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Feedback for 9/28

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Okay, this feedback thing is getting ridiculous again now. Tony is on strike until people other than himself start posting feedback.


Me? I'm not feedbacking it. I'll feedback World Without End though.

Edited by alfdogg

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Here I am! I'm not used to this feedback thing, so don't hurt me too bad.


Good stuff from Maddix and Cortez. The "wacky tag partners who hate each other" act is always fun.


Drek with a nice approach to keep Hoff from throwing the towel in. I LOL'ed at the "CWM the Lumberjack" line.


Short but sweet with the tag match, but it served its purpose, which was to play up dissention between Black T. Anxious to see how that culminates.


SPECTACULAR towel match! I really felt Hoff's concern, it was like I was actually there, and we were each holding an end of the towel. So epic!


PRL is pissed. It's that Latin temper, Monsoon! //Jesse Ventura


Great stuff as usual between Zack/Leon/Wildcards. Heated exchange from separate parts of the building, ending in the perfect trap from Bruce & co. Excellent.

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