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Will HBK restore the nWo?

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Seeing as HBK is back and in the nWo, this could be a glimmer of hope for the sake of the once notorious nWo group. I was watching RAW from February and the NWO: BIB video and I asked myself, how the hell did vince screw this angle up!!!! All the stuff leading up to the NWO was great and Mcmahon does the devil well, it still gives me tingles. No Way Out wasnt a bad start for the nWo, RAW the next night was awesome, but that is pretty much it right there. I was hoping that the nWo would of done more like what they did to WCW, interferring and spray painting, beating up guys for no reason, causing rivalry in the ranks of the WWE and thus almost destroying the company. There was no commercials of the nWo like in WCW. No Paid announcement. Are the writers really that stupid? Did they even watch what WCW did? The one angle WCW did right, the WWE screws up. This whole roster split kinda ruined the angle. Also whats up with Hogan turning face soo damn soon. That could of waited a while as well. They should of held off for a few months in the road for the split cause it really screwed the nWo. Poision my ass, since when did the nWo listen to rules? I know that the NWO wont be exactly the same without Hall but it could still be good. If HBK can bring back the a-- whipping, double crossing, spray painting, foul, notorious group that the nWo WAS then I will forgive and forget but if the nWo are still pussies with HBK in it, than consider me disappointed. I know my opinions dont mean jack ship but I dont care, those are my thoughts and place yours.

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Guest notJames

They'll also be getting face pops, thanks to the Holy Bible-thumping Kid and Big Poochie, so it might negate whatever heelish stuff they have planned for them. Who knows, maybe XPac and Big Shows "fuck you" heat will negate it, but I doubt it. The nWold will probably pull a DX on everyone, just being total dicks, pantsing people in the ring, making rude noises and silly bullshit that has absolutely zero to do with wrestling.


Here lies Booker T's push, placed on the backburner for yet another returning has-been. We hardly knew ye...

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Guest RicFlairGlory
They'll also be getting face pops, thanks to the Holy Bible-thumping Kid and Big Poochie, so it might negate whatever heelish stuff they have planned for them. Who knows, maybe XPac and Big Shows "fuck you" heat will negate it, but I doubt it. The nWold will probably pull a DX on everyone, just being total dicks, pantsing people in the ring, making rude noises and silly bullshit that has absolutely zero to do with wrestling.


Here lies Booker T's push, placed on the backburner for yet another returning has-been. We hardly knew ye...

Hey, can I swipe and modify that spelling of HBK for my sig?

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Guest notJames

What, the Holy Bible-thumping Kid thing?


Sure, knock yourself out.

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Guest RickyChosyu

Yeah, looks like more nWo B-Team stuff, aka: more DX. I would expect lots of Dick jokes from Shawn, but if he truly has found Christ, then I'm in a little doubt. Either way, the group seems to be headed towards a face turn with three out of the five members getting consistant face pops and the other two being such wastes of oxygen that no one even notices their existence anymore.


The thing is, where does that leave the group? Who do they feud with now? I see it becoming on old "Kliq members EXPLODE!" type deal with HHH being their target once he gets the title and can start appearing on Raw.

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Guest RicFlairGlory
What, the Holy Bible-thumping Kid thing?


Sure, knock yourself out.

I was going to leave out the thumping part, but pretty much.


You'd be amazed how some people have been mad at me for quoting them without asking





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Guest notJames
...You'd be amazed how some people have been mad at me for quoting them without asking...

Nah. Nothing surprises me about this thread. Hell, if you've got this many Hogan supporters on a smark board, you've pretty much seen it all..


Oh, and try not to take it too personally if I shit on Shawn Michaels now and then. I'm really a nice guy underneath all the seething anger and loathing...



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Guest RicFlairGlory
Oh, and try not to take it too personally if I shit on Shawn Michaels now and then. I'm really a nice guy underneath all the seething anger and loathing...



I'm giving Shawn a 1+ month grace period, same as I gave HHH.


I turned heel on HHH. I hope I dont have to with HBK. Hopefully, unlike HHH, his return WONT make me want to throw out all the good tape I have on him. Between the DX Video, WMXII, RR '98, and Survivor Series '97, I have just enough HBK to watch.  If anybody has any cheap tapes or anything like that of HBK, any old PPV's, anything like that, feel free to let me know.  I have the Kurt Angle video, I'll trade lol

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Guest notJames
Oh, and try not to take it too personally if I shit on Shawn Michaels now and then. I'm really a nice guy underneath all the seething anger and loathing...



I'm giving Shawn a 1+ month grace period, same as I gave HHH.


I turned heel on HHH. I hope I dont have to with HBK. Hopefully, unlike HHH, his return WONT make me want to throw out all the good tape I have on him. Between the DX Video, WMXII, RR '98, and Survivor Series '97, I have just enough HBK to watch.  If anybody has any cheap tapes or anything like that of HBK, any old PPV's, anything like that, feel free to let me know.  I have the Kurt Angle video, I'll trade lol

What, no Badd Blood (Hell in A Cell) or WM14? What kind of a Shawn Michaels fan are you?  ;)


Seriously though, I like the Shawn Michaels of old, even going back to his Rockers days. One of my favourite matches was the opening tag match at Royal Rumble 1991, with the Rockers against the Oriental Express. Great stuff all the way through and that ending sequence? Superb!


And HIAC was the first time I ever saw HBK blade. Pretty deep cut, too. There was one shot from inside the cage where HBK is laying face down, bleeding a gusher, and a blood drop falls right on the camera, staining the whole shot in red. Wicked stuff.


I'm giving him one match to prove he's still got the goods. I don't even c care about his being a mouthpiece for the nWold since I really don't pay attention to them outside of Booker's exposure. After that, all bets are off.

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Guest RicFlairGlory
What, no Badd Blood (Hell in A Cell) or WM14? What kind of a Shawn Michaels fan are you?  ;)


Seriously though, I like the Shawn Michaels of old, even going back to his Rockers days. One of my favourite matches was the opening tag match at Royal Rumble 1991, with the Rockers against the Oriental Express. Great stuff all the way through and that ending sequence? Superb!


And HIAC was the first time I ever saw HBK blade. Pretty deep cut, too. There was one shot from inside the cage where HBK is laying face down, bleeding a gusher, and a blood drop falls right on the camera, staining the whole shot in red. Wicked stuff.


I'm giving him one match to prove he's still got the goods. I don't even c care about his being a mouthpiece for the nWold since I really don't pay attention to them outside of Booker's exposure. After that, all bets are off.

I'm pissed, I cant find a tape of Badd Blood. BUT, the DX Video and the RR 98 Re-cap and Intros have most of the match, or at least the high spots.


Did I mention I had WMX or not? Damn I still need Razor/Shawn II on tape, the ladder version.  Grr I wish I had more shit of his.


Frankly, I know IF he Wrestles, he'll have ring rust, and even if he doesnt, odds are good it'll take him a week or two to get back in it. I havent heard of him working house shows, or even doing any in-ring work, so I'll give him a little time to get back in it. But if I dont see some at least promising results, he'll end up like the HHH file, in the folder labeled "You had me there for a while"


I've been waiting too long for his return to give him just one match. I know the other smarks are a LOT harsher, but then again most of them liked Bret too much to ever like Shawn. Not everyones perfect ;)


AND, I forgot, if he DOES end up being just a mouthpiece, he better be damn good at it.

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Guest Human Fly

The NWO is on borrowed time. HBK coming back just prolongs it's life. If HBK does end up wrestling and doing it well, that will kill the NWO even faster IMO.

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Guest RicFlairGlory

Did I mention I live in Boston? WM14 Was in Boston. Draw your own conclusion, I remember ;) I have WMX-XII, XIV I can borrow from a friend.  I was going to get WMIX, but frankly the big show-down with Tatanka wasnt worth passing up on the others. I shyed away from WMXIII because it was HBK-less, BUT, I do want it because of Austin/Hart.  I never marked for him, well, maybe when I was six, but I never marked for Hart, but damn he was great.

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Guest RicFlairGlory
The NWO is on borrowed time. HBK coming back just prolongs it's life. If HBK does end up wrestling and doing it well, that will kill the NWO even faster IMO.

the nWo has no hope as long as it was three former stars who were glad to have jobs and get to hang out together.


At least now Hall and Hogan are gone and now its three former stars glad to have jobs and hang out together...


wait.. doesn? oh well


at least HBK is younger than Hogan

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Guest thefrenchargel

If you want to see some other great Michaels stuff, go out and rent a PPV from 96 and FF until you hit the Main Event. HBK in 96=can't miss. Great matches with Foley, Nash, Owen, Bret, Bulldog, SID, yes, sid, and vader.

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Guest RicFlairGlory
If you want to see some other great Michaels stuff, go out and rent a PPV from 96 and FF until you hit the Main Event. HBK in 96=can't miss. Great matches with Foley, Nash, Owen, Bret, Bulldog, SID, yes, sid, and vader.

Oh I know that was Vintage HBK, I just cant find any tapes anywhere!


I remember watching HBK/Sid when it happened live

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