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HD: America's Team squash + Reject/BB promo

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[i]Stars and Stripes Forever[/i] plays, and Charlie Moss and Quentin Benjamin come through the curtains, hearing the boos from the Canadian crowd.

America's Team set for action!  Let's go to Michael Buffer!

[i]The following tag team contest is scheduled for one fall!  Making their way down the aisle, at a total combined weight of 485 pounds...the team of CHARLIE MOSS and QUENTIN BENJAMIN, together known as AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAMERICAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAASSSSSSSSS TEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAMMMMMMMMMMMMMM!!!!![/i]

The crowd boos, as Moss and Benjamin pose on the buckles.

And not getting a warm reception from the Canadian crowd, are Moss and Benjamin!

[i]Their opponents, at a combined weight of 496 pounds...first, from Ann Arbor, Michigan...Steve Jackson![/i]

*golf clap*

[i]And from St. Paul, Minnesota...Casey Wright![/i]

*golf clap*


Benjamin circles the ring with Jackson.  They tie up, and Benjamin immediately gets a single leg takedown.  Jackson works his way back to his foot, as Benjamin holds the other one, and attempts an ENZIGURI, but Benjamin ducks, then spins around with the leg, sending Jackson for a loop!

And nice counter wrestling by Benjamin early on!

Jackson goes after Benjamin again, and catches an armdrag!  Another charge, and Benjamin sidesteps him and sweeps his leg out from under him!  Jackson rolls to his corner holding his head, and tags are made on both sides.

And now Casey Wright in there with Charlie Moss!

Moss drops down and executes a fireman's carry, but Wright surprisingly kicks back up with his feet and pushes Moss away with them!  Wright then charges Moss, and gets caught in a side headlock!  Moss sits back...



Shoulder up!

Wow, and Wright almost got caught napping there!  He better be careful!

Moss wrenches in on the side headlock, and forces Wright to his feet, then switches around, and delivers a devastating vertical suplex!  Moss then tags Benjamin, who drops a snap legdrop!

And all it takes is little, basic moves like that suplex from Charlie Moss, and now America's Team in control!

Benjamin delivers a snap suplex, then tags in Moss again, who delivers the STO BACKBREAKER~!

And they're setting him up for the kill!

Benjamin sticks around long enough to hammer on Jackson, then he and Moss whip Jackson and Wright into one another!  Wright staggers back, onto Moss's shoulders, and Benjamin climbs quickly to the top for the SUPER ROCKER DROPPER~!!!

And say goodbye to this one, folks!






Charlie Moss and Quentin Benjamin very impressive here tonight!  Right now, let's go up to Tony Schiavone at the podium!

OK Michael, this past Sunday night, The Burrough Boys were victorious in their pay-per-view debut against the team of Jumbo and Team Jamaica, but it wasn't without help!  They had help from a fourth member of their group!  Let's bring them out, along with Reject, they are known as the FIVE BURROUGHS~!

[i]Renagade[/i] hits and Reject comes to the podium, to boos, along with the Burrough Boys.

And here they come, the Five Burroughs, led by Reject, who had a tremendous showing in the Chamber of Hell this Sunday!

He certainly did, I still can't believe he kicked out of the Five-Star Alf splash!

That was impressive, but I think too much was taken out of Alf at that point, as well.  Had he hit that at full strength, Reject would have been done!

But the fact remains that he kicked out!

OK, first off, I want to talk to Quincy, the newest Burrough Boy!  Quincy, what brought you to World Without End, and what brings you here?

Well, it's very easy, Tony!  Once I heard that my boys had finally made it to the top of the mountain, to the OAOAST, I had to come get me some.  So I went to San Antone, and gave them a little helping hand!

Well, you certainly "got you some" this Sunday, but I don't think you've gotten the last of your three opponents, either!

We may not have heard the last of them, Tony, but I don't think those three want to be any more than heard from, after this past Sunday.

WALDO (anxiously)
Yeah, we really made that Jumbo swallow his ego!  Now he's just swallowing donuts!


I bet he can!

Waldo and Luther laugh it up as they slap hands to the side.

But if he don't want to be swallwing them through a straw, him and his buddies would be best served to step off from here on out.

Strong words from the Burrough Boys, now, Reject, what can we expect from you in the future, after your grueling endeavors this past Sunday?

Nothing less than the best, Schiavone, just as is always the case.  Despite my loss, I know that every beltholder in this company is still on their toes, knowing that someday, they'll have to defend against me.  And that does include you, Alf...I've come close before, but I've got your number.

*crowd boos*

That also includes Bohemoth, our 24/7 champion...you know, Bo reminds me of the guy that got dumped at the junior prom, and just hangs out at the punch bowl all night, because no one wants to be seen with him and his tacky-ass suits! 

Luther and Waldo put their mouths in one hand.

That includes the X-champion...do we even have an X champion?

That would be TJ Burns.

Well, you could have fooled me, Tony.  Doesn't this company follow their 30-day policy, like all the other decent companies?  Has that guy even defended that belt?  Certainly not against anyone of my caliber!  It's a damn shame, Tony, that a belt I once held so proudly, has been allowed to fall into obscurity like this.

The Burrough Boys shake their heads in the background.

And speaking of obscurity...that brings us to our current World champion, Mr. Drek Stone.  You know, it eats me up that I've busted my ass here in the OAOAST for three years...I've had two shots at the World title.  This guy, he's been in and out for a year...which, I can't blame him, he's had a lot of success with that cooking show of his!

Waldo claps his hands and laughs, as Luther pats Reject on the back while laughing.  The others just smile.

Anyway, he's been in-and-out for a year, then comes back, lucks out in a battle royal, lucks out against Alf, and here he is, the World champion.  How come we've never had that kind of luck, Schiavone?

Schiavone shrugs, as the Burrough Boys shake their heads, some of them throwing their arms up.

Well, guess what...your luck runs out when you step into the ring with me.  Once you get in that ring, and see me across the ring, your dream world will come to an end, and reality is going to hit you like...

WALDO (interrupting)

Waldo and Luther laugh hysterically, oblivious to the fact that they're the only ones who find it LOL-worthy.  Regardless, the others, including Reject, crack a smile, as [i]Renagade[/i] plays them off.

There you have it, guys, Reject putting out fair warning to anyone who holds a belt in the OAOAST, he's on his way!  Back to Sofa Central!

Thanks, Tony...well, Reject certainly getting his message out, Coach!

Yeah, he's got a good way of doing that, with his words, and in the ring!  And I [i]would[/i] concern myself if I was a titleholder right now!

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