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Patty O'Green

HD:Abdullah Abir Nerdly won't stop now

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We're taken to what could either be the greatest place on earth or the most horrible place in the universe depending on your opinion, the head quarters for the [b]United Nations of Professional Wrestling[/b] in Saint Louis, Missouri. Gathered within the enormous meeting hall are wrestling dignitaries from around the world, each representing their home nation. Tajiri sits in honor of the land of the rising sun. Hacksaw Jim Duggan represents the land of the free and the home of the brave. Fit Finlay is the man for Ireland but seems more concerned with protecting his Lucky Charms from the gang of meddlesome Mexican minis who keep trying to steal it. Pierre Oulette sits in the Canadian seat, Juventued Guerrea in the Mexican seat, Prince Nana for Ghna, Nigel McGuinness for England, and look I'm not a fucking wrestling historian. Use your god damn imagination to figure out who goes where. Anyway we're shown the podium that rests as the focus for all eyes in the room. A nondescript elderly gentlemen with a terrible toupee and an even worse tapioca suit waits behind it to make an announcement.

Gathered citizens of the international wrestling community! Please join me in giving a warm welcome to a very special guest, who is here to plead a very important case to you. Ignore him at the peril of not only your country, but at the peril of the entire world as well. He is representing Syria, and is of the soon to be legendary Nerdly wrestling family out of Edmonton, Alberta, Canada. Ladies and gentlemen, Abdullah Abir Nerdly!

Because this is [i]thee[/i] United Nations of Wrestling a man just can't walk down the aisle to the podium. Oh no. His entrance music has to blare from the speakers. Thus the authoritative sound that is Nas' legendary classic [i]Hate me Now[/i] is heard loud and clear by the attendees. The selection of entrance music, with it's words of “die motherfucker die” serve notice that this is no docile rookie making his way through the aisle. This is a man who has singular goal and he will not be leaving until it is met. Wearing a black business suit that matches his black sunglasses, Abdullah positions himself behind the podium and launches into a fiery diatribe.

[img=http://emoticons4u.com/img/violent.gif]OAOAST لقد خربت حياتي ملوث سمعة بلدي! [img=http://emoticons4u.com/img/mad.gif]Nerdly في رياتمنت ريسيفيد انني لن يسكت انيلونغر! 
:fight2: Anglemania واعتبر موسنت عني عملت بجد الى ان من الصعب على المدى الطويل يستغل برعشيت العضو التناسلي النسوي مؤخرة تبول رمي البصاق مع والخراب والدمار لكم مني أنا أكره أي منها نكرههم هل مثل[img=http://e.deviantart.com/emoticons/c/chainsaw.gif] Bohemoth سأل اذا كان الاتحاد المبالغه براينت ، قال : "انني حقا لا أريد الخوض في اسرافا. لا يمكنك ان تقول شيئا بدون قول شيء مثيرة. انا لا اقول ان تترك وحدها والتركيز على المباراة. Melody :( فاصبح رئيس الرابطه المدرب بلادي الهدف رقم واحد عندما اذهب  Nerdly :) ما يستغل هذا الرجل يجب حظر الريادي وفقا لتقديراته الشخصيه استغلال النظام. fرجل من يحصل على مودينغ منتدى لأشباه المثقف[img=http://e.deviantart.com/emoticons/n/nana.gif]Anglesaultالى التدريب وارحب التحديات التي تنتظرها مني" قال كريستكوياك الذي لعب تسعة مواسم في كرة السلة ، اربعة منهم في ميلووكيي

Though the collected audience has no clue what he's saying, there's no mistaking the passion within his voice, and they listen, captivated by the mesmerizing quality of his words. Tajiri, so moved by the speech, stands up to ask Abdullah a poignant question.

私の生命雌豚はなぜとても雄ん鶏である?? 木びき台は傷害によってこの季節1月中旬の悩まされ、
季節に入る始動機として写し出された4人のプレーヤーなしで一時は遊んでいた ?

ميلر استولت على اللقب في الموسم  :lol:

あなたが支配する息子!  :lol:

Tajiri pays utmost respect to the dignified speaker by bowing in grace before he takes humbly takes his seat.

[img=http://e.deviantart.com/emoticons/t/tombstone.gif] Anglemania نيويورك (أ ب) - لوس انجلس لايكرز وفل جاكسون بدفع غرامة Marvin and Melvin  :lol: هي فضلات الغاز مؤخرة برعشيت براينت مؤخرا دورتين مدة التوقيف [img=http://e.deviantart.com/emoticons/w/winner.gif] Money in the Bank لعبه هذا الموسم لضرب العناصر في مواجهة بعد ان طلق ناري [img=http://e.deviantart.com/emoticons/f/fork.gif] Jamie O'Hara كايل كورفير في الاسبوع الماضي ، اي دور حتى لا يوجه اي خطأ.غرامة موسم الكندي المتزلجون على افضل قليلا الخميس اريك باراغواي انتهت الثالث في مجموعة فائقة في نهائيات كأس العالم. النرويج فاز الائتلاف وند سفيندال الجنس ، بينما الاميركي بودي [img=http://e.deviantart.com/emoticons/s/stab.gif] Landon Maddix كانون الثاني /  كريس سيمون قد تواجه المزيد من الانضباط فقط من التدقيق على القطع في نيويورك حراس الامام ريان هولويغ. المصادر تقول ان هولويغ تعتبر سياسة تحديد اهداف العوز الاجتماعي والرياضي مدربيناير كان يلعب بدون اربعة لاعبين من المتوقع  حراس رئيس جيم رامسي التي كانت معهم في مقاطعة ناسو من مكتب المدعي العام في مسعى لتحديد ما اذا كان اتباع الاجراءات الدولارات التي تعاني من الاصابات هذا الموسم واحدة في منتصف هذا الفريق له امكانيات كبيرة وأنا حريصة اكثر الى الامام

Tears, possibly fake ones, well up in the corners of Abdullah's eyes, as his lips quiver in passionate sadness. He steadies himself on the podium as he prepares to speak in a language many can understand, English.

My friends, diplomatic sanctions must be enforced and improved upon! The integrity of diplomacy must be upheld, because without it, we are a world divided! And when we are a world divided, we are a world in chaos! I do not stand before you asking for much, only for equal treatment to be given to all people, regardless of race, age, nationality or credo; tenets that many of your own countries have been founded on, but ideals they continue to neglect! Leaders of the free world, I Abdullah Abir Nerdly, beseech you, do you your duties as trendsetters for this new era of peace and goodwill, right the wrong that the oaoast has committed against me, and demand that Abdullah Abir Nerdly, a proud Nerdly, a proud Muslim, a proud Canadian, a proud Syrian, and a proud citizen of this global wrestling community, be entered into the twenty man Money In The Bank Battle Royal at Anglemania! Thank you! شكرا! :lol:

The instant he concludes his speech the audience rises to their feet and offers him a thunderous ovation. Hacksaw runs around the hall screaming “Hooooo”, Tajiri spits green mist at everyone within range, Fit Finlay does whatever the fuck Irish people do, Kane, the representative of parts unknown bears his soul to a Janitor, discussing his hopes and dreams for a better Iraq, Prince Nana dances up and down the asile, and Juvnetued slips GHB into peoples' drinks.  It would seem that Abdullah has won the collective group over, now they must make good on their promise and gain him entry into the Money in the Bank battle royal. We fade out with [i]Hate Me Now[/i] playing in celebration of Abdullah's moment of triumph.

Edited by Patty O'Green

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