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Guest 5_moves_of_doom


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Guest 5_moves_of_doom



Opening Promo

- Danny Williams tells us how special he feels to be the World champion! Or something...


Singles Match - Send to Grand Slam

Fugue vs. Impact

- They found it appropriate to no show on Crimson. If they do it again here, I'll kick their ass. Coz I'm tough.

- Word Limit: 3000


Singles Match - Send to Grand Slam

Kojack vs. Cutthroat

- The on again, off again Kojack is apparently back. His first task? Overcome Cutthroat.

- Word Limit: 3000


TV Title Match - Send to Thoth

"The Franchise" Mak Francis © vs. Thor

- Some emerging JL talent gets a chance to get his hands on gold very quickly - but, to get that he will have to overcome ameteur wrestler extrodinaire, Mak Francis. It will not be an easy task for either man. Unless of course, Thor makes lightning strike from the ceiling.

- Word Limit: 4000


European Title #1 Contendership Match - Send to HVilleThugg

Mike Van Siclen vs. C.I.A.

- These two were pitted against each other on Metal, except then C.I.A. had the, ahem, pleasure, of teaming with Cutthroat. MVS managed to overcome both parties to get the duke. Will C.I.A. be able to overcome his past lost to gain a shot at Frost's European title in the future? Or will MVS continue crying his way through the SJL?

- Word Limit: 5000


Singles Match - Send to Longdogger_Pete

Flexxx vs. Tod deKindes

- Flexxx, prick extrodinaire, takes on the thrashing Tod deKindes in what will surely be an explosive match up. The winner here could see themselves in line for a title shot soon...

- Word Limit: 5000



World Title #1 Contendership Tag Match - Send to SuicideKing

Ced Ordonez/Z vs. Sydney Sky/Frost

- The first pinfall on the opposition gives the person making the pin a title shot. We all know XF9 - surely they could survive this without breaking up and hating each other and throwing cutlery at each other. But, Sydney/Frost could be an entirely different matter. Will Frost's love for Sydney prevent any problems from happening? Yeah, that sounds good. Every is being expected to write their own match.

- Word Limit: 6000

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Guest Insane Clown Dan

Singles Match - Send to Grand Slam

Fugue vs. Impact

- Fugue will show. And win.


Singles Match - Send to Grand Slam

Kojack vs. Cutthroat

- Jobber vs Jobber... and since Cutthroat is the bigger jobber... the Kojackoff wins.


TV Title Match - Send to Thoth

"The Franchise" Mak Francis © vs. Thor

- Thor has been own3d by tha FRANCHISE, biotch!


European Title #1 Contendership Match - Send to HVilleThugg

Mike Van Siclen vs. C.I.A.

- C-I-A gets the 1-2-3 over M-V-S, who does it with so many H-O-S that he has 13 different S-T-D's.


And that's what I-C-D said, bitch!


Singles Match - Send to Longdogger_Pete

Flexxx vs. Tod deKindes

- I lose, because Tod outdoes me in German with his trusty translator. That poser, thinking he's a Deutscher man.


Oh yeah. And I will start writing/planning my match tomorrow. So don't count on my rushing. In the slightest.



World Title #1 Contendership Tag Match - Send to SuicideKing

Ced Ordonez/Z vs. Sydney Sky/Frost

- Frost's match.

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Guest 5_moves_of_doom

Opening Promo

-This should be awesome, though as we all know Danny isn't really Mr. Promo.....but still, everyone seems to be excited as hell that he's the new champ, and we are yet to hear his feelings on it...


Singles Match

Fugue vs. Impact

-Both are no-showing pansies, who are quite impressive when they DO write, but Fugue has a more awesome finisher, so he's your winner.


Singles Match

Kojack vs. Cutthroat

-Cutthroat loses. Winner? oh, that would be Kojack.


TV Title Match

"The Franchise" Mak Francis © vs. Thor

-I want Mak to keep the title for a bit, and though Thor is a great writer, his gimmick, simply put, pisses me off. :P


European Title #1 Contendership Match

Mike Van Siclen vs. C.I.A.

-I'm personally rooting for CIA as he and I are good chat buddies, and I would like to have a match against him (on Wrath it'll most likely be winner of this match vs. Frost vs. me,) but MVS has more experience. Expect initial man #1 to pick up the win.


Singles Match

Flexxx vs. Tod deKindes

-Tod's my man. A VERY close match, but I gotta go with the ex-pornographer due to his superior expertise...or experience...or whatever.


World Title #1 Contendership Tag Match

Ced Ordonez/Z vs. Sydney Sky/Frost

-Z and Frost are my two favorite competitors in this federation, and they would make a GREAT heel/face reluctant team, but one can only dream. And judging that everyone is writing a seperate match...


Ced-Great writer, though he's not impossible to beat.

Z-As I said, my favorite writer in the fed, but Frost's beaten him before.

Sky-Most definitely could pick up the win, but her work schedule may get in the way...

Frost-Solid worker/writer. Either wins or jobs himself, though between these four it's impossible to tell for sure.

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Guest Tod deKindes



The microphone puts up a good effort, but Danno takes this one.



