Guest RickyB Report post Posted February 15, 2002 This is the first show of WPW, which is my Fantasy Wrestling Promotion, i'll post shows weekly (or bi-weekly) depending on when I get them done. They'll be posted as though the show is on a weekly schedule. This is my first show so plese give me feedback, if you don't have time to read all of this then you can find out quick results at the WPW website at . Thanks for reading! World Pro Wrestling Assault From The Pepsi Arena, Albany, New York on the USA Network (11-2-02) (The WPW Opening Sequence starts up. It has Song 2 by Blur playing in the background and it shows a Wrestler who is blacked out walking towards a Wrestling ring mixed in with clips from Wrestling matches. After the opening sequence has played it then shows The Pepsi Arena with the pyro exploding, Tony Schiavone, Joey Styles and Jerry Lawler introduce the show) TS - Welcome to The Pepsi Arena for the first edition of WPW Assault!! I'm Tony Schiavone and i'm with Jerry "The King" Lawler and Joey Styles. Are you guys looking forward to this show tonight! JL - What kind of stupid question is that Tony? TS - It's not a stupid question. JL - Of course I can't wait for this show to start Tony. JS - It's going to be one of the biggest events in the history of Wrestling. TS - In tonights show i've been told that Bret "The Hitman" Hart is going to make a big announcement to WPW and that Richard Batt will make an..... (Song 2 blasts over the speakers and the Batt-tron shows the WPW opening sequence, Richard Batt then walks out and walks down to the ring) TS - It's the WPW owner, Richard Batt!! As I was about to say he's going to make a big announcement about who the first WPW Commissioner is. (Richard Batt gets in the ring and calls for a microphone) RB - Welcome to The Pepsi Arena for WPW Assault! For all of you that don't know who I am and that shouldn't be many, i'm Richard Batt the owner of World Pro Wrestling. I'm the man that brings you this great TV show. Anyway, as the owner of WPW I have a lot of big decisions to make, one of which is deciding who will become the first Commissioner of this great Promotion. I've had a lot of offers from people all over the world who want to take this position within the company and i've whittled it down to two choices, these are the two people that I believe will take this company forward. These are Eric Bischoff (pauses for the fans opinion and gets a mixed reaction) and Vince Russo (pauses for the fans opinion and gets mostly boos). Ok, so fans i'm going to leave it to you to make the decision do you want Eric Bischoff (mostly cheers) or Vince Russo (mostly boos). Are you sure about that? (cheers from the fans) Ok then you've made your decision, the first WPW Commissioner is EZE Eric Bischoff. Come on down to the ring. (Eric Bischoff's theme tune (the one from his run with the nWo) blasts over the P.A. system and he walks down to the ring. Richard Batt shakes hands with Eric Bischoff and hands him the microphone) EB - I love you fans (fans chant EZE, EZE, EZE) and now I know that you fans really love me. Thank you so much for making me the new WPW Commissioner... (Vince Russo's music blasts over the P.A. system making what Eric Bischoff said next impossible to hear, he walks to the ring and gets a microphone) VR - Richard Batt, how could you make this piece of shit the first WPW Commissioner. (Richard Batt gets the microphone back from Eric Bischoff) RB - I didn't, I let the fans choose. VR - So what, you should have made the decision yourself and you should have made the right decision and that decision was to make me the Commissioner of WPW. RB - You will (starts poking Vince Russo's chest) never, ever become Commissioner of W P W. VR - I'm going to give you five seconds to change your Mind before I get some of my friends from backstage to change it for you. RB - 5..4...3...2... (the lights in the arena suddenly go off and the Batt-tron goes fuzzy for a few seconds but then PAUL HAYMAN appears on the screen shown in a dimly lit room) PH - Look at you over in WPW fighting among yourselves. Talk about Amature. RB - Who are...Paul Heyman? PH - Yeah, yeah, i'm Paul Heyman. RB - What are you doing on the Batt-tron? PH - I'm here to make an announcement about a new Pro Wrestling group (some fans chant ECW...ECW....ECW). RB - ECW is dead, get over it. (Richard Batt gets a mixed reception from the fans) PH - Not exactly (some fans cheer Paul Hayman). I'm not starting ECW back up, but here in WPW i'm going to start up a new Wrestling group called Extreme Pro Wrestling also known as EPW, EPW, EPW, come on, EPW, EPW (some fans start to chant EPW, EPW, EPW) RB - Shut Up, Shut Up, SHUT UP!!! (more fans start to chant EPW, EPW, EPW) PH - EPW, EPW, EPW (Eric Bischoff grabs the microphone from Richard Batt who covers his ears with his hands) EB - Paul Heyman you can't make up EPW inside WPW. You aren't part of WPW, you can't come on the show and you can't put your own Wrestlers into WPW. PH - That's the beuty of this great plan. I'm not going to come on WPW shows, i'm going to run the group from my own home and i'm going to use your Wrestlers, so you have to pay them but they'll be working for me. You Probably won't even know who the EPW Wrestlers are until after they've won all of your WPW Titles. VR - You can't do that, we'll just fire them. PH - Does a lawsuit for Unfair Dissmissal sound good to you?? EB - None of our Wrestlers would join up with you. PH - They wouldn't?? EB - No, they wouldn't. PH - Well i've got a good friend of yours here who joined up with me just a few minutes ago. (Paul Heyman motions someone over, Eric Bischoff watches with intrest and Hulk Hogan walks onto the screeen wearing black Jeans with a white belt and a Black Leather Jacket) EB - Hulk....Hulk Hogan??? HH - That's right Eric Jerkoff. EB - You said that you joined to help me. HH - Yeah, i'm going to help you and then you can go and turn your back on me just like the last time I worked with you, brotha. (Eric Bischoff looks away confused) PH - I'll see you later. (The fans continue to chant EPW, EPW, EPW as Vince Russo and Eric Bischoff look confused and Richard Batt jumps to his feet and grabs a microphone looking angry) RB - You call yourselves fans, you come here chanting for WPW and cheer for us. But then Paul Heyman appears on the screen and you support him. Well if that's what your like then screw you, screw the lot of you. Your going to get what you want with EPW, but you know what, Eric Bischoff, Vince Russo and me. We're going to crush it. Vince Russo and Eric Bischoff will be your commissioners. SCREW THE FUCKING LOT OF YOU. (Richard Batt, Eric Bischoff and Vince Russo walk backstage) TS - Wow..... JS - It looks like Paul Heyman has pulled off a masterstroke... JL - I bet that you're happy with that Joey, you used to be in ECW, you'll be on Paul Heyman's side. JS - Yeah, (sarcastically) Maybe I am.... TS - Shut up you two, the main question will be to find out what WPW Wrestlers are working for EPW backstage. (An advertisement for is shown) (Richard Batt's office is shown, Vince Russo and Eric Bischoff are shown reading through a list of Wrestlers) RB - Any idea who might have joined EPW? VR - Well the Hardy Boyz used to be in ECW. EB - Yeah, and the Dudleys. RB - Ok, well send out the Hardy Boyz now and lets put them against EB - The Harris Brothers? RB - ...yeah, the Harris Brothers, that'll teach them a lesson. I'll go and