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Guest converge241

NWA-TNA based soley out of TN

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Guest converge241

So they are talking now about holding each show at the same place in tennessee..


the good is that they werent planning on the gate as a revenue source so why not pack them in to get an enthusiastic atmosphere?


the bad is WCW used to do that in Orlando.. and those crowds sucked (granted they were there for long periods of time and the TNA crowd will be there for 3 hours).


another bad is that they are really branding their southern image by always coming from there. most people thought it was too southern already.


other thoughts on pros and cons?

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Guest J*ingus

I live in Nashville, where the shows will take place, so it's good for me; I'm only 20 minutes away from the arena, so I'm in da rasslin, baby!  


A few details:


-the venue is Municipal Arena, which holds around 9,000-10,000 people at max capacity.  It's the arena that WCW always came to in town, and they held Starrcades 94-96 here.  However, with blocking off some sections and careful crowd management, you can easily create the illusion that 5,000 is a sellout in that building, just like WCW sometimes did.  


-Tickets in Huntsville were set at $35 for ringside, and lower elsewhere; in Nashville, they're apparently going to be $10 no matter where you sit.  


-Jerry Jarrett is a big Nashville guy, and with longtime local promoter Bert Prentice as his assistant, they could do a lot more promotional work to get people in the door.  


However, they still need a few thousand people every week just to make the place look somewhat full on TV, and I just don't know if that's going to happen.  Nashville has always been a good town for wrestling, on Saturday nights there are half a dozen indy shows within an hour's drive from downtown, but I just don't see enough fans here to make this a resounding success.  I hope I'm wrong, we need an alternative to the rapidly-declining, but I'm not so sure that this is going to be it.

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Guest Slapnuts00

I think its an excellent idea, if the fans show up, then they can build a loyal fanbase there, and have a consistent house of fans. If it works, it'd be like the ECW arena, where all the Philly mutants would come out each week for the shows. Nashville's a good wrestling town, so I think it should work. Who the hell chose Huntsville as the first night? What type of a wrestling town is Huntsville? They should have booked it in Nahville from the start, but its too late now.

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Guest Mark4steamboat

I was thinking the same thing slapnuts. If they can get a good cult following in Nashville, it could work. They should have done some house shows first though.

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Guest converge241

damnit Jingus you suck!! im jealous..


i should have pointed out in my original that i completely agree with the idea of the loyal ECW fanbase, once they get to that point.. i guess im leery of how the tenn fans react to the first couple shows.


another negative i think might be if they ever want to get heavily into the merchandise aspect a chunk of that comes from kids. eventually all kids want to see it live so hopefully they eventually tour to take care of that equation.



p.s. Jingus you must be in the front row and become the NWA-TNA version of the ECW superfans

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Guest dreamer420

i'm hoping it will work for them.  if they can get a bunch of loyal fans in the area to come out to every show, like ecw, it should work for them.

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Guest Vyce

It could work great - if they develop the fanbase.


A lot of crap is being written about this new fed, but really....I am very hopeful that they succeed.  I really do hope they make it.  I don't see how anyone would say that a second promotion wouldn't be good for the business on many levels.

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Guest RetroRob215

ECW only stayed alive because of the Philly Mutants.  Once they went national business tanked.  Hopefully the NWA will get some mutants of their own and not rush leaving the Nashville area.

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If it works, it'd be like the ECW arena, where all the Philly mutants would come out each week for the shows.

Those "Philly mutants" only had to come out once a month!  Maybe every other  week would work, but every single week - no way.  They should pick about 4 cities and rotated through them.  Getting 5000 people every single week isn't going to happen.  ECW only got 2000 once a month remember into that arena.

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2000 in the ecw arena, hahahahahahah, 1400 tops if there is not aisles to walk through, and that was only in the big events.  Normally ecw got 1000 to 1100 at the arena, which was stil "extremely" uncomfortable, because the air conditioning never fucking works.  Even when I went to see "the ONE" MECW  show the air conditioning didn;t work, those bastards.



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Guest J*ingus

I think that was a name Bruce Mitchell started, and Scott Keith used it too.  Just a condescending way of referring to ECW's, um, unique live fanbase, especially in Philly.

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Well, anyone that has ever been to the ecw arena, when it was primed knows that there is no better place to watch an event.  I have been to maybe 12 shows there and all great even if thats night main event happened to be axl vs ian rotten in some sort of death match.  The crowd is awesome, even for indys like czw and japw.  I never saw czw there but I saw japw there last august and it was a fun time.  It's worth atleast a 3 hour ride there if your that close.



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Guest Human Fly

NWA-TNA needs to find their niche. I think starting out in one arena is probably a good idea. They have enough stars and Nashville is a big enough area where they could get a decent number of people in there every week (Don't live there just guessing. 10 dollar tickets will help a lot too.)

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Guest dreamer420
Any reason they are called "mutants"?

i believe it is how people who don't like ECW refer to the fans of ECW.

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Guest Mark4steamboat

I always liked ECWs fan because they were a diehard group and almost like a cult. i went to one ecw show in phlly and was blown away by the crowd alone. very smartmarkish crowd and very vocal. ECW had the best fans.

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Guest Blue Bacchus

If they do indeed stay based in Nashville, I'll goto every show I can (I live 20 mins away). Uncle Vince needs competition and the NWA needs to succeed.

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Guest razazteca

Would it be possible to stop the Country music and NASCAR people from showing up and getting involved in the matches, unless they can get somebody with the verbal skills of say Andy Kaufman.


The local fans of TN can give NWA TNA a personality just like Philly gave ECW personality, making it good on tv.

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Guest bps "The Truth" 21

I think it is a terrific idea.


People will show up and since they won't be traveling town to town...people won't be seeing them for the first time every week...that leads to weak crowds.


The wrestlers being in the same place gives them a great chance to get over with the crowd...which leads to hotter crowds.


If the ppvs start drawing I'd assume we'd see them start travelling. Like ECW left Philly.


Although with the exception of a few towns...(NYC, some places in Ohio, and Buffalo) ECW never really caught on with crowds out of Philly anyway.

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