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Which Wrestler Would You Like To Have Your Back

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This was somewhat inspired by the Shawn Michaels/Marines thread...but lets say you were cornered by a few angry Marines and or gang members..who would you most like to have on your side?


I'll take Brock Lesnar, Ahmed Johnson, Ken Shamrock, Taz, or Angle..Shoot, Deacon Bautista looks pretty hard-core, too. Gimme him, too.


Worst guys to have your back?


Al Snow

Spike Dudley

Rey Mysterio


I'm not saying these guys are wimpy, just not "super tough".

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Best group:




Tank Abbot





*They will handle the group after the beatdown.


Worst group:



Steve Austin

Hogan (Unless he can really Hulk-up)



The Marines don't always start shit!  :angry:

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Guest J*ingus

All the credible shooters obviously, Angle, Lesnar, Shamrock, Severn, Abbott, what have you.  Guys with records of violence like New Jack wouldn't hurt.  Paul Orndorff and Haku are said to be the baddest men of the old schoolers.  The Steiners probably wouldn't be bad either.

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Guest cobainwasmurdered

well any wrestler ever: Andre. You think anyone would willingly fuck with him??

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Guest alfdogg

Depends on what Andre you're talking about.  Early in his career or late?





*They will handle the group after the beatdown.



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Guest pinnacleofallthingsmanly

Early in his career, Andre was a car flipping motherfucker. Late in his career, he was a shitting on people motherfucker.

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Guest caboose

Well if I got in a fight with some marines, I'd like to have HBK with me.

The marines would concentrate on him and give me the chance to escape.

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Worst guys to have your back?


Al Snow


I recall reading around here that Shane Helms takes very little shit, so I wouldn't discount him. Also, Al Snow has some shootfighter training, so I wouldn't count him out, either.


If we can include dead people, why not have Brian Pillman watch your back? The guy stood up to Sid, so he definitely has some balls.

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Guest The Son of Sting

Angle, Regal, Shamrock and Lesner cant really go wrong with that group, maybe Big Show as well.

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Guest Dace59

Didn't Helms take it to Buff in a looker room fight, after Buff started on him, and ended up beating the crap outta Buff early in the InVasion angle?

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Didn't Helms take it to Buff in a looker room fight, after Buff started on him, and ended up beating the crap outta Buff early in the InVasion angle?


Supposedly. Judy's son said that Helms was too small to make it in the WWF, and provoked him to the point where Helms punked Bagwell out like the stupid bitch he is.

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Guest caboose

Helms is still 6 Foot, 215 pounds, and in pretty good shape, so he's still gonna be a formidable opponent in a stret fight.

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Helms is still 6 Foot, 215 pounds, and in pretty good shape, so he's still gonna be a formidable opponent in a stret fight.


Especially when you consider that non-wrestlers are very rarely bigger than that, I wouldn't mind having Helms on my side.

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Guest converge241

Tank Abbot and Bradshaw. They just seem a step tougher than the others. no discredit to Angle, shamrock, tazz, lesnar.

In a real alley though i think those would be the best 2.


worst = buff bagwell!!

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Guest pinnacleofallthingsmanly

Worst guys to have your back?


Al Snow


That's from watching too much tv. Al Snow can kick some ass and I would have to give Shane Helms some credit considering the fact that he was in the Power Plant.


Here's the itinerary taken from an old Stuff magazine.


10 : 00-11 : 30


Push-ups: Four to five hundred in sets of 50. Keep your back stiff, and have your chest hit the mat.


Squats Four to five hundred in sets of 50. Keep your hands extended, and kiss the mat with your ass.


Sit-ups: 200 with knees bent against the rope.


Leg lifts: About a hundred 90 degree reps on the ring apron, as you slap your shins against the steel-cable ropes.


Six inches: A 10-minute medieval torture session in which you plant your BUTT on the edge of the ring while lying flat under the ropes. Then extend your legs outside the ring with your feet six inches above your waist.


11 : 30-12 : 00


Wind Sprints: Backward, frontward and sideways dashes.


12 : 30-13 : 00 Lunch


13 : 00-13 : 30


Back hit-its: Back bumps


13 : 30-14 : 00


Running the ropes


14 : 00-14 : 30


The Gauntlet: You enter the first ring, hurl yourself against all four ropes and end in a flip-slam on the mat.


14 : 30-15 : 00


Freestyle wrestling



Looking at that, it doesn't seem incredibly hard, but there are a lot of people who can't do that everyday. It reminds me of one of my wrestling practices except it's an hour and a half longer and has a two and a half hour break for lunch. The intensity is no doubt a lot higher, and your body takes more punishment from the bumps, but it reminds me of a wrestling practice. I bet Big Show made it through that with a lot of coaxing, like the fatter kids on wrestling teams. It's no wonder he looked so slim in his earlier days and looks so fat now.

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Guest Insanityman

Shamrock and Angle... though in real wrestling you do every move assuming you won't get choked out, etc.

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Guest Lord of The Curry

Shoot Fight



-Lesnar (on reputation only, never seen him shoot wrestle yet)


-Bischoff (yeah, that's right. The dude has like 50 million black belts.)


On a side note, fuck Tank Abbot. That dude has kicked some ass in UFC and whatnot but he's also gotten taken down worse then most. I don't know his win/loss record but I'd bet he's gotten his ass kicked more then he's kicked ass.


Street Fight


-Big Show (the fight would be over before it started. Honestly, who would really attempt to fuck with this guy?)




-New Jack (he'd be my trump card in case all the others failed. Just whip out the gat and lay all them suckas flat.)

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Guest dreamer420

i'd go with the big show.  he is a little slow but you know he can take a decent show if anyone could even get ito the position to nail him.

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Just so you guys know...


Al Snow trained Dan Severn for the UFC...so as likable and goofy as Snow is, piss him off and he could severely kick your ass

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Guest Human Fly

I'd bring Big Show, Brock, Angle, Undertaker, Steve Blackman, and Jazz to handle any females.


Edit - Did Undertaker really used to be a boxer, or was that just made up?

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I would take the Clique, then start shit with a big group.  Then I'll hide behind something while all of them get beaten.

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Guest gwf0704

New Jack definately as he has 2 justifiable homicides to his credit.


Jazz looks like she wouldn't back down whether its male or female.


Matt Borne just cause hes done some crazy stuff in the past.

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New Jack definately as he has 2 justifiable homicides to his credit.


Matt Borne just cause hes done some crazy stuff in the past.


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Guest gwf0704

It came out on "Beyond the Mat" that New Jack had 2 justifiable homicides.


Matt Borne has always had that look in his eyes whether as himself, Doink or any other gimmick of seriously hurting you if he really wanted to....

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Guest dreamer420
It came out on "Beyond the Mat" that New Jack had 2 justifiable homicides.

and he was a bounty hunter too.  i think looking at his forehead would be enough to chase me off.

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Guest Mark4steamboat

New Jack is a scary lookin dude. I could totally see him killing someone. Just look at the mass transit incident.


If Kulas had been a regular wrestler in ECW and NJ did that to him, Kulas should have kicked his ass. But who would attempt to kick NJ's ass? He'd prolly come atcha with a gun.

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