get the Harris Brothers, you keep on finding out who else is going to turn on WPW. (Back to ringside) TS - Well it looks like we know what our first match will be. JL - Yeah, let's get those trators. JS - How do you know that they are trators. JL - Because they used to be in ECW. JS - So did the Harris Brothers. (The Harris Boyz walk out to their theme tune with Richard Batt, on the way to the ring Richard points towards Joey Styles and says to him that he better stay loyal to WPW. When they get into the ring Richard Batt gets a microphone) RH - Hardy Boyz, we know that you have a history with Paul Heyman in ECW so i've put you in a Texas Tornado match with The Harris Brothers just to teach you a lesson about what'll happen if you decide to join EPW. (The Hardy Boyz music starts up and after a few seconds they run to the ring with Lita) The Hardy Boyz (w/Lita) Vs The Harris Brothers (w/Richard Batt) TS - Remember this match is under Texas Tornado rules which means that all four Wrestlers are in the ring at the same and pinfalls can be made by any Wrestler. Matt Hardy runs into the ring and The Harris Brothers go to clothesline him but he ducks and runs to the ropes as Jeff Hardy goes to the top rope and takes Ron Harris down with a Missile Dropkick. TS - Jeff Hardy from the top rope! JS - Jeff and Matt have always been known for their arial ability! Matt Hardy tries to take Don Harris down with a clothesline, but Don Harris just stands there. TS - Remember tonight we have a big announcement from Bret Hart! JL - He's going to pledge his future to WPW, I just know it! Jeff Hardy goes over to help Matt Hardy and they both whip Don Harris to the ropes and then go for a Double Clothesline, but the clothesline has no effect on Don Harris who pushes them both back accross the ring into a Clothesline by Ron Harris on both of the Hardy Boyz. TS - OHH!! Ron Harris takes both of the Hardy Boyz down! JL - Strength and Power... just what WPW is about. The Harris Brothers then whip the Hardy Boyz to the ropes, Don Harris clotheslines Matt Hardy and Ron Harris clotheslines Jeff Hardy and they both attempt a pin and the referee counts both 1.(Jeff Kick Out).2.(Matt Kick Out). TS - A two count there! I thought the match was over! Ron Harris picks Jeff Hardy up and takes him over to one corner and Don Harris takes Matt Hardy over to the other corner. They both whip the Hardy Boyz into each other.... but the Hardy Boyz manage to reverse it! The Harris Brothers manage to stop running into each other (The Hardy Boyz couldn't get enough force to throw them into each other) but when Ron turns back round Jeff Drop kicks him at the same time as when Don turns into a Drop kick from Matt. TS - Both members of the Harris Brothers are down!! Jeff Hardy pulled Ron Harris to his feet and hit his head into the turnbuckle as Matt Hardy did the same thing with Don. Both Matt and Jeff started hitting their opponents with chops they then pulled them back into the ring and snap-suplexed them over. Matt & Jeff then went up to the top rope in opposite corners of the ring. TS - What are they going to do? They showed off to the crowd before both going for Frog Splashes... but both of the Harris Brothers move out of the way!!! TS - OHHH!!!! Both of the Hardy Boyz hit the mat hard! JL - It's all over now! The Harris Brothers both start stomping on Matt & Jeff before picking them up and taking them over into the Turnbuckles. Ron Harris goes to work on Jeff Hardy destroying him with a series of punches and chops, while Don Harris destroys Matt Hardy with 5 Hard Chops. TS - The Harris Brothers are just destroying the Hardy Boyz here! JL - What else did you expect? Ron & Don then signal something to each other and then whip the Hardy Boyz into each other.... but Jeff Hardy ducks round Matt and clotheslines Don Harris, who falls back into the turnbuckle as Matt manages to send Ron Harris into the turnbuckle with a High Leg Clothesline!! TS - The Hardy Boyz telegraphed that move! Jeff Hardy suplexes Don Harris out of the corner and pins for a two count while Matt Hardy hits Ron Harris with a series of Chops and then suplexes him out of the corner and pins for a two count. TS - Matt got a two and a half count there! JL - Come on Haris Boyz! JS - Harris Boyz? JL - Yeah, it's the Hardy Boyz but bigger, better.... and balder! Jeff Hardy says something to Matt and then goes up to the top rope on one side of the ring as Matt Hardy went up on the other side of the ring. TS - The Hardy Boyz are both up top.... Both Hardy Boyz played to the crowd before Jeff Hardy hit a Senton Bomb and Matt Hardy splashed Ron Harris and pinned 1..2..Don breaks the count with a driving elbow. TS - DON MAKES THE SAVE!! If it wasn't for Don there then the match was over! Jeff Hardy punched Don Harris twice and then clotheslined him over the top rope as Matt Hardy pulled Ron Harris up to his feet and then looked to the fans who cheered for him.... TWIST OF FATE!!! TS - TWIST OF FATE, IT'S ALL OVER!!! JL - NO!! NOT THE TWIST OF FATE! Matt Hardy mase the pin 1..2...3!!! TS - The Hardy Boyz take the victory in a great match! Winners: The Hardy Boyz Match Length: 4 Minutes (Richard Batt climbed into the ring with a Chair but as he went to attack Jeff Hardy he ducked and Drop Kicked Richard. Don Harris climbed into the ring and Choke Slammed Jeff Hardy, Matt Hardy ran at Don Harris and went to clothesline him... but Don Harris kicked Matt in the stomach and Choke Slammed him. The Harris Brothers then walked backstage with Richard Batt as the cameras go to the Commentry team.) TS - The Hardy Boyz got the win but the Harris Brothers got the last word. JS - What was the reason for that, no-one knows if the Hardy's are in EPW. JL - It's called playing things safe. JS - Haven't you ever heard of Innocent Until proven Guilty? JL - Haven't you ever heard of keeping your mouth shut EPW boy hahaha? JS - What i'm saying is that Richard Batt should get proof first? JL - They used to be in ECW, that's proof enough. TS - He needs to get real proof first. JL - I bet you're both in EPW. (The cameras go to Paul Heyman's "office", Paul Heyman is sat with Hulk Hogan and two women, one woman has very light blonde hair and blue eyes, she's wearing a black top and leather trousers. The other woman has darker blonde hair, hazel eyes and is wearing a red top and a black skirt. They are watching Assault on a monitor.) PH - Yes, yes, yes. Just as I thought, Richard Batt can't handle it. He's going around accusing everyone. He doesn't have the expiriance that I have! Now to add even more havoc. Jo, Jakki. Both (In a British accent) - Yes? PH - I want you to go to Madison Square Garden with Hulk Hogan and find Richard Batt, you've got your passes right? Both - Yes. PH - And flirt with each other as much as you can in front of Richard Batt and then try it on with him. (Jo and Jakki look at each other and then turn back to Paul Heyman giggling) Both - I think we can do that. PH - Hulk, you know what you need to do, right?? HH - Yeah. Let's get going. One of the women - Hey, Hulk, no need to rush, we're just getting started. (the women turn to each other and the cameras go back to the arena) JL - .....did I just see that or was I dreaming?? TS - You've got to hand it to Paul Heyman, he has a plan. JL - Don't say anything good about Paul Heyman. But Jo and Jakki hahaha.... JS - Well Paul Heyman isn't that bad. (The cameras go backstage to show Richard Batt (who's