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Guest chirs3

Chris Raynor and the Horrible, Terrible, No Good

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Guest chirs3

It all started just after Crossfire. I was unable to get a match in, and so was JD, so the match was postponed to Storm.


So I get most of it done, and decide to finish it up Friday morn. Come Friday morn, I learn that the bastards cut off my Mom's phone service 3 days before we were to move from the apartment to the house.


"Well," I think, "I can't get online but I can finish my match at least."


So I turn on my computer and wait.


And wait.


And wait.


And wait.


And wait.


Thirty minutes later, the damn thing hasn't started up. I lightly touch the side of the computer and it practically melts my skin off. So I turn it off and put a fan next to it.


So the computer has died and we have no phone. Who wants to guess what happened next?






If you guessed an unexpected power outage, you'd be correct.


So then we move to the house with a broken computer and no phone. I could have spent my time unpacking the computer and attempting to fix it (or calling someone to fix it), but upon getting to the house we find out that...




So I spent hours a day for the last week and a half sucking water out of carpets.


Then my dad arrives, and he's all "The movers are coming Wednesday, we'll get Cable Modem hookup Friday", but then the movers are all "We're gonna get there two days late", and then my dad's all "We have to delay modem hookup", and I'm all "FUCK."


And that's where I am now. Just got the damn thing installed. However, I'm still sucking water and we have a house and a half to unpack. So I'm out of active duty for the time being. Freakin' basement floods.


Anyone wanna clue me in as to what's happened Post-Crossfire?

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Guest Rabbi_wilson13

That sounds like some of the series of events I've had happen to me, though not quite that bad.  Sometimes fate just screws ya right over...


You haven't missed a whole lot.  US and HGC are the bestest thing going right now with a whole bunch of nifty peeps competing for them, Sacred beat Fallout in a loverly 3/5 falls matchup, me and Stryke are the tag team champeens, ELM left cuz he's depressed he beat up Taylor and..umm...well thats about it.  Edwin's champ, but he sux0rs.

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Guest HVilleThugg

Dude that blows.  


Wait...did ELM leave?  No he didn't?  I'm confused.


Da "huh?" H

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Guest BA_Baracus

PROMO (Stubby P. McWeed);

"ELM's out for a bit for some school/vacation/miscellaneous reason.  He hasn't quit though (at least I don't think).


As for you Raynor...


...the old, "I just moved, my computer melted, the power went out, the basement flooded and my internet access was cut off" is the oldest excuse in the book!


Mothernature says, what do you take her for?"

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Guest El Luchadore Magnifico

Wow...there probably isn't anything that will make you feel better, Raynor, but that truly does suck.


And I'm only gone for 2 weeks or so.

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