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SWF Smarkdown Card - 10-16-2006

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Live, Monday, October 16th, from the Arena Auditorium?!!?! in Laramie, Wyoming!
(7pm PST, 10pm EST; check local listings)
(Send all promos/marked matches to chirs3)


Seriously, what kind of name is that? The Arena Auditorium? Yeesh.

Then again, it IS Wyoming. We can't expect too much from them. :P


Michael Stephens ©©© vs. Gabriel Drake

-> A match that's been a few weeks...

... scratch that...

... a few YEARS in the making! Michael Stephens may be a triple champion, but that's not enough for him - not while Gabriel Drake is still walking! The Beast has been hounding Stephens since his arrival, and Michael ain't gonna take it no more! These two finally meet face to face, with a twist - Joseph Peters doesn't believe any SWF officials are capable of containing this fight, so he's appointing a referee of his own!
Rules: Standard singles match.
Word Limit: 5000
Send to: chirs3


Landon "La Cucaracha" Maddix © vs. "Hollywood" Spike Jenkins
-> If there's one thing people don't really appreciate around here, it's getting the crap kicked out of them before and/or after matches. I don't know why, it's just a common pet peeve our wrestlers seem to have.

In any case, the post-main-event beatdown on Michael Stevens has ENRAGED~! his tag team partner, and he's not just going to sit there and make smug remarks! Tonight, Landon will attempts to exact revenge on one of the agressors - attempt being the key word, as "Hollywood" Spike Jenkins is not a man one should take lightly!
Rules: Standard singles match.
Word Limit: 5000
Send to: Chuck Woolery (triumphant return~!)


"The Divine Wind" Akira Kaibatsu vs. Alan Clark
-> Their names share many letters. A, K, and R come to mind. A better description will be edited in as soon as it stops being 5:00 AM. Gurgle.
Rules: Standard singles match.
Word Limit: 5000
Send to: Ace309


Jacob Helmsley vs. Nemesis
-> So maybe we were just booking Helmlsey wrong before - he came up short against Bruce for the International Championship, but has proven to be HUGELY successful in the Hardcore arena! Tonight, we put him up against a recent contender to the Hardcore Championship, Nemesis!
Rules: Haha! That's funny... rules... hee hee!
Word Limit: 5000
Send to: chirs3


Nighthawk vs. Ultimo Phantasmo
-> Two losses in a row would be enough to discourage any rookie - fortunately for us, Nighthawk isn't just any rookie. He's freaking Nighthawk! He attempts to turn his luck around tonight against the Ultimoooooooooooooo PHantaaaaasmoooooo!
Rules: Standard singles match.
Word Limit: 4500
Send to: Evolution


Devin Benson vs. Scion of Light
-> Impressive. Most impressive. Devin Benson puts Ced Ordonez away in short order, and now moves on to fry some slightly bigger fish... and after he's done frying them, he'll eat them. Then he'll have the necessary protein to succeed in his match against the Scion of Light!
Rules: Standard singles match.
Word Limit: 4500
Send to: JJ Johnson


Opening Promo: The Brand Spankin' New International Champion, Johnny Dangerous!

Card turned out almost as well as planned, which was a nice change of pace.

Storm will fix that, though. :P

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Yeah, why aren't we in South Dakota so Landon can get a face pop? It's a conspiracy, I tell you!

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