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OAOAST HeldDOWN~! 11/9/06

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As we quickly approach the final OAOAST pay-per-view event of 2006, November Reign, we are in La La Land for HeldDOWN~! Hello everyone, Michael Cole here with you along with my broadcast colleague Jonathan Coachman and Coach, we've got some extra security in the building tonight because both Bruce Blank and the Wildcards AND Zack Malibu and the Hooligans are in the arena.



Both camps have been kept FAR away from each other all day, but now that it's showtime, I don't know if all the Rent-A-Cops in the world can stop them from getting into it sometime tonight.



Let's just hope cooler heads prevail. Coming up tonight, Christian Wright takes on Dance Dance Dragon, D*LUX will be in tag team action and we will finally see the HeldDOWN debut of James Riggs. In our main event, the Six-Man Tag Team titles will be on the line as Team Jamaica and Jumbo take on Alfdogg and Team Canada.







Oh, and here we go! It’s time for our first match on tonight’s show!


A lightning bolt hits the entrance, the PRL entrance video plays on the AngleTron, and "Know Your Role '99" begins playing, with the crowd standing up and cheering. PR is heard saying, "THE CHAMP IS HERE!" throughout the song, while smoke fills the entryway and strobe lights appear on the entrance set. A few seconds elapsed, the entrance doors slide open, and through the smoke comes "The Corporate Champion" Tha Puerto Rican to cheers. PR looks at the crowd with a smirk on his face. He does the Outsiders pointing gesture, and out from the smoke comes his manager and "Career Consultant" Stephen Joseph Popick to more cheers! P.R. high fives Popick. P.R. then raises his briefcase over his head. He looks at Popick, and the two men begin their walk down the entrance ramp.





Ladies and gentlemen, the following contest is scheduled for one fall with a thirty-minute TV time limit. Introducing first, coming to the ring at this time. At a total combined weight of 445 lbs. The team of Stephen Joseph Popick AND "The Corporate Champion" THA PUERTOOOOOOOOOOOOO RICCCCCCCCCCCCCCCAAAAAAAAAAAAAANNNNNNNNNNNNNNNN!



P.R. and Popick teaming up to wrestle for the first time in...I don’t know how long actually.



I can’t believe how gullible D*LUX is! This is SO obviously a trap.



Now, now, Coach. I wouldn’t say that. P.R.’s change alot since World Without End. Whereas before I would agree with you, now, I believe in PRL.



Just don’t be too surprise if PRL and Popick cheat in this match. The temptation will be too much for them.


The camera cuts to the ring where PRL’s opponents are waiting.





John Arnold and Bill Neilson get the typical jobber response. Tha Puerto Rican gets on the ring apron and looks at the crowd. Popick holds the ropes, and Tha Puerto Rican enters the ring. He spins around; soaking in the fans cheers while "Know Your Role

’99" continues playing over the P.A. system. Tha Puerto Rican does the HBK muscle pose while pyro goes off behind him. The crowd is still cheering.



Last week, PRL and Popick asked for a shot at the HI-YAH World Tag Team Titles. D*LUX said that if they could beat their opponents tonight WITHOUT cheating, then they would consider giving them a shot.



That match ain’t gonna happen. Watch, before this match is over, PRL and Popick are gonna cheat. It’s in their blood. It’s what they MUST do! They can’t help it!



If you’re right, I owe you a Coke.



Make it a Budweiser and I’m there.





PR heads to a second turnbuckle and raises his briefcase over his head. He then heads to another second turnbuckle and raises the briefcase over his head again. PR hits a third second turnbuckle, and raises the briefcase with his right hand in the air and "smells the electricity" a’la The Rock. PRL does the same Rock pose on the fourth second turnbuckle, receiving cheers. Popick scales another second turnbuckle, with his left foot on the top turnbuckle pad, and scans the crowd with a smirk on his face. Tha Puerto Rican and Stephen Joseph get off the turnbuckle, and remove their sunglasses. PRL removes his earring, and chats with Popick while the lights go back on in the arena.



We are just three weeks away from November Reign, and the main event, a Triple Steel Cage Match for the OAOAST World Heavyweight Title. And we still don’t know all the participants in the match!


P.R. removes his Puerto Rican FUBU baseball jersey and hands it over to a ringside attendant, along with his spray-painted briefcase. Popick removes his black shirt to SQUEALS from the teenage girls in the crowd. He can't believe that either. P.R. and Popick stand in one corner, John Arnold and Bill Neilson stand in the other. Referee Brian Hebner pats down PR/Popick and then Arnold and Neilson, and calls for the bell as "Know Your Role ’99" dies down.





The crowd is hot, chanting, "P.R.! P.R.!" Popick decides to go first for his team. He high fives P.R.



And here we go! Our first match tonight on HeldDOWN~!


Stephen Joseph and Bill Neilson circle the ring. They lock up. Popick knees Neilson in the gut. He then hits him with a CLUBBERIN’~! THEY BE CLUBBERIN’~! forearm. Popick with a chop!




Popick whips Neilson into the ropes. Neilson ducks the clothesline, bounces off the opposite ropes, and comes back with a crossbody! 1! No! Bill Neilson grabs Popick by his right arm and applies an arm-wringer on it. SJP screams out in pain. Neilson walks over to his corner and tags in John Arnold. Bill Neilson and John Arnold both whip Stephen Joseph into the ropes. Double back elbow! Arnold covers.





Arnold and Neilson in control and whoever expected that?



Watch Popick cheat in 3...2...


Arnold picks up Popick...only to get elbowed in the gut!






He did not. Calm down!


Popick rolls over to his corner and tags in Tha Puerto Rican to a loud pop. PRL charges forward and starts laying the smackdown on John Arnold with Rock-style punches to the temple. PRL grabs Arnold by his right hand and Irish whips him into the ropes--Reversed by Arnold--spinning heel kick by Arnold! Arnold covers...and gets a two count! John Arnold grabs PRL and gives him a bodyslam, followed by a jumping kneedrop onto PR’s face! Arnold makes the tag to Neilson.








The crowd trying to bring PRL back into this match!



He should just cheat and get it over with!


Bill Neilson grabs Puerto and whips him into the ropes, and follows with a dropkick! He goes for the cover, hooking the leg. 1! 2! Shoulder up! Neilson mutters something and then picks The Corporate Champ up again. He measures PRL, and then punches him in the face. Another right hand by Neilson! Irish whip into the ropes--PR reverses. PR puts his head down, so when Neilson returns, he kicks him in the head! PR is dazed, so Neilson charges forward...





Yeah! Yeah! That’s it! Way to go!



What a move by Tha Puerto Rican! Bill Neilson is on the outside!


We see the HeldDOWN~! Double Shot brought to you by Starbucks™. Meanwhile, Stephen Joseph exits the ring apron and throws Neilson back into the ring.



He cheated! Look!



He did not. He just threw him back into the ring. Popick didn’t cheat!



I’m keeping a close eye on you Popick!



Yeah, I bet.



And what’s that supposed to mean?


PRL starts with the shaky leg kicks as the crowd chants, "P.R.!" again. PR picks Neilson up and gives him a vertical suplex. PR rolls through, and gives Neilson another vertical suplex. P.R. rolls through a second time, and lifts Neilson up for a third vertical suplex, but holds him up in the air. Popick applauds PRL, and soon the crowd joins him. PR lets the blood rush to Neilson’s head.



Look at the strength of Tha Puerto Rican.



He’s probably doing some cheating right now!



Coach, enough.


PR does the "You can’t see me!" hand gesture, and then walks over to the ropes. He drops Neilson’s gut on the top ring rope and that allows him to do a slingshot suplex, completing the Corporate Trifecta! Afterwards, PR applauds himself, and the crowd follows suit!



Bunch of pavilion dogs these fans are!


Popick asks for a tag, and PR gives it to him. The former OAOAST World Heavyweight Champion begins with the stomping of Bill Neilson.



It’s been over a year since Popick first won the World Heavyweight Title at World Without End 2005.



Yeah, and it’s been 11 months since we’ve had to deal with Popick as Champion!


Stephen Joseph picks Neilson up. He gives him a wheelbarrow suplex! Popick then picks up Neilson again and whips him into the ropes. Neilson goes for a clothesline, but Popick ducks, grabs Neilson from behind, and nails him with a German Suplex! SJ then picks up Neilson again, kicks him in the gut, and gives him the X-Factor!








These fans are rooting for Stephen Joseph, and I STILL can’t believe it!


Stephen tries to go for his submission move, the Higher Calling, but Neilson elbows him in the face to escape. So Popick just jumps up and drops an elbow onto Neilson’s back!



Kind of like a mini-Corporate Elbow Drop right?





Speaking of which, Popick grabs Neilson and gives him a bodyslam. He then makes the tag to PRL, motioning for him to "Do your thang, baby!" So, Tha Puerto Rican climbs the top rope, causing the crowd to cheer.



Uh-oh. He could be going for it!


Tha Puerto Rican removes his left elbow pad, and throws it into the crowd. Some fans fight for the prized elbow pad, while PRL stands up on the top rope, looks down at Neilson, and then leaps off the top rope, doing the "Up yours!" hand gesture in mid-air.





He connected! Neilson just got hit with the Corporate Elbow Drop!


PR raises the Corporate Eyebrow after the move, and then covers Neilson.











The crowd groans.



That wasn’t enough!



NOW, they’re gonna cheat.


Puerto Rican gets up and stomps on Neilson. He then picks him up and whips him into the ropes. Tilt-a-whirl backbreaker! Cover. It gets two. P.R. picks Neilson again and whips him into a turnbuckle. P.R. looks at the crowd, and then charges forward, hitting the Stinger Splash on Neilson! P.R. then whips Neilson into the opposite turnbuckle, and follows with a clothesline! PR climbs the second turnbuckle, raises his left hand, and looks at the crowd.













Bill Neilson stumbles out from the turnbuckle...RIGHT INTO A CAPPA KILLA FROM THA PUERTO RICAN!



Cappa Killa! Cappa Killa!


PRL covers!















2 1/2











PR is shocked. He argues with Brian Hebner, but the referee still insists it was only a two count.



Cheat P.R. Come on, cheat! You know you want to.



You just don’t want to see PRL and Popick get the title shot, don’t you?



Yeah, pretty much.


PR and SJP glance at each other, and then make a tag. PR stomp on Neilson, and Popick whips him into a neutral corner. Popick then whips PR into that same corner, but Neilson moves away, and PR does the Bret Hart sternum bump into the turnbuckle! Neilson runs over to his corner and FINALLY makes the tag to John Arnold.



The tag is made! And the crowd doesn’t like it one bit!


