alfdogg 0 Report post Posted May 30, 2007 The crowd erupts as the cheaply made graphic appears on the big screen. JR And it's main event time here at WDW Triumph! OAOAST Heartland title on the line, so without further adieu, let's go to the ring! [i]God of Thunder[/i] hits and Thunderkid gets a nice ovation as he makes his way to the ring. PENZER [i]Ladies and gentlemen, the following contest is scheduled for one fall with a one-hour time limit, and it is for the OAOAST Heartland championship! Introducing first, the challenger, weighing in at 250 pounds...THUNDERKID!!!!![/i] TK slides into the ring and poses on the buckles, then awaits as [i]Girls, Girls, Girls[/i] hits, and Felix Strutter makes his entrance, accompaniedby Rick Heyross. JR And now here comes the champion! PENZER [i]And ladies and gentlemen, his opponent, hailing from Thunder Bay, Ontario, Canada, and being accompanied by Rick Heyross, he weighs in at 220 pounds...he is the WDW Heartland champion, and the defending OAOAST Heartland champion...AFTER HOURS" FELIIIIIIIIIIIIIX STRUTTERRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRR!!!!![/i] Strutter takes his time getting into the ring, walking around it and jawing with fans. Finally, TK slides outside, and clotheslines him on the floor! JR TK tired of waiting around, taking matters into his own hands! TK slams Strutter's face on the apron, then rolls him inside. *DING DING DING* TK grabs Strutter, and drags him into a corner. TK delivers kicks to the midsection, then whips him across the ring. TK charges, but Strutter moves out of the way. TK backs out, and Strutter dropkicks him back into the corner. Strutter starts to hammer away, then whips TK back across the ring, but TK comes out with another clothesline! JR And TK with another big-time clothesline coming out of that corner! TK runs to the ropes, and hits another clothesline! A third takes Strutter over the top and to the floor! JR Strutter back out to the floor, as TK is looking great here in the early going! TK follows Strutter to the floor, and whips him into the steel steps! JR And of course, the rules of a HL title match are...there are none! TK rolls back into the ring. Strutter tries to climb back in, but TK hits him with a baseball slide and sends him back to the floor! TK goes outside again, ramming Strutter's head into the steps, then taking him around the ring and throwing him into the timekeeper's table. TK stops to play to the crowd, however, and as he moves back towards Strutter, he gets blasted over the head with the ring bell! JR TK's bell rung by Strutter right there, and the tide has turned! Strutter grabs a steel chair from ringside before sliding back into the ring. He sits on it in the corner and waits on TK. JR And Felix Strutter just waiting on TK, showing his arrogance... TK gets to his feet, and Strutter picks up the chair, challenging TK to get into the ring. He does, but not before grabbing a 2X4 from underneath the ring! JR And now, TK will attempt to even the score! TK holds the 2X4 baseball style, and swings as Strutter swings the chair! After three swings, Strutter drops the chair and shakes his hands off. JR And that's just the power of TK winning out in that exchange! TK waits for him to come around, and grabs the 2X4 with both hands, clotheslining him to the mat! Strutter rolls to the outside, and TK follows him out with a plancha! JR And look at the hangtime, as TK comes down on top of Strutter! TK hammers away with right hands, then tosses Strutter back into the ring. Strutter, however, gets a hold of the chair, and slams it across the back of TK as he slides in! JR But Strutter taking advantage once again, with a chair shot to the back! Strutter holds the chair up in the air, receiving boos from the crowd. He then picks up TK, delivering a snap suplex, and goes to the top with chair in hand. JR And Strutter setting up something big here... Strutter comes off the top with a CHAIR LEGDROP, but TK rolls out of the way! TK grabs Strutter, picking him up in a PRESS SLAM~! and tossing him all the way down to the floor! JR And a long, hard fall for Felix Strutter! TK goes to the apron once again, and pulls out a stop sign! JR And NOW we're pulling out the heavy artillery! TK picks the sign up overhead and brings it down on the head of Strutter! Strutter staggers backward and falls over the security wall into the crowd! TK follows, and Strutter tries to escape! TK and Strutter end up backstage, where TK catches up to Strutter, hammering him on the back, and throwing him into a stack of beer kegs, which then fall onto Strutter. JR And Felix Strutter showered with those beer kegs, after being introduced to them by TK, who is getting closer to taking that belt back! TK follows Strutter over to the stack, and picks up a keg. As he raises it overhead, Strutter gets his hands on one and tosses it at TK, hitting him in the abdomen! Strutter then grabs the keg and rams TK in the back with it, before picking him up and taking him back out to the arena. Strutter carries a keg along in one hand, and nails TK with it in the aisle, before going to the side of the ring, and pulling a LADDER out from underneath it, drawing a pop from the crowd! JR And now it's Strutter going underneath the ring, and coming up with a ladder! Strutter slides the ladder into the ring, then rolls TK inside. Strutter drops a knee to the sternum of TK, then picks him up for a suplex. JR Felix could be looking to drop him on the ladder here! TK blocks, then blocks a second time. He then picks Strutter up, turns around while still holding him, and drops him with a SUPLEX ON THE LADDER! JR And Felix Strutter sent down hard, his anatomy colliding with that ladder! And guess who won! TK then rolls to the outside, and reaches under the apron. He crawls halfway under the ring to grab something, before coming out with a BARBED-WIRE BASEBALL BAT~! The crowd goes CRAZY! JR And now this match could be getting dangerous! These are the perils of the Heartland division! TK waits for Strutter to get up, then takes a HOME RUN SWING, but Strutter ducks and hits a low blow! Strutter then rolls over and grabs the bat. Strutter measures, then delivers a shot to the gut with the bat, then uses it to trip TK down to his back! Strutter then gets down on the mat and begins to rake the bat across the face of TK, opening a wound on his forehead! JR And TK has been cut open by that barbed wire! Strutter then picks up TK, and delivers a gutwrench suplex onto the ladder! JR And NOW, it's TK who's back meets the ladder! Strutter runs to the ropes and goes for a somersault senton, but TK rolls out of the way and Strutter lands on the ladder! TK then crawls over and grabs the bat, and Strutter turns around to receive a shot in the face! JR GAWD ALMIGHTY~! Barbed wire to the face! And now it's Strutter, who's been busted open! TK drops an elbow on Strutter, then rolls out of the ring and throws the keg inside. TK then rolls back in and lays the bat between his legs, as the crowd IMMEDIATELY begins to groan in agony. JR Oh GAWD no! TK picks up the keg, and DROPS IT ON THE BAT, causing Strutter to roll around on the mat in agony! Several fans in the front row can be seen holding their nuts and groaning in agony. TK sets up the ladder, then rolls outside the ring and grabs a TABLE from underneath! TK pushes the table into the ring, then rolls in and sets it up. By this time, however, Strutter has recovered, and drills TK in the back with the beer keg! JR But Felix Strutter quick to recover! Say what you want about the guy's attitude, he's got a lot of fight, a lot of heart! Strutter then delivers a shot to the head, and TK rolls onto the table. Strutter walks around to the other side, and slowly starts climbing the ladder. TK slowly rolls off the table, and follows Strutter up on the table side. TK catches him at the top, and the two begin to exchange punches. JR These two gladiators, one representing WDW, one representing the OAOAST, jousting for position on the top of this ladder! TK wins the slugfest, then sets up a suplex! Strutter quickly fires punches to the midsection, then thumbs TK in the eye. Strutter climbs up a couple rungs, then flips over, POWERBOMBING TK THROUGH THE TABLE! JR TK right through that table! GAWD AS MY WITNESS, he is broken in half! Strutter lays on the mat for a few seconds, then inches over and covers... 1... 2... NO!!! TK gets a shoulder up! JR But there's still plenty of fight left in TK! Strutter picks up TK, and hits a double-arm DDT! He the runs to the ropes, and follows up with a somersault senton splash! Cover... 1... 2... Shoulder up again!!! Strutter rolls to the outside, and finds another item wrapped in barbed wire, this time a STEEL CHAIR~! JR And more barbed wire coming into play! Strutter raises the chair, and SLAMS it across the back of TK! JR Imagine the PAIN shooting through the BODY of TK! TK rolls on the mat, rolling over to a corner. Strutter waits for him to get up, then charges with the chair...but has kicked back into his FACE by TK! TK then comes out of the corner, and drops an ELBOW onto the chair, which is lying on Strutter's face! JR What punishment these guys are taking! This is BRUTAL! TK then grabs the chair, as Strutter begs off. The crowd starts to cheer loudly, as TK raises the chair in the air! Strutter rolls out of the ring, and TK gives chase into the crowd! They run past the beer kegs again, then back through the entryway, where Strutter trips and falls in the aisleway. He begs off of TK again, when suddenly, Rick Heyross grabs the chair from TK! JR Oh, look at this now! TK turns around, and stalks Heyross down the aisle. Heyross runs, and TK gives chase! JR Get him! He can't outrun you for too long! TK finally catches up to Heyross, but when he does, Strutter has recovered long enough to bring the chair across his back! JR And Rick Heyross was a distraction just long enough for Strutter to perhaps seize the advantage! Strutter catches his breath, then slowly drags TK back to the ring. He tosses him inside and makes an immediate cover... 1... 2... TK gets a foot on the rope! JR And TK still hanging on! Strutter pulls TK's leg off the ropes, and hooks it... 1... 2... Kickout! JR Another two-count, and look at the wreckage caused by this brutal match! Strutter grabs the chair, and stands over TK. He taunts the crowd, drawing ENORMOUS boos. He then raises the chair overhead, but when he does, TK sits up and delivers a low blow! Strutter falls backwards to the mat, and TK rolls over and grabs the chair. He waits for Strutter to get up, then tosses the chair into his hands, before hitting a BICYCLE KICK~! JR And once again, that chair kicked back into the face of Strutter! TK covers... 1... 2... NO!!! Strutter gets a shoulder up! TK picks up Strutter, and delivers an overhead belly-to-belly! Cover... 1... 2... Kickout again!!! TK charges Strutter for another bicycle kick, but Strutter ducks, and executes a standing hurricanrana! Strutter hooks the legs... 1... 2... NO! Kickout! Both men catch their breath, then Strutter the chair and jams it into the midsection of TK, before executing a DDT onto it! Strutter leans on the ropes to catch his wind some more, then rolls to the outside, grabbing a stuffed pillowcase. JR Somehow, I don't think anyone will be comfortable sleeping on that pillow! Strutter raises the pillowcase in the air, drawing boos, then rolls into the ring. He grabs a handful of THUMBTACKS out of the pillowcase, sprinkling them on the mat, as the crowd buzzes. JR And indeed, Strutter has found the thumbtacks! Strutter then grabs a handful and throws them on TK on the mat, before dumping the rest of the pillowcase out on the mat. Strutter picks up TK, then goes for a bodyslam. TK slips behind the back, and puts a foot to the gut, setting him up for a powerbomb! However, Strutter blocks, and BACKDROPS HIM INTO THE TACKS! JR And TK's body meets those thousands of thumbtacks! Look at TK's back COVERED in those tacks! Strutter carefully drops a knee to TK's sternum, then positions the ladder. JR And now what could the champ be setting up? Strutter climbs the ladder, stopping to pose at the top, drawing boos. He then steps over, and goes for a BIG SPLASH, but TK moves, and Strutter LANDS IN THE TACKS~! JR :o Strutter sits there for a second with a wide-eyed look on his face, then jumps up, hopping around, until TK grabs him. TK delivers a FALLAWAY SLAM to Strutter, RIGHT INTO THE TACKS~! JR :o :o :o TK then signals for the end! JR And TK says he's going to take the belt home! TK picks up Strutter, and hooks him in a front facelock...then releases when he sees Quentin (I almost typed Shelton here) Benjamin slide into the ring! JR Team Heyross is here! TK delivers right hands to Benjamin, then ducks a big swing, and executes an atomic drop, sending him right into Charlie Moss, who just slid in! JR And TK fighting the odds here, sending the tag team champs back out of the ring! Strutter hits TK weakly from behind, but it's enough for TK to turn his attention to him long enough for Team Heyross to once again attack from behind! They hammer TK to the mat, then wait for him to get back to his feet, before Moss runs to the ropes, and they execute the DOUBLE GOOZLE~! JR And the Double Goozle! Aw, don't let this match end this way! However, the 3-on-1 is broken up as Deuce Deuce Bigelow and Jumbo make their way to the ring! JR But here come Deuce and Jumbo to even the odds! They hammer away on the champs and deposit them from the ring, leaving the actual contestants in the match in the ring. Security comes out to break up the tag team brawl as TK sets up Strutter once again! JR And now, it looks like TK will finish the job! Suddenly, one of the guards slides in, grabs the barbed-wire chair and decks TK from behind! TK arches his back as he turns around, and takes a shot to the head! The guard then removes his helmet and shades to reveal ALFDOGG~! JR Aw, son of a bitch! Alf smirks, as TK is on the mat in pain, then slowly exits the ring to boos. JR We all wondered why Alf had not made an appearance at this PPV, well, he's certainly appeared in a big way tonight! Damn it! Strutter gets to his feet, then drags TK over into the tacks...and plants him with the THUNDER BAY THROTTLE~!!!!!11111 JR And Strutter seals the deal, with the Thunder Bay Throttle right into the tacks! Cover... 1... 2... 3!!!!! *DING DING DING* JR DAMN IT! Strutter rolls off of TK and lays on the mat. PENZER [i]Ladies and gentlemen, the winner of the match, and STILL OAOAST Heartland champion..."AFTER HOURS" FELIIIIIIIIIIIIIX STRUTTERRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRR!!!!![/i] JR A grueling, violent matchup, and it's been tainted by the egregious outside interference of Team Heyross and Alfdogg! Strutter is presented both of his belts as he's helped up by Team Heyross, who then helps him out of the ring. JR Well, I guarantee you, this one is FAR from over. Thunderkid will be back, I have no doubts about that! As Strutter has his arms raised by Team Heyross in the aisle, TK has recovered, and stares them all down. JR And that look from TK confirms my suspicions, he's not done with these guys, not by a long shot! But tonight is Felix Strutter's night, as he retains the OAOAST Heartland title! For Rick Heyross and Kevin Kelly, I'm Jivin' JR, we'll see you on Monday for more World Domination Wrestling! [b]FADE TO BLACK[/b] Share this post Link to post Share on other sites