Guest Insanityman Report post Posted June 10, 2002 Well first let me be self-centered... I really liked my own promo, but TNT defeated me. Good job and good luck. Onto the rest of the show; MVS solid match, pretty cool though Amazing One and Superior One sound too much alike now I think of it. Then Thor grabs the win... then we don't have the tag. Oh yeah, a HUGE congrats to Deathwish for winning the world. I guess I just pick the right guy to fued with. A pretty cool show all in all. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Guest midnight_burn Report post Posted June 10, 2002 Congratulations to "Deathwish" Danny Williams, a very nice match, and i'm sure you'll make a great JL champ. More comments once i read the rest of the show. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Guest 5_moves_of_doom Report post Posted June 10, 2002 DEATHWISH WON! DEATHWISH WON! DEATHWISH WON! W00T! W00T! W00T! (Y!) (Y!) (Y!) YAHOO! YAHOO! YAHOO! Ahem. Anyhoo, GREAT match from Deathwish, and congrats on a very deserving win. Haven't read anything else though... As for my match, it was really rushed, which you can REALLY tell towards the end...but I still thought it was pretty spiffy. I cannot take advantage of my title shot this next show however, as I have way too many finals. So, I'll just have to beat Frost on a later date. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Guest Report post Posted June 10, 2002 Well, off to the races she did a ride, uh-huh. MVS defeats C.I.A. & Cutthroat Well, I wrote HALF of this match, and I knew it would go right out of the gate. Glad to see MVS is suceeding at getting over as a rather sadistic heel, and proud to see C.I.A. showing his heroic side. And Cutthroat lost, so there you go. Frost sings to the Sky *snicker* Touching, yes. A bit funny to picture big 'ol Frost singing 'I'm EASY'? ALSO yes. Still, great work from Frost, as he's keeping that storyline rolling along, and I'm wondering where it's gonna take us next. Good stuff. God of Thunder reigns supreme Well, it's official, he started the same show as me, and I have a worse official record than he does. Still, major leaps made on this match. Once more, some good stuff. Shame it had to be a default win. IL's backstage attack I think IL put it best himself. 'Guess I just pick the right guy to fued with' Nice stuff, and hopefulyl we won't see it aborted just cause Deathwish is the WORLD CHAAAAAMMMMPPPPEEENNN!!! now. TNT, #1 contender Oooh, would you look at that. Just like that, we come back to Frost and TNT. One show after you drop the title, and you're int eh running for the next one up the ladder. Maybe you should job the Euro right away and try to step up to world level. (Kidding) Good match, I can see the parts where you say it was a bit rushed. Still, altogether enjoyable, and certainly, watching the Euro title scene EXPLOOOODE can't be all that bad. Six Man Action I've never read anything quite as amazing as this. Wait, no, I mean I've never READ this. I will the minute it goes up. Ladies and Gentlemen, the MAIN EVEEENT! A lot of people called it for Danny, and he certainly didn't disappoint, putting on a great match. Really great work building the tension at the end, not using the standard last minute fall, instead building up the possibility. Very nice. Congrats, Deathwish, and wear the belt well. You can't hold it forever. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Guest Sydney_Sky Report post Posted June 10, 2002 Nifty show. Congrats to Deathwish .. I'm sure he'll make a great champ. I'm sort of glad to not have it anymore, as I just got the impression no one really wanted me to have it in the first place, so I'm glad that someone everyone really likes has it. I mean, you got more congrats than I did. ;P Oh, but please let me know the next time you are gonna make me need plastic surgery! Jeez! Frost, I love you, man. Comfort me in my loss? Or at least bring me a band-aid?? Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Guest Report post Posted June 10, 2002 It's probably my fault we didn't get the match in because i couldn't help Flexxx and Poisyn at all this week. Anyways I'm definitely gonna post about this show later as some interesting stuff went down. :0 & ??? M."To busy to type tonight" Francis Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Guest Insane Clown Dan Report post Posted June 10, 2002 Don't worry about it, Mak. We made a big mistake that had nothing to do with your lack of help. 'Twas our faults... plus, we did get a (rushed) match in. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Guest Edwin MacPhisto Report post Posted June 10, 2002 Six man tag is in, and the winners are the XFTod's match. I wish, wish you guys had time not to rush, because it was close as hell as is. I took over for Thugg's marking and had to go through each match twice--this is what I've been doing for the last hour. They both kicked ass, but XFTod's was a tad better, leading the way with some impressive psychology and a more well-written piece altogether. Really great effort, though. If that was a rush job by the sWo team...well, let's just say that if the sWo paces themselves better next time and gets their communique fixed up: y'all are SCREWED. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Guest Insane Clown Dan Report post Posted June 10, 2002 ...I cannot wait to thrash Tod apart on Metal... Du bist uberhaupt tot. Ich kann nicht von mir absichern. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Guest Tod deKindes Report post Posted June 10, 2002 Er...right. Whatever. May the best man win. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Guest Insane Clown Dan Report post Posted June 10, 2002 I was just kidding, Tod =P You'd do well, duh. Nobody here is actually arrogant by nature. At least not in the JL... anymore. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Guest 5_moves_of_doom Report post Posted June 10, 2002 I hope that you know that I know that Tod knew that you knew that you were kidding, Dan. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Guest Insane Clown Dan Report post Posted June 10, 2002, right. *cough* Moooving on so this don't pollute the whole thread... Crimson... great show. Deathwish, the amazing technical wrestler, is now our famed JL champion. The Sydney and Frost promo was a work of art. MVS and CIA did a combined match... or so i think. Yeah. Comment, comment, comment. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Guest Report post Posted June 10, 2002 These comments have been paid for by the sWo. MVS defeats C.I.A. & Cutthroat The vet MVS comes back demanding some respect and gets it in a shot for the Euro title. I think since you all knew Cutthroat was taking the pin you should have put him over a lot during the match and made CIA take most of the shots. It seemed like everyone had even offense which is good but not realistic. Other than that you guys put together a great but a little short hardcore match. But you made up for length by adding in the after match antics. Loved the spot with the double beer bottles. :cool: You didn't give any clues as to who you're partner was but I gotta go with Kojack because he just posted his stats on the board again and he had issues with CT. The sledgehammer shots were a nice touch but once again you made CT look real weak. If he's going up against Kojack who I think is heel this could have been used to get CT over as the underdog face. Frost sings to the Sky Very heart warming promo that got your point across. I laughed and laughed some more but I wonder who wrote this. Was it a combined effort. Well, it made me think that Syd was going to lose for sure. Did you guys plan this out with Danny? It sure seemed like it. Even if you didn't. God of Thunder reigns supreme Hmmm. I think it would have been close between Fugue and Thor if he didn't no-show. So I'm going up against a 7 foot god. I'm not sure if Thor is a Celtic god of Thunder or something else. I use to know but anyways I guess this will be an interesting match, if I need to take the gimmick seriously. Don't want to misrepresenet you if...nah when I win. On to your match in which you really put over your opponents but it turn into a squash towards the end again. But that's a part of your character as he is stronger and bigger than everyone else. It was a great idea using Fugue for the top rope piledriver so that he'd keep smile even when KOed. I really liked the match. HVT you know you my nigga. How would you deal with a monster character lke yourself. I'll have to figure it out. IL's backstage attack IL good luck on your feud. Hope it turns out well. TNT, #1 contender Hey nobody jobbed me the title. Why does everyone think that? Shit I hope I get the time to write a rant about this... :sarcasm: Flesher drops in from the WF, whispers in my ear and hits me over the head Okay he jobbed but we fooled most of you guys. Hehe I'd whoop his #1 Euro title contender ass anyways On to the match which was once again a solid preformance by TNT. Great commentary and the match really flowed well until the end. Your right that it did seem a little rushed but you still pulled out the win. Wish I could have done