Indeed, while normally the hot tag would cause the crowd to cheer, because these two gents are fighting PR and Popick, the hot tag is greeted with boos. John Arnold clotheslines Popick! He clotheslines him again! Arnold Irish whips Popick into the ropes. Popick gets met with a BAAAAAAAAACK BODY DROP! Arnold picks up Popick and punches him in the face several times. Fisherman’s Suplex! 1...2...POPICK KICKS OUT!



They’re in trouble now. They better cheat if they want to win!



Will you stop?


John Arnold, feeling the momentum shifting, picks Stephen Joseph Popick up, and whips him into the ropes--Popick reverses--and knees Arnold in the gut. SJ whips JA into a neutral corner. Popick charges...but gets hit with a lariat!





John Arnold and Bill Neilson could pull the upset here!



Imagine what it could do to their careers. To beat a former OAOAST World Champion and the longest reigning 24/7 Champion in OAOAST history. Come on Arnold! Come on Nelson!








John Arnold picks up Popick and takes him over to his corner.







Arnold tags in Bill Neilson. Arnold holds Popick while Neilson climbs the top rope. He jumps off with a double axehandle...only Popick moves out of the way and Neilson hits his own partner!



Oops. Bad move there!


A slightly fatigued Popick makes the tag to Tha Puerto Rican.





And PR’s back in this match!


P.R.’s ready to fight. Neilson goes for a punch, BLOCKED! P.R. punches Neilson! Then again! Then again! Whip into the ropes.





Oh no! Oh no!


Popick’s going crazy on the ring apron! And so is the crowd. The Corporate Champ stands over the fallen Neilson, who is lying in the center of the ring.



No! No! No! Anything but that!


PRL looks down at Neilson...and then kicks his right hand onto his chest. PR removes his right elbow pad...NO! John Arnold charges into the ring...but he gets thrown over the top rope onto the floor by Tha Puerto Rican! Without missing a beat, PR goes back to removing his right elbow pad, spitting on it, throwing it down onto Neilson’s face, and then doing those weird hand signals that he always does.



Here it comes!


PR bounces off the ropes, leaps over Bill Neilson, and then bounces off the opposite ropes.



It’s now time for the most electrifying move in professional wrestling, THE INTENSEZONE ELBOW!


PR stops to give Neilson the "FUCK YOU!" gesture, and then drops the IntenseZone Elbow!




PRL covers Neilson, hooking the leg.





















2 1/2
























John Arnold with the last second save for his team!



Phew. They were just about to lose to THAT move.


John Arnold punches PRL in the face several times. He whips him into the ropes--PRL reverses--and then hits Arnold with a flying clothesline! Arnold rolls out of the ring and PR makes the tag to Popick. Popick beats on Neilson for a while, and then places him in a standing headscissors. SJP lifts Neilson up, only for Neilson to slam him back down!





Neilson quickly takes advantage and covers Popick. 1...2...KICK OUT! Bill Neilson picks up Popick and whips him into the ropes...where PRL slaps Popick in the back! Brian Hebner sees this and counts it as a tag. As PRL enters the ring, Popick bounces off the ropes. Neilson goes for a tilt-a-whirl backbreaker but Stephen turns it into a headscissors takedown!



Great counter by Popick!


Tha Puerto Rican hits Neilson with the shaky leg kicks. He picks him up. PRL punches Neilson--BLOCKED! Neilson punches PRL! He punches him again! And again! And again! And again! Bill Neilson grabs Tha Puerto Rican by his head and runs up to the top turnbuckle, going for the ACID DROP!


HOWEVER! PR lands on his feet! Neilson turns around...







Sweet Chin Music! Tha Puerto Rican has just nailed Bill Neilson right in the jaw with the Sweet Chin Music!


Neilson is down and out. Tha Puerto Rican looks at the crowd.













That’s it! That’s the signal for the Corporate Nightmare!


Popick cheers P.R. on as he stalks Bill Neilson, getting ready to give him the Corporate Nightmare. Suddenly, PR changes his mind, and makes the tag to Popick.



Awww, isn’t that sweet? PR wants his manager to hit his finisher. I think I’m gonna barf!



PR wants his "Career Consultant" to finish the match!


PR picks up Bill Neilson while Popick ascends the second rope. Neilson is dazed and confused and is quite out of this match. Suddenly, John Arnold enters the ring again and attacks PRL from behind! PR lets go of Neilson, but unknowingly throws Neilson into the arms of Popick!



John Arnold doesn’t want to lose this match that’s for damn sure!


John Arnold beats on PRL while Popick watches, still holding Bill Neilson in a Full Nelson. Arnold stomps on Puerto, a look of ANGER~! on his face.





John Arnold picks up "The Corporate Champion" Tha Puerto Rican and whips him into the ropes. Arnold puts his head down, so PR kicks his head, causing Arnold to become stunned.





Corporate Nightmare! PRL has just given John Arnold the Corporate Nightmare!


John Arnold lies on the mat spread eagle.








Stephen Joseph Popick jumps off the second rope, pulling Bill Neilson into a Full Nelson Suplex, but he shifts his location so that he lands on his ass, doing a Stone Cold Stunner on Bill Neilson in the process!







Tha Puerto Rican covers John Arnold, and Stephen Joseph Popick covers Bill Neilson at the same time. The crowd counts along with Brian Hebner!


































PR and Popick did it! They won the match with no cheating!



Well, that shut me up.


"It Ain’t Over For Me" by Terrence Howard starts playing. Stephen Joseph raises his hands in victory with a smile on his face. PRL jumps up and down, a smile on his face too.





PRL and Popick high five and then embrace each other. John Arnold and Bill Neilson are still knocked out in the ring. "It Ain’t Over For Me" is still playing over the P.A. system.



D*LUX wanted Tha Puerto Rican and Stephen Joseph to win fair and square, and they did just that. So now, you have to wonder if D*LUX will give these two men a title shot in the future.



Oh, it’s gonna take alot more than one match to change D*LUX’s mind. If I were D*LUX, and thank God I’m not, I would see to it that PR/Popick would wrestle 10 matches STRAIGHT, with no cheating!



That’s a little too much, don’t you think?



No way. That’s too LITTLE if you ask me!


PRL and Popick celebrate their victory, playing to the cheering fans as the OAOAST HeldDOWN~! logo flashes across the screen.



Let’s take a look at some of the action that went down in this match!



Okay. So John Arnold and Bill Nelson--or Neilson, whatever his name is, got quite a bit of offense in this match. Not bad for two job--I mean, enhancement talent. So PR and Popick cheat, and PR gets the Corporate Elbow Drop. They then cheat some more and PR is able to hit John Arnold with the Sweet Chin Music. Finally, they cheat again and Popick hits Bill Neilson with the Finality. 1-2-3. And your Cheaters are Tha Puerto Rican and Popick!



They did not cheat at all in this match.



Yes they did. I have better eyesight than you, and I saw it.



You’re just making that up because you don’t like PR or Popick!



My dislike for PRL and Stephen Popick has nothing to do with my keen eye for cheaters!



Keep telling yourself that, Coach. Just keep telling yourself that.


"The Corporate Champion" Tha Puerto Rican and Stephen Joseph Popick have exited the ring. They are smiling and slapping hands with the fans as "It Ain’t Over For Me" continues playing.



And hey! Coming up next D*LUX will be in action! I bet they saw this match. We’ll be right back with the HI-YAH World Tag Team Champions right after this!


"The Corporate Champion" Tha Puerto Rican and his manager and "Career Consultant" Stephen Joseph Popick raise their hands in the air on the entrance ramp. The crowd cheers loudly. PRL and Popick walk through the entrance doors as "It Ain’t Over For Me" by Terrence Howard continues playing over the P.A. system.












"First To Believe" by A1 rocks through the arena and California shows their love for the California esque pretty boys, who are actually from Michigan, they be D*LUX. The HI-YAH Tag Champions rip open their dark blue denim jackets and show off the belts, popping some shapes to the beat as Jade Rodez follows. Warmly she waves out at some of the fans, despite clearly looking a little glum. But she does her job regardless, pointing the way for the duo, who hand-slap their way down the aisle.



The following tag team contest is scheduled for one fall! Making their way to the ring, being accompanied to the ring by their manager, Ms. Jade Rodez. At a total combined weight of three hundred and ninety seven pounds. They are the reigning HI-YAH World Tag Team Champions... "Showtime" Shayne Brave and "Tremendous" Tyler Bryant. Together, they are D*LLLLUUUUUUUUUXXXXXXXXXXX!!!!




Down the aisle come the boybanders, as Jade takes a quick detour over to the nearest camera and sends a message to her brother Leon to "Get well soon".



And in the ring... from Rio de Janeiro, two hundred twenty pounds, RICO DE JANEIRO! And his partner, from Albany, New York, weighing one hundred seventy nine pounds, TIMOTHY JACOBS!


The jobbers get the usual reaction, Timothy waving to the crowd as Rico strokes the porn 'stache!



Okay, back to action here on HeldDOWN~! with the HI-YAH Tag Team Champions, continuing to ease their way back into action. And they're going to need to keep that ring rust away, if what we saw earlier tonight is anything to go by. Tha Puerto Rican and Stephen Joseph Popick seem to have set their eyes on the HI-YAH Tag Titles and last week, they were told to prove themselves trustworthy enough to be given a shot. And to their credit, PRL and Popick did win earlier and did win it by the book.



Veeerry convenient. Notice how PRL and Popick are going after the nice guys' belts.



What does that mean.



Oh come on. This nice guy act might fool the 'modern meterosexual man' like you and D*LUX, but they're not fooling me. And notice they're not trying to fool The Sooner Bruisers into giving them a World Tag Title shot. I guess PRL doesn't fancy getting a 69 Driver and some enforced time off like The Marv, eh?



Conspiracy theories make you sound crazy, Coach. Especially when they're unfounded.


D*LUX hand off the belts to Jade, who hasn't bothered making an entrance into the ring. Which is probably for the best, as Rico notices the turned backs of the champs and attacks from behind!





Rico de Janeiro, from behind!



I guess he's sick of playing enhancement. He's steppin' it up tonight!





Even Rico's partner seems shocked by the attack, stomping down Tyler and Shayne in turn. But Jacobs eventually takes his partner's lead and joins in with the kicks. Rico pulls Tyler out of the corner, leaving his partner to deal with Shayne as he plants The Tremendous One with a scoop slam, centre ring. Turning out to the LA crowd, an obviously appearance proud Rico strokes down the porno stache before backing off the ropes, strolling back and dropping the leg on Tyler...
















Coming back to his feet, the ruthless streak continues from Rico as he puts the boots to Tyler some more. Rico then yells over at his rookie partner. Calling the shots, Rico pins Tyler's arms behind his back and leaves him wide open for some bodyshots from Jacobs.



I don't think D*LUX were expecting this level of intensity from Jacobs and Rico.



They're going to have to get used to getting jumped from behind if they give PRL and Popick a titleshot.


