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Hotel Dusk: Room 215

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I picked up this game today, sadly the copy I preordered was the only one EB games recieved. However, I do know you can find this at Futureshop and Walmart in Canada, possibly in Toys R Us as well.


I know this garnered some interest in the DS Lite thread, so who has the game, and what do you think of it so far? Also, a good place to ask for help if you get stuck, which always tends to happen at one point or another with adventure games.

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1up gave it an 8/10 and an EGM review gave it 10/10.


Pretty much all I know about it is that it's from the folks who made Trace Memory, and while the gameplay is similar, it's supposed by like about 100x better than that game.

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I picked up the game. Wal-Mart had like 5 copies left. As opposed to EB, where they have no flipping idea when they'll even get the game in. It's Scurge: Hive all over again.


I don't expect to dig into it for a while, but I figured may as well get it now before the presumed low print run leads to it becoming super-rare and selling for $60+ on Ebay.


Oh, and it ran $29.92 at Wal-Mart, in case you're wondering the price. I expect whenever EB/Gamestop actually gets the game it'll be $34.99.

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I'm about 6 hours into it, around the 4th Chapter I think. So far, I'm really enjoying it. The writing is really well characterized, especially with lots of slang from the period that doesn't feel like overkill or cheese. The visual style is very, very striking, as if you didn't know already...but seeing it in person, it's really a treat. Something else I really like about it is that the puzzles all have real-world logic.


The best way I can describe this game to those who are interested, is it's sort-of like a serious Phoenix Wright, with more interactivity. If you like those games, chances are good you'll like Hotel Dusk.


Two new reviews:

IGN gives it a 7.9



And Gamespot gives it an 8.2


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Beat the game today, for those curious it took around 18 hours or so. Very well done, plenty of twists and well written dialogue thoughout, certainly one of the most adult games I've played in years.


I think it's worth mention of how badly the boxart for this game was mangled for the US release, I would have much prefered the Japanese one over what we got, personally. The art in itself in the english version isn't bad, it fits the style of the game, but the font and the cheesy glow effect around it kill it.


Japanese version



English version


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