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NEED A FAVOR !!!!!!!!!!!&a

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Hey guys, I know most of you dont know me, but if you can do me a solid I would greatly appreciate it!!!!


I am up for post of the month at a sports site, if I win I get $250. It is only a minute of your time. Dont forget some people believe if you do something good, something good will happen to you. You may have to register--only takes a minute.


Vote for the post by Goldengreek titled, one of my worst beats ever. Here is the link:




Thanx in advance!!

Edited by goldengreek
All caps of doom

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I can't, in good conscience, vote for your post as 'post of the week' when BigDaDDySLiM's post "SUPERBOWL PREDICTIONS POST" is clearly a superior post. Sorry.

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Guest Princess Leena

Shut the fuck up.


I'm voting multiple times for JediAssholeWhatever just so you lose.


Don't you dare pollute my house.

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Guest Princess Leena

Oh, I have to join to vote...


Well, rest easily knowing I'm shaking my fist at this thread.

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After reading your post, what exactly makes it so "Post of the Month"-worthy? It's grammatically bad. Stylistically it's all over the place. And the title isn't even a full thought. "One of my worst beats EVER!!! This is a must see and a must" What does that even mean? A must see and a must what? Don't leave me hangin', dawg. And, it might just be because I don't bet on sports, but I have no idea what your post is about. The competition must be pretty slim for you to be involved in this contest. And what kind of rich, tycoonish, eccentric moderator does that board have that gives out $250 a month for crap posts? Why don't they get something like that going over here? I brings tha quality, yo!

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Guest "Go, Mordecai!"

If you were to win every month, would you report your income as "bringing the content~!"?

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Hell yeah. I think I can write that off as a business expense. And then I could like...use it in job interviews and stuff.


"Ok, Mr. Robertson, can you explain this entry on your resume under job experience?"


"Yeah...I brings tha content, bay-bee!!!!!!"


Hell yeah!

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Guest "Go, Mordecai!"

-Any letters of recommendation?


-Yeah, a bunch. "Solid," "touch 'em all," "pwned," and a yellow laughing face.

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