Calling a halt to the attack, Rico spins Tyler around and lands a knee to the gut. He then hauls Tyler up over his shoulder looking to put him in the Canadian Backbreaker. But the slippery boybander slips out of his grip, landing behind the Brazilian and dropkicking him in back. Like any good boyband, D*LUX move in unison. And at the same time as his partner dropkicking Rico, Shayne dropkicks Jacobs in the back, causing the opponents to clock heads!




Down goes Jacobs, as Tyler turns Rico around and pitches him to the floor. D*LUX quickly position themselves as Jacobs then stumbles back to his feet, groggily turning around...








...and getting KOed with stereo Superkicks!



Hit Me Baby One More Time! A shout-out to the newly divorced Ms. Spears.



I'm still celebrating.


The rookie is probably there for the taking right now. But for some reason D*LUX decide they need to put an exclamation point on the win, hauling Jacobs up by an arm a-piece. Wringing out the arm, Tyler pulls Jacobs in a hoiks him up into a fireman's carry, parading him around. Shayne runs the ropes meanwhile, bumping Rico off the apron as he rebounds back and snatches Jacobs' head, Tyler coming down with the Samoan Drop as Shayne connects with the Neckbreaker!



And that's the Rock Your Body!


Shayne keeps guard, while Tyler makes the pin...




















And D*LUX, impressive again






Your winners of the match... the HI-YAH World Tag Team Champions, D*LUXXXXXXX!!


The celebrations are cut short though, as the victorious boybanders are clattered from behind by Rico!





What the... Rico obviously doesn't care that the match is over!



Rico's sick of paying his dues, he's showing the world he's here on HeldDOWN~! to do more than pick up a losers cheque week in and week out!


Rico puts the puts to Shayne Brave, Jade not daring to get involved and Tyler unable to due to the clothesline to the back of the head he just got socked with. But suddenly the crowd come alive, all heads turning to the entrance way as help is on the way.


Sprinting to the ring, THA PUERTO RICAN and STEPHEN JOSEPH POPICK slide in and get Rico's attention. The Brazilian, running on adrenaline, doesn't think anything of the two on one odds and swings for Popick with a clothesline. But SJP ducks, causing Rico to sprawl right into the arms of Tha Puerto Rican and the LATIN SLAM!!



What the hell is this!?



It's The Puerto Rican and Popick with the save! And I'm as shocked as Jade Rodez seems to be!


With the save made, PRL and Popick aren't hanging around. Popick exits the ring, making brief eye contact with Jade as she hovers on the ring steps and looks at her as if to say "do you trust us now?", while PRL stops to smell the elctricity, one foot on Rico's back just to look more dominant.



This is ridiculous! PRL and Popick have no business out here!



What are you talking about Coach? Without PRL and Popick, D*LUX would have been on the end of even more of a beatdown.



So? What business is that to Tha Puerto Rican or to Popick? Since when have they been so concerned about D*LUX's physical well-being? I'm telling you, they're just trying to suck up to D*LUX to get a titleshot, they're not fooling me.



Why is it that when somebody does the right thing for a change, there has to be some sinister motive. PRL and Popick are just trying to prove to D*LUX that they've changed, that's all.


PRL and Popick stroll off to the back as back in the ring, Jade checks on her charges. It seems they were saved just in time though, Shayne just shaking off the attack while Tyler stares up at the rampway, looking curiously at the exiting PRL.


We cut to the backstage area as a phalanx of photogs are gathered tightly, each jostling for a good spot.



What's this all about? Drek Stone going to hold another "press conference"?



Drek's spending every waking hour preparing for the Triple Cage match, Cole. Damn that Watts.



There it is!


The camera pans over to show a pair of headlights approaching the area, those belonging to a limosuine as it pulls into the talent entrance of the Staples Center. It comes to a stop and before the chauffeur can get around to open the door, the photographers and some stray female fans bumrush it, flashbulbs popping. The door opens and a burly bald bodyguard (I'm just rolling with the alliteration tonight) forces the crowd to push back and allow Staci and James Riggs to step out of the limo. James is in his usual silver leather coat and sunglasses, his bag draped over his shoulder. Staci wears tight hip-hugging jeans and red belly shirt, trying to not go blind as they hurry towards safety.











......er....STACI, I LOVE YOU!!!!!



He's here, Cole! James Riggs is in the building!! Staci looks HAWT tonight!



Was I the only one that saw Josh there? Ah, whatever he wants to do. We'll be back with more in a bit.


Commercial break

Edited by Tony149

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Before the break, we saw a rare, honourable side to Tha Puerto Rican and Stephen Joseph Popick, as they came to D*LUX's aid and saved them from a sneak attack from Rico de Janeiro. And it seems like they proved themselves to D*LUX in the process, because this is what happened during the commercial break...





Having just played the role of heroic nice-guys for probably the first time in their lives, Tha Puerto Rican and Stephen Joseph Popick have stopped just past the curtains to collect themselves. Popick sits on an anvil case clutching his hand with gritted teeth while PRL, still fired up, is trying to calm himself back down. Behind them meanwhile the curtains ripple. PRL jumps, dropping into a stance ready to attack Rico once more. But it's not Rico, but D*LUX, who emerge.



Oh. Hey, you guys okay?



We're... fine. Is everything okay?



Ah well, Popick bent his finger back sliding into the ring, like the clutz he is. No big deal.



No big deal!? This hurts like fu...



SO, we'd best get you to the trainer's room, eh Popick. Before you say something out of turn.


PRL drags Popick to his feet and they begin to walk off, before finally Jade speaks up.






Wha... oh, don't mention it. We're just glad to have been assistance. It was actually kinda fun, running out there, the crowd cheering for a change, the sense of justice and... stuff.



Listen, me and the guys have been talking and with the match earlier, then what you did out there, we're willing to give you a chance.


Stopping in their tracks, PRL and Popick wheel around with expectant smiles.



How does November Reign sound?



November Reign? Sounds great! As long as you're ALL sure that we're trustworthy enough.


PRL raises The Corporate Eyebrow in D*LUX's direction, noticing that they still look a little sceptical. But it seems that's just the natural reaction from the head, but maybe not what the heart is saying...



See you at November Reign.


Extending their hands, Tyler and Shayne look to finalise the deal. And sure enough, PRL warmly shakes hands with the HI-YAH Tag Team Champions, Popick declining because of his injured finger but nodding in acceptance instead.






So, I guess that makes it official. Tha Puerto Rican and Stephen Joseph Popick taking on D*LUX at November Reign, with the HI-YAH World Tag Team Championships on the line! Two great singles wrestlers, challenging one of the most cohesive teams in the OAOAST today. Should be a very interesting match Coach.



Until they start cheating.



I assume by 'they' you don't mean D*LUX.



PRL cannot be trusted. Jade should have learnt that lesson from her brother, she'll learn it at November Reign.



Why can't you ever be impartial. It's always one extreme or another with you.



That's how the Coach swings, baby.


We are backstage in the Wildcards' locker room. The mood is a little tense to say the least as Bruce Blank, Bloodshed and a hurt Todd Cortez are all staring at Landon Maddix.



Hey guys, how's it going? You... you look kinda... what's going on?



I think you owe us an explanation Landon!!



What do you mean? Explain what?



Oh don’t play cute with us Landon, War Games!!



Ah… yes that.


Landon grins nervously as Bruce brings up that match. Bruce, Bloodshed and Cortez all take a step closer to Landon kinda forcing him into the corner as La Cucaracha gulps nervously.



I mean it was easy, all you had to do was NOT quit!



Well I.. I know that Bruce...



NOT quit!! The opposite of quit!



I know Bruce, I do know the rules.


Bruce looks at Bloodshed, then at Cortez as if he’s trying to figure out what to do with Landon Maddix



You let us down man!



Look guys, it’s not that simple. I'm a young guy. A guy with needs. Todd knows what I'm talking about. I HAD to – you all saw the situation I was in, I mean what would you have done?



Not quit.



Not quit.



Not quit.



Looks like it’s unanimous Landon.



Look guys I’m sorry alright? I tried my best. And look on the bright side, it’s not like we’ve been kicked out of the federation or anything – we can turn this around guys!!


Bruce just stares at Landon



...I’m sorry alright? I apologize and I...





Bruce takes another step toward Landon with his hands clenched. The big man raises his fist as Landon pushes himself back against the wall with his eyes shut tightly waiting for the blow.



Then Bruce smiles and pads Landon on the shoulder instead



Lighten up bro, you’ll have a heart attack before you turn 30 if you keep being so on edge.



Bu... but I…


Landon figures that right now he might be better served by shutting up. First time for everything I guess.



But you really need to toughen up Landon, especially if you’re planning on still hanging around with the Wildcards. War Games may have passed but the war is still going on, you know?


Landon just slowly nods in response to Bruce’s suggestion that he toughens up. After the nod Bruce laughs and then puts his arm around Landon’s shoulder and drags the much smaller La Cucaracha with him.



You know I could teach you a thing or two Landon.


* Fade Out *


COLE (in singsong manner)

Lan-don's in trou-ble!

Lan-don's in trou-ble!

Lan-don's in trou-ble!



If I was Landon, I'd see that my insurance is all paid up right now.


"Mean" Gene Okerlund holds center stage atop the one and only interview stage.



Los Angeles, California...LOS DIABLOS DE FUEGO!


"It's Raining Men" blaring overhead and Mrs. Spezia's Sweeties produced gingerbread men falling from the ceiling (designed like Los Diablos themselves), Moracca and Mariachi prance onto the stage covered in glitter. Lots of body glitter. The ambiguously gay duo get Gene to bump and grind with them once on the platform. For added effect, they mask Gene's baldness with -- you guessed it -- glitter!



Gentlemen, it was 3 weeks ago tonight, in front of a worldwide television audience, that you were forced to watch as your masoct El Ovéja was for all intents and purposes brutally executed right before your very eyes. I know how difficult it must've been for you to muster up the strength to appear last week and cost the Beverly Hills Blonds their match against Rescue 911 in what I'm sure you believe was a justified act.



(broken English)

"Mean" HACHI MACHI Gene, ole, please forgive me and my partner for our speak as our English no very good. But what was good was our time spent with El Ovéja. His time on this planet or in America wasn't long, but he left a legacy of peace and happiness in all our lives. He touched our hearts and souls with his happy-go-lucky lifestyle. A life that began in a factory in China, El Ovéja was shipped to a Wal-Mart supercenter in New Mexico where he found his way into our lives some months after Mariachi and I crossed the border in search of work in OAOAST. Did you know Mexico and New Mexico are different places, Mr. Sparkle Sparkle?



That I did. Both lovely places, too.



Si, amigo. Amore. Love. Los Diablos de Fuego full of it. Which is why we don't mourn the death of El Ovéja. We celebrate his life. We dedicate our careers to his memory, his spirit. Never in my wildest wet dream could I imagine somebody would be so vicious, so spiteful that they would mercilessly end the life of a poor baby. But that's exactly what Los Conquistadors and Beverly Hills Blonds did. They were big ol' meanies. Now they make us mad and angry. And you wouldn't like us when we're angry.


Call me (call me) on the line

Call me, call me any, anytime





¿Qué es esto? What is this?


No red carpet arrival for the Beverly Hills Blonds and Mackenzie DeCenzo. It's all business tonight. The trendsetters that they are, Simon Singleton and Ned Blanchard are determined to bring the 1980s Miami Vice look back into the mainstream, decked out in pastal suits and sunglasses. Mackie's hot as usual, showing off those legs in a short skirt and carrying a GUCCI PURSE.



Moracca, Mariachi, I beg your pardon, gentlemen. I didn't expect this at all.

(to Blonds)

Mackenzie DeCenzo, what is the meaning of this? You 3 have no reason to be out here.



Gene, darling, we're rich and famous. That's all the reason we need. Isn't that right, Ned?



You're exactly right, Mackie. But there's another reason for us to be out here other than being rich and famous, liver spot, and that's to clear up the lies spread by those two "homies," Los Diablos de Fuego. So I directed my comments to them. Just because you've replaced Chicks Over Dicks as America's sweethearts, it doesn't give you the right to slander the good names of the Beverly Hills Blonds and Los Conquistadors. Thanks to your lies my kid thinks I'm the world's worst father -- something years of brainwashing by my ex-wife couldn't even do -- because Los Conquistadors, on their own accord, decided to deviant from the script and rip your stupid $5.99 inflatable sheep doll apart. Is that what you wanted, to drive a wedge between father and daughter?



How dare Ned use his daughter like a prop.



If I may interrupt you, Ned.



No, you certainly may not.



That's not how I recall those events.



Of course not. You're senile.



I'm sure our fantastic production crew have the video in the truck, if you don't believe me.




I don't need to see something I remember so vividly.



Look at you. You're stumbling over your own words!



These guys are con artists and homewreckers, Okerlund. They suck you in with some sob story and then steal your wallet, rape your sons, or even worse...prevent you from going to the pay window, which they're gulity as charge of doing to us. Yeah, and a great story it is, fellas. A real tear jerker. If there's anyone on this stage you wouldn't like to see angry, it's Simon Singleton and Ned Blanchard. So now that we're standing face-to-face, why don't you try to fight us like hetrosexual men? Let's see how tough you are when you're staring us in the eye and not our butts.



I wouldn't count on it, man. They got no balls. Hahaha.


* WHAP *










Moracca SLAPS Ned and then catches him with a right hand. Soon all 4 men are slugging it out on the podium! Gene and Mackenzie run for cover. Then the unfathomable. Los Diablos de Fuego are ambushed by LOS CONQUISTADORS. The Blonds burst in laughter, like they've just seen the Santa Claus 3, as the Golden Boys pumpel the flaming luchadors to a chorus of boos. All 3 members of the Enterprise decide to view the action from the friendly confines of the arena floor, thus putting themselves out of harm's way. But given the current circumstances, that seems highly unlikely.



It was a set-up! It was a damn set-up! Damn them!



Once again my main man Teddy Moneymaker funded the lastest Beverly Hills Blonds motion picture. And damn if they don't know how to write a great script. It sucked you right in.


In typical Blonds fashion, Los Conquistadors write Mariachi out of the scene following a hot shot, tossing him outside like a dog that can't stop peeing on the brand new rug imported from Japan. The Blonds disappear and then re-appear with Charles Robinson in toll. Charles enters the squared circle and signals for the bell.





You've got to be kidding me. They're actually gonna let this continue?



Los Diablos de Fuego did agree to wrestle.



Yeah, the Beverly Hills Blonds, not Los Conquistadors. I'm now being told by our directior Peter Piper this indeed IS a sanction match. Who the hell thought that was a good idea? Didn't they see what happened? Los Diablos de Fuego got jumped by Los Conquistadors, damnit. I guess Theodore Moneymaker is right: Money talks.


Los Conquistadors shoot Moracca into the ropes and clothesline him. Dos (Conquistadors wanted to shake things up by having Dos start) then drops a big elbow and goes for the cover, but Moracca kicks out before a count can be made. Clinching his fist in ANGIER~! Moracca lands a series of right hands to the midsection, then rocks the Conquistador with shots to the face...but Dos drives the knee into the gut and rams Moracca into the boot of Uno in the corner. An exchange is made and Uno shows everyone why his mommy and papi named him "number one" in Spanish, chopping Moracca hard against the turnbuckles. Uno whips Moracca to the far corner and charges in, but Moracca gets the foot up and kicks Uno in the face! Moracca applies a front facelock and climbs onto the middle rope, spinning around and down...on his feet in the center of the ring as Uno shoves him off. Moracca ducks under a clothesline and drills Uno with a SPRINGBOARD LEG LARIAT!








The good samaritan that he is, Moracca brings Uno up to his feet and pays for it, although he didn't have any goodwill in mind himself, as the Golden Boy RAKES the eyes. Uno raises his fist in the air before delivering a vertical suplex later, which is followed up by a big legdrop. No attempt at a pin is made as Uno feels Moracca hasn't been weaken enough, so he tags Dos. Los Conquistadors display some amazing teamwork as Uno smashes the forearm into the midsection while Dos comes off the ropes and snaps Moracca over in a swinging neckbreaker! Dos again passes over a pin attempt in favor of a bodyslam, then heads to the top. BIG SPLASH...MISSES ITS MARK!








Look at the experssion on Blanchard's face. After everything that's happened, Los Diablos de Fuego now find themselves with an opportunity to get back into the match if Moracca can just make the tag. He had the presence of mind to move out of the way, but you gotta wonder how much he has left in him. So far he's taken the brunt of the punishment. Right from the start, in fact.



Behind the masks and body glitter, Los Diablos de Fuego are spirited competitiors. Can't deny that. Won't deny that. But they don't have the support of the Enterprise.



They have the fans support.




The fans can't jump in the ring and hit somebody with a chair, baby boy. Not saying the Blonds or Enterprise would, because unlike the Devils of the Fire Simon and Ned don't need to resort to those kinds of tatics. They have something called talent.


Moracca and Dos tag out simultaneously. Uno rushes inside to meet Mariachi head-on, but ends up walking straight into a SPRINGBOARD SEATED SENTON and a faceful of crotch!








Dos makes the save just in the nick of time. His next move isn't as successful, however. Mariachi floats over an attempted bodyslam and takes Dos down with an inverted facebuster! He rolls back onto his feet and slams a charging Uno. Then flying headscissors for everyone, followed by a double coconut! Moracca returns to the fold, hooking up with Mariachi to nail Dos with a double dropkick! And it doesn't get any better for Los Conquistadors or the Beverly Hills Blonds. Simon and Ned can only watch as Uno winds up on the receiving of a SODOMIZER!



There it is! The Sodomizer! It's over! It's all over!


Ned jumps on the apron and grabs the attention of not only the referee but Los Diablos de Fuego as well. Meanwhile, over at the corner, Simon shields Mackenzie from the eye of the referee and Los Diablos as she hands her Gucci purse to Dos. He opens it up and pulls out the dreaded BARB WIRE COAL MINER'S GLOVE.



Oh, no. It's that damn glove. The very glove that busted open Los Diablos de Fuego on two separate occasions and shreded El Ovéja to pieces.


Glove in place, Dos sneaks up on Los Diablos but gets caught in the act, causing him to panic and swing wildly. Both Diablos duck and give him the KISS OF DEATH~! Not all is lost, though. The bright minds that they are the Blonds also devised an alternate ending, plan B. Simon slides in and rumbles towards Los Diablos, who leapfrog over the top...ACCIDENTLY SENDING HIM INTO THE REFEREE!





We don't have a referee. He got squashed between both Blonds. How Los Diablos must envy him right now.



Enough with the gay jokes. We've got a serious problem out here. No referee.


That's not the only problem. After Simon is driven into the mat courtesy of a DOUBLE HALF-NELSON FACEBUSTER, Ned wallops Moracca across the back with Mariachi's own PITCHFORK, then jabs it in Mariachi's gut and throat!



You live by the pitchfork, you die by the pitchfork, fellas. Hahaha.


Ned drapes Uno on top of Mariachi and exits, where he helps Mackenzie roll the referee back in. Charles Robinson shakes off the cobwebs and makes the count.













Excuse me, fans. I want to barf. What a disgrace this is. The Beverly Hills Blonds should be ashamed of themselves.



Look on the bright side, Mikey. It makes up for last week. Now Moracca and Mariachi will know what it feels like to have victory snatched out from under them.


The Blonds and Conquistadors are joined by an exuberate Theodore Moneymaker and Christian Wright. Handshakes all around. Then all 6 men turn their attention to Los Diablos de Fuego, still laid out on the canvas. Teddy removes his jacket and asks CW to hold Moracca up. Punch after punch after punch. Moracca unable to defend himself. Likewise for Mariachi, who too experiences the wrath of Theodore Moneymaker.



Hey, come on. There's no need for this.


Cole isn't the only one who feels this way, so does...Ned Blanchard? The Handsome Hustler tells the man who signs his checks that's enough. Everyone looks at Ned in stunned disbelief. Blanchard explains his actions by carefully yanking the barb wire coal miner's glove off the hand of Dos and putting it on his, drawing cheers from his associates. Ned is about to strike when RESCUE 911 shockingly hit the ring a house afire, taking on all members of the Enterprise and Los Conquistadors...and living to tell about it!





Who do these guys think they are?







Listen to that, Coach. A 9-1-1 chant. The fans certainly appreciate what EMT Tim and Officer Bosley have done, as I'm sure Los Diablos de Fuego will as well.


7 people who aren't pleased are The Enterprise and Los Conquistadors. Theodore on the verge of blowing a gasket. Mackenzie having to calm him down. Rescue 911 help Los Diablos de Fuego to their feet as "It's Raining Men" hits. Moracca and Mariachi finally notice the hunky studs assisting them.



:wub: :wub:



Now I think I'm the one about to barf.



Something tells me we haven't heard the last of this. Still to come, an interview with the World tag team champions, the Sooner Bruisers. Don't go away! HeldDOWN~! returns right after this.


Commerical break

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Ladies and gentlemen the following match is set for one fall with a 20 minute time limit!! Introducing first from the Space Academy weighing in at 172 pounds the SPACEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE PHAEROOOO!!



This is the debut of the Space Cadets here in the OAOAST, straight out of Mexico!



Straight out of a B movie you mean.




The music comes to a screeching halt as Landon Maddix walks out through the curtains to a chorus of boos and trash throwing.



What's HE doing here? this is supposed to be the Space Phaero against "It".



