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A question for the HHHaters

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Now, I really don't want to start any shit, but something has been bothering me. I'm going to try and keep my middle-of-the-road stance here, but here goes anyway: If Triple H does indeed go into business for himself and his friends, why has William Regal never been pushed higher than IC level (Regal and HHH are good friends going back to their WCW days as I understand it)? Or is Triple H to blame for the fact that Regal *has* stayed at the IC level despite the fact that he works a very awkward style and has not had a good match since coming back to the WWF?


Just a question and I ask that you please go easy on me. I'm new to the whole HHH debate. Besides I'm fragile :blush:.

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Guest bps "The Truth" 21

I think *and I stress think* that the fact that Regal has a job given his past drug problems is a testament to HHH's influence.


I've read many times that it was HHH who convinced Vince to give Regal a shot...without the Man's Man gimmic.


That much I know is true...not that its wrong....just that its true.



As for your question...There's a reason that XPac hasn't gotten even to the IC title...HHH (like any good businessman) knows not to atach himself to something that will fail.


Case in point:  He supported the hiring of the NWO (he was the only one as I recall)...but Hall gets fired...and I never heard anything about his opinion or reaction to it.

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Guest Anglesault

I've always liked Regal, so I'm not the best one to ask, but yes, I think that HHH is probably the only reason Regal was IC title level.

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Guest bcu1979
Now, I really don't want to start any shit, but something has been bothering me. I'm going to try and keep my middle-of-the-road stance here, but here goes anyway: If Triple H does indeed go into business for himself and his friends, why has William Regal never been pushed higher than IC level (Regal and HHH are good friends going back to their WCW days as I understand it)? Or is Triple H to blame for the fact that Regal *has* stayed at the IC level despite the fact that he works a very awkward style and has not had a good match since coming back to the WWF?


Just a question and I ask that you please go easy on me. I'm new to the whole HHH debate. Besides I'm fragile :blush:.

I think you answered your own question. Regal was great as the commisioner. The role suited his talents in the WWE perfectly: he got mic time, he got to interact with numerous characters, and he got to use his facial expressions. And he stayed out of the ring for the most part


He's just death in the ring. His matches are boring and heatless. Most of them are also awkward because his style is so different and he doesn't have chemistry with hardly anyone in the WWE. There's absolutely no reason for him to constantly be holding a title when all he does is kill whatever heat the title had.

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Guest Austin3164life

Wow, I didn't even know Triple H had any friends outside of the clique.....


Ha, no I'm kidding.  I didn't know that Regal was released due to drug problems until a little while ago.  I'm assuming it was cocaine because his nose used to bleed after punches.  I'm suprised Triple H would want him back in anyway.....

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I think you already know the answer.  You said yourself that you're "new" to the HHH debate, yet you easily came up with the notion(and fact), that the only reason Steve Regal has a job and a seemingly 9 month undefeated streak, is because he's attached at the ass w/Trip.  If a "newbie" picked up on that, it must be pretty damn obvious.  Regal sucks.  He could bore a worm to death.   But HHH always protects his boys.

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I remember reading, Triple H & Austin both pushed for Regal.


Also, if Triple H has so much power, then why would he let his nWo/Cliq buddies get burried by Austin? Oh, that must be where the Triple H/Austin backstage "feud" started, Huh?

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Guest Austin3164life

The nWo not only deserves to be buried by Austin, but by all of the midcarders.  Bringing them in was one of the worst ideas to spike ratings.  Shame on those who thought it would bring good things.  All the nWo's arrival did was bring a septuginarian-looking legend, an ex-drunkard, and a lazy slug into the mix.  Not to mention X-Pac, Big Slow, and a now bashing Shawn Michaels....

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Guest bps "The Truth" 21

hmmm...how to answer...


I could go with HHH was too busy burying his own people to care...


...I could point out that despite losing to Austin at every turn the NWO is still being pushed...


...OR...I could reiterate the not wanting to get too close to things that can burn you point.

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Guest RickyChosyu

I think it's rather stupid to say that Regal got a second chance because "HHH or Austin wanted it" alone. I think he was a perfect fit for Vince and the WWF in a lot of ways because of his great facial expresions, over-the-top blue-blood gimick, and at that point, very promising in-ring ability. At the time he was hired, Regal was still riding on the hype that his Pilman Memorial 2k match with Benoit had created, so most saw him as a good prospect, especially since he was reportedly off drugs and back in control of his life. At the time, I'm sure it seemed like a good idea, and for a while, it was, because the commisioner role was perfect for him. No HHH/Austin pull needed.


It wasn't until recently that all of his flaws were really exposed, and he's finally being de-pushed because of it.

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Guest bps "The Truth" 21

But...the statement that HHH got Vince to give Regal another chance is the one I can actually back up with statement from teh observer and such...

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Guest Brian

But the only reason they gave Regal a look was because of that match. Such a brilliant match. Problem is Regal is so limited into how he can perform and work with that he will never put on that kind of match again, and unfortunately I'm not sure if we'll ever see something as good from Benoit again either.


Austin and Regal have always been good friends since I can remember, and I'm sure he had a part in McMahon giving him a good role.

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Guest The Vanilla Midget

id like to think that regal got his IC push as a reward for his awesome work as the commissioner last year.  but its true, it would probably be 99% certain that he only has a job because of trips.

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