Guest chirs3 Report post Posted June 17, 2002 Respecting someone's opinion doesn't mean implementing the changes they request. If Austin said "I want my character to be more like this", Vince can respect the opinion while still saying "I think it would be better if we did this instead." The only way to disrespect someone's opinion is to say "That's the stupidest idea I ever heard", and I doubt Vince said that to Austin. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Guest KoR Fungus Report post Posted June 17, 2002 <<<Because it IS a master/servant relationship. No matter how much money Austin made for McMahon, McMahon runs the company. People need to understand this.>>> Yes, Vince runs the company. No, I don't think that makes it a master/servant relationship. I think that any boss worth anything respects the opinions of the employees that made them. Vince obviously doesn't. Austin was unhappy with his and the company's direction, Vince didn't make any serious effort to change anything. As far as I'm concerned, that gives Austin every right to bail. Vince has the right to terminate wrestlers that aren't living up to their side of the deal, I see no reason then that Austin shouldn't be able to leave if he doesn't think Vince is living up to his side. <<<I said the ONLY info we have is Confidential, and I for one have no reason to suspect Vince and JR are lying.>>> I don't think they're lying necessarily, I just think they're spinning. They're presenting the WWE's side. They may not have said anything that was blatantly untrue, but things might look very different from Austin's point of view. I just like to see both sides before judging. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Guest Austin3164life Report post Posted June 17, 2002 Respecting someone's opinion doesn't mean implementing the changes they request. If Austin said "I want my character to be more like this", Vince can respect the opinion while still saying "I think it would be better if we did this instead." The only way to disrespect someone's opinion is to say "That's the stupidest idea I ever heard", and I doubt Vince said that to Austin. Hey, you might be right. Vince probably didn't say that, but we don't know if he did either. How are we to believe a man who once said "Bret Screwed Bret"? Vince just doesn't really value the opinion of his workers. This much shows by the conglomeration that has been spawned of this whole topic (Confidential). I bet you if Vince really valued the opinion of his workers (not just the Clique), we'd be talking about totally different things.....and watching them too Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Guest Kinetic Report post Posted June 17, 2002 There a lot of really valid points here, but I really think some of you need to break this down to its basest elements. The WWE is a company that provides a particular type of entertainment to its paying fans. Steve Austin is perhaps the single biggest reason a large percentage of the fans at Raw were willing to pay to be there. He has an obligation--and not just a moral obligation, but a contractual obligation to show up and perform. Regardless of who's not satisfied with whatever, it was his responsibility to be there and he flaked on the company and the fans that have made him wealthy and successful. As most everyone's said, if he really wanted out he should have told Vince and allowed a potentially lucrative angle to be created so that he wouldn't have to deal with the rigors of being the top star on a somewhat mediocre show. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Guest Austin3164life Report post Posted June 17, 2002 As most everyone's said, if he really wanted out he should have told Vince and allowed a potentially lucrative angle to be created so that he wouldn't have to deal with the rigors of being the top star on a somewhat mediocre show. Yes, you're right. Austin should have really talked about it to Vince again (even though he did once). Yet, are we to believe that Vince would've actually listened? As long as I've seen Vince and read about him (realistic things), he doesn't seem like a very open minded man (only to others that think like him.....See: Clique)...... Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Guest chirs3 Report post Posted June 17, 2002 How are we to believe a man who once said "Bret Screwed Bret"? Easily. Bret DID screw Bret. But let's save that for another topic. All I know of "The Real" Vince McMahon is what I've read about him in Foley's books, and from those descriptions he DOES value the opinions of his talents. And I am very sure that Austin, and most if not all top talents, have say in their creative direction. But ultimately, it's not their decision to make. Edit: And with that, I go to bed, and thank you all (specifically AustinHHH4Life) for a good spirited debate allowing me to vent. I'm not as pissed about it as I come off on the boards. I am pissed about it though, and any Austin fan should be, because he screwed me out of giving him a proper goodbye, and he screwed you out of it too. I guess I'm just mad that he's Bret Hart-ing himself here, when he could've gone out in a much better fashion. