alfdogg 0 Report post Posted May 23, 2007 A cold, dark voice begins to speak the ungodly hymn over the loud speakers, as smoke begins to cover the entrance way. "Come on God, Answer Me. For Years, I've Been Asking You Why? Why are the Innocent Dead and the Guilty Alive? Where is Justice? Where is Punishment? . . . . . . . . . . . Or Have You Already Answered? Have You Already Said to the World, Here is Justice. Here is Punishment. Here.... In Me." [i]Punishment[/i] by BIOHAZARD starts up, and Rick Heyross leads out his team of Charlie Moss & Quentin Benjamin. JR Main event time here on World Domination Wrestling, a big-time six-man tag match! Let's go to the ring! PENZER [i]The following is a six-man tag team match, scheduled for one fall! Coming down the aisle, led by their manager, Rick a total combined weight of 703 pounds...introducing first, they are the WDW World tag team champions, the team of CHARLIE MOSS and QUENTIN BENJAMIN...TEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEAM HEYROOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOSSSSS!!!!![/i] Moss and Benjamin roll into the ring and pose on the buckles, drawing boos. JR Lot of gold in the Rick Heyross camp, he's got the tag team champions of the world, and he's got this man! [color=pink][b]Je t'adore, je t'adore...[/color][/b] [i]Girls, Girls, Girls[/i] plays, and pink lights fill a dark arena. Felix Strutter walks out confidently with the "WDW" Heartland belt around his waist. PENZER [i]And their partner, hailing from Thunder Bay, Ontario, Canada, he is the OAOAST and WDW Heartland champion..."AFTER HOURS" FELIIIIIIIIIIIIIX STRUTTERRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRR!!!!! JR And of course, Strutter won the OAOAST Heartland title from Thunderkid about a month ago, and Thunderkid last week made the challenge, which was accepted, to meet "After Hours" Felix Strutter at Triumph, hoping to take the title back to the OAOAST! [i]God of Thunder[/i] hits, and Thunderkid comes through the curtains, drawing a mixed reaction. PENZER [i]Their opponents...introducing first, hailing from Green Bay, Wisconsin, and weighing in at 250 pounds...representing the OAOAST...THUNDERKID!!!!![/i] JR A mixed bag for TK tonight, some of the fans like him, others don't like his affiliation with the OAOAST! [i]Sweet Home Chicago[/i] hits, and Jumbo makes his way down the aisle. The reaction for Jumbo is a little more positive. PENZER [i]From Chicago, Illinois, weighing in at 440 pounds...JUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUMBOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO!!!!![/i] JR And Jumbo was in the crowd last week as a guest of Deuce Deuce Bigelow, and Axel said earlier tonight that if Jumbo scores the winning fall in this match, he will earn a contract with World Domination Wrestling, as well as a shot at Team Heyross at Triumph! And there are some fans here who would love to have him! Jumbo gives a high-ten to TK, as [i]Just a Gigolo/I Ain't Got Nobody[/i] hits and Deuce Deuce Bigelow comes through the curtains. PENZER [i]And hailing from from Las Vegas, Nevada, weighing in at 390 pounds...DEUCE DEUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUCE BIGELOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOW!!!!![/i] Deuce meets up with TK and Jumbo at ringside, and they all slide into the ring together. *DING DING DING* JR And it's chaos here already! All six men brawl in the ring, with TK's side getting the better of it. TK clotheslines Moss over the top rope, and Jumbo does the same to Benjamin on the other side! Moss and Benjamin make their way over for a meeting with Heyross, only to have it broken up when Strutter is tossed out on top of them, courtesy of a Deuce press slam! JR And the power of Deuce Deuce Bigelow broke up that little confab! Deuce's team celebrates in the ring, until Moss and Benjamin pull Jumbo out under the ropes, and Strutter joins in for a 3-on-1 slugfest! JR And Jumbo singled out by Heyross's crew! Deuce climbs out to come to