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Guest papacita


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Guest papacita

Replying to that worst year before 2000 thread in the Old School section got me thinking about the Vince McMahon/HHH feud from late 99...which I fell was the worst storyline EVER!!! EVER EVER EVER EVER EVER!!!! As far as main event feuds go, it gets NO worse than this. First is the fact that McMahon returns, despite a clause in the contract that said he was never to appear on WWF TV again.


Steve Austin: "Oh...but there was a clause in the contract that said..."


NO!!!! FUCK YOU STEVE, he lost the match, he should've stayed off TV! Second...this stupid ass feud actually led to Vince McMahon winning the World Title, which would lead to this sickening comment by JR at this years Royal Rumble:


JR: Ric Flair and Vince McMahon...both former Royal Rumble winners...both are former World Champions...


FUCK YOU JIM!!!! And while you're at it, FUCK STEVE for helping Vince's dumb ass win the title! Next, after Vince relinquishes the title (continuing the de-valuation of the damn thing), he and HHH go into a series of perhaps the WORST backstage segments ever, with DX bursting into the McMahon room every 5 minutes, and McMahon bursting in the DX room , and then we get fat ass JR yelling into the headset...


JR: "It's PERSONAL between Vince and HHH! It's personal!"


Well I'd like to give the both of the bastards a very personal FUCK YOU!!!!!!! This crap ate up at least 70% of the air time from November to December 99! They promoted almost nothing for the Armageddon PPV except for the stupid ass Vince and Hunter match! And as much as I disliked Big Show as Champion, he was barely given enough airtime to cut a damn promo! And a pieces of garbage expect him to get over! Um...random quote...


John Kronus: "How many licks does it take to get to the Tootsie Roll center of a Tootsie Pop?!"


How many li...you stupid ass...FUCK YOU KRONUS!!!!!!! Anyway, skipping the wedding from hell (where stupid Vince hires the stupid singers to come back to sing that stupid song that they sing at every other stupid wedding)...we go to Armageddon, and the absolute WORST match I've ever seen between HHH and Vince! I mean that match was terrible! I dare someone to watch that match and count how many time HHH or Vince had their head thrown into a guardrail, or a truck, or whatever! Insane McMahon bump or not, that match not only sucked ass, it not only licked ass, it not only ate ass...that match WAS ASS, which means technically the match sucked, licked and ate itself, which is a pretty amazing feat if you ask me!


Anyway, now that I've got that out of my system...do any of you have bad programs that you'd like to share with the board?

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Damn. That was funny, Papacita. You rule.


Anyways, I think the entire Mark Henry/Mae Young angle was just about the most awful thing I've ever seen. Okay, it started out kind of funny and stupid, which I've got no problem with, but it just went on forever man. Alls I know is that a 90 year old woman giving birth to a fucking hand on live TV has got to be one of the signs of the apocalypse. And if it isn't then it should be.


Also, Al Snow/Big Bossman was pretty atrocious. And it did result in like the worst match EVER, being the Kennel From Hell debacle. Man, at that time Big Bossman was like a magnet for bad storytelling, what with the dog becoming Chinese food and Big Show's father's casket becoming a surfboard of sorts. Ugh.

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Guest Mark4steamboat

I guarantee Papacita wont be too happy when he reads that. As far as worst angles go, in the wwf(Jerry: heh heh No get the F out; M4S:NO FUCK YOU JERRY) when Big Show's "daddy died" has to take the cake. It was disrespectful, poorly acted, poorly shoved down the viewing audiences throats, and in poor taste.

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Guest dreamer420

who cares?  chyna didn't deserve that title and made it look worse that the europeon title covered in dogshit.

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The Higher Power was pretty bad, so was Harvey Wippleman in drag winning the women's title.  So were about 1000 other bad angles.


But all of those pale in comparison to the absolute worst ever:  SHOCKMASTER!!!

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Guest Mark4steamboat

AHHH! HERVINA!!! NO!!!!  awful angle. Shockmaster was damn funny though.

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Guest goodhelmet

i personally despise rikishi being revealed as the man who ran over austin only to be reduced to a puppet of hhh, the mastermind. give me a fucking break.

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Guest J*ingus

The Worst Angle That (fortunately) Never Happened: Russo's plan at Souled Out 2000 to put the world championship on Tank Abbott.

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The Worst Angle That (fortunately) Never Happened: Russo's plan at Souled Out 2000 to put the world championship on Tank Abbott.

THat would have been funny. He would have threatened to kill every1 that came near him.

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Guest RavishingRickRudo

Anything to do with the Undertaker...


But the lightning wars above all else.

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Guest Shaved Bear

i always thought that the worst ever was the Al Snow-Big Bossman one, but then Big SHow-Bossman wasnt that hot either


that Bossman, you gotta admire consistency

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Guest saturnmark4life

Invasion, in execution. Though i'm sure they top it in the coming weeks somehow, it was the beginning of all the crap.

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Anything to do with the Undertaker...


But the lightning wars above all else.

*Puts away sharp, metallic, razor-like objects...*


Remember what the anger mangement councellor said...count to 10...count to 10...


This has been the Taker Mark


P.s Can all you guys see the pic in my sig??? Feedback is appreciated!

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Guest converge241

any pregnancy



ms hancock

mae young


beaulah (she was "pregnant" right? in ECW)



NWO running steiners off the road, rolling the car over.



anytime flair was making out with mannequins or in drag ( i love him but cmon)... the trainign bra was GOLD!! though!! GOLD JERRY GOLD!!!

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Guest papacita
who cares?  chyna didn't deserve that title and made it look worse that the europeon title covered in dogshit.


Watch yourself, Dreamer...I know where you live...


Anyway, I liked the first reign. From Wrestlemania to Unforgiven, there was almost no interest in the I-C division until she challenged for it. She was good for the division, and made it more interesting when Jericho eventually won the belt. The heat from Chyna's title reign spilled over into Jericho and Benoit, which gave the rub to Rikishi and Val when they competed for the title...and then all that good I-C Title heat got killed when for God knows why, they put the belt back on Chyna at SummerSlam...by having her beat Trish for the belt. WHAT WERE YOU THINKING VINCE?!





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When Kane was able to summon lightning to set ring crew guys on fire.


Kamala not knowing to pin someone on their back.  I loved it when Slick would have to coach Kamala into rolling his opponent over to pin them.

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Guest dreamer420
who cares?  chyna didn't deserve that title and made it look worse that the europeon title covered in dogshit.


Watch yourself, Dreamer...I know where you live...

come on over then.  i'll be sure to burn one with you before i kick your ass.

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Guest converge241
When Kane was able to summon lightning to set ring crew guys on fire.


what makes stuff like that even worse is..if he can do it..



let me add Kane and Taker's family tree to the list as well

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Guest papacita

Dreamer...see...normally if you had said that I'd be right up there...but...uh...see...converge241 has this rare medical disorder where his...uh...eyes fall out whenever I whoop somebody's ass. Yeah...so you're just lucky I'm a fan of eyesight, because if I wasn't...WHAM! SMACK! BOOM! KABLOWIE! Think about that...


As for Kane's lightning thing...that was pretty stupid...although it would've been funny to see him use it in a match.



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Guest papacita

BTW, did anybody on here go to one of those shows where they used the "lightning bolt"? I'm curious to what it looked like in person.

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Guest Zack Malibu

Russo's obsession with incest angles is pretty unhealthy and disgusting.


First, he wanted Ken Shamrock to sleep with Ryan Shamrock.

Then we had Beaver Cleavage with his "mother".

And the whole Stacy is really Ric's daughter so her and David are siblings storyline that (luckily) never was.


The Cactus Jack amnesia angle.

The Giant as "Andre's son".

Paul Orndorff's motivational speaker.

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As for Kane's lightning thing...that was pretty stupid...although it would've been funny to see him use it in a match.



It's funny because it's true.

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Guest Shaved Bear

remember when Jim ROss was coming back from his Bell Palsy thing, and he had a feud with Michael Cole over the announcing job

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That produced Cole getting kicked in the jumblies though, something that we play over and over again on the "Dumbass Michael Cole" channel in the State of America.


I'm going to assume Jingus or MarioLogan have already killed Russo, so don't worry about him anymore.

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