alfdogg 0 Report post Posted January 25, 2007 [i]Renagade[/i] hits, and the arena fills with boos as Reject makes his way out, followed by the Burrough Boys...who are all carrying violins. Reject is adorned in a pinstriped Yankees jersey. COLE And Reject not endearing himself to the fans here in Boston! COACH Hey, he's just supporting his hometown Bronx Bombers! Reject walks around the ring and grabs a microphone, then steps into the ring. The Burrough Boys all grab chairs and take them into the ring. COLE And what's with the violins? COACH Maybe we're gonna get a little musical number here! COLE Now THIS I gotta see. The Burrough Boys set their chairs in each corner of the ring, as the music dies down. REJECT You know, as I came in tonight, wearing my beloved pinstripes... *crowd boos* REJECT Someone stopped me, and informed me that I shouldn't be so disrespectful. He told me that it was a slap in the face wearing these pinstripes right here, in front of Red Sox nation. So I thought about it, and I said "you know what? He's right." *crowd gives a mixed reaction, sensing something is going on.* REJECT I shouldn't be wearing this jersey here in this building. So right now, I'm going to take it off. *crowd cheers* Reject sets the mic on the mat, then turns his back to the TV camera as he unbuttons his jersey. He lets part of the jersey slip off his back...far enough to reveal a blue jersey, with "MANNING" in white letters. The crowd immediately boos their asses off. COLE Oh, for God's sake. Reject takes the jersey the rest of the way off, revealing, of course, the jersey of Peyton Manning. COACH That's AWESOME! Get 'em, Reject! COLE Why don't you SHOW SOME RESPECT for the New Englanders! REJECT Because you see, the Lethal Rumble match is coming up, and I need good mojo leading into this Sunday! Because this Sunday, I head out there with 29 other guys, for a shot at the main event at AngleMania. And those guys are gonna feel like 29 Reche Caldwells, because they'll be seeing THEIR opportunities slip RIGHT THROUGH THEIR FINGERS. *crowd boos* COLE And Reject really piling it on here! REJECT But before all that, I've decided to come out here and cheer you Bostonians up! COLE Yeah, you've done a real bang-up job so far! REJECT You see, my boys have been practicing their violin skills, and we thought we'd play you a little tune, just to ease the pain. So let's tune up the band, boys! The Burrough Boys start playing their violins (horribly, of course), then Waldo grabs the mic from Reject. WALDO They didn't even give me a pick for this thing! LUTHER You don't play it wit' a pick, stupid! Luther slaps Waldo in the back of his head, and Waldo swipes at Luther while trying to keep his hat on. As they go back to their chairs though... "OOOOOOOOIIIIIIII!" The bad boi beatz (or something) of Dizzee Rascal interrupt the recital, as JAMIE O'HARA swaggers out with a fourty ounce of beer and a microphone in each hand. Reject folds his arms and shakes his head, while The Burrough Boys look pissed that their practise has been for nothing. O'HARA OI! "OI!" shouts back the crowd. COACH Oh God, please don't let that get over. O'HARA Listen, I don't know nothin' 'bout no Yankee Football... Some of the crowd boo, others more understanding about the cultural ignorance. O'HARA ...but wot I does know is dat this shit is straight whack yo! Confused, Reject asks his more street-wise allies what the hell was just said. O'HARA Ya'll out here, tryin'a make big boy noise wit' ya big boy toys? It ain't happenin'. It ain't goin' down like that! Alls you wankers just be pissin' everybody off. So, I suggest ya'll quit witcha New York Bitch-phony Orchesta crap before mah drunk arse steps down this aisle an' shoves them instruments where the sun don't shine! "YYEEEEEEEEEAAAAAAAAAAHHHHHHHHH!!" Reject doesn't need to spend three weeks on a council estate in West London to understand what was said that time though, pointing a finger up the ramp at Jamie and warning him to watch his mouth. Jamie just takes a swig of his beer. O'HARA Just so ya'll know, that Lethal Rumble is gonna be all about the J-OH! An' ain't no so-called 'champ' gonna stop me from throwin' down and throwin' out! REJECT Hang on a minute here. First off, for the sake of soccer's ... *sniggers* ... credibility, I sure hope David Beckham was educated privately. Because if this is what public education in England produces, it's no wonder that's the most popular sport amongst your kind. O'HARA OI! "OI!" COACH Aw damn it. O'HARA Wot you sayin' about mah boi Becks? Ya'll don't know Becks, don't be 'atin'! You better shut that big arse gob o'yours before I go straight soccer 'ooligan on your Yank arses! REJECT Woah woah, calm down there, 'G'. What's your problem exactly, besides your obvious speech impediment and an addiction to crack meth. O'HARA Right now, you are mate! If you wanna come out 'ere an' wave ya dick around, actin' the 'ard nut, how's about you try it with The Birmingham Bad Boy!? How's about you put that bling 'round ya waist on the line on Sunday night? Wot!? Wot!? Reject wipes the smirk from his face. REJECT Wait... so, you're challenging me to a match at AnglePalooza? For my X-Division Title? O'HARA Yeh. Why, ain't you got no balls? "OOOOOOOOOOOOOHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH!!" Another smirk threatens to creep over Reject's face. But the scowl keeps it at bay. REJECT If you really want to surrender your shot in the Rumble by challenging me, who am I to say no? You're ON! O'Hara opens up his arms and encourages Reject to 'bring it on' right now, but Reject just smiles. REJECT I'll see you at AnglePalooza. And hey, if there's anything left of you, maybe I'll see you in the Rumble too. O'HARA Not if I see ya first, prick! And with that "Fix Up, Look Sharp" hits again and O'Hara leaves, chugging down some more of his 40oz. Reject looks stunned more than anything, The Burrough Boys talking amongst themselves as Reject looks down at the X-Division Title. COLE Another big match made for AnglePalooza! Jamie O'Hara versus Reject, for the OAOAST X-Division Title. Should be a dandy! COACH A dandy? We really need to find that thesaurus. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites