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I was up late last night watching the Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles movie, the real-life one, not the cartoon, and I started thinking of all of the things I used to do when I was a kid and all of the stuff I used to watch. Has this ever happened to anyone else here?

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Guest AlwaysPissedOff

A lot. especially when I have most of the old stuff I used to watch on tape and watch it whenever there'sw jackshit on TV.

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Guest RavishingRickRudo



Always does it for me.


ESPECIALLY one night, when I found ASTRO-BOY, it all came FLOODING back and was a bit overwhelming having these new memories pop up...

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Guest MarvinisaLunatic

I wish someone on KAZAA was trading episodes of You Can't Do That On Television.  I would pay dearly to see the show again, but alas the only current way I see is tape trading and I never have the stuff the people want in return.

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Guest J*ingus

Well, people do generally accept money in return, if you have the cash to burn.  And yeah, I wouldn't mind seeing YCDTOT again, if for nothing else but the spectacle of a bizarrely andogynous 12-year-old Alanis Morissette getting slime dumped on her head.

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Guest Zack Malibu

Thanks to the Spider-Man movie, I've been in full "Superhero mark mode", so I've been checking out the few old eps I have of The Incredible Hulk 80's cartoon, and a few Spider-Man eps from the 70's cartoon.

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Guest Mark4steamboat

The Hulk is my favorite superhero of all time. I cant wait for the movie.

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Guest Zack Malibu

Once again, Mark4Steamboat, you draw my admiration, because take a wild guess who MY favorite hero is...






If you guess The Incredible Hulk, make like Barry Horowitz and pat yourself on the back!


Dude, I swear, we're getting to be so alike it's scary ;).

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Guest Mark4steamboat

this is getting freaky. I want a shiney jacket with my handprint on the back. lemme guess you want one too? lol

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Guest Shaved Bear

man i take a trip down memory lane whenever i see an episode of saved by the bell, sure i have all the episodes on tape, but i never watch them, i mean where can you get such vintage lines as...


Zack: Lisa, guess who has two tickets to see...Mc Hammer


Lisa: I will do anything for those ickets


Zack: ...Can't Touch 'Em

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Guest Mark4steamboat

Zack is so cool. I never liked Slater that much when i originally watched the show.

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Guest Shaved Bear

i always marked for mr. belding personally


900 POSTS!!!


does that mean anything?

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Guest Black Lushus
i always marked for mr. belding personally


900 POSTS!!!


does that mean anything?

it means you're on the computer waaaaaaay too much...no im kidding cuz i know i am too...


yeah i was always anti-Slater when i was a kid.  Maybe it was the curly hair, i dunno...is Mario Lopez gay?  i thought I heard that somewhere.  it's not a big deal, just curious...

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Guest Mark4steamboat
i always marked for mr. belding personally


900 POSTS!!!


does that mean anything?

Not yet. But wait shaved, as soon as you hit 1000, thats when we all celebrate. Do what i did, have the 1000~! topic in the General Chat thread. Happy posting.

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Guest evenflowDDT

I'm not exactly sure what this topic is about anymore, so in regards to TMNT... man, I wish they had the cartoon on DVD, I used to watch that all the time as a kid, and had a ton of the toys too.  Actually I still do, but since they're all out of their box and rotting away in storage it's not like they'd be worth anything ;)


It's funny how a lot of people hate kids these days for trends like Pokemon or something, completely ignoring that their "favorite, godly" Transformers and Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles were exactly those kinds of trends.  Ahh, it's good to be a hypocrite :)


In regards to what makes me feel nostalgic, every time I watch Never Ending Story I get a little sad because it was one of my favorite movies as a kid (and was even released the same year I was born).  I guess that's nostalgia in its purest form - remembering all of what was so great in the past, only to realize that it's never as good as you remember it and that the feelings of it being so great, much like the time itself, will never be back again.  Sniff sniff... somebody save Fantasia!

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Guest Zack Malibu
man i take a trip down memory lane whenever i see an episode of saved by the bell, sure i have all the episodes on tape, but i never watch them, i mean where can you get such vintage lines as...


Zack: Lisa, guess who has two tickets to see...Mc Hammer


Lisa: I will do anything for those ickets


Zack: ...Can't Touch 'Em

Shaved Bear has officially been added to the Zack Malibu "Cool People To Associate With On The Forum" list.


I, much like you, have every episode as well.  I've got all the originals and College Years, but only 1 episode of The New Class (the premiere of the very first new class, which was probably the WORST one).  I've also got California Dreams eps (only 3, dammit I want more...) and lately I've been taping City Guys reruns, since they just started showing them from the beginning again, so I'll most likely wind up with all of them too.


Someone call Peter Engel and tell him he's a genius, lol.


And, in keeping with the topic of this thread...TMNT RULES~!

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Guest Mark4steamboat

l found a video store that carries TONS of the old TMNT eps on video. I totally agree that they should be on DVD.

Ive got the Transformers DVD and it is awesome.

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After seeing Spiderman, I'm totally psyched for the new Ninja Turtles movie Jon Woo is doing. It's all CGI... imagine the cool ninja stuff the turtles could do? I kept thinking about that all through spiderman.


Hey, did any of you know that Super Shredder in TMNT2 was played by Kevin Nash?

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Guest lomasmoney

Can anyone clear this up. Did slater play like 5 sports in high school. I can remember him playing baseball basketball wrestling football i think swimming and i wanted to know how is that possible

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Guest Zack Malibu

Hey, it's def. possible to play more than one sport. My g/f played soccer, basketball, and softball, but she was only able to do that because once one sport ended the other had just begun. It's very possible that Slater could have done it that way, though wrestling and basketball would overlap...

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Guest lomasmoney

Well here in michigan its impossible to play more than 3 sports in a year

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Guest J*ingus

Although if he was playing FIVE different sports, you'd never see him doing any of the usual SBTB hijinks, he'd be way too busy practicing all the time.

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Guest Mark4steamboat

When zack was the captain of the track team(in the one where they had to trace their heritage and he met the indian and the indian died), did slater run track too? I cant remember and i havent seen that ep in a long time.

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Guest Zack Malibu

I think he did (unless Track was the "Zack exclusive" sport, like wrestling was to Slater). Fear not, M4S...if I can find that episode on one of my many, many unlabeled Saved ep tapes, I'll post the truth here! Though other than us, very few will care, lol.

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