holding an ice pack onto his head), Vince Russo and Eric Bischoff. Richard Batt grabs some paper off Vince Russo.) RB - Let's see who you think's in EPW then. (scans through the paper) RB - Rob Van Dam.... he probably is. WHAT??? What's this Vinnie "Lance Storm..... but I trust him enough that he wouldn't turn against me". Haven't you learned anything with all of this time that you've spent in Wrestling?? Don't trust anyone. VR - I've known him long enough. RB - Eric Bischoff has known Hulk Hogan for long enough and look what he did. VR - Yeah but that's.... RB - (ignoring him) Ok, I know what to do. Lance Storm Vs RVD. VR - What will that do?? RB - If they are both in EPW then they won't fight against each other. You know, the whole strength in unity, or something like that. VR - hmm, maybe. RB - Get Lance Storm and RVD out there NOW!! (Cameras go to the car park where Chris Candido got out his car with Tammy. A man in a gray suit with glasses walked over to Chris Candido with a microphone) Man - Hi this is Gregory Helms from TV's Wrestling Headlines, i'd like to ask you a few questions about tonight's show. CC - Fire Away. (Chris Candido put his arm around Tammy) GH - Tonight you've come back to Wrestling after years away from the ring... why? Tammy - Because he knows he can kick anyones ass here in WPW. GH - He even thinks he can beat the great superhero... The Hurracane? CC - The who? GH - You don't know who the Hurracane is.... whatsupwitdat? CC - Get me the Hurracane tonight and i'll show you, and everyone in this arena, that I can kick his ass! GH - I'll see what I can do. (Chris Candido and Sunny walk past Gregory Helms and into the arena. Gregory Helms adgusts his tie and looks around before walking over to a phone box.) (Cameras go back to ringside) JL - Good Golly Tony... The Hurracane will be here tonight!!! TS - He'll be facing off against Chris Candido tonight, but up next is a match set up by Richard Batt. Rob Van Dam and Lance Storm will face each other so Richard Batt can see whether they are "true" to WPW. (Rob Van Dam's music starts up and he walks to the ring) TS - This man is one of the brightest stars in Wrestling today. JL - Booo....get off WPW shows. JS - For all you know he could be 100% WPW. (Lance Storm's music starts up and he walks out and stops on the ramp with a microphone) LS - Cut the music (music stops). If I can just be serious for a minute, Richard Batt made this match so that he could find out if Rob Van Dam or I were part of EPW. (Crowd - "WHAT?") Now I can't speak for Rob Van Dam but I am 100% W... P... W. i'm from Calgary, Alberta, Canada and as people from Calgary know we don't stab people in the back. Richard Batt signed me here to Wrestle for WPW and I will Wrestle for WPW. Now all stand for the Canadian National Anthem. (The Canadian National anthem starts up and Lance Storm starts singing the words to it, Rob Van Dam runs up the ramp and attacks Lance Storm to start the match) Lance Storm Vs Rob Van Dam JL - Rob Van Dam should show respect for the Canadian National Anthem. JS - This is a Wrestling match, you don't show respect to anyone. The match started with both RVD and Lance Storm blocking each others punches until Lance Storm took advantage with a kick to RVD's stomach and then a DDT in the entryway. TS - OHHH!! A sickening DDT on the floor!! JL - Great move from Lance Storm! Lance Storm stomped on Rob Van Dam for a bit before picking him back up and taking him into the ring. TS - It looks like the match is going to.... But Van Dam elbowed him in the stomach as they just got to ringside and pushed him towards the outside of the turnbuckle and followed in with a high leg clothesline... but Lance Storm ducked and RVD hit the outside of the turnbuckle. TS - OH MY GOD!! Rob Van Dam hit the ringpost! (The screen shows a double feature of RVD hitting the Turnbuckle with a High Leg Clothesline) OHMYGOD! He hit with such force, it's amazing that he's still standing! Lance Storm then picked up RVD and rolled him back in the ring and climbed to the top rope. TS - Lance Storm goes up top! When Rob Van Dam got back to his feet Lance Storm took him down with a cross body 1..2..KICK OUT. TS - Lance Storm gets two! Both Wrestlers got to their feet and squared up to each other (Lance Storm "Couldn't stay away from Paul Heyman, eh?") Rob Van Dam pushed Lance Storm who ran back at RVD with a clothesline.... which Rob Van Dam ducked under. When Lance Storm came back off the ropes Van Dam took him down with a spinning heel kick then he ran at the ropes and used them to moonsault over onto Lance Storm.... but he rolled out of the way! TS - WOW! Lance Storm and Rob Van Dam are really going at it in this match! JS - These are two of the best Wrestlers around today. Lance Storm pulled RVD back to his feet and Storm whipped Van Dam to the ropes and took him over with a Northern Lights Suplex 1..2..elbow up! TS - ALMOST A THREE COUNT! Lance Storm got up to his feet and waited for Rob Van Dam to get to his feet and then clotheslined him over the top rope then followed him out TS - There taking this match outside of the ring! JL - If they come over here i'm hiding behind you Tony! TS - If they come over here i'm going into the crowd! (referee count 1..) Lance Storm whipped Rob Van Dam into the guardrail (2) and then followed in with a clothesline.... but Rob Van Dam moved out of the way and Lance Storm hit the guard-rail hard! TS - I wonder if Lance Storm is ok? JS - He really hit the Guard Rail hard, but i've seen him before and he can take much more punishment than that. (3) Rob Van Dam went up onto the apron and hit Lance Storm with a Gillutene Leg Drop over the Guard Rail both Wrestlers went over the guard rail and into the crowd!! TS - OH MY GOD! Lance Storm must be really hurt after that! (4) Rob Van Dam pulled Lance Storm up to his feet and went to throw him back over the guard rail... but Lance Storm elbowed him in the stomach and pushed him into the guard rail! TS - How is Lance Storm still standing... never mind fighting? JS - Lance Storm is a tough guy! (5) Both Lance Storm and Rob Van Dam started to fight back through the crowd (6) to an exit, which they brawled down through to the entrance area where there was a popcorn machine and some drinks machines. TS - I don't think this match is going to go back to the ring. JL - It's turned into a brawl! (7) Lance Storm whipped RVD into a drinks machine TS - OHMYGOD! That must have hurt Ron Van Dam! (8) and then threw him into another machine right next to it (9) and lunged at Van Dam... but Rob Van Dam moved out of the way and fell to the floor as Lance Storm crashed into the drinks machine smashing it open (10 - the bell rang to end the match as a double Count Out) TS - This match is over, but I think we need some paramedics out there quickly because both RVD and Lance Storm look hurt! Result: Double Count Out Match Length: 3 Minutes Lance Storm was shown down knocked out and RVD was shown crawling to his feet after the match. The cameras then go backstage where Bret Hart was shown walking towards the entryway. (The cameras go back to the phone box which Gregory went into a few minutes ago. The Hurracane steps out of the phone box.) TH - Evil villans threaten to terrorise WPW, this looks like a job for... (Mighty Molly walks over and The Hurracane puts his arm around her) TS & MM - ...The Hurracane! JL - The Hurracane is here... THE HURRACANE IS HERE!! TS - Yeah, yeah Jerry... Bret Hart will make his announcement next on Assault!!! (WPW Assault goes to an advertisement for Hulk Hogan) (Hulk Hogan is shown in Hulkamania colours as Real American played in the background) Voiceover - Back in the 80's Hulk Hogan was a force for good (Hulk Hogan is shown Bodyslamming Aundre the Giant) fighting against evil villans plaguing the United States with his Hulkamaniacs. HH - Whatcha gonna do when the 24-inch pythons and the greatest force in Wrestling runs down on you. (The screen goes black) Voiceover - But then things changed... (Bash at the Beach 96: Hulk Hogan was shown walking down to the ring) TS - HULK HOGAN, IT'S HULK HOGAN!!! DR - GO GET 'EM HULKSTER! BH - Who's side is he on? DR - What.. BH - Who's side is he on! DR - What are you talking about Bobby? BH - They say that the third man is in the arena, he could be anywhere. Hulk Hogan might be the third man! (The cut to Hulk Hogan shouting at Kevin Nash and then went into slow motion as Hulk Hogan Leg Dropped Randy Savage!) TS - WHAT?? Voiceover - And Hulk Hogan changed. (The screen went to black) TS - Hulk Hogan you can go to hell! (Bash at the Beach 96: Hulk Hogan is shown in the ring cutting the promo at the end of the show) HH - If it wasn't for Hulk Hogan, none of you would be here. If it wasn't for Hulk Hogan then Eric Bischoff would still be selling meat from the back of a truck in Minniapolis and if it wasn't for Hulk Hogan then all of these Johnny come latelys that you see parading around here. They wouldn't be here. For 2 years, FOR TWO YEARS, brotha, I held my head up high, I did everything for the kids, I did everything for the charities and the reception I got when I came out here.... you can all just STICK IT brotha! (the camera clips away from Bash at the Beach 96 and the nWo music started up and clips of Hulk Hogan in nWo vignetts were shown) Voiceover - Hulk Hogan turned his back on all of the fans and all of the Wrestlers he'd known through his career to become Hollywood Hogan, a evil, twisted version of his former self who broke all of the rules necessery to win matches. He believed that he created Wrestling, that he made the sport and he decided that he would do anything necessery to destroy it... with the new World order. HH - the new World order is just TWO SWEET!! Voiceover - The new World order ran a rampage in WCW until 1999 when Hulk Hogan once again changed. (The cameras cut to a Nitro in 1999. American Made hit the speakers.) TS - Wait! Wait a second... that's.. BH - That's Hulk Hogan's music!! (Hulk Hogan walked out in the red & yellow of Hulkamania.) TS - Hulk Hogan is back!! (The screen paused with Hulk Hogan posing in the entryway.) Voiceover - Hulk Hogan was once again back for the fans and that's the way it stayed. But now he has something new to fight for... (The cameras cut to earlier in Assault with Paul Heyman on the big screen and Eric Bischoff stood with the microphone in the ring with Richard Batt and Vince Russo) EB - None of our Wrestlers would join up with you. PH - They wouldn't?? EB - No, they wouldn't. PH - Well i've got a good friend of yours here who joined up with me just a few minutes ago. (Paul Heyman motions someone over, Eric Bischoff watches with intrest and Hulk Hogan walks onto the screeen wearing black Jeans with a white belt and a Black Leather Jacket) EB - Hulk....Hulk Hogan??? HH - That's right Eric Jerkoff. EB - You said that you joined to help me. HH - Yeah, i'm going to help you and then you can go and turn your back on me just like the last time I worked with you, brotha. (Eric Bischoff looks away confused) PH - I'll see you later. (the screen showed Paul Heyman sitting in his "office") PH - Hulk Hogan is now part of E...P...W, the only Wrestling Promotion worth watching..... (the screen went to a black screen with HULK HOGAN written accross it and EPW "stamped" underneath it. Before going to the outside of the arena where Lance Storm and Rob Van Dam were shown getting stretchered into an Ambulance.) JL - How did that advertisement get on a WPW show? TS - I don't know, but we're looking outside of the arena where Lance Storm and Rob Van Dam are getting stretchered out of the arena after some tough shots they took with those drinks machines. JL - Look how unextreme your Rob Van Dam is. JS - No-one could stay standing after breaking through a Drinks Machine. ("The Best There Is, The Best There Was and The Best There EVER WILL BE!" blasts over the speakers followed by Bret Hart's music and he starts walking towards the ring) TS - Here comes Bret Hart!!! JL - He's finally back in Wrestling!! TS - The last time I saw him was.... July 2000, I think. JS - I've never seen this guy up close, but i've watched him on TV for years. (Bret Hart climbs into the ring and gets a microphone. The crowd chant "Hitman, Hitman, Hitman" and a Bret Rules 4 Eva sign is shown) BH - Thank you. It's great to be back on a Wrestling TV show, I thought that when I left WCW last August I was gone from Wrestling for sure, but when I got a call from Richard Batt to come and work for WPW I decided "why not?". The only bad thing for me was that I knew that I couldn't Wrestle. I sat at home thinking "What can I do for this new Wrestling promotion?", Richard Batt told me that I couldn't be commissioner because he already had that kind of job sorted out. I couldn't be a commentator because he has three great guys already doing the job, I didn't want to be a referee or interviewer so there wasn't much left for me to do here. I was thinking about calling Richard Batt and telling him "Richard, i'm sorry but their isn't anything for me to do in WPW. I've changed my mind.". But I didn't want to do that, I asked Richard Batt if I could appear on this show this one time. And he let me. So I came here tonight to talk to you fans. I came here to thank you for all of your years of support, and to have one final match in front of you tonight (big pop from the fans), one final match to thank every single one of you fans for your support. The match has been a dream for so many years but TONIGHT it's going to happen against.... (Paul Heyman appears on the screen) PH - Woh, woh, woh there Bret. You're planning to go back to the ring tonight after that "Life Threatning" injury? I'd be more careful if I were you Bret. BH - What are you doing, this is my time on TV Heyman. PH - Bret, Bret, Bret. You're making your return to the ring tonight, right??? BH - Yeah? PH - Well i've got a deal with you. I have one of the greatest Tag Teams from over the last few years with me in EPW. If you go backstage and get yourself a Tag Team partner then tonight in the Main Event it can be the first "official" EPW Vs WPW match, what do you say??? BH - I'm not interested, i'm not in WPW and i'm not in EPW. Plus I already have my return match set up. PH - I'm not too sure Richard Batt, Eric Bischoff or Vince Russo will be too happy about that. BH - I don't care what they think, i'm not here to fight for WPW, i'm not here to fight for EPW. I'm here to fight for these fans. (Eric Bischoff walks down the ramp) EB - This doesn't seem to be the Bret Hart I remember from when I was in charge of WCW, the Bret Hart I remember would never back out of a challange, the Bret Hart I remember would come out and put on the fight that these fans want to see. And i'm sure these fans want to see Bret Hart and a member of WPW take on the team from EPW don't they?? (the fans cheer) BH - You want to see that??? (the