Jumbo's aid, and is double-teamed by Strutter and Moss. As the five men slug it out on the floor, TK grabs the ropes, and executes a PLANCHA~!, leaving all six men laying on the floor as the crowd goes crazy! JR And the crowd loving it here in Cincinnati! Everyone lays around for a bit, then TK gets to his feet first and hammers away at Strutter. Team Heyross brawls with Deuce & Jumbo outside the ring, and then TK rolls inside as Charlie Moss is thrown in by Jumbo. Charlie Moss is whipped to the ropes and ducks a chop, only to be met with a BIG clothesline from TK! JR Lot of force behind that TK clothesline! TK picks up Moss and gives him a suplex! He then drops a knee to the sternum and tags in Jumbo. TK gives Moss a bodyslam in the middle of the ring, then Jumbo backs into the ropes and drops an elbow! Cover... 1... 2... Kickout! Jumbo gives Moss a backbreaker, and covers again... 1... 2... Kickout! Jumbo puts Moss in a front facelock, then tags in Deuce, who comes in and delivers a HUGE forearm to the back! JR And some nice teamwork from Deuce and Jumbo! Deuce backs him into the corner and follows up with stiff forearms to the chest. Deuce then pulls Moss out of the corner and delivers a gutwrench suplex! Cover... 1... 2... Kickout! Deuce goes to pick up Moss, but Moss goes to the eyes and tags in Benjamin. Benjamin goes to the top rope, and hits a missile dropkick! Cover... 1... 2... Kickout! JR And the momentum shifts quickly in this match! Benjamin picks up Deuce, and goes for a suplex. However, Deuce blocks, then blocks a second time, before giving Benjamin a suplex of his own! Deuce picks Benjamin up, then whips him to the ropes, catching him with a big shoulder check! JR Tremendous force from Deuce there, and Quentin Benjamin is hurting right now! Deuce tags Jumbo back in, then picks up Moss in a bearhug. Jumbo climbs in, backs into the ropes, and drives his body into Benjamin, sandwiching him! Benjamin rolls on the mat, and Jumbo picks him up and delivers a big scoop slam! Jumbo then drops an elbow and tags Deuce right back in. JR Fast tags by Deuce's team, they're working very well as a team right now, while the Heyross side, which was supposed to have all the continuity, has made just one tag! Deuce traps the right arm of Quentin Benjamin, and hits a belly-to-belly suplex! Cover... 1... 2... Kickout! Deuce waits for Benjamin to get up and goes to the ropes, but Moss hits a knee right in the lower back! Deuce drops to his knees holding the back, and Benjamin kicks him in the face, sending him out to the floor. Benjamin draws Jumbo into the ring, while Strutter drops to the floor and throws Deuce right into the steel steps! JR And a sneak attack by Strutter, sending Deuce right into the steel steps! Look at the pained expression on his face! Strutter picks Deuce up and tosses him back into the ring. Benjamin then picks him up and whips him into the ropes, bouncing off of the ropes himself and hitting a spinning wheel kick! Cover... 1... 2... Kickout! JR and the tide has definitely turned in this one! Benjamin whips Deuce hard into the corner, and catches him coming out with a Frankensteiner! He plays to the crowd, drawing boos, then tags Moss back in. Moss and Benjamin hit the DOUBLE GOOZLE~! JR And there's that Double Goozle, the move that has been perfected by Team Heyross! Moss covers as Benjamin gets out of the ring. 1... 2... Shoulder up! JR But Deuce barely able to escape! Moss and Benjamin give Deuce a double back suplex, then Moss tags in Felix Strutter. JR Well, look who finally decided to check in! Strutter stomps away at Deuce on the mat, then delivers a snap legdrop to the back of the head. He turns him over, and covers... 1... 2... Shoulder up! JR But Deuce still fighting against defeat! Strutter picks up Deuce and delivers a foot to the gut, then backs into the ropes and delivers a swinging neckbreaker! Cover... 1... 