling storylines are the Group of 12, Noah and the Petrellis. Everything else remotely interesting is ruined by some of the worst dialogue recorded on to film.


'I'm sorry I can't fix your dreams.' - Just kill Micah. Please.



Luckily, it had a 619, giving Heroes a one week respite.

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I like that some of the powers aren't the obvious super powers- like freezing time or flying- last year all Charlie had was a super photographic memory and now Michah's cousin has pitch perfect mimicry, I mean we'd all want to fly sure, but wouldn't it be cool to be able to play a sport perfectly just by watching others do it, regardless of ones own attributes?

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Since everything in the freaking Heroes universe is connected amongst the main characters....was that Claire's stolen care that Sylar and the Wonder Brats were palin' around in?

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I have come to accept that I will be the only twins fan when it comes to this show.


And to the people complaining. I think you need to go rewatch the start of last season. This is a slow burn show. ANd I think they are doing a great job of it.

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I never liked The Wonder Twins, I'm sure there shit is going somewhere, but until then, they are pretty lame.


My guess is Sylar will take her power and Peter will get the dudes. Even if it's just for the showdown of Peter/Sylar II.


Heroes: STILL the best thing on TV.


Oh, and put me down for someone who marked out for the 619.

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Oh the guy is definately dying. Thats why only the girl can speak english so that Sylar can comfort her/turn her against humanity when he does get killed(and Sylar takes his powers).


That chick is evil waiting to happen. Her overly positive beliefs and religious stance, the fact that she doesn't want to kill right now, but has shown the willingness to do so if need be...


She is so going to be evil and that little smirk she gave in the police station got me hyped to see her play evil girl.

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You know what I found funny. there were at least 5 shots where his cousins boob took up 60 percent of the screen. Like they would do a shot of micah, but in the forground, nothing but her boob.


They hug and micah is all the way on the edge of the screen and they are all up on her boob(that the kid was trying not to shove his face in her boobs while hugging her...and reciting that vomit enducing corney ass line).


I think the camera guy just got bored honestly.

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I felt like pointing out that Micah stole a PPV event from over a year ago. I know times are hard in New Orleans but that's pretty rough.


I was going to make that point, I believe it was No Way Out?


As for Micah touching up his cousin, it was almost like he was using his power on her to read her... MAYBE SHE'S A ROBOT~!


And Nathan loses points for shaving the beard. For shame.

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