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Guest Austin3164life Report post Posted June 17, 2002 True, it isn't Austin's or Foley's or Rock's decision to make for any change. But, if Vince is the man he claims to be, he should (as a boss) respect, value, and be open for change. I work in a restaurant, and when I see that some employees are doing wrong things, or I see that the employee's actions affect the business, I say something to my boss and encourage something different. You know what? My boss listened, disagreed, but TRIED some change, and things looked up. What I don't understand is why people turn a deaf ear when Austin did what he did because the WWE sucks major cock right now. Austin is at fault for hastily leaving. He could've given a two-week notice or something of that measure, I agree on that. But, Vince is highly at fault for turning a deaf ear to his most talented and most profitable worker, when he listens to the Clique, who couldn't draw a fly to a maneur convention.....let alone draw money Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Guest Risk Report post Posted June 17, 2002 I may be (and am) grasping at straws at here, but what if Debra is lying? Also, please don't respond with a both of paragraphs to this, I have a low attention span. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Guest thebear Report post Posted June 17, 2002 I find it funny people are quick to jump on the anti- steve austin bandwagon... Talking about Steve Austin in the industry (The Domestic Abuse is his personal life) people say that he had no right to walk out on the promotion. I beg to differ. People call supporters of austin "Hypocrites" and "marks" because Steve Austin is doing the same thing that Hulk Hogan and Shawn Michaels did. That's true, he is... Except with one exception... When Both Michaels and Hogan pulled rank and threatened to walk (or did) they weren't drawing money... Hogan was in his waning WWF days in 1993, when it was obvious the WWF Crowd wasn't into his gimmick any more any he left. As for michaels, he's done shit like that numerous times, and if memory serves me correctly, he was champ while raw was getting stomped in the ratings in 96, and the only reason he held the title during the WWF's rise in late 97- early 98, was because according to vince, There was no one else to hold the title. (Otherwise bret could have very well jobbed to shamrock, foley, taker or otherwise) Meanwhile, Austin was the driving force that created a 5 year golden age of wrestling. He revolutionized American Wrestling (Not to say it was just him, The Rock and Triple H come to mind) but he was the leader of the most successful era in wrestling history. The guy who at one point was selling shirts by the warehouse. I think being the man who was the vital sign of the WWF for 53 of a 64 month period (Jan 97-Present) that he deserves to be able to pull rank. As for him not being entertaining... Him and Flair were doing some great stuff together, I was looking forward to a Gurrerro and eventually a benoit fued... I don't know what WWE people have been watching, but I'd like to hear what was more entertaining in the WWE in recent months than Anything else done... (Except Angle/Edge, and Booker T/Goldust) it's funny, because as austin's been taken from the top of the card, ratings have gone completely in the shitter... I don't know, I'm tired, I'm ranting... As for his personal life, Pro Wrestlers have maybe a harder life than most normal "jobs" and the pressure of being the biggest star in wrestling got to him... but you didn't see fans of "Insert Actor Here" jump on him when he got brought up on domestic abuse, or on that Red Sox's player from a few years back (Who's name is escaping me, someone help me out, Otherwise I'll look it up, and edit this when I get up) Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Guest Report post Posted June 17, 2002 I see nothing wrong with Austin standing up against the hellhole that the WWE has become. Sheesh, we've been bashing the WWE's politics, writing and lack of direction on this board for the greater part of the past year. I've been waiting for someone to finally take a stand against it. Austin finally has the balls to take that stand, and now everyone's up in arms *against him*? What the hell? How is the company supposed to change for the better if everyone just obeys Vince's every command? Someone needed to do what Austin did if the WWE was ever going to change for the better. I'm a little miffed by all the people expecting blind obedience toward Vince, I must say. Austin has made Vince hundreds of millions of dollars. He has worked his ass off for years and sustained countless injuries to make Vince a very, very rich man. Without Austin, it's not clear that Vince would even be in business at this