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Guest saturnmark4life

seriously though...

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Guest saturnmark4life

have they actually said anything about him? Is his WWE career over or what? Has HE said anything? I try not to visit the website, i feel dirty.

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Guest dreamer420

on confidential he said he would be back soon.  take that for what it is worth.

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Guest saturnmark4life

God i hope so. Love him or hate him, he's the one to save the ship.

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Guest Anglesault

Confidential was recorded before HBK took his little shot at Rocky.

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Guest El Psycho Diablo

Oh my god..I'm sure Rocky will take deep, personal offense to one line HBK said about him. I'm sure he'll hold a grudge against him, and get him fired. Hell will freeze over, and the sky will start falling.


Can we please stop this little "OMG, the Clique is going to destroy wrestling! HBK said something about Rocky! Oooooo.." bit?


In case you didn't notice, HHH and Michaels are buddies, or were. Nobody buys HHH as a face. Michaels is a heel, and Rocky's the biggest face in the company. He said ONE line that the marks will forget within two weeks.


It's not some world shattering event. Cut the nonsense.



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I've always found the Rock entertaining and would like for him to come back, but chances are he won't. And, given all perks of Hollywood as compared to wrestling, I wouldn't, either.

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Guest Anglesault
Oh my god..I'm sure Rocky will take deep, personal offense to one line HBK said about him. I'm sure he'll hold a grudge against him, and get him fired. Hell will freeze over, and the sky will start falling.


Can we please stop this little "OMG, the Clique is going to destroy wrestling! HBK said something about Rocky! Oooooo.." bit?


In case you didn't notice, HHH and Michaels are buddies, or were. Nobody buys HHH as a face. Michaels is a heel, and Rocky's the biggest face in the company. He said ONE line that the marks will forget within two weeks.


It's not some world shattering event. Cut the nonsense.



Michaels completely broke Kayfabe to say something that totally went over the average fans head. Why would heel Shawn say how superface Rock is stealing HIS FRIEND (Trying to be a) Superface HHH's spotlight? It doesn't add up. That was asign of things to come.

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Guest RetroRob215

Suppsedly the Rock just signed to start filming another movie as soon as he finishes Helldorado.

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So long, Rock. The WWE has yet to come up with a feud as half as entertaining as the one you had with Jericho. This may not make me sound like a hip and cool smark (were there such a thing), but I'll miss you.

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Guest El Psycho Diablo

It's a sign of things to come? That's nice. What is it like to see the future?


You can't.


You don't know if Michaels will pull crap. You don't know if Triple H will pull crap.


Have you ever considered the fact that The Rock is damn near invincible when it comes to politicing? You want to talk about backstage crap, well, what is the one thing Vince McMahon likes more than anything else? That's right. Money. You think for one single second Vince will let the Clique screw over the star that's making him the most cash? The ONLY wrestling star that's ever made serious money in Hollywood? Face it. The Rock is the WWF's connection to the mainstream. Vince wouldn't let anything happen to Rocky for a million years.


All the 'backstage pull' of the Clique won't stop that.



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Guest Anglesault
It's a sign of things to come? That's nice. What is it like to see the future?


You can't.


No, but I CAN see what happened in the past and what is happening in the Present


You don't know if Michaels will pull crap. You don't know if Triple H will pull crap.


They have before. What's to stop them from doing it again?


Have you ever considered the fact that The Rock is damn near invincible when it comes to politicing?


Funny, I would have said the same thing about Steve Austin. But he was demoted, depushed and humiliated into midcard feuds with Scott Hall and Big Show.



You want to talk about backstage crap, well, what is the one thing Vince McMahon likes more than anything else? That's right. Money. You think for one single second Vince will let the Clique screw over the star that's making him the most cash?


They did it to Austin.

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Have you ever considered the fact that The Rock is damn near invincible when it comes to politicing? You want to talk about backstage crap, well, what is the one thing Vince McMahon likes more than anything else? That's right. Money. You think for one single second Vince will let the Clique screw over the star that's making him the most cash? The ONLY wrestling star that's ever made serious money in Hollywood? Face it. The Rock is the WWF's connection to the mainstream. Vince wouldn't let anything happen to Rocky for a million years.


The thought is there, but let's not try to confuse Anglesault with facts. His fragile brain cannot take it.

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Guest El Psycho Diablo

Austin also dosen't have the level of 'presence' Rocky does outside of wrestling. Austin appeared on a few tv shows, yes. But has Austin been considered a well spoken, educated example of wrestling? Rocky will do more to change the 'big dumb wrestler' sterotype than Austin ever would. And seeing as how Vince wants more than anything else to be accepted in the mainstream..



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Guest bcu1979

Rock will come back. But not for any long period of time. His next movie is supposed to start shooting the first week in September. I'd guess he comes back in late July or early August to build up his big SummerSlam match. And then he's gone again until WrestleMania time.


It will be interesting to see who they put him in a program with. Rock would probably want him to work with someone like Jericho or Angle. Triple H will no doubt want a win over Rock to prove he's a bigger star. And I'm sure the Lesnar backers will want Rock to put over Lesnar.


I know it will never happen but I'd love to see a Rock/Jericho v. Triple H/Michaels tag match. The promos alone would blow away anything on WWE tv in months.


Whatever the WWE decides, it's imperative that someone gets the rub from Rock and a new star is created. Rock is going to become a special attraction who wrestles a couple times a year. Someone is going to have take his place. (And NO, Undertaker is NOT the answer.)

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The answer to every1s problems is to bring back the APA. That will get rid of the big dumb wrestler sterotype. One guys a chronic masturbater and the others a cowboy.

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If I was given the choice to do


A.) Follow a hollywood career and continue making millions off of movies




B.) Jump aboard a sinking ship, possibly being sucked in the failures that the WWE are experiencing, for no reason other than to make one last return.


Id rather do A, its an almost guaranteed success, with all the problems in the WWE, I dont think I would like to get in to that. If the Rock was to leave now, he could leave with the match with Hogan at WM, an unforgettable match. Austin, unfortually his last match was with flair and soon it will be all forgettable. If I was Rock I wouldnt come back. Maybe after loosing their top two superstars, the WWE will realize they need to get off their asses and do something. I doubt it though.

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