I was just backstage and it looks like this Phaero guy got himself lost or something cause he ain't there.




Landon just smiles as if the crowd was actually cheering him.



And his opponent? Well who knows...



They probably attacked both of them backstage.



I wouldn't be surprised if they did.



Since there seem to be a gap in the schedule here I know a few people who've got a few things to say...


Landon is soon joined by Bruce Blank, Bloodshed and Todd Cortez who's looking the most jaded of all, due to the attack last week that left him laying. The Wildcards and Landon head to the ring, ignoring the boos of the crowd as they rain down over the four invaders.



First of all, I think a well deserved round of applause should be heard for Todd Cortez, after getting jumped on live television by those bastard Hooligans, and the "role model" himself, Zack Malibu!


Landon, Bruce and Bloodshed all stand back and applause Cortez who seems touched by the sentiment.



Funny how SOME people can get a nice cushy hospital bed just for a bit of a boo-boo while Todd here can't even get his medical bills covered by the OAOAST!!



Typical for OAOAST!



Damn right it is. This federation is filled with cowards who would rather jump someone from behind when he's alone! This federation is filled with thugs and goons who'd rather INJURE than wrestle.



You'll have to excuse me but my Irony-meter just exploded.



I think these comments might have been more convincing if they didn't come from the Wildcards.



I mean Zack deliberately waited until he knew we wouldn't be around to viciously attack Todd Cortez!! I mean he tried to break the poor guy's neck? Now what kind of ANIMAL would do that? What kind of SAVAGE would try to deliberately break someone's neck?





Oh that's right cheer for the little bastard! You people just love back jumping cowards don't you?


Todd takes the microphone, pausing as he waits out the crowds boos.



You think last week was supposed to scare us? You think last week intimidated any one of us in the slightest? Let me tell you something, ZACK...last week reeked of desperation. You and your new running buddies are getting down to the end of the line, and you know it. You know that no matter what you do, in the end, we find a way to get to you. To hurt you. There's no more saving face, Zack. There's nothing left to be saved...not your company, not your friends, not your family, NOT YOUR LIFE. You're not a marked man, Zack...you're just a dead man walking!






Last week Todd was here on his own because the SWF dictated that we needed to recuperate and fulfill our duties to them, and that meant I wasn't here for you Todd and I'm sorry man.





You know I've been going about this all wrong, I've wanted everyone to fear me... but that's too easy to do, what I'm going to do is a lot harder than fear, a lot harder than hatred. I am going to make you and everyone in the back do the ONE THING you thought you'd never do. I'm going to make you RESPECT ME!!



Not a chance in hell!



You don't have to like me but so help me God I'll make you respect me! To ensure that these rats can't take advantage of the SWF taking a lot of our time I have made a decision, I have made a choice - I've dedicated myself to the Wildcards and to what we're doing here in the OAOAST!



What's he saying!?



I've walked away from the SWF, the OAOAST has my undivided attention!






Malibu you still haven't put ME down and now I'm not distracted by anything else, now I'm OAOAST exclusive and there will be hell to pay!



Bruce chose the OAOAST over the SWF?



Man he must REALLY hate Malibu to dedicate ALL his time to it!



I... well I... damn. Damn.


Shocked, Landon Maddix rushes over to the mic, yanking it from Bruce and excitedly questioning him.



You're not kidding? You left the SWF?


Landon looks a little confused, it was news to him, but Blank simply nods his head towards his ally.



I got something important to do here Landon, I can't be distracted. And hey think of it this way, one less contender for your tag-team titles.


That comments makes Landon crack a smile, he hadn't thought about that. Now he wouldn't be forced to face Bruce in the SWF any more, he could dig it.



Hooligans, Malibu... hell even Angelsault himself, with time you will all shake my hand and admit that I am the better man! The Wildcards are not wrong when they say that the OAOAST can't stop us only slow us down!!


And with that Bruce throws the microphone down, marking a hasty exit for the foursome who didn't belong out here in the first place.



A focused, dedicated Bruce Blank here in the OAOAST?



I don't think I like the sound of that actually. This company has his undivided attention...and that could be the worst news for us yet.





Featuring a TRIPLE CAGE MATCH for the OAOAST Heavyweight Championship of the World!

Thanksgiving Weekend, ONLY on Pay-Per-View!





It's time, Cole! It's time!!!



Will you settle down? Guy has only been in the company a few weeks and you are drooling already. Staci's just going to shoot you down just like EVERY OTHER female around here.



Please, you don't know me.








The opening strains of Dani California welcome us back to the arena. James Riggs and Staci step out to a fairly positive reaction, mainly because his years on the California indy circuit are still remembered. If they knew him better, they would be wanting to strangle his smug ass.





The following is scheduled for one fall with a twenty minute time limit. Approaching the ring, being accompanied by Staci, he hails from Torrence, California, weighing in at two hundred and thirty-six pounds...JAAAAMES RRRRRIGGGGGGGS!!!!



As we said, this is the HeldDOWN debut of James Riggs, a man who made history in winning his first match here in the OAOAST at Syndicated in a record seventeen point five seconds.


Staci leads him up onto the apron and balances herself on the middle rope, holding them open for her man, who plants a kiss on her exposed midrift as he ducks under the top rope causing her to theatrically throw her head back and giggle.



And his opponent, weighing in at two hundred and twenty-eight pounds.....Ben Orenthal!



We got some words from James earlier tonight, so let's go to them now.


The main screen sinks to the lower right and a new window flies in on the upper left showing Riggs and Staci standing in front of a HD backdrop.



I know that everyone was anticipating my HeldDOWN debut last week, but Staci and I were celebrating my debut victory in Cancun and.....well, let's just say our (sly smile to Staci) all night "celebration" left us a little tired out and we missed our flight to Phoenix. It doesn't matter, because I know my growing legion of fans would rather see me make my television debut in one of the greatest cities in the world instead of some hole in the middle of the desert. Syndicated was just a sneak preview, so sit back, relax, and enjoy the action packed season premiere....of James Riggs.


We go back to live action just as the bell rings and Orenthal tries to gain the upper hand early, charging in and peppering Riggs with right hands, backing him into the ropes and shooting him off, but Riggs reverses the whip, sending Ben into the ropes and charging after him, ducking under a clothesline attempt and springboarding off the middle rope with a flying forearm smash. He pulls Orenthal up by the hair and quickly hooks him for a snap suplex, floating over for the cover.





2.....but Ben kicks out. Riggs pulls him up again and brings him to the corner, delivering repeated kicks to the gut before using the middle rope to bounce up and score with a kick to the jaw. He sets him up for a whip to the opposite corner and charges after him, looking for a Stinger splash, but Orenthal moves out of the way just in time, sending Riggs crashing chest first into the turnbuckles. Riggs recoils back and spins around right into the arms of Orenthal, who takes him over with a northern lights suplex and pin.





2....but Riggs kicks out. Ben charges and Riggs drops down, allowing Ben to leap over him and hit the opposite ropes. Riggs tries a hiptoss but Ben floats through it, knees James in the gut to double him over, flips over him and picks him up for a backdrop suplex, but Riggs shifts his weight and falls forward, planting Orenthal face first into the mat. Riggs rolls to his feet and waits for Ben to get to a sitting position before he bounces off the ropes and dropkicks him right in the nose. He covers.





2.....but Ben kicks out again.



Some amazing action here. We're just letting it speak for itself right now.


Riggs pulls Ben to his feet again and pushes him into the ropes, firing off a pair of stinging chops to the chest before he shoots him off, but Orenthal reverses again, sending Riggs into the opposite ropes. Orenthal ducks for a backdrop, but Riggs leaps over him, landing behind Ben and hooking him in a full nelson. He picks him up, but instead of slamming him to the mat or onto his BUTT, Riggs drops to a sitting position himself and turns Ben sideways a bit, dropping him backfirst onto his knees.





Ooh, his upper back and neck right onto the knee. That has to sting.


Riggs covers.










Ben barely kicks out before three. Riggs slaps the mat and protests to the referee while Ben grabs the back of his neck, a grimace visible on his face as Riggs drags him back up and whips him into the corner again, charging in and springboarding off the middle rope to score with another dropkick to the face. Ben slumps in the corner while Staci applauds at ringside. Riggs gets to his feet and whips Ben into the opposite corner before he looks over to her, blowing her a kiss and raising his arm into the air.



This may be the end here.


Riggs charges at Ben, rolls forward and buries his foot into his face with the rolling wheel kick!!



There it is! That devastating kick!


Ben flops face first to the mat and Riggs rolls him onto his back and covers.



It's all over but the shouting.


















Dani California plays as Riggs rolls off him and Staci hops onto the apron to enter the ring. Riggs lets the referee raise his hand for about a second before he pulls it away and gets his congratulatory kiss from Staci.



LLadies and gentlemen, here is your winner....JAAAAAAMES RRRRRRRIGGGGGGGGSSSSSS!!!



An impressive HeldDOWN debut for James Riggs.



I guess he wasn't just bragging when he said he was good, eh Cole?



There's still plenty of guys in the back that would give him a run for his money, but you can't help but be impressed by this 25 year old. Let's go to Josh.


We cut to the back, but instead of Josh Matthews being ready to interview a big OAOAST star, the camera catches him in front of a monitor, clapping and hopping with glee as Riggs exits the ring.



That's right! You kicked his ass, JR!


(Back to SC)





Hoping to get that previous image out of everyone's minds as quickly as possible, Mean Gene fairly SPRINTS down the aisle and slides into the ring, taking his place in center ring.



*Whew* Old legs still have it. *Ahem* I've already conducted one explosive interview tonight, and I may have another considering my guests at this time, the One & Only tag team champions of the world, Big Frank and Uber Bruiser...THE SOONER BRUISERS!


Call it "Frankenstein" meets the boo birds. Los Angeles giving the tag team champions the business, as the Bruisers maneuver their way around OAOAST crew members cleaning up the gingerbread men leftover from Los Diablos de Fuego's entrance. As usual, Big Frank poses for the cameras as baby brother Uber HOWLS to the heavens.




Unprovoked, a beared crew member breaks a BROOM across the back of the Man of Tomorrow, while another shoves Uber into the STEEL GUARDRAIL.



Michael, are you see this?



Indeed I am, Gene. Two stage hands have just attacked the World tag team champions!



What is with people tonight? First we had Los Diablos de Fuego attacking the Beverly Hills Blonds, and now this.


The men remove their caps and beards to reveal...







They're back! The Heavenly Rockers are back!


Kicking ass and taking names at that. The Heavenly Rockers hammer away on the Sooner Bruisers. Logan choking Frank with his official "OAOAST CREW" t-shirt. Meanwhile, Synth uses a fan's camera to snap a photo of Uber and then bash him over the skull with it! OAOAST officials quickly rush to the scene to restore order. Synth and Logan more than happy to oblige with their requests to leave, big smiles on their faces as they've one up the men who put them on the self for months.