fans cheer again) PH - What do you say Bret?? BH - (pauses for a second) Ok. I'll fight the match tonight. But i'm not doing it for Bischoff, Russo or even you Hayman.... i'm doing it for the fans! PH - Good're gonna need it. (Bret Hart walks backstage with Eric Bischoff) (Richard Batt is shown in an office with Vince Russo backstage when Jakki and Jo walk in) TS - Are those the women we seen earlier? JS - I'm sure it is. RB - Hi, can I help you? One of the women - Hi, i'm Jakki Jo - ..and i'm Jo. (Jakki and Jo look into each others eyes and then smile back it Richard Batt provocativly) RB - Vince, get out and err.... set up the next match. VR - Yeah, ok.. RB - Oh and lock the door. (Vince Russo walks outside and shuts the door) RB - Now... where were you? (The cameras go back to ringside) TS - I wonder what Paul Heyman has planned to happen with Richard Batt, but i'm sure it involves Hulk Hogan, otherwise why would he be here? JS - I'm sure Paul Heyman has a plan, i've known him for years and he's never done anything without having a plan behind it. TS - Yeah I know. (Chris Candido's music starts up and he walks down to the ring) "Watch Out There's a Hurracane comin' through!" (The Hurracane's music starts up and He walks down the ramp with Mighty Molly and gets a microphone as the music stops. He goes to talk, but Tammy starts talking before him) Tammy - YOU are the Hurracane? TH - It is I, the Hurracane... the greatest Superhero of all time. (Chris Candido is shown laughing in the ring) TH - And I am here to fight for the rights of the law-abiding citizens in WPW against the evil terror of EPW and their warlord Paul Heyman! (Tammy laughs) Tammy - Finish him quickly Chris. (The Hurracane walked down to the ring) Hurracane Helms Vs Chris Candido Chris Candido attacked The Hurracane with a clothesline as he put his cape on the turnbuckle. JL - He attacked The Hurracane from behind! Chris Candido then suplexed The Hurracane accross into the middle of the ring and then elbow dropped him while he was down before pulling him back to his feet and attempting to whip him to the ropes, but The Hurracane reversed it and leaned down to body drop him... but Chris Candido kicked him in the face and Scoop Slammed him. TS - Chris Candido telegraphed that move! Chris Candido went to the top rope but Mighty Molly climbed up on to the apron and pushed him off the top rope into the ring. TS - Molly just... JL - Mighty Molly TS - Mighty Molly just pushed Candido off the top rope. Those don't look like the tactics of a "Superhero". JL - All Superheros are different. Tammy ran round the ring and pulled Molly off the apron and started shouting at her as The Hurracane pinned Candido but only got a one count. TS - Way too early to make a pin. The Hurracane and Chris Candido both got to their feet and squared up to each other. On the outside of the ring Mighty Molly slapped Tammy and then Tammy slapped Molly then started to chase her around the ring. JL - Mighty Molly and Tammy are fighting at ringside.... come on Mighty Molly use your Superpowers!1 JS - Superpowers? The Hurracane tried to choke slam him but could only just lift him off the ground before Candido kneed him in the stomach and whipped him to the ropes then took him over in a Northern Lights suplex when he came back off the ropes and bridged pinned 1..2..Kick Out. TS - OOHH! Almost three! Chris Candido doing really well in this match. JL - The Hurracane has a plan. Just like all great Superheros. TS - Yeah Sure. Chris Candido then got distraced by Tammy chasing Molly on the outside and shouts at Tammy who steps up on to the apron and told Candido what happened for a few second as The Hurracane clotheslined Candido who accidently knocked Tammy into the guardrails and out to the ground. TS - Tammy's just been knocked off the apron. We need someone to check that she's ok! JL - She should stay as far away from the ring as possible. Chris Candido looked out at Tammy on the ground as The Hurracane rolled him up 1..2.Kick Out. TS - We need to stop this match and get someone to check on Tammy. JL - Tammy isn't in the match... The Hurracane got back to his feet and Candido rolled to the outside and called for the referee to check on Tammy. TS - The match needs to be finished because Chris Candido won't be able to concentrate while Tammy is unconsious at Ringside. JL - He shouldn't have knocked her off the ring then. TS - He didn't! JL - He did, I just watched him. TS - The Hurracane says he's a Superhero, he should act like one! They both went out to check on Tammy and as the referee called for some paramedics Mighty Molly took Candido down with a Molly-can-rana, The Hurracane went outside and rolled Candido into the ring as the paramedics started to put Tammy onto a strecher. TS - What does Molly think she's doing? The Hurracane pulled Candido into the middle of the ring and put his cape on and went to the top rope. The Hurracane called to the fans (who booed him) before going for a Shooting Star Press.... but missing!!!! Chris Candido rolled out of the way!!! TS - Chris Candido rolled out of the way... he could win this thing. JL - He should be checking on Tammy, since he's the one that knocked her out. Chris Candido got to his feet and went to the top rope, when he was on the top rope he looked over at Tammy being strechered out of the arena and hesitated which give Mighty Molly time to get up onto the apron to push him off the top rope into the ring again. TS - This is discusting. Molly shouldn't be getting involved in this match, this should be one on one Chris Candido agains The Hurracane. JL - It is Candido Vs The Hurracane, Mighty Molly is just making sure that the good guys win. TS - You mean she's cheating. The Hurracane got back to his feet and pulled Candido to his feet. He hit Candido with the HurriBreaker (Vertibreaker). JL - It's The HurriBreaker!!! And made a pin 1..2...3 TS - The Hurricane gets the win, but it's not a fair one. Match Length: 5 minutes (Back in Richard Batt's office Jakki and Jo have Richard Batt blindfolded, naked apart from a sock (and it's not on his foot) and tied to a chair in the middle of the room, they open the door and let Hulk Hogan, The Hardy Boyz and The Sandman into the room.) RB - Wow, this is kinky. Jo - What do you want us to do Owner? RB - Call me President, it really turns me on. Jo & Jakki - What do you want us to do President??? RB - I think you know what I want you two to do. Jo - Well you have to beg us. RB - PLEASE, PLEASE, I beg you. Jakki - Untie him Jo. I want him to get down on his knees and beg us. (Jo unties him from the chair and Richard Batt gets onto his knees and keeps bowing down) RB - Please, I beg you, please let me.... (Jo moves Hulk Hogan in front of him) Jo - Kiss my feet Richard and i'll think about it. RB - Ok. (Richard Batt leans down and kisses Hulk Hogan's boot. The cameras show the whole room trying not to laugh. Richard Batt looks confused) RB - Jo, boots?.... kinky (He leans back down and kisses the boot again. Then he rubs it with his hand, looking confused. He feels different parts of the leg and slowly starts to work out whats going on) HH - You're pathetic, brotha!! (Everyone in the room bursts out laughing and Richard Batt jumps back up, rips off the blindfold to see Hulk Hogan standing in front of him, he puts his other hand over the sock) RB - Get out.... the lot of you get the hell out!!! (Everyone walks out of the room laughing) Jo - Oh, nice outfit Richard!! (Richard Batt bangs on the desk hard angrily as Eric Bischoff walks in and looks at Richard Batt) EB - must have had a great time while I was gone!!! (The cameras go back to ringside) TS - Come on Jerry Paul Heyman really got Richard Batt there. JL - Paul Heyman can try as many times as he likes to humiliate Richard Batt but he'll never get the upper hand. (Tammy was shown getting strechered into an ambulance with a neck-brace on. Chris Candido ran out of the arena over to the ambulance) CC - How is she? Paramedic - We can't be sure yet. We're going to take her to the hospital to run some tests. (The Hurracane and Mighty Molly pull up on the Hurricycle next to the ambulance) TH - Evil Villins tryed to defeat the Hurracane, but their plans were foiled! MM - WPW is one step closer to being safe again! TH - All thanks to.... The Hurracane... MM - ... and Mighty Molly! (The Hurracane and Mighty Molly drive off as Chris Candido checks on Tammy) (Richard Batt is shown in his Office (fully clothed) banging the desk and shouting at Eric Bischoff and Vince Russo) RB - One of you must have seen them planning this we have monitors all over the FUCKING arena. EB - How could we see them you had us looking for "Potential EPW Wrestlers" for gods sake. RB - (hesitates) that's not an excuse. VR - Then what is? RB - I don't know but that isn't. EB - Look i'm....we're sorry but I was here with you all of the time, so was Vince, we couldn't help it. RB - Fine but I have to go back out in front of loads of WPW fans every week who watched me do that on TV screens all around the world. EB - Look, just get on with things as normal and we'll get them back for this again over the next few weeks. VR - Yeah. We won't have anything to worry about. RB - We'll have a chance to get Hulk Hogan back this week if he's still in the arena, right. EB - Yeah. And I think I have the best way to do that. RB - Yeah? (the cameras go back to ringside) TS - I wonder what his plan is. JL - We'll probably see later on today. TS - Yeah. I wonder whether Bret Hart has a partner for his main event match tonight. JS - He'll have one now, i'm sure he knows better than to leave it until the last minute. (Steve McMichael's music hits the PA System and he walks down to the ring with a microphone) TS - Here comes Steve McMichael! He's a very well known Wrestler, a former member of the Four Horsemen in fact. JL - Yeah, i'm sure he'll do WPW proud. JS - If he's in WPW. JL - If he's in WPW, don't be stupid, he would never join your EPW. (Steve McMichael stands in the ring and gets pretty much no reaction from the fans) SM - Well cheer me then you New York pieces of shit. (The fans immidiatly start to boo Steve McMichael) SM - Show me some damn respect, i'm in the NFL hall of fame, i'm an ex-member of one of the best stables of all time. Show me some fucking respect. Or don't New Yorkers know how to show better athletes respect??? (The fans continue to boo) SM - No-one has treated me fairly. I wasn't given a fair chance as an announcer in the WWF. Eric Bischoff screwed me in WCW, Vince Russo fired me from WCW and now you fans aren't showing me respect here in New York. You know what? I'm going to prove to you what a great athlete I am by challanging anyone from backstage to face me now in the ring. Come on, all of you so-called "Tough Guiys" backstage. Come... "Don't Hate The Player, Hate The Game" (Booker T's theme music blasts over the speakers and he stands on the entrance ramp with a microphone) BT - Cut da music. (the music stops) SM - Who the hell are you?? BT - Who the hell am I? Who the hell am I? I'm Booker T dammit! SM - Oh, Stevie Ray's brother. That Tag Team, who were they..... Harlem Street?? BT - Tell me you did not say that. Tell me you did not just say that. SM - Didn't you hear me right?? I said you were half of Harlem Street. BT - It's Harlem Heat and i'm a 5 time WCW Champion dammit!!! SM - Oh, really. What TV Champion?? (Booker T shakes his head) US Champion??? (Booker T shakes his head again) No?? Cruiserweight??? (Booker T shakes his head again) BT - World Champion, Sucka. SM - Doing a Booker T impression. "Tell me you did not just say that, Tell me you did not just say that". BT - I'm going to come down to that ring right now and kick your ass for all of the fans here in New York. SM - (Signalling him down) Come on then!! Booker T Vs Steve McMichael JL - The first match between two non-EPW Wrestlers... it should be the best. JS - There hasn't been an "EPW" Wrestler in any match this evening. JL - Every match has had EPW Wrestlers in, The Hardy Boyz... JS - How do you know they're in EPW. JL - Rob Van Dam and Chris Candido. JS - Chris Candido and Rob Van Dam aren't in EPW. JL - They might be hahaha! Booker T ran down to the ring and rolled into the ring, Steve McMichael started stomping on Booker T as soon as he got into the ring but Booker T fought back by punching him 3 times and then whipping him to the ropes and taking him over with a back body drop then hitting him with an Elbow Drop. TS - Booker T is well known for his fast offence. He's probably one of the best Wrestlers in WPW. Steve McMichael rolled to the outside of the ring and started to walk around it taunting the fans at ringside. TS - Steve McMichael is taking a break on the outside. JS - Booker T is proving to be a bigger challange than Steve McMichael expected. He climbed back in the ring at the count of 6. He ran at Booker T to clothesline him... but Booker T ducked the clothesline and punched him in the stomach then DDT'd McMichael. TS - Once again Booker T's speed caught Steve McMichael off guard. Booker T started to pull Steve McMichael to his feet but Steve McMichael low blowed Booker T as he was on his knees. TS - A cheap shot from McMichael. Steve McMichael then whipped Booker into the turnbuckle and wrapped his leg around the middle rope and started to pull on it (referee 1..2...3...4..) TS - Steve McMichael working Booker T's knee over the middle rope. JS - He's probably setting him up for the Figure Four Leg Lock. McMichael broke the hold then reapplied it (referee 1..2...3...4...) Steve McMichael broke the hold again and then reapplied it (referee 1..2...3...4...) Steve McMichael broke the hold and then started to kick the inside of Booker T's knee (referee 1..2..3...4) TS - Steve McMichael just working on the knee, clever offence. The referee got in the middle of Steve McMichael and Booker T and tryed to push Steve McMichael away from Booker T but Steve McMichael pushed the referee out of the way. TS - Steve McMichael just pushed the referee out of the way! JS - That should be an automatic disqualification. Steve McMichael then started to kick the inside of Booker's knee again until the referee got back up and boke the two of them up again. TS - Steve McMichael needs to stick to the rules or he'll be disqualified. JL - Steve McMichael is giving the crowd what they want, they cheered for EPW so he's Wrestling Extreme! JS - What are you talking about? Booker T tried to walk out of the corner but his knee gave way after the beating it took in the corner. TS - We need to get someone out there right now to check on Booker T's knee. JL - This is Wrestling, not Ballet. You don't stop a match for something stupid like that. TS - Booker T is a great athlete, if this match isn't stopped he could get badly injured. JL - That's what WPW is about, Wrestling, people are supposed to get hurt, Tony. Steve