2... Shoulder up! Strutter tags Moss back in, and Moss hooks Deuce around the neck and right arm, dropping him with an STO backbreaker! Moss then grabs the legs of Deuce. JR And Moss could be setting up for the Mossy Knoll! Moss turns Deuce to his left, but can't turn it all the way over. So he tries to turn the other way, also unsuccessful. He drops the legs, and drives an elbow into Deuce's sternum, then grabs the legs once again, and turns him over this time, applying the MOSSY KNOLL~!!! JR And there it is! As Deuce struggles to escape the hold, Jumbo climbs in and clotheslines Moss from behind, breaking up the hold! JR But Jumbo in there to make the save! Remember, he has a job with this company as well as a title shot at stake! Moss gets to his feet, and delivers a neckbreaker to Deuce, then Benjamin goes to the top rope. Moss meets him, and they set up a rocket launcher. JR And no tag made here, as Benjamin goes upstairs! Moss tosses Benjamin off, but Deuce lifts the knees up and Benjamin lands on them! JR And now Deuce needs to tag! Deuce inches over to his corner, but Moss picks him by the foot. Benjamin makes his way over to grab Deuce, as well, but the referee intercepts him. As this is happening, Deuce breaks free of Moss's grip, and makes a tag to Jumbo! JR And there's the tag, but the referee didn't see it! Jumbo goes after Moss, but the referee turns around and forces him out. JR And he doesn't allow it. Moss and Benjamin whip Deuce into the ropes. Deuce ducks a double clothesline, and hits one of his own! After lying on the mat for a second, he rolls over and makes the tag to TK! JR The referee saw that one, and now TK in there! TK jumps in and takes down Benjamin with a clothesline! TK takes Moss down with a clothesline! Strutter jumps in and charges TK, but TK backdrops him over the top rope! JR And Strutter trying to surprise TK, but he got sent to the floor! TK follows Strutter out and hammers him with right hands, then floors him with a clothesline! TK then slides back into the ring and catches Benjamin with an overhead belly-to-belly! He then grabs Moss, and gives him a fallaway slam! TK with a cover... 1... 2... NO! Benjamin makes the save! Moss and Benjamin whip TK into the ropes, but they both put their heads down. TK kicks Benjamin, then gives Moss a small package! 1... 2... NO! Moss kicks out! Benjamin jumps TK from behind, and whips him into the ropes. Benjamin attempts a clothesline, but TK ducks, then sends Benjamin over the top rope with a clothesline of his own! Moss then sneaks up on TK and delivers a low blow! JR And Moss with a cheap shot from behind! Moss rolls up TK... 1... 2... NO! Kickout! Moss then tags in Benjamin after he gets back up on the apron. As Deuce and Strutter slug it out on the floor, Benjamin floors TK with a superkick! Benjamin then climbs to the top rope... JR And Quentin Benjamin going up high... Benjamin tries a somersault senton, but TK rolls out of the way! JR But nobody home! TK gets to his feet, and delivers a foot to the gut, then drills Benjamin with the THUNDERBOLT DDT~!!!!!11111 JR And the Thunderbolt DDT from Thunderkid! TK tags in Jumbo, then knocks Moss off the apron! JR And Jumbo gets the tag, and will try for the pin! Jumbo backs into the ropes, and delivers the XL SPLASH~!!! JR And there it is! 1... 2... 3!!! *DING DING DING* JR That's it! He got the pin! Jumbo is the newest employee of World Domination Wrestling! PENZER [i]Ladies and gentlemen, the winners of the match...the team of THUNDERKID, DEUCE DEUCE BIGELOW, and JUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUMBOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO!!!!![/i] JR And not only that, but he will team with Deuce Deuce Bigelow at Triumph, for a shot at the WDW World tag team titles! What a night this has been! Strutter tries to slide in the ring, but TK blocks him off, as Moss pulls Benjamin out from the outside. Jumbo and Deuce celebrate in the ring. JR The same can not be said for Rick Heyross, however, he's got a lot to worry about this Saturday! Good night, everyone! [b]FADE TO BLACK[/b] Share this post Link to post Share on other sites