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Guest papacita

Does this happen to anybody else?

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Guest papacita

I'm 18 going on 19 right now, and damn near EVERYBODY thinks I'm like 14, 15 or 16. I'll go to the store around the corner to by some cigarettes, and the clerk will argue me down and try not to sell them to me (even though I have valid ID). Stuff like this has been happening so much lately, it's beginning to piss me off. Anyway, does this happen to anybody else besides me?

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Guest J*ingus

All the time, to every single person who looks younger than they are, and many who don't.  I actually knew someone who got their real driver's license "confiscated" by a convenience store clerk who insisted that it was a fake.  The cops had to come and sort things out before the idiot would give it back.

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Guest treble charged

I think it's the universe's way of telling you to quite smoking.

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I'm 23, and I'm just now getting to the point where people are asking me if I just graduated from high school. A couple of years ago, me and the girl I was dating at the time were at a mall on a weekday morning, at a time when most youngsters would be in school. I was actually stopped by a cop to show ID to prove that I wasn't some truant. Oddly, he never asked my girlfriend for ID, which is funny seeing how she looked every bit of the 13-year-old she was.

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Guest ant_7000

Im 21, And I still get carted when I buy liquor and smokes but im used to it now so it doesn't bother me.

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Guest caboose

You should be thankful.

Someone thought I was 33.

Your probably wondering why this is relevent?

It's relevant cos I'm actually 17!

This person was trying to pay me a compliment, meaning they probably thought I was 40+!


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Guest Flyboy

It's the opposite with me...


I'm 14, and everyone thinks I'm usually 16 or 17.  *shrugs*

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Guest papacita
I think it's the universe's way of telling you to quite smoking.

Just for the record, I don't smoke, but my dad does. He has knee problems, so I go around and buy them for him. But the dude gives me a hard time everytime I go around there. And when the Jehova Witnesses stopped by this morning, they were talking to me like I was a little baby or something. It's really pissing me off.

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It's really pissing me off.


You'll get use to it. By the time I was 20, I didn't care anymore.

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Guest Zack Malibu

I'm 21, going on 22 this year, and I swear, no one ever gets my age correct.  People either think I'm older (I wear glasses occasionally, and it gives me the "sophisticated look", since I'm a prep and all) or younger (probably because of my carefree attitude, and many people that I hang with are still in/fresh out of high school.  As for getting carded and stuff like that, I was getting bracelets for drinking at clubs over a year ago, either because they read my license wrong, or they just thought I was older than I was.

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Guest dreamer420

i have noticed that when i hand my id to some people they will examine it over like they don't believe it is real.  i always get into to the bar, or can buy the booze but at first the person doesn't believe it.

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I was called 12 once back when I was 16. Of course, that was before I got the Elvis Costello look I've been pimping the last two years or so. Now people think I'm in college already.

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