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Guest oldschoolwrestling

Lance Stom pisses me off

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Guest oldschoolwrestling

A few columns back, Lance Storm ripped into the fans for using "What" too often.  Well this is from his latest column:


The winner of an Olympic Gold medal was predetermined, arranged, WORKED. WHAT! I said, “WORKED” WHAT!! I still enjoy watching Figure Skating but after these recent events, it raises the question could Pro-Wrestling be added as an Olympic event. WHAT! I said “Olympic Event! WHAT!!



Say it isn't so Lance.

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Guest Army Eye

shrug, what's the problem.  Lance has said that he LIKES the What stuff, he just doesn't appreciate when the fans do it during every single heel promo

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Guest Galactic Gigolo

Am I the only one who thinks that using "What?" is really lame when it's done in writing.


I mean come on, it's really lame.  What? I said it's really lame.



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Guest Greg
He enjoys watching figure skating?  I just lost some respect for Storm. :)

He didn't just watch figure skating, he watched CANADIAN figure skating. :)



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Guest Galactic Gigolo
Yes, I'd think Canadians are more likely to watch anything involving ice skates.

I remember the line from the South Park movie where Kyle's Mom asked if they expected them to be afraid of their hockey sticks or something similar to that.


"You Canadians are all the same with your beady eyes and flapping heads."

"Hey, hey.  I find that racist. Mam, you are a racist."


And then later on...


"But it's destroying our children..."

"Mam, can I finish? Can I finish? (pause) Okay, I'm finished."

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Guest BookerTman

I don't know about you, but I think this is the most ANNOYING catchphrase since Lawler laid his eyes on a woman's chest. I totally dislike hearing words repeated 50 billion times consecutively. WHAT?WHAT?WHAT?WHAT?WHAT?WHAT?WHAT?WHAT?WHAT?WHAT?WHAT?WHAT?WHAT?WHAT?WHAT?WHAT?WHAT?WHAT?





WHAT?WHAT?WHAT?WHAT?WHAT?WHAT?WHAT?WHAT?WHAT?WHAT?WHAT?WHAT? Wow, this NEVER gets old! Where did this come from, the old folks home?

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Guest cobainwasmurdered

I didn't mind austin using WHAT when he was a parnoid heel but now t just makes me want to change the channel.

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Guest BlackRainbow1025

Exactly, when heel Austin used it to annoy the fans it was funny.  Now with ALL the crowd saying it, most of the time for no reason, like when Angle is talking, it's just bad.

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Guest Army Eye

When will they get sick of saying "what"?




Or will it become timeless, like the Flair "Whooo!" whenever someone hits a chop.


This is what keeps me up at night.



I don't even like it during Austin's promos.  he doesn't do good promos anymore, it's all just filler for the crowd to get their "what" fix

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Guest HoffmanHBK

Austin cuts teriffic promos.  He tells a story, usually humorous.  The Beverly Hilbillies, his beer belly, his "addiction"...then, he spins it around to promote his upcoming match.  He creates interest.  And, at times, he even works the "what" chants into his promos.  I'd say Austin is cutting some of the best promos in the biz.  Makes sense, as he always has.  Does the "what" really add anything?  No, but it doesn't hurt either, and Austin is ridiculously over, which is what the WWF is going for.


To borrow a line from DDP, Austin's promo's arent a bad thing, they're a good thing.

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Guest The Vanilla Midget
When will they get sick of saying "what"?



i think they are already starting to get sick of "what."  it is now only used really during austin and angle promos, which is a desired effect, and i think it would be forgotten even quicker when these 2 stop using gaps in their promos for the chant.  i think that once the wwf decides not to use it anymore, "what" will probably last for about a month.

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Guest MarvinisaLunatic

Everythime someone does a stomp im the corner 10 years from now, the crowd will go what, just like they do for the chops and whooooo!

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Guest bps "The Truth" 21

About watching Canadian figure skating:


When all of that controversy hit about the Canadian team getting the silver...it occured to me that the canadian figure skating chick was FREAKING HOT.


I wish that I had been watching Canadian figure skating.


Thankfully the controversy allowed me to see the routine several times.

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