What a night of surprises it has been. And we still have more to come!


Commercial break

Edited by KingPK

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Welcome back to HeldDOWN~!, one and all! We're live in the Sunshine State and on the road to November Reign, just two and a half weeks away now from the much less sunny Vancouver, British Columbia. Call your local cable companies right now to order in advance and avoid disappointment.



And who knows who's going to even make it that far! We've been having some bad luck with injuries recently.



Yes. For those of you who weren't watching two weeks ago... well, firstly, why the hell not!? But on a more diplomatic note, you missed a battle for the Tag Team Championship between The Sooner Bruisers and The Sk8ter Boiz.



Not so much a battle as a massacre.



Well, we've got a medical update that makes tough reading for The Boiz's fans. Marv cracked a couple of ribs in the midst of the match, while Mel suffered a suspected stinger courtesy of the 69 Driver from Big Frank. He briefly complained of lost feeling in his right arm as he was stretchered out. Luckily, doctors found that Mel didn't suffer a broken neck as first feared, but did displace his C2 vertebrea, meaning Mel unfortunately finds himself on the neck injury shelf, another victim of the dominant World Tag Team Champions.



Maybe it's a blessing in disguise. They've had a rough deal recently.



We wish Mel a speedy recovery of course. A speedy recovery too wished upon Leon Rodez, also on that neck injury shelf indefinately. And add to that the 24/7 Champion, Bohemoth, who was put on the shelf after Syndicated with a shoulder injury, meaning the cancellation of the Six Man Tag from two weeks back and the House Rules Relay Match which was to take place this week.



Well, that and the lawsuit the SWF threatened.



Ix-nay on the awsuit-lay.






Nevermind. Point is, we won't be seeing House Rules Relay, which is probably for the best, but the five teams scheduled to be in that match besides The Sk8ter Boiz have been promised 24/7 Title shots in the near future.



Well, that's a relief!



Anyway, back to more immediate matters we go and action up next. It's ironic that as we rapidly approach Angle Award season, we're talking about a supposed 'curse' that has befallen one of the reigning Angle Award winners, 2005 OAOAST Rookie Of The Year, Christian Wright. Ever since recieving the award, seemingly nothing has gone Wright's way this year. In a way he's had to live off of the back of that award while his career has hit setback after setback, culminating in a loss to Dance Dance Dragon three weeks ago on this very show. However, on Syndicated, Christian Wright was handed the chance to change his luck, as Theodore Moneymaker recruited The Natural as his Enterprise's 'Financial Analyst'.



Joining up with Theodore Moneymaker and The Beverly Hills Blonds could be the kick in the ass that he needs to end the year on the high his talent warrants. It's just what CDub needed. Someone to believe in him.



Not to mention the money and running buddies. We'll see if they have immediate effect, as Moneymaker has used his stroke to convince Anglesault into giving Christian a rematch with Dance Dance Dragon here tonight.


The L.A crowd finally get something to get fired up about as "Hung Up" by Madonna begins to play, the stage being covered by one large, holographic DDR stage. Out rush the dancers and crazy go the lights in the arena strobe out as The Dance Dance Dragon steps through the entrance doors and lives up to his name. By dancing.



Ladies and gentlemen, this contest is scheduled for one fall. Introducing first, from Osaka Japan! He weighs in at one hundred, ninety nine pounds... "THE STRONG STYLE PARTY ANIMAL"... DANCE! DANCE! DDRRRRRRRRAAAAAAGGOOOOOOOOOOONN!!!!




Obviously still bouyant after his big win three weeks ago (and presumably having forgotten getting his ass kicked by Drek Stone a couple of weeks back), Dragon climbs to the middle rope on the inside and gets the crowd behind him.



Dragon looking to prove that his victory three weeks ago was no fluke. And hey, maybe if Dragon wins tonight, he'll be taking CW's spot in The Enterprise and the money that goes with it!



Not likely. He'd make a terrible Financial Analyst.



What makes you say that?



He's a DRAGON, moron! How many masked dancers have you seen roaming around the New York Stock Exchange?







Cole doesn't get a chance to answer, not that there really would be an answer to a question as oscure as that, as "Tear Away" by Drowning Pool hits. Christian Wright has come out to this music plenty of times before. But never lead out by Mackenzie DeCenzo, The Enterprise's Business Consultant making a rare appearance without her Beverly Hills Blonds. And, ironically, in California. Christian has also never looked quite like he does tonight. Instead of the robe and cargo pants, CW is actually dressed in suit pants, a white suit shirt, a tie and a sharp red polyester jacket, making him virtually unrecognisable from his last appearance. Curiously, he's also in possession of a nondescript black briefcase.



And, introducing his opponent. Accompanied to the ring by his new Business Consultant, MACKENZIE DECENZO! Now residing in Washington D.C... he weighs in at two hundred, twenty five pounds. Representing THE ENTERPRISE, he is the 2005 OAOAST Rookie Of The Year... "THE NATURAL"... CCHHHHRRRIIIIISSSSTTIIIIAAAANN... WWWWRRRRRIIIIIGGHHHHTT!!!!





Look at that jacket!! That didn't come cheap, that's for sure!


Entering the ring, Christian demands that Triple D is kept back while he deals with his new ring attire. Off comes the jacket, the shirt and the tie, all balled up safely in his corner. The briefcase meanwhile goes into Mackenzie's possession, presumably containing some sensitive Enterprise documents. Wright keeps the suit pants though, unorthodox wrestling attire maybe but very business like.



An interesting makeover for Christian Wright. Considering his recent record, maybe it's a little naive to come out dressed for business, rather than for wrestling.



Wrestling is his business, baby! And he's gonna take care of business right here, you watch.


Mackenzie and CW go into a quick conference in the corner, a 'business' conference you could say, before Wright is finally ready for action.





It doesn't take long for Wright to put the badmouth on The Dance Dance Dragon. But what he's actually saying is anyone's guess unless you've graduated from Harvard, which presumably Dragon has not. The string of whimsical dialogue does it's job though, distracting Dragon for a knee to the gut!




Wright goes to work with forearms across the back of Dragon, weakening him up before taking a handful of mask and throwing him face-first into a corner. With Dragon trapped in the corner, Christian goes to work with some kicks, stomping the proverbial mudhole in Dragon's chest with Mackenzie cheering him on from the outside. The final stomp finds the mark before Wright turns out to the crowd and makes the money taunts with his fingers.



It didn't take long for Christian Wright to fit in with The Enterprise I guess.



Money is a universal language Mikey.


Only Mackenzie seems to be impressed, but it doesn't deter The Natural. As Dragon drags himself up Wright lands another forearm, following that up with a European Uppercut against the ropes. An irish whip sends Triple D for the ride and on the rebound, Wright lands a back elbow, making a quick cover straight after...
















On goes a side headlock by Christian, making the smaller Dragon carry his weight.







With the crowd on his back Wright decides to spite them, coming up with Dragon in tow and clubbing him in the back again. Another clubbing forearm lands before Wright re-applies the headlock. Dragon doesn't get trapped for long though, pushing Christian off into the ropes. Back comes The Natural with a shoulderblock though which sends Dragon flying.



There we go! See, this is what Theodore Moneymaker understands where you clearly don't. Form is temporary, class is permanent.


It seems with money has come confidence as Wright takes his time in following up. As he brings Dragon slowly up, Wright paintbrushes the back of the mask...







...before paintbrushing Dragon's chest with a knifedge chop!







Another chop connects across Dragon's chest, his ring gear taking away the sting but not the main effect of an arm clubbing him.



A lot of pent-up frustration behind those chops.


Pulling Dragon back up, Christian lands a forearm to the side of the head. And another. Wright then wrings out the arm before whipping Dragon across the ring, out of one corner and into the opposite one. With Dragon slumped in the corner, Wright charges in looking to crush DDD. But, The Masked Dance Assassin is a step ahead and raises a boot, which Christian runs right into face-first! Back staggers Christian, shaking off the cobwebs as he makes another charge, only to run into another raised boot! Christian decides that the third time is the charm though and tries again. This time Dragon throws up both feet and although Wright doesn't get smacked in the face by either, Dragon does catch him in a headscissors. Letting go of the ropes behind him, Dragon then falls back as if executing a hurricanrana, but guiding Wright face-first into the top turnbuckle with the headscissors!!





Wow! A little bit of improvisation by The Dance Dance Dragon right there!



Or, in other words, a fluke manoeuvre.


Dragon ducks out and back into the ring as Wright groggily pulls himself up with use of the same turnbuckle his brains were scrambles on moments earlier. By the shoulder Dragon turns CW around, rocking him with a right hand.






...chop. And a right hand.






...chop. Right hand.






Chop, Right hand.



It's a Violence Party in Los Angeles! That's why they call him The Strong Style Party Animal!


Under the barrage Wright falls to his knees, as Dragon poses for the California crowd. Sensing the tide changing, Mackenzie is looking worried now, the briefcase discarded as Mackie pounds her fists on the ring apron trying to rally Christian back into the match.



Could you imagine if Christian lost here again? What would that look like to Theodore Moneymaker, especially considering The Beverly Hills Blonds hardly got The Enterprise off to an auspicious start last week...



Because they were cheated! Let's state the facts.


As he gets back up, Dragon takes Wright across the ring with an irish whip, following in behind and leaping up for a monkey flip. Wright takes the buckles but dives out Dragon's path...



...only for Dragon to land safely on the middle rope!



Turn around CDub!


All the tapping of his temple in the world won't convince the fans that Christian Wright is smart, especially with his back turned on his opponent. Mackenzie DeCenzo frantically tells Christian to turn around and he does so, just as Dragon vaults off the buckle with a mid-air 180, wiping Wright out with a high-crossbody block...















Kickout by Christian!


First to his feet, The Dance Dance Dragon is still a step ahead of his opponent, scything The Natural down with a drop-toe-hold the moment he reaches his feet. Wright comes right back to all fours, right into an Oklahoma Roll from the Osaka native...















Kickout again!


Back up scrambles Wright, instinctively ducking his head as he finds himself face to mask with Dragon. The proves a mistake as Dragon dives right over, catching the legs for a sunset flip. Wright keeps his footing though, not allowing Triple D to take him down as he reaches despairingly for the ropes. Mackenzie reaches up and pushes the middle rope in a little more... but it's still JUST out of reach... and Dragon takes CW down...

















NO! Kickout for a third time in quick succession!



Dragon looking for the quick fall, the flash pin, which is exactly what beat Christian three weeks ago.


The sudden pins haven't got The Natural fooled this time though, using his superior intillect to come up with a new gameplan, staying low to the canvas instead of rushing back to his feet like before. Finally Christian manages to get the jump on his Japanese opponent as he scrambles to his feet, via a quick jab to the breadbasket, landing a European Uppercut as he comes back to his own vertical base and earning him a chance to catch his breath.



If Wright was hoping for an easier night against The Dance Dance Dragon this time, then he's sorely out of luck. Dragon is proving his worth again here.



He's riding on momentum, that's all. Momentum that'll run out sooner or later.


Wright checks his nose is still intact from the earlier drop-toe-hold, but Dragon is back up so the nose will have to wait. By the waist, Wright catches Triple D. And with a quick pop of the hips he throws him, landing on top of Dragon with a Belly to Belly Suplex!



Like, right now!















No, only two.



Looks like Dragon still has some momentum left.



This isn't a videogame Mikey, momentum means nothing.



But... you sai... oh, come back Caboose, all is forgiven.


A knee to the gut doubles The Strong Style Party Animal over, setting up an irish whip. Wright crouches to the canvas to get added purchase on the whip, giving Dragon some added whiplash as he hits the turnbuckles. Stumbling out of the corner Dragon just about stays on his feet. Until Wright steps in and executes a quick STO, reaching back for a leg to apply the cover...


















Come on referee, how did you get your license!


Referee Charles Robinson doesn't give an answer, simply telling Mackenzie to stay in her corner and out of the action. Meanwhile, that is allowing Christian to apply a blatant choke, behind the referee's back! Mackenzie keeps Robinson occupied until her new business client gives her the signal, showing a good working understanding already. And Robinson is none the wiser as he sees Wright innocently pulling Dragon off the canvas. Another irish whip by Wright sends Triple D into the ropes, dropping down as Dragon bounces back. Up and over the roadblock goes Dragon, hitting the ropes once more. Wright is waiting on him this time and catches Dragon under the armpits with the hands, lifting Dragon off the canvas for his patented Rydeen Bomb. Unfortunately, being patented, it's scoutable. And Dragon has obviously done his scouting and he uses his upward momentum as a boost, catching Wright around the head and snapping him over with a Hurricanrana!




Both men are down now, prompting Robinson to lay on a standing ten.


"DEE - DEE - DEE!"

"DEE - DEE - DEE!"

"DEE - DEE - DEE!"

"DEE - DEE - DEE!"



Dee dee dee?



Yeah, DDD. It's his high-score name.



Oh. Of course. Give me a break.


Both Wright and Dragon use the count to recharge their batteries, the count reaching '5' before either begins to stir. At '6' Dragon is up and signalling for a forearm, the full backing of LA behind him, while Wright is encouraged (ie. screamed at) by Mackenzie DeCenzo to get up and turn around. Which he does... right into a forearm smash! And another! Three, four, five, six... it's a whole FLURRY of forearms, with Dragon cupping CW behind the head to prevent him from falling to the canvas before he's done smacking him!



Sssttrroooonngg sssttyyyylllleeee!!!


Mackie can only watch on in despair as Dragon finally ends the flurry...







...but not the punishment, as he lands a knifedge chop!


Away reels Wright, as Dragon does a quick spin, just to remind everyone he is The Masked Dance Assassin. As Wright turns around Dragon is then waiting on him. A quick kick sets Wright up, Dragon catching CW under the jaw in a 3/4 headlock and vaulting up. Backflipping over, Dragon is looking for the Dance Dance DDT...




...but Wright pushes Dragon up and over, landing safely on his feet behind but getting caught with a mule kick to the gut!




As Triple D doubles over Wright then grabs a double underhook, prompting a well-prepped Mackenzie to yell out "NIGHTMARE ON WALLSTREET". Wright nods and hauls Dragon up over his shoulder into the Canadian Backbreaker, the arms still butterflied, looking what is presumably now called Nightmare On Wallstreet. But Dragon wakes up, not quite in a cold sweat, wriggling off of Wright shoulder and cradling The Natural up...



























Oh, that was very, VERY close! Dragon almost causing history to repeat itself right there!


Rolling back to his feet in a very flamboyant way, Dragon cuts a thumb across the throat to signal that it's OVAH~! Which causes Mackenzie to freak out on the floor, realising how damaging a loss for CW on the heels of The Blonds' defeat last week would be for The Enterprise's image. Boot to the gut doubles Wright over, Dragon turning his back to The Natural and hooking up the arms for the Newbie Killer...




...as Mackenzie climbs to the apron to protest about... something.





Come on, get her down!


Understandably distracted, over walks Dragon, forgetting all about Wright for the moment as he gestures for Robinson to get rid of the Business Consultant. Mackie's concerns continue though and as Robinson continues to tell her to get off the apron, Dragon goes back after Wright.







And EATS a Superkick as he turns around!





Aw, come on! The distraction by Mackenzie and it's gonna cost The Dance Dance Dragon big-time!



Hey, it's not Mackie's fault she's so alluring. If Dragon kept his masked head on the action instead of on her, he wouldn't have been in this mess.



If Mackenzie hadn't gotten on the apron he wouldn't be in this mess!


As the recriminations go on at Sofa Central, Mackenzie conveniently decides that now Christian is in control she should go back to the arena floor.







Grabbing two handfuls of mask, Wright hauls Dragon to his feet with a big smile plastered on his face. On goes a front facelock, Dragon out on his feet. And almost deadweight for Wright, as he hauls The Masked Dance Assassin up off the canvas for a suplex. However, if you were expecting the twist, you'd be wrong. Instead, Wright drops to his knees and SPIKES Dragon right on his head with a Gordbuster, causing Mackenzie to jump for joy on the outside!!





Oh MY!



That was more devestating than the stockmarket crash, Mikey!



No way is Dragon getting up from that!


Christian rolls the lifeless Dance Dance Dragon over and without even bothering to hook the leg, lounges into the pin...






















And sure enough, Christian Wright scores the win!







"Tear Away" hits as Wright celebrates like he's just won the World Title, pushing up to his knees and clutching his head in his arms! Mackenzie quickly slides in and embraces Wright, the OTT celebration not sitting well even with the theatrical Hollywood types in attendance.



What a beautiful moment! Rammed the words right down your mouth Cole, first night under The Enterprise banner and Christian Wright is back to winning ways! I told you, all he needed was someone to believe in him, like Theodore Moneymaker!



All he needed was someone to run interference for him, like Mackenzie DeCenzo.



Oh, quit being so bitter. One of the best athletes in the company has his mojo back. You should be pleased!


Wright and Mackenzie continue to celebrate as we go to a commercial break.








With the uttering of that simple, one syllable word, we are taken to a dressing room area containing four of the OAOAST's most popular stars. Jamie O'Hara sits on the edge of a leather sofa, sipping on a 40 oz. Johnny Jax mugs for the camera, rolling his wrists in his hands. Scotty Static stands by him, staring at the floor before momentarily looking up, and finally the man who spoke the only word thus far, Zack Malibu, steps in front of the camera.



That word...change. It's a word that summarizes the last six months of my life, and the lives of these three men behind me. It's a word that works for the better, and often for the worst. It can be taken in a positive or negative form. Change. See, in the last six months, there's been a lot of changes going on. Six months ago, these men behind me were beating me at every turn, busting me open, leaving me laying, leaving me for DEAD. The year leading up to that, they were trying to drive me from this company...MY COMPANY, and tried to make a name for themselves as the new standard bearers of the OAOAST. Then, things changed...and it was the biggest mistake I ever made that led to that change. Because what I did was instead of turning to those who I could rely on, those that I trusted...I thought outside the box. I took a risk on a man named Todd Cortez, a man who had the crowd inside the Tokyo Dome on their feet as he showcased his ability. I took a risk asking Todd Cortez for help, and he said to me "I know exactly what to do." I took a risk listening to him, and bringing in two men that he said he trusted...men that would help me win the war...and instead it led to one of the darkest periods that the OAOAST has ever seen. Because you see, for every person who has their blood spilt, a bone broken, a neck...snapped...for everyone who has to cower in fear, for my girlfriend who still to this day can't sleep at night, it's on MY HEAD. It's MY FAULT, and I admit it. I don't deny it. Bruce Blank and The Wildcards are MY responsibility. I'm not too proud to ask for help, not too proud to admit when I need it, but I didn't feel the need to drag anyone else down with me...and then, things changed. That's when these three, three guys that maybe personally, I didn't think highly of, but athletically respected...that's when they stepped up. These three guys, the same three guys that I tried to take out, that I brought The Wildcards here for, stepped up and said "we've got your back". Then Leon Rodez, the first man out of anyone in this locker room to stand up and welcome me back, after everyone put the blame on my head for The Wildcards, and rightfully so...he stepped up to...and then things changed. They say that every man comes back from war a changed man, and War Games was no exception. Because I came out a changed man. What you saw before...that's nothing. Child's play. What I saw in that cage was something I knew deep down, but now know on an even deeper level. That you, Blank, Cortez, Bloodshed, and Maddix...that you're going to stop at NOTHING to get what you want. You go after my friends, my family...all because you want ME. COME AND GET ME! You think that we're desperate? You don't think what you did inside that cage, Todd Cortez, to my best friend, wasn't a desperate action? You four are desperate to keep the aura of fear around you, now that we made you seem mortal. We made one of your own say I QUIT. Leon Rodez pinned Bloodshed's shoulders to the mat 1-2-3. These three men behind me, won their World Six Man Tag Team Championship at your expense. You are not unstoppable monsters, just heartless killers...and now, we show no remorse. Last week, that was a change. A change in character for Zack Malibu...or was it? Was it really a change? Because you seem to forget, two years ago, I cracked a girl across the head with a beltshot, and aligned with a sworn enemy. Two years ago, I was digging the buckle of a belt into Crystal's head and watching her BLEED, and LOVING IT. I may have come a long way since then, earning the respect of my peers and my fans, but if you think I CHANGED from then, you are oh so wrong. Because now, you've brought it out of me. You went after my girl, my BABY, and my friends. You're trying to tear apart the company I worked so hard to build from the inside out. And now you say that you're full attention is on me, Bruce? That the SWF can wait, that you don't need them anymore...not until you've run me out of the wrestling business? I'm flattered with the attention, really I am...and we'll pick up on that...but I want to sidetrack myself from you for a moment. I want to focus on another one of you for a change. I want Todd Cortez. The man who was hyped as one of the most moral, loyal, and respectable wrestlers in a shady business. The man who said that he could HELP me. The man who is equally responsible for bringing you here, and the man who is COMPLETELY RESPONSIBLE FOR SNAPPING MY BEST FRIEND'S NECK. I WANT YOU, TODD CORTEZ. I WANT TO HEAR YOUR BONES SNAP. I WANT TO WATCH YOUR BLOOD STAIN THE MAT FOR A CHANGE. I WANT YOU TO SUFFER, TO PAY, TO HURT, TO ACHE, TO TAKE FULL RESPONSIBILITY...TO BE PUNISHED FOR WHAT YOU'VE DONE. You think last week I let you off easy? I could have taken you out like *that*. WE COULD HAVE TAKEN YOU OUT, BUT WE SPARED YOU...THE ONLY TIME WE'RE SHOWING MERCY FROM THIS POINT FORWARD. You were our message, our letter to your friends, that it wasn't over. Those bruises you've got, those cuts that bled...if you felt pain at any point, then you have no idea what you are in for my friend. Around the world, they'll be calling it a dream match, but between you and I, it's been a long time coming. Vengeance. Payback. War. Todd Cortez, I challenge you, I WELCOME you to lock up with me inside an OAOAST ring. I want you to come at me full throttle...I want you to give me the BEST YOU'VE GOT...I WANT YOU TO FIGHT ME LIKE IT'S YOUR LAST...because, Todd...because if I have anything to say about it...if we have anything to say about it...it will be. Things have changed once again, Wildcards. You have brought out a side of me...a dark side of me, a side that is uncontrollable. Unpredictable. YOU HAVE UNLEASHED A GOD DAMN LOOSE CANNON ON YOURSELVES! For my friends, for my fans, for my FAMILY...I DON'T CARE WHAT I HAVE TO DO TO YOU! ANYTHING IT TAKES! WHATEVER IT TAKES! YOU WANT MY BLOOD! COME TAKE MY BLOOD! I'LL STILL GET BACK UP! YOU WANT TO BREAK MY BONES! BREAK MY LEGS AND I'LL CRAWL AFTER YOU! BREAK MY ARMS AND I'LL BITE TILL YOU BLEED! I AM NOT GOING TO STOP! YOU WILL NOT MAKE ME STOP, NOT UNTIL YOU SUFFER! NOT UNTIL YOU PAY! I brought you into my life, and so help me I'll force you out of it or I will DIE TRYING!


Malibu, fuming, stares into the camera, breathing heavily, as Scotty Static and Johnny Jax pull him away.



You see what you did? Now you got him worked up.


With those words uttered, The Hooligans all smirk, as Malibu looks to be all business, before we fade out.


NEXT: Our main event!

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Sweet Home Chicago hits, and the crowd cheers as Jumbo walks through the curtains, followed by Denzel Spencer and Reggie Lamont.



Six-man title on the line on HeldDOWN~! Let's go to Michael Buffer!



The following contest is set for one fall, and it is for the OAOAST Six-Man Tag Team championship! Introducing first, the challengers...at a total combined weight of 919 pounds...first, hailing from Montego Bay...the team of REGGIE LAMONT and DENZEL SPENCER, TEEEEEEEEEEEEEEAAAAAAAAAAAAMMMMMMMMMMMM JAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAMMMMMAAAAAAAAAAAAAAIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIICAAAAAAAAAAAA





Jumbo making his return to action tonight, after being put on the shelf by the Burrough Boys, but he'll have his chance for revenge at November Reign!


Magnum Opus hits, and Alf walks out followed by Team Canada and Rick Heyross.



But first they've got to deal with the six-man tag champs!



Their opponents, at a combined weight of 745 pounds, they are the OAOAST Six-Man Tag Team champions, the team of "AFTER HOURS" FELIX STRUTTER, KEN PANTERA, and the OAOAST Canadian champion, ALFDOGG!!!!!


Alf slides into the ring and poses on the buckle with his two belts as the crowd showers him with boos. Buffer hands the mic to Felix Strutter.



All right, La La Land...*crowd boos*...get on your feet, you know what time it is!


The champs get their position in the ring, as Rick Heyross stands mid-ring with the Canadian flag. O Canada plays, as the crowd boos. When the music ceases, the referee hands the four belts to the timekeeper and calls for the bell.





And it'll be the two high-fliers, Felix Strutter and Denzel Spencer, starting us off!


They circle the ring, then tie up. Strutter backs Spencer into the ropes, then eases off, before delivering a forearm blow to the midsection.



And Strutter with the cheap shot, and sends him into the ropes!


Denzel reverses the Irish whip, and Strutter hops over him, but runs right into Reggie, who catches him with a big scoop slam!



Where was the tag on that one?


Pantera and Alf both jump into the ring, as does Jumbo, and it's a six-way brawl!



And we've got chaos early on in this one!


Alf drags Reggie into a corner, and hammers away, as Jumbo and Pantera do battle in another corner. Denzel sets up Strutter for an Irish whip, and the champs are all set into one another! Alf rolls to the outside, and Pantera follows, courtesy of a Jumbo clothesline! Jumbo follows with a PRESS SLAM on Strutter, right onto the floor onto his partners!



And Jumbo on a roll here in his return to action!


Denzel goes to the ropes...then springs up, and hits a CORKSCREW SHOOTING STAR PRESS to the outside~!!!






What a MOVE by Denzel Spencer!


A brief "HOLY SHIT" chant starts in the crowd, as Denzel slides back into the ring slowly. The champs gather themselves on the floor, and Strutter slides back in, met this time by Reggie.



And the tag was made this time, and Reggie Lamont in there. And you know Team Jamaica would like to pick up a win against the Canadians!



Oh, no doubt, it was the Canadians who bounced them from the Tag Team World Cup, if you'll recall!


They go in for a tieup, and Strutter goes quickly to the eyes. He backs Reggie into a corner, and delivers feet to the midsection, then whips him across the ring, but Reggie explodes out with a clothesline!



Big-time clothesline from Reggie Lamont!


However, Reggie runs right into another clothesline from the apron from Ken Pantera!



WHOA, talk about a big-time clothesline!


Pantera flexes on the apron, as the crowd boos, then tags in.



And Ken Pantera now the legal man!


Pantera scoops up Reggie with ease, and delivers a shoulderbreaker! Cover...












Pantera drags Reggie over to the corner, and tags in Alf. Alf delivers a CHOP~!




And another!




The referee backs him out of the corner, which allows Pantera to wrap the tag rope around Reggie's throat and choke away!



And double-teaming going on in the corner as Alf has the ref distracted!



Smart strategy, that's why their the champs!


Alf brings Reggie out of the corner, and delivers a snap suplex! He follows it up with a snap legdrop! Cover...














Alf tags in Pantera once again, who whips Reggie into the ropes, but puts his head down, and Reggie delivers a kick, then rolls over and makes a tag to Denzel!



And Reggie quick to get out, smart move!


Pantera catches Denzel with a clothesline! He then sends him into the ropes, but Denzel slides under the legs, then pops up and delivers a dropkick! He goes for a quick cover...












Denzel grabs Pantera in a side headlock. Pantera pushes Denzel off, right into a knee from Strutter!



And Strutter with the cheap shot knee from the outside!


Pantera follows up with a trapped-arm belly-to-belly suplex! Cover...












Pantera tags in Strutter, who teams with Pantera to whip Denzel into the ropes, and deliver a double back elbow! Strutter covers...












Alf tags in next, and stomps away on Denzel at the ropes, then tags Strutter right back in.



And now the champs are getting in a groove!


Strutter grabs a front facelock, holding his arm in the air as the crowd boos, and delivers a DDT! Cover...
















Strutter tags Alf back in, and Alf whips Denzel across the ring. Alf charges, but Denzel hops over, then comes down with a sunset flip!


















Alf pops up and delivers a quick thrust to the throat, and is admonished by the referee. Alf tags in Pantera, who lifts Denzel in a big PRESS SLAM~!, doing a few repititions before slamming him to the mat. He then flexes for the crowd, drawing more boos. He drops an elbow, and covers...
















Shoulder up!



But Denzel still hanging in there!



He won't last much longer at this rate, though!


Pantera whips Denzel to the ropes, and catches him in an abdominal stretch!



And a submission hold, the abdominal stretch!


Alf grabs onto Pantera's hand from the apron and pulls on it, to the blind side of the referee!



And a little assistance from the outside from Alf!


It doesn't matter, though, as Denzel is able to counter to a hiptoss! In mid-toss, however, Strutter tags himself in, and catches Denzel with a knee right bewteen the shoulderblades! He then whips him across the ring, but Denzel catches him with a flying bodypress!
















Strutter stomps away on Denzel, then picks him up, and delivers a Northern Lights suplex!


















NO! Kickout!


Strutter then climbs to the top rope.



Here it comes, Cole, he's going to finish it off now!


Strutter gets his balance, then comes off for the SHOOTING STAR LEGDROP~!!!111...


...but Denzel rolls out of the way!



And now Denzel must tag!


Both men inch to their corner, and Alf gets the tag, but Denzel TAGS JUMBO!



AND HE DOES, and Jumbo in for the first time!


Jumbo hammers away at Alf in a corner, then whips him across the ring, catching him with a BIG backdrop! Jumbo is PUMPED, and the crowd cheers him on! BIG BOOT~! for Alf! Jumbo tags Reggie, who goes to the ropes, and Jumbo catches him and drops him on top of Alf!


















Strutter comes in for an elbow, but Reggie rolls out of the way and Alf takes it instead!



And Strutter elbows his own partner inadvertantly!


Reggie grabs him and backs him into a corner, and Jumbo does the same with Pantera! They whip the Canadians to the center, and make an Alf sandwich! Denzel then grabs Alf and whips him into the corner.



Uh-oh, could be time for the PAPPY-SHOW!


Denzel whips Reggie across the ring, for an AVALANCHE! Denel follows with a HANDSPRING ELBOW!!, then pushes him out into a BICYCLE KICK!!! from Reggie! Reggie covers, but there's no referee, as Heyross is complaining on the apron!



And a bad break for the Jamaicans right there, the referee was distracted by Rick Heyross!



He has a right to complain, Cole! There's flagrant double-teaming going on!


Reggie gets up, and Strutter slides in and rolls him up in a reverse sunset flip, but there's too much momentum, and Reggie reverses it, but STILL no ref! Pantera comes in and decks Reggie with a clothesline!



And a big clothesline from Pantera!


Pantera lifts Reggie in a vertical suplex...and brings him down with the APOLLON'S WHEEL~!!!111 Alf then comes off the top...with the FIVE-STAR ALF SPLASH~!!!!!11111



Alf hit it, and those are the two legal men!

































And the champs retain!



The winners of the match...and STILL OAOAST Six-Man Tag Team champions...the team of "AFTER HOURS" FELIX STRUTTER, KEN PANTERA, and the OAOAST Canadian champion, ALFDOGG!!!!!



Bad breaks for the team of Jumbo and the Jamaicans, as they appeared to have the match won on two occasions, but the referee was distracted, and the champs capitalized, and they retain the titles! That's gonna do it for us this week. For the Coach, I'm Michael Cole, we'll see you next week for another edition of HeldDOWN~! Goodnight from L.A.!


Fade to black

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Written by:


Zack Malibu

Bruce Blank


King Cucaracha




The Man Behind the Curtain:




© 2006 OAOAST Entertainment. All Rights Reserved.

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