No showers. Heh. Flip a coin.




Never seen Kojack in action. Then again Cutthroat is a clod. Therefore 'Jack takes it.









When initials collide. This could go either way. No predictions.




I never predict my own matches.


C & Z vs Syd/Frost


Somehow I see my two partners in criminy taking this one. (remembers he just tagged with Ced and Z) I'm talking about Syd and Frost, due to our impending angle. Heh.

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Guest midnight_burn

All right fignuts, the 124% accurate predictions of TOTAL DEVASTATION!!! are in town, courtesy of dual SWF Tag/2x Hardcore champ, and also king of jobbing himself. Jobbing is MY thing, anyone else who does it gets fucked right in the ear.


Opening Promo

-> Danny boy says some stuff about being the SJL Champeen.


Singles Match - Send to Grand Slam

Fugue vs. Impact

-> It;'s a match. Stuff shall happen. I think Impact will win.


Singles Match - Send to Grand Slam

Kojack vs. Cutthroat

-> Kojack v Cutthroat, gettin it on baby. Kojack to get the win.


TV Title Match - Send to Thoth

"The Franchise" Mak Francis © vs. Thor

-> Should be a nice one here, methinks the Mak attack will prevail.


European Title #1 Contendership Match - Send to HVilleThugg

Mike Van Siclen vs. C.I.A.

-> MVS v CIA. Should be good. MVS to get the 1,2,3.


Singles Match - Send to Longdogger_Pete

Flexxx vs. Tod deKindes

-> Two good writers, which should equal a good match. The German dynamo to get the pin.



World Title #1 Contendership Tag Match - Send to SuicideKing

Ced Ordonez/Z vs. Sydney Sky/Frost

-> I say Frosty the snowman or the 26th letter of the alphabet will win. Probably the Icelandic guy.


And that's a wrap lads and lasses.

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Guest WrestlingDeacon

Singles Match - Send to Grand Slam

Fugue vs. Impact

-Both these guys showed a lot of promise out of the gate and I hope they get back on track here. If they both show, I like Fugue.


Singles Match - Send to Grand Slam

Kojack vs. Cutthroat

- I think Kojack is a good writer, he's just not consistent enough to show up and move up the card. If Kojack shows and puts in the effort, I say him easy.


TV Title Match - Send to Thoth

"The Franchise" Mak Francis © vs. Thor

- Thor's first two wins were by default and I think he still has a lot of work left do on improving himself. Up against an all around good writer that Mak has showed himself to be thus far, I say the thunder god is sorely out matched.


European Title #1 Contendership Match - Send to HVilleThugg

Mike Van Siclen vs. C.I.A.

-I could have sworn that TNT was the #1 Contender. Oh, well bring on who you got. MVS seems to be stepping up since his return, but C.I.A. has done nothing but impress me with his work ethic and spirit since his debut. So, I'll side with C.I.A. in the upset.


Singles Match - Send to Longdogger_Pete

Flexxx vs. Tod deKindes

- I can see this being the closest match of the card. However, I think Tod is probably one of the best writers on here bar none and we're in cahoots together, so I have to go with him.



World Title #1 Contendership Tag Match - Send to SuicideKing

Ced Ordonez/Z vs. Sydney Sky/Frost

-Oddly enough, Syd and I have talked about asking for a match of this nature at some point, so it actually fits into our plans nicely. After the "don't job unless it's really, really, really, really warranted" decree from on high I don't think I'm going to be doing that, besides I've let Syd get two wins in matches of mine and that angle seems old. If you really sit down and think about it you can probably figure out what my intial plans for this match are. However, getting by these three others is going to be very tough for me and needless to say it will be close all around.

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Guest Insanityman

Singles Match - Send to Grand Slam

Fugue vs. Impact

~Fugue writes.


Singles Match - Send to Grand Slam

Kojack vs. Cutthroat



TV Title Match - Send to Thoth

"The Franchise" Mak Francis © vs. Thor

~Francis retains.


European Title #1 Contendership Match - Send to HVilleThugg

Mike Van Siclen vs. C.I.A.

~C.I.A. with the upset.


Singles Match - Send to Longdogger_Pete

Flexxx vs. Tod deKindes

~Flexx, barely.



World Title #1 Contendership Tag Match - Send to SuicideKing

Ced Ordonez/Z vs. Sydney Sky/Frost

~Frost's match.

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Guest Renegade

ONWARD with the predictions



Opening Promo

- I actually havent read a Willams promo, can he talk?


Singles Match - Send to Grand Slam

Fugue vs. Impact


Fugue wins, Impact no shows


Singles Match - Send to Grand Slam

Kojack vs. Cutthroat


Kojy kojster


TV Title Match - Send to Thoth

"The Franchise" Mak Francis © vs. Thor


Mak retains


European Title #1 Contendership Match - Send to HVilleThugg

Mike Van Siclen vs. C.I.A.


In an upset (unless they do another joint match) i say CIA wins.


Singles Match - Send to Longdogger_Pete

Flexxx vs. Tod deKindes


This should be match of the night, Flexxx?



World Title #1 Contendership Tag Match - Send to SuicideKing

Ced Ordonez/Z vs. Sydney Sky/Frost


Frost gets the shot

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Opening Promo

- Danny'll say stuff.


Singles Match

Fugue vs. Impact

- Fugue


Singles Match

Kojack vs. Cutthroat

- Kojack


TV Title Match

"The Franchise" Mak Francis © vs. Thor

- The Franchise


European Title #1 Contendership Match

Mike Van Siclen vs. C.I.A.



Singles Match

Flexxx vs. Tod deKindes

- Tossup says Tod will prevail



World Title #1 Contendership Tag Match

Ced Ordonez/Z vs. Sydney Sky/Frost

- Ordonez/Z

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Well, time for the Canadian to toss in his two cents. Which is really only worth 1 1/3 cents.


Opening Promo

-I predict a stunning upset for the belt in this one, where it revolts against being used as an object, and wins itself in an impromptu matchup. Or Danny'll tell us all why he rules. One of those.


Singles Match

Fugue vs. Impact

-Fugue. Although I'll be happy as long as both of these two don't no-show.


Singles Match

Kojack vs. Cutthroat

-Kojack. Woo. I love these Cutthroat matches when it comes to prediction time.


TV Title Match

"The Franchise" Mak Francis © vs. Thor

-Shane Douglas. And hopefully he makes a 'Dog of Thunder joke'. Hee hee, Dilbert.


European Title #1 Contendership Match

Mike Van Siclen vs. C.I.A.

-Wait, if I WIN, I get to face off against TNT and Frost? Man, do you want this one, MVS? (Kidding, of course.) Seriously, I'll try my best, and hope to pull out the victory. Thanks to everyone who predicted me. (Or still will.)


Singles Match

Flexxx vs. Tod deKindes

-Oooh, nice match. If this were real wrestling, with pre-determined outcomes, I'd still be scratching my head. Both are great writers, both involved in really great, fresh angles. Do I HAVE to pick? Umm..... Tod, cause he's (Sorta) a fellow canadian.



World Title #1 Contendership Tag Match

Ced Ordonez/Z vs. Sydney Sky/Frost

-Oooh, wicked goodness up in this card, ladies and gentlemen. It's like the cherry on top of a sundae. If you like the cherry. Which I do not, though I do like this match. WHy am I babbling like this? To hide the fact that I'm going to continue a trend and call this one....

No prediction. Don't call the main event, and you'll never call it wrong. I'm gonna keep saying that, you know.

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Damn Canadians need to convert to Americans. Being North American just doesn't cut it. When's the last time you won the Stanley Cup in the NHL anyways... ;)


And the Olympics mean nothing! ;)


Oh yeah predictions predictions


Opening Promo

Bah I'm not gonna make a funny comment. Danny's gonna write and it should be good.


Singles Match

Fugue vs. Impact

Fugue because i always pick him


Singles Match

Kojack vs. Cutthroat


unsure because they may co-write


TV Title Match

"The Franchise" Mak Francis © vs. Thor

What's this about a 'Dog of Thunder joke'. Didn't get to see that much of Dilbert. PM me aboot it cause it sounds like gold. Oh yeah it should be a given by now but i'll be writing my hardest. Still though it's a goddamn god. It'll be closer than everyone seems to think.


European Title #1 Contendership Match

Mike Van Siclen vs. C.I.A.

CIA, 2 matches and he could be in the Euro title hunt. I'll pick MVS because I'm a bitter Jobber's Champeen. But if I weren't bitter I go with CIA in the upset.


Singles Match

Flexxx vs. Tod deKindes


Flex-ex-ex to get the duke because he's gonna write hard after our little match mix-up. Go sWo!



World Title #1 Contendership Tag Match

Ced Ordonez/Z vs. Sydney Sky/Frost


Syd and Frost because they are them. But wait Syd's X-force-9. Hmmm does she traitor her friends or turn on her one of two true loves. Expect a beat up Tod to be lurkin' aboot eh.

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Guest CED Ordonez

Opening Promo

- WINNER: Danny Williams


Singles Match - Send to Grand Slam

Fugue vs. Impact

- Double-mint, double-mint no show.


Singles Match - Send to Grand Slam

Kojack vs. Cutthroat

- Remember in the early WWF when we had jobber vs jobber matches? Dem was the days. For this match, I'll flip the coin and withhold the outcome until a later date.


TV Title Match - Send to Thoth

"The Franchise" Mak Francis © vs. Thor

- I'll go with the Mak, daddy!


European Title #1 Contendership Match - Send to HVilleThugg

Mike Van Siclen vs. C.I.A.

- If it's the battle of the acronyms, shouldn't they wrestle for the WUS or something? Anywho, I'll pick the CIA for the win.


Singles Match - Send to Longdogger_Pete

Flexxx vs. Tod deKindes

- I'm marking for the Single-D more than the Triple-X this week. Mr. deKindes goes over.



World Title #1 Contendership Tag Match - Send to SuicideKing

Ced Ordonez/Z vs. Sydney Sky/Frost

- This will be a doozy to write with so many situations to consider. No prediction and may the best man, er, or woman...uhh, person win. Yeah.

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