McMichael lifted Booker T's leg off the ground and started to kick the inside of his knee, and then dragged Booker T accross the ring and elbow dropped the inside of knee twice and applied a figure-four leg lock. TS - The figure four leg lock! JL - This match is over! Booker T layed back in the hold and Steve McMichael got a two count, Booker T tried to turn the hold round to reverse it, but he couldn't do it. He then layed back in the hold and the referee counted a pin 1..2..Booker T pushed back up. TS - Booker T is in a lot of pain. JL - Tapping out would be the smart option... but then again Booker isn't that smart haha! Booker T started to push towards the ropes but he couldn't push far because Steve McMichael put more pressure on the leg. TS - Booker T needs to tap out.... this move could servierly injure someone! Booker T called for the fans support to help him reach the ropes and they started to chant "Booker T, Booker T, Booker T" TS - Booker T is going to try and reach the ropes! Booker T started to push accross the ring and he started to reach and reach for the ropes but he couldn't reach them and Steve McMichael started to try and pull Booker T back accross the ring. TS - Booker T needs to tap out... this move could end his career! Steve McMichael put more pressure on the hold and Booker T tried once again to reach for the ropes.... but he couldn't reach it. Booker T called for the fans support again and tried to push further accross the ring before reaching for the ropes again...... AND REACHING THEM!! TS - Booker T has got to the ropes! JL - I thought the match was over! Steve McMichael got to his feet and pulled Booker T's leg round and climbed out of the ring. He slammed the back of Booker T's knee on the edge of the ring apron twice. TS - Steve McMichael is like a maniac! He's trying to break Booker T's leg! McMichael then he pulled Booker T's knee over the bottom rope and then pulled down on it applying pressure on it. TS - Come on somebody, stop this match. After Steve McMichael broke the hold he climbed back in the ring and dragged Booker T over to the turnbuckle. He climbed out of the ring and slammed the inside of Booker T's knee into the turnbuckle. TS - Booker T looks in a lot of pain here, somebody needs to stop this match. He then applied a figure four around the turnbuckle which the referee counted to five. TS - Steve McMichael won't break the hold. He just wants to injure Booker T! The referee then tried to break the hold he then threatened Steve McMichael with a Disqualification and Steve McMichael broke the hold and climbed back in the ring. JL - Booker T needs to do the smart thing and end the match. Steve McMichael dragged Booker T to the middle of the ring and once again applied the figure four leg lock. TS - This is just terrible! Booker T's career could be ended tonight... This time he positioned himself near the ropes and when the referee turned to check on Booker T he started to use the ropes to apply more pressure. JS - REFEREE! Steve McMichael is using the ropes... TS - Steve McMichael is blatently cheating to try and win this match! The referee looked back round at Steve McMichael and he let go of the ropes. Booker T then layed back on the mat and the referee made a pin 1..2..Booker T pushed back up. The referee then checked on Booker T again and Steve McMichael held back onto the ropes for more pressure and then let back go when the referee looked back round. TS - Steve McMichael is blatently cheating in this match, someone needs to stop him so that Booker T can have a fair match. JL - With the beating he's taken even if he did have a fair match he's already lost it now. TS - Booker T has a real will to win this match, he's putting so much effort in that I really think he could come back and win it. The referee looked at the ropes (which were shaking because of Steve McMichael pulling on them to apply pressure on the hold) and warned Steve McMichael not to use them. Booker T's shoulders then went back onto the mat and The referee went to count the pin again 1..2...Booker T pushed back up. JL - The longer Booker T is in that hold, the closer his career is to ending. Steve McMichael held onto the ropes again for more pressure and Booker T pointed to Steve McMichael and told the referee that Steve McMichael was using the ropes but Steve McMichael let go of the ropes again before the referee could see him/ TS - Steve McMichael should be disqualified! The referee warned Steve McMichael not to cheat again and went to check on Booker T again so Steve McMichael held onto the ropes.... but the referee seen him and told him to break the hold. But he wouldn't. TS - He won't break the hold.. referee, disqualify him. JS - He should have been disqualified a long time ago. The referee counted 1..2...3...4...Steve McMichael broke the hold. TS - Finally Booker T has got out of the hold. Steve McMichael got to his feet and turned to the fans. He started to taunt them as Booker T struggled back to his feet, the fans started to chant "Booker T, Booker T, Booker T" as he struggled to his feet. TS - The fans right behind Booker T! JL - The fans just love the guy! Steve McMichael taunted the fans and said "Booker T's dead and buried" to a fan at ringside as Booker T performed the spinarootie and stood waiting for Steve McMichael to turn round. TS - Booker T is back to his feet!! JL - That guy is showing real character tonight... he's got a lot of heart! As Steve McMichael turned round Booker T hit him with the Harlem Sidekick. TS - Harlem Sidekick!! Steve McMichael stayed down for a second and then got back up looking at Booker T in total shock. TS - Steve McMichael can't believe it! JL - Neither can I!! Steve McMichael ran at Booker T with a clothesline but Booker T ducked and hit McMichael with a 179th Street Drop (Rock Bottom)!! TS - It's the 179th Street Drop!! Booker T fell onto Steve McMichael to make a cover 1..2...3!!! TS - Booker T wins the match!! JL - I can't believe it! Booker T rolled off Steve McMichael holding his knee as Assault went to a commercial break. Match Length: 7 Minutes (After the match Steve McMichael took a fit in the ring as Booker T walked backstage) (Richard Batt was shown in his office still talking with Eric Bischoff and Vince Russo) RB - So you really think that he'll interfiere in the Bret Hart match? EB - Why else would he be here. (Richard Batt gives him a "Why else do you think" look) EB - Apart from that. RB - Yeach I guess. But do I really have to go out there? VR - Do you want the plan to work??? RB - Yeah I guess. EB - Then you have to go out there. RB - Ok i'll do it. But if I get hurt there'll be hell to pay. EB - You won't get hurt. (The camera goes back to ringside) TS - I wonder what the plan is. JL - Yeah, but i'm sure it's something great. JS - You would do. JL - And you'd think it was crap but I don't complain. TS - Shut up you two and get ready because here comes the first WPW Assault Main Event!!! Let's go to Pamela Paulshock in the ring to announce the Wrestlers. PP - The Pepsi Arena, New York. Here comes the first WPW Assault Main Event!!!! (Bret Hart's voice hits the speakers saying "The Best There Is, The Best There Was and The Best There Ever Will Be" and then his WCW theme starts up and he starts walking to the ring) PP - Now coming to the ring, from Calgary, Alberta, Canada. Representing WPW, The Best There Is, The Best There Was and The Best There Ever Will Be BRET "THE HITMAN" HART!!!!! (Bret Hart climbs into the ring and gives Pamela Paulshock a piece of card with info about his tag team partner on before turning to the fans) PP - And his Tag Team Partner. ("Self High Five" the theme tune for Diamond Dallas Page blasts over the speakers and he walks out onto the entrance ramp with Kimberly Page) PP - from Tampa Bay, Florida accompanied to the ring with Kimberly Page. Representing WPW, The master of the Diamond Cutter DIAMOND DALLAS PAGE!!! (DDP walks down to the ring and talks to Bret Hart. "Welcome to DUDLEYVILLE!" blasts over the PA system followed by the Dudley Boyz theme tune) PP - Now coming to the ring representing Extreme Pro Wrestling. From Dudleyville, one of today's greatest Tag Teams, masters of the 3-D, D-Von and Buh Buh Ray Dudley, THE DUDLEY BOYZ!!!! Bret Hart and Diamond Dallas Page Vs The Dudley Boyz TS - And tonight's main event is just about to begin. Bret Hart is about to return to the ring here, tonight in WPW! JS - It's the return of a Legend! D-Von and Bret Hart locked up to start the match. TS - They lock up! Bret Hart took over quickly pushing D-Von back into the corner while in the lock up then breaking the lock up and chopping D-Von twice and then whipping him over into the other corner and clotheslining him then stomping him when he fell down into the bottom of the turnbuckle. TS - Bret Hart beating away at D-Von Dudley! He then dragged D-Von back to his feet and turned him round for a Russian Leg Sweep. TS - Russian Leg Sweep! JL - Bret made that move famous! He elbow dropped D-Von and then took him over to DDP and tagged out. TS - Diamond Dallas Page gets tagged in. DDP clotheslined D-Von down and then put on a sleeper hold for about 10 seconds until D-Von got to the ropes. DDP pulled D-Von back to his feet, took him over to Bret Hart and tagged him in. TS - Bret Hart gets tagged back in. Bret Hart took D-Von down with a Russian Leg Sweep and then Bret Hart pulled D-Von over to the ropes and he put D-Von's knee over the bottom rope and jumped on it. TS - It looks like he's working over the leg for the Sharpshooter! Tthen did the same thing a few times on the middle rope until Buh-Buh Ray came into the ring, but the referee kept him back. TS - D-Von trying to help out D-Von Dudley. JL - Did D-Von expect to out-Wrestle Bret Hart? As Bret went to the outside and pulled down on D-Vons leg over the rope as the referee was distracted trying to get Buh-Buh Ray back out of the ring. TS - Bret Hart really going to work on D-Von Dudley's knee. JS - Isn't that move illigal? JL - If the ref doesn't see it, it's not illigal! Bret continued to pull D-Von's knee over the rope until the referee turns round and tells Bret to break the hold. Bret then got back into the ring and dragged D-Von over to the turnbuckle, he then went to the outside and applied the Figure Four on the ring-post. TS - Bret Hart getting D-Von ready for the Sharpshooter! The Referee counted to 4 and Bret broke the hold and then slammed D-Von's knee into the ringpost twice before climbing back into the ring and pulling D-Von into the middle of the ring and getting ready to apply the Sharpshooter. TS - Here comes the Sharpshooter! JL - That's all she wrote! But Buh Buh Ray got ready to climb into the ring so Bret Hart squared up to Buh Buh Ray as Richard Batt walked to the ring with Stacy Kiebler and Torrie Wilson. TS - What's he doing here? JL - Stacy and Torrie... woooo!! He walked to ringside and grabbed a microphone. RB - Pepsi Arena, New York. I was sitting backstage with these two lovely ladies and I decided that I should share them with the world. So what would you rather see? Bret Hart, DDP Vs the Dudley Boyz or Stacy Kiebler and Torrie Wilson dancing???? Ok, those of you who want to see Bret Hart & DDP Vs The Dudley Boyz cheer now (a lot of fans cheered), those of you who want to see Stacy & Torrie cheer.. now (a lot of fans cheered for Torrie & Stacy). Referee you heard them, ring the bell on this match! (The referee called for the bell ending the match as a draw. Bret Hart and DDP stood in the ring looking confused while The Dudley Boyz went crazy shouting at Richard Batt) RB - Step down from the ring Dudley Boyz, the match is over. (The Dudley Boyz continued to shout at Richard Batt)I said get down. (Buh Buh Ray grabbed Richard Batt's shirt and pushed him accross the ring)Ok, I didn't want to do this, Security. (WPW Security ran to the ring and took the Dudley Boyz backstage, Richard Batt walked into the ring with Stacy Kiebler and Torrie Wilson.) RB - Do your thing girls. (Some music started up but as Stacy Kiebler and Torrie Wilson started to dance in the ring. Bret Hart started to push Richard Batt around and he got a microphone) BH - Stop the music. (The music stopped) Richard Batt, I came here to Wrestle tonight and you stop my match for these two..... sluts to come to the ring and "Dance". What are you running here, World Pro Wrestling or World Pro Strippers. RB - This is a Wrestling show but the fans wanted Stacy Kiebler and Torrie Wilson. I'm giving the fans what they want. BH - The fans probably want free tickets but you don't give them out. (Richard Batt shrugged his sholders) BH - I don't know why I agreed to come back tonight, you've proved to me exactly what I always thought... Wrestling isn't for me anymore. (Bret Hart turns round and walks back down the ramp. DDP pushes past Richard Batt and follows Bret Hart down the ramp. Richard Batt laughs watching DDP and Bret Hart leave. Then out of nowhere Hulk Hogan runs down to the ring from behind Richard Batt. He poses behind Richard Batt for a few seconds and then attacks him. He turns to the fans and poses for them. Then suddenly Bret Hart storms back to the ring, gets a chair and stands behind Hulk Hogan. When Hogan turns around Bret Hart nails him in the head with the chair and stands shouting at Hulk Hogan as WPW Assault goes off the air Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Guest Haku Report post Posted February 15, 2002 hehe, Richard Batt, Battio Games stealing my old Lionheart Wrestling Fedartion layout are we. This is Efeder from bethebooker is you don't remember Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Guest RickyB Report post Posted February 15, 2002 Haha. I knew I stole the layout from someone... couldn't remember who! Any new Be The Booker type things started up since that one (which lasted all of one week)? Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Guest Haku Report post Posted February 15, 2002 I am currently in Battle Cards but they don't need owners I was in War of Worlds for a bit but then it shut down to being a 6 feder. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Guest RickyB Report post Posted February 16, 2002 Well I found one that the guy who made BTB is running, I hope he keeps this one going for longer. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Guest Haku Report post Posted February 17, 2002 i don't trust that guy no more. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Guest RickyB Report post Posted February 17, 2002 Why? I know he f***ed up two Booking sites but he seems ok. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Guest Haku Report post Posted February 17, 2002 I dunno I known him a bit longer then you have i believe and basicly everything thats his has folded. He is still a cool person but not a responcible one. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites