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Lord of The Curry

Quebec is a "Nation"

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Discuss this ridiculously retarded situation. Kudos to Gerard Kennedy and Ken Dryden for being the only members of the Liberals to actually have the balls to stand up to Harper and the rest of the sheep in parliment. When you can't even clearly define the term "nation" how in fuck are you supposed to declare that a group of people/province/ethnic group is part of said "nation"?

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I understand the history of the Qubecois people is vital in the early years of our country but for Gods sake you already had a vote on this shit and LOST. Sure it was by .06% but a loss is a loss. And really, if the French can lay claims, who's next? Gays? Blacks? Italians? Newfies?

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I understand the history of the Qubecois people is vital in the early years of our country but for Gods sake you already had a vote on this shit and LOST. Sure it was by .06% but a loss is a loss.

I guess they figure that the third time's a charm.

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At least the English was nice enough and did not force them to change religions, culture and their language after the Plains of Abraham.

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Guest CWMwasmurdered

I should watch the news more because I don't know what's going on. can someone fill me in?

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Mr. Harper decide to set a motion to recongize Quebec is a nation within Canada.


Liberals are being pussies about it except for a handful of them, and even some of the Conservatives are not liking this one bit, with one of them leaving the Conservative party as he was a cabinet minnister.

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Cliffs Notes version: The Bloc was set to introduce a motion in the House of Commons proclaiming Quebec a nation. Stephen Harper decided that, instead of being forced to vote against such a motion and further weaken the Tories' standing in Quebec, he would head the Bloc off at the pass and introduce a motion proclaiming les Québecois "a nation within Canada."

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I had no issues with Harper up until this point. I mean, gay marriage was inevitably going to come around on him but the guy wasn't pissing me off nearly as much as I thought he would when he won.


Then this shit happened.

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With the vote in parliment unanimously passed what steps do they take now?

Nothing, really. It's just a gesture; it doesn't have any real legal status.


You know, none of this would even have happened had Michael Ignatieff not opened his big mouth.

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I think the politically-affiliated group I want to punt in the nuts right now at the moment are young Ignatieff supporters. Do these yuppie fucks even have a clue that the guy has spent the most minimal amount of time possible in our country in the last thirty years?

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I think the politically-affiliated group I want to punt in the nuts right now at the moment are young Ignatieff supporters. Do these yuppie fucks even have a clue that the guy has spent the most minimal amount of time possible in our country in the last thirty years?

No kidding. He doesn't show to me that he has the first clue about how Canada really works.

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I want Dryden as our PM so he can wear his Habs mask to the House of Commons. And honestly, would there be a more Canadian thing to do then elect one of our hockey legends to become our leader?*


*This is presuming that Tim Horton isn't alive.

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Guest Felonies!
What would be the American equivalent to French-Canadians? What's the group down there that politicians are forced to suck up to and the rest of the country sits back and wonders why?

Hispanics? Women? Blacks? Farmers? The military? Take your fuckin' pick.

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Guest CWMwasmurdered

This is why people out here are always muttering about separating. Does declaring Quebec a "nation within Canada" even mean anything? There surely has to be more important things for our politicians to be talking about.

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This is why people out here are always muttering about separating. Does declaring Quebec a "nation within Canada" even mean anything? There surely has to be more important things for our politicians to be talking about.


There's no seperation vote.

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I don't understand why a group of people would want to separate themselves from a larger nation anyway. The Europeans are gaining world power and economic clout by unifying under the EU. If anything, the US and Canada should be working together more closely.

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I don't hate this...


Don't get me wrong, this issue was reasonably under the rug for a while (and I don't honestly think Quebec would ever separate anyway), and Harper basically stirred the pot and it worked out okay for him.


But no part of me as a Canadian wants to see Quebec leave.....If this makes them happy without giving them any actual additional power, vetoes or status unavailable to other provinces, well, I don't think it's that bad.


Not yet, anyway. It is a slippery slope....It's really a matter of wait and see.


Just for fun: I had considered starting a topic about this yesterday when it was passed. I didn't think it would get much response (see my, albeit much-less controversial, mutual fund thing topic of three weeks ago).

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I don't hate this...


Don't get me wrong, this issue was reasonably under the rug for a while (and I don't honestly think Quebec would ever separate anyway), and Harper basically stirred the pot and it worked out okay for him.


But no part of me as a Canadian wants to see Quebec leave.....If this makes them happy without giving them any actual additional power, vetoes or status unavailable to other provinces, well, I don't think it's that bad.


Not yet, anyway. It is a slippery slope....It's really a matter of wait and see.


Just for fun: I had considered starting a topic about this yesterday when it was passed. I didn't think it would get much response (see my, albeit much-less controversial, mutual fund thing topic of three weeks ago).

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