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Guest art_vandelay

All we have to do now is hear Austin's side

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Guest art_vandelay

I know that none of us can really help it but, it really bothers me to see all these ill-fated feelings towards Steve Austin when all we've heard so far has been coming from the WWE, Meltzer, Ryder, et al.


Until I hear why Austin did what he did from his own mouth, and not that of a so-called "insider" or Vince McMahon or anybody associated with him, I'm going to try to remain unbiased and I think a lot of you should as well.

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Guest bob_barron

He needs his own Wrestling with Shadows.


But it'll be hard for him to tell his side of the story.

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Only problem is, Austin has no forum.  They're going to replay the Confidential shit on Raw, which means the marks will only have access to Vince's bullshit, "I can do no wrong" propaganda, so Vince takes no heat whatsoever for his shitty creative team.  Where can Austin respond so EVERYONE can hear his response?  Won't be on WWE TV.  The "net crowd" doesn't cover hardly 30% of the audience, and Vince knows it.  So, instead of Vince actually stating what the problem was(him and his writers), he buries Austin to get everyone on his side.  The WWE is dying, and Vince refuses to admit it to himself.

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Guest evenflowDDT
Only problem is, Austin has no forum.  They're going to replay the Confidential shit on Raw, which means the marks will only have access to Vince's bullshit, "I can do no wrong" propaganda, so Vince takes no heat whatsoever for his shitty creative team.  Where can Austin respond so EVERYONE can hear his response?  Won't be on WWE TV.  The "net crowd" doesn't cover hardly 30% of the audience, and Vince knows it.

Bingo.  Austin is totally screwed from this aspect, especially since even the high-profile 'net writers are against him.  Plus, I doubt he'll get any forum with the recent police/domestic abuse business, even if that's not what it seems (which it may or may not be, I obviously don't know).

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Guest Jobber of the Week
Only problem is, Austin has no forum.

He had his forum on Byte This, as I see it.


Plus, if he takes after a lot of the wrestlers and writes a book, I'm sure there'd be somebody willing to publish it. He has enough money to get a book out the door. And you know it'd sell.

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Guest pinnacleofallthingsmanly

I don't know why this thread made me think of Mike Tyson's ESPN iterview where he was saying that the media had a better "fuck you hand" than him. He went on to say that they can control the public's perception of him and he wished that he could make them feel the kind of pain that they have caused him. He said that by cursing them out and all of that stuff, he felt that he was giving back a little bit of what they were giving him. He then said that he wished that they had kids so that he could kick them in the heads and stomp on their testicles so that they could feel the pain that he feels. As a case in point, people only got to hear the part about stomping on people's testicles because the media took that part and ran with it. I won't be surprised if the WWF machine demonizes Austin in the upcoming days.

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Guest kkktookmybabyaway

I wonder if WWE will mention, on RAW, Austin's recent alleged wife-beating incident, which is being talked about on other threads...

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Guest chirs3
I know that none of us can really help it but, it really bothers me to see all these ill-fated feelings towards Steve Austin when all we've heard so far has been coming from the WWE, Meltzer, Ryder, et al.


Until I hear why Austin did what he did from his own mouth, and not that of a so-called "insider" or Vince McMahon or anybody associated with him, I'm going to try to remain unbiased and I think a lot of you should as well.


Unless Austin's side of the story is "Someone kidnapped me - I didn't walk out, I swear!" and "Debra fell, I drove out to the nearest drug store for band-aids", I think it's pretty clear what happened.

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Guest art_vandelay

I started this thread after Confidential aired and before any of the wife-beating news came to light.  But that should not have anything to do with what happened on Monday.  My view still remains.  With this wife-beating stuff, I'm more convinced that something else has been up with the guy's mind.  It's wrong that he left, that's a pretty widespread opinion.  It's also strange that anyone would do that.  I don't want to judge him solely based on hearsay.

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Guest evenflowDDT
I wonder if WWE will mention, on RAW, Austin's recent alleged wife-beating incident, which is being talked about on other threads...

I don't think the WWE would act in that poor taste... yet... but this brings up the question, what happens to Debra? Does she become "guilty by association" in the eyes of the WWE too? Will she quit, or will Vince play real life mind-games with Williams by giving her a more important role all of a sudden just to rub it in?

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Guest Dangerous A

Actually, Austin has a ton of heat right now with the locker room, Not only did he walk out on them and leave Benoit and Eddy with their dick in their hands, but then the wife beater thing. The guys in the locker room will not respond well to a wife beater. Especially since some of the guys have probrably developed a relationship with Debra before her and Austin got together. This is why I think we won't see Austin for quite some time on tv. There is just too much heat on him from every aspect.(the office, the locker room, the media)

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Guest Dangerous A

Speaking of sides.


Why is it that we have to wait for Austin's side of things when it pertains to him, but if we just happen to hear something "on the net" about anyone else, then we can go ahead and use that for arguments?


I mean, all the HHHaters arguments would be shot to shit if we waited for HHH's side of the story. Almost all their stuff is

"things I heard from the net".


The Austin thing is from a news station in San Antonio where Austin lives. There are real police reports being typed up as we speak.


Is it because Austin works so hard for us that we have to "wait for his side"?


I am not going to argue that the man is one of the greatest performers to ever step in a squared circle. But if he did beat on Debra, then he is garbage as a person.


Basic equation for Austin.   performer=excellent  person=garbage.