that against IL. Looks like you, Tod and Danny will be working together again in the Frost/Syd stroyline. w00t, multiple connecting storylines. Better than a barrel of monkeys. Six Man Action Although our match didn't win this time I got the pin so w00t me suckas. So so close by Edwin's opinion. Damn it, even though Flexxx said it wasn't my fault we lost I still feel guilty. Ah who am i kiddin, I got the pin over Z. Push me to World title. I'd be undefeated like Stryke. Until my next match... Sydney Sky v Danny Williams[new ©] Hmmm. It doesn't seem like Syd lost on purpose but this just fit the angle so well. Like I've always said before Danny writes wrestling matches and I remember a few weeks ago he called himself the Cutthroat of the midcardaz and retired. He thought building matches couldn't win and look at him now. He's our World Champ. Good shit for Danny and it makes for a twist in the Frost/Sky/Tod storyline. Danny I won't even comment on your match because your so much better than most people here at putting something together. The internet smarks God wins the title. Wait Benoit didn't win... By the way nobody fears Gedo. I don't think that midget has ever done anything like the level Chris did at J-Cup...uh forgot the year... Peace, M."TV Jobber's Champeen" Francis Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Guest WrestlingDeacon Report post Posted June 10, 2002 It is time once again for my in depth commentary that no one really cares about, but that I write anyway. I got in last night from my weekend trip to the Dean Martin Festival in lovely Stuebenville, Ohio right when the show was going up last night, but was too damn tired to read it then. MVS vs. Cutthroat & C.I.A. -Love the Tenacious D reference with the sign. The bronze bust of King’s head is very funny by playing into his character; you should have done more with that. The opening seems a little wordy, like you were padding sentences to get closer to the word count. I’m thinking Cutthroat and C.I.A. would have separate entrances, and I really can’t see Cutthroat agreeing to come out to C.I.A’s intro. Some nice spots throughout, but they need more description, for example that double ddt spot in the beginning. Overall, a really solid and fun match that plays the hardcore and double teams cards well. However, the end seemed pretty off and rushed with MVS’s mystery partner running in and C.I.A. being dumb enough to turn his back on Van Siclen. Frost/Sky promo -I feared that this was going to come off as way too cheesy and corny, and while it does I also feel that it comes with the equal amount of humor and heartfelt emotion I was looking for. I’m very glad that most people understood it for what it was. The song used is “I’m Easy” written by Keith Carradine for the film Nashville and was the winner of the Oscar for best song that year. I was thumbing through my mp3’s looking for something short and simple and that seemed like the best choice. I also contemplated “Walking on Broken Glass” by Annie Lennox and numerous Sinatra and Martin standards. Impact vs. Fugue vs. Thor -Props to Thor as this match showed great improvement over his first in almost all categories. Most importantly, I felt the commentary was livelier and the wrestler characters more defined. Your descriptions and basic match mechanics still need work, but they are coming along. A few spots were a little unrealistic, like the smaller and weaker Fugue picking the gigantic Thor up on his shoulders. The finish could have used more build and the post match segment could have been more fleshed out and complete. “completely disturbed by this disturbed individual.”: Shift/F7 pulls up the Thesaurus in Microsoft word. Williams attacked -The phone call felt out of place and unwarranted, it just served as a swerve as did the fact that half a dozen names were tossed out as being the mystery man when IL was the most obvious, yet the first dismissed. While I felt that the actual promo and attack was well written and sets up a viable main vent feud (although why IL chose to attack Williams should be addressed), the swerving for swerving sake pisses me off. TNT vs. IL -You can tell it’s TNT’s match up front from the “Godfather: a Tale told in Sign Language” joke up front. His sense humor is just so unique and a core point of his style. However, I really wish that you would confine that to your commentary and descriptions. Bits where Hall restrains from the dq after IL offers him a role in Breakfast Club 2 really distract from you matches believability and flow. Points to IL on filling TNT in on his plans so he could work those into his commentary and give a good sense of continuity to the show. The Gennifer Flowers joke is a little bit dated there, Jay Leno. The end is good as it not only plays off of the recent attack on Williams and the fact that he would seek immediate retribution, but also his history with TNT. Another fine effort from Thompson and I am so scared to face him. XF9 & Tod vs. sWo -Ooo, playing off the nWo, how 1998 of you guys. Seriously though, I really see the sWo as becoming a major force in the SJL that will be felt throughout every single level of the fed. Props as usual to Tod, Z and Ced for realizing that the sWo really needed the win here or it would kill their developing surge. The match was written in Tod’s style, so I’m sure he had a major hand in putting it all together, but the work of all three faces involved must be commended once again. I granted Tod permission to use Frost, but his interference sort of felt like an after thought just to get Tod out of the ring and I would have done a little more with him, maybe even play up the idea that Frost could be working with the sWo on the sly. Williams vs. Sky -I think you were way too hard on yourself Syd in your comments. Most people were happy to see you were champion and if it wasn’t for your busy work schedule I think you could have had a much more solid first title reign. You do great work and I’m glad to be working with you. With that being said, you can’t deny the level of writing Williams has been doing since his return. I can’t find one single flaw in most of Danny’s past few matches as he is combining his classic knack for building and developing matches with improving skills in commentary and match story telling. You do a great job of keeping the time straight and putting Sky over throughout the match. The end where Syd is hanging by a thread and Danny is a perfect gentleman by giving her comfort and understanding is fantastic at displaying Sky’s spunk and determination, while also working with Williams face turn and the underlining trait of mutual respect that I have felt emerging from his character. I wish you a long and productive reign Danny (until I come to kick your ass. A fine show as usual with solid efforts for all involved. All angles, storylines and feuds seem to be whistling along at a fine pace and I see an even better show in the works for Metal. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Guest Coffin Surfer Report post Posted June 10, 2002 I read over the Frost/Syd promo, and WOW! talk about eerie foreshadowing for the Main Event. This was not planned out, but it pefectly compliments my match. I don't think Syd is going to need plastic surgery, she just got a broken nose, two black eyes(a result of the broken nose), some ear bleeding, and is a little bruised. Sorry, for messing you up, but I was just thinking how shocking it would be for a heavyweight Man to stiff the hell out of a woman in a real life match, and how its thankfully never been done before(I don't think). I think it made Syd look badass, that I had to result to sadistic brawling against a smaller women to take control of the match. Anyway, I'am the Champion of the World! Just a few weeks ago, I was ready to quit(and did), and now I'am supposedly the best(yeah right). Oh and thanks for the Congrats everyone! Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Guest Longdogger_Pete Report post Posted June 11, 2002 Rankings Top Ten #1. Sydney Sky (44) #2. "Insane Luchadore" Andrew Rickmen (29) #3. Flunkmasta Flexxx (28) #4. (tie) Mafia (27) #4. (tie) Poisyn (27) #6. Frost - SJL European Champion (23) #7. "Deathwish" Danny Williams - SJL World Champion (20) #8. "Natural Born Killer" Josh Tupper (19) #9. Z (18) #10. "TNT" Taylor Nicholas Thompson (16) (EDIT: Yeah, it's Andrew Rickmen. For some reason I keep wanting to write Michael. As for JLer of the week, that'll be out later tonight.) Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Guest Insane Clown Dan Report post Posted June 11, 2002 LDP - IL's name is Andrew Rickmen... And WOOT! I'm in third... Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Guest CED Ordonez Report post Posted June 11, 2002 That's gotta be the strangest looking SJL Top 10 chart ever. World Champ clocking in at #7 and actually below the Euro champ. I guess ANYTHING can happen in the SJL! Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Guest 5_moves_of_doom Report post Posted June 11, 2002 What aboot JL'er of the week LDP? Or is Tod(d) gonna be the JL'er of the week forever? Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Guest 5_moves_of_doom Report post Posted June 11, 2002 And by the way? Is Mafia even active right now? I'm not sure if he should be on the list......*praying* bump me to 9th bump me to 9th.... Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Guest Insanityman Report post Posted June 11, 2002 *Ahem* Andrew Rickmen. Heh, and damn I haven't gotten in a point for a while, lol. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Guest Sydney_Sky Report post Posted June 11, 2002 First, I want to say thanks for Frost for that pick me up. I needed it. And second, I want to give MAD PROPS to Deathwish Danny Williams. That match was WONDERFUL and I am deeply impressed with how you brought out Sydney's determination to always finish and never give up. It was great, and yes, despite the fact you fucked her up pretty good.. I could see moments of tenderness and humanity shine through and it was really well written. So, you definitely deserved it. I'll say the truth.. I didn't even know what an Iron Man match was until right before I started writing ..and I had to ask LDP to explain it to me. I think I got it all wrong. Hee hee. Oh well. Sydney isn't cut out for that type of match and you really made that point well. So, congrats to you. ;P Did you really break her frickin' nose??? Lemme know about that AHEAD of time next time, please? Oh, and sorry about the belt smelling like roses.. I love body spray. ;P Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Guest Coffin Surfer Report post Posted June 11, 2002 And second, I want to give MAD PROPS to Deathwish Danny Williams. That match was WONDERFUL and I am deeply impressed with how you brought out Sydney's determination to always finish and never give up. It was great, and yes, despite the fact you fucked her up pretty good.. I could see moments of tenderness and humanity shine through and it was really well written. So, you definitely deserved it. Did you really break her frickin' nose??? Lemme know about that AHEAD of time next time, please? Oh, and sorry about the belt smelling like roses.. I love body spray. ;P Thanks for the great praise Sydney, I'am glad you liked my protrayl of your character. I always try to make my opponent look good, and if I don't I apologize for it. Sorry about the broken nose, I'll inform you next time. But I really didn't think a broken nose was a big deal, it wasn't a major nose break(where you have to wear a face guard for a week and your face gets completely rearranged.) I just really wanted to sell the brutality of Deathwish's assault and make it realistic and stiff. If it wasn't stiff, it was just a man pretending to beat up a woman, and it wouldn't have gotten the shock value I was looking for. Like Austin pretending to stomp Lita, isn't a big deal. Ausitn breaking Lita's nose is a big freaking deal. I've had a minor nose break before(long story, but you should see the other guy), and it wasn't really a big deal. There was just some swelling and alot of blood. Nose breaks are pretty common with the more stiffer wrestlers. Dynamite Kid, Regal, Finlay, to name a few have all had their noses broken several times. Hell a broken nose an't nothing in wrestling, most Puro wrestlers work so stiff, that most don't even have their teeth anymore. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Guest Longdogger_Pete Report post Posted June 11, 2002 Mafia did leave the JL, but stays in the rankings for thirty days after his last booking, so he hasn't left the top ten yet. And it's a little late, but the Renegade SJLer of the Week Award goes to... "Deathwish" Danny Williams! Congratulations, Danny! Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Guest Report post Posted June 11, 2002 Mafia did leave the JL, but stays in the rankings for thirty days after his last booking, so he hasn't left the top ten yet. And it's a little late, but the Renegade SJLer of the Week Award goes to... "Deathwish" Danny Williams! Congratulations, Danny! What LDP said... There's the pesky 30-day rule keeping me in the rankings. Dealing with that, I'm missing the fed more than I thought I would right now, which is definitely something I never expected. I probably won't be coming back before those 30-days are up, if I come back, but it can happen any time. And because I haven't said anything yet, congratulations Deathwish. I figured it'd happen for you sooner or later, and I'm sure you'll make a fine SJL Champion. No comments on the rest of the show, because all I've read are the results, and I'm too lazy to read the actual matches right now. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites