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Hannibal Rising / Norbit

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Both these films have been getting some harsh reviews, but amongst a sea of absolute bottom of the barrel crap so far this year (Stomp the Yard, The Hitcher, Epic Movie, anyone?) these movies might as well be Oscar worthy. Between last night and tonight, we watched both of these at work, and while they certainly aren't great movies by any stretch, they were both entertaining enough to be worth your money this weekend.


Norbit is about what you'd expect. Eddie Murphy plays multiple characters using his usual schtick that he made famous in the Nutty Professor films. The movie itself is fairly amusing, and the jokes work for the most part. The characters are a little thin and one dimensional, and the film seems to suffer from a poor script with no real plot established until the third act, and it starts to get a little long by the end, but you don't go to a movie like this expecting a deep, multi-faceted story, you just want to laugh yourself stupid and at that, I felt this film succeeded. I give it a 7/10


Hannibal Rising is the first part of the story of Hannibal Lecter, detailing his beginnings during and after World War 2. This film definitely strays quite a bit from the Hannibal Lecter you see in Silence of the Lambs, as he is turned more into a sympathetic hero then anything. The film itself plays out more like a grotesque action flick then a psychological thriller, but what it does, it does well. It is an extremely gory and violent film, and definitely not one for the squeamish. Gaspard Ulliel does great as young Hannibal Lecter, he has a really creepy Crispin Glover vibe to him, and pulls off the role very well. The story here serves it's purpose, but gets somewhat boring by the end. If you dig the slasher genre though, you'll definitely be compelled by the film. I give it an 8/10

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I saw Norbit last night, while it had it's funny moments and Eddie was pretty good doing the whole Woody Allen thing, it just seemed to drag on and on and for me and my friend, it felt like it was a long movie, except its not. The movie is only a hour in a half long but it just felt a lot longer because it just dragged so much. Plus the Norbit character wasn't funny, but every other character around Norbit was funny.

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