point. So why is everyone still looking at this as a master/servant relationship? I think Austin has more than earned the right to be treated as an equal, and as such, to have a say when it comes to the company's direction. I can't believe that people are saying stuff like "I don't care if the writers told Steve he'd be switching his gimmick to Chuckabilly's new tutu-wearing "special friend", you don't just WALK OUT of a live show". That's fucking bullshit, wrestlers aren't just pawns for Vince to mess around with. If Austin didn't like the direction in which the company was heading, he has every right to quit. He just should have given Vince more notice, that was the only thing he did wrong. Anyway, regardless of your opinion on this particular situation, I think everyone should take awhile to reflect on just how much Austin has given the business and just how many hours he has entertained you. Even if you condemn him for this, at least respect the rest of his career. I would agree with this, however, It looks like Austin was looking out for himself more then the company. He did what we always bitch about Taker and Triple H doing. Refusing to build up and put new and younger talent over. Screw the theory of their was no build up. There was no backstory, no history, no feud, when Austin starting Calling Bret Hart out of "retirement" back in 96. Look what that did for Austin. By Bret "agreeing" to work with Austin, it made Austin a Main Eventer just like That! Austin could have did the same for Brock, Eddie and Benoit (even Though Benoit is already, the rub wouldn't have hurt him.) Austin was plain and simply looking out for his ownself! Not for what was right for business. Who's to say a 2/3 Month feud between him and the new "Monster" Brock Lesnar wouldn't have drawn Money? Austin didn't wanna job to kick the feud off. Austin never seems happy unless the spot light is all about him and him stunnering Brock, Heyman, Flair, Eddie and Benoit and a few dozen Refs to make him look like a million bucks and the dominant one. You have to give a little, and Austin didn't. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Guest CanadianChris Report post Posted June 17, 2002 Before you make a "Steve Austin is released" thread, shouldn't you wait until he is released? I'm not saying he won't get his release very soon, but as far as we know, it hasn't actually happened yet. He's still under contract with WWE. He's been released. Feel free to continue this thread. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Guest Report post Posted June 17, 2002 Austin has NOT been released. Check your sources. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Guest Report post Posted June 17, 2002 Austin will NEVER be released. Why would Vince let Austin work somewhere else? If he's under contract, he can't work for anyone else, even if he wanted to, AND they can still sell his merchandise. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Guest Report post Posted June 17, 2002 Well, I wake up this morning and Hear on DC101's Elliot in the Morning about the Steve Austin story during their news segment, and come online and hear that more Main Stream news Programs are picking up the story on Austin beating Debra. I doubt a work can be so elaborate that it deceives News Teams nationwide. Oh but according to the Austin Faithful DEBRA MIGHT BE LYING! Austin the god of Man couldn't Possibly vent his frustrations of the Company on his wife's face and Back, repeatedly. Maybe shes lying because she didn't press charges... Maybe she doesn't press charges because she is going through battered wife syndrome. Coupled with the fact Austin got the money to get a killer lawyer if they ever went To trial, also no telling what the WWE legal department would do about it, since Austin maybe nearly unemployed, Debra still under contract even if Austin isn't. Im personally a Taker fan and a Occassional Haku fan just to annoy people. but I don't Dislike anyone... Except Goldberg... I'll be fair and Play the IF game IF Debra is lying and those Hand shape bruises on her face and Bruises on her back she did herself somehow because she was Possessed with the EVIL Spirit of Satan McMahon. Then Austin is a Goody good guy like Bret and should be Vindicated. but IF its all true... and Austin did walk off on his own without it being a work, and as a result of his Business problems he took it out on Debra... Then quite frankly he doesn't deserve anyone defending him on here or anywhere, he will have lawyers. Unless you want to play Hey everyone Beats their wives in the business lets condone it Because He is Austin. Im Not a Rabid Austin Hater... Im a wifebeater hater... and the more im hearing the Domestic Assault stuff on Mainstream News Im Disliking Austin more and More! Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Guest Human Fly Report post Posted June 17, 2002 Since Austin walked out, and is in breach of contract does that mean Vince doesn't have to pay him a dime? I'm a little shaky on that, does anyone know? Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Guest Austin3164life Report post Posted June 17, 2002 Vince is either trying to find Steve to work something else out, or he will just fire him on the terms of Breeching Contractual Obligations. It's pretty much a matter of time before we cease to see the "Stone Cold Steve Austin" name used anymore..... Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Guest Report post Posted June 17, 2002 Does anyone know if Austin has a "creative clause" in his contract? If so, would he have the right to disagree with Story lines and refuse to job? I doubt he has the right to walk off the job, though. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Guest chirs3 Report post Posted June 17, 2002 ---> I would guess, since I don't know exactly what it is, that a creative clause allows him to meet and talk and plan with the writers when they're focusing on his storyline. His input is respected, considered, and may or may not be acted upon, and the two probably try to come to a compromise. ---> If Debra is lying, where the hell is Austin? ---> Austin walked out because the product was bad... oddly enough, his walking out made it worse because Vince is on Raw too, now... DAMN YOU AUSTIN! Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Guest LooseCannon Report post Posted June 17, 2002 Since Austin walked out, and is in breach of contract does that mean Vince doesn't have to pay him a dime? I'm a little shaky on that, does anyone know? I'm pretty sure that in general, with personal services contracts, that if a performer breaches the contract then the contractor can cease paying the performer and prevent him from performing elsewhere for the duration of the contract. I'm not sure about the specifics or nature of Austin's contract though, so I can't say for sure. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Guest Report post Posted June 17, 2002 I Screw the theory of their was no build up. There was no backstory, no history, no feud, when Austin starting Calling Bret Hart out of "retirement" back in 96. Look what that did for Austin. By Bret "agreeing" to work with Austin, it made Austin a Main Eventer just like That! Austin could have did the same for Brock, Eddie and Benoit (even Though Benoit is already, the rub wouldn't have hurt him.) Austin was plain and simply looking out for his ownself! Not for what was right for business. Who's to say a 2/3 Month feud between him and the new "Monster" Brock Lesnar wouldn't have drawn Money? I think Austin was right to be disgusted, but wrong to walk out. He asked for a feud with Eddie...I'm sure Benoit was his pleasent surprise...but suddenly being pushed to Brock was a slap in the face especially since nobody contacted him about it beforehand. And it's funny how you mention steve calling out brett...because perhaps that's the PROPER was this feud should have started, with heyman calling out scsa...rather than an immediate main event job (which could have been built up) Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Guest Smeghead Report post Posted June 17, 2002 And by the way, Smeghead, this is from itself... On March 18, 2002, the day after WrestleMania, without company approval and without notice, Stone Cold Steve Austin walked off the job and failed to appear at WWE’s Raw show in Montreal. Stone Cold Steve Austin was advised by WWE management that this was unprofessional and unacceptable. After a two week hiatus, Austin returned to work. On Monday, June 10, 2002, Stone Cold Steve Austin again failed to appear for the scheduled Raw event in Atlanta, instead choosing to return home to San Antonio without notice and without company approval. Although Steve was unhappy with his character’s creative direction, Steve made the personal and unprofessional decision not to report to work to address his concerns. Therefore, Stone Cold Steve Austin is no longer an active member of WWE’s talent roster. Yeah, I saw that. And that's exactly why I said that Austin hasn't been released. Look at the wording very carefully. Steve Austin (Williams) is "no longer an active member of WWE’s talent roster." They did not use the word "released". They did not give their usual statement that they "mutually agreed to part ways" (WWE's way of saying "we fired his ass"). They only said he's no longer on the active roster. Rhyno isn't on the active roster. Nor is DDP. But they're still under contract. They're not on the active roster for different reasons, but you get my point. Vince has not released Austin, and I assure you that's not because of a legal technicality. Vince may not want to work with Austin anymore, but he fears competition. And if Austin goes to another promotion (i.e. NWA-TNA), WWE will definitely have some strong competition. If this domestic abuse situation escalates, things may change. Having a wife-beater under contract is not good PR. The "no publicity is bad publicity" rule doesn't apply in that situation. And