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Guest alfdogg
Basic equation for Austin.   performer=excellent  person=garbage.

See also:  Michaels, Shawn.

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Guest Dangerous A

I couldn't have said it better, Alfdogg.


I loved Shawn in the ring. Can't stand his crybaby bullshit and what not out of the ring.

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Guest RickyChosyu

Just because you enjoy a wreslter's in-ring work doesn't mean that you have to like him as a person. I really like some of Davey Boy Smith's matches, but if half of what Diana Hart says is true, the guy was possibly the lowest form of human being to be recorded so far.

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Guest Dangerous A

You are correct Ricky. Davey Boy falls under the same category as Austin and Michaels.


I am pretty sure there are more pieces of shit that we all love in the ring. We just choose not to talk about them as much.

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Guest NoCalMike

First Off, Welcome back DangerousA


Next, Yah, Austin is officially filed under the piece of shit section, along with Shawn Michaels and Davey Boy Smith.  Yah I wonder how glad Debra is now that she left Mongo, even though of course it isn't her fault she was beaten.  I wonder if Austin was drunk on some "stevewiesers"  If the wife-beating allegations prove to be true and charges are filed, than I don't have a problem with WWE burying him.  Now, as long as it is in the sense of Austin is a bad person kind of thing, and not a "McMahon is great" sense.

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Just because you enjoy a wreslter's in-ring work doesn't mean that you have to like him as a person. I really like some of Davey Boy Smith's matches, but if half of what Diana Hart says is true, the guy was possibly the lowest form of human being to be recorded so far.

I don't think I would believe anything Diana Hart says. She isn't really known for being to stable herself. Not saying some of it isn't true, but after all the shit she has pulled, it's hard to believe anything she says.


Anyway, Screw Austin's side. If anything, I wanna hear Debra's side right now.

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Guest converge241

Im off the austin fan list officially now (obviously)


mark my words this will get worse before it gets better, especially if debra files charges with him refusing to return. with all the is stuff and the stress he proabably built up anyway, i wouldnt be surprised if he does something drastic if it comes to that

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Guest notJames

It's taken me a day and a half to really process this and I still can't believe how creepy this has all gotten.


As far as that news story from the NBC affiliate in San Antonio, here's what they wrote regarding the WW_'s response:


This is the statement by Senior Vice President of Talent Relations, Jim Ross.

"He took himself out of the game. Vince McMahon didn't, J.R. didn't. Steve Williams took Stone Cold and flew him to San Antonio."


President of WWE, Vince McMahon says,

"This is not a publicity stunt. This is something that unfortunately is sad."


Both of those statements were made on Confidential and as far as I can tell, had nothing to do with the allegations of Austin's wife beating, since the show is pretaped. Methinks that with the lack of hard facts, the newspeople scrounged for any kind of statement to pad their story.


Not to nitpick or anything... just an observation...

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Guest Dangerous A

I would really like to know Steve Williams whereabouts right now. He fled the scene where he left Debra at home with the cops. The cops called him on his cell phone and he refused to go back to them and Debra has said she is not going to file charges against him.


With that said, where is Steve Williams?


It seems like he could be spiralling down and as someone had pointed out, if he is out there alone there is no telling what he could do to someone else or himself.


Again, as a fan of his (performer in ring that is) I have to ask, where is Steve Williams?

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Guest HeartBreakCod
Austin is officially filed under the piece of shit section, along with Shawn Michaels and Davey Boy Smith.  


Am I the only one that thinks it says a lot about the internet wrestling community that back stage politicking, selfishness and unprofessionalism puts HBK in the same bracket as people committing spousal abuse (Steve Austin) and rape (allegedly Davey Boy)!


We get it already, Clique = evil.  Jesus Christ, let it go...

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I would really like to know Steve Williams whereabouts right now. He fled the scene where he left Debra at home with the cops. The cops called him on his cell phone and he refused to go back to them and Debra has said she is not going to file charges against him.


With that said, where is Steve Williams?


It seems like he could be spiralling down and as someone had pointed out, if he is out there alone there is no telling what he could do to someone else or himself.


Again, as a fan of his (performer in ring that is) I have to ask, where is Steve Williams?

Debra didn't press charges so there is no reason for Steve to be on the "Run." He's probably home watching the news with Debra while I type this.


If the Police felt like it, they have the right to put a restraining order against Steve, with or without Debra pressing Charges.

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Guest Ripper

Austin is officially filed under the piece of shit section, along with Shawn Michaels and Davey Boy Smith.  


Am I the only one that thinks it says a lot about the internet wrestling community that back stage politicking, selfishness and unprofessionalism puts HBK in the same bracket as people committing spousal abuse (Steve Austin) and rape (allegedly Davey Boy)!


We get it already, Clique = evil.  Jesus Christ, let it go...

I don't think I could possibly say it better.  


Only on internet wrestling sites does Rapist/Wifebeater= unprofessional backstage.

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Guest Austin3164life

I wonder where the hell Steve Williams is as of right now.  If reports are true, and he bought a brand new Corvette and drove off somewhere, I shudder to think what the possibilities are if he were to do something inexplicable to himself.....

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Comparing Austins spousal abuse to Michaels backstage antics is the stupidest comparison I have ever come across.  If that does not singlehandedly expose the true bias and stupidity of HHHaters, and Kliqhaters in general I dont know what does.  How can u lump Michaels in with a Wife beater and a rapist, are u people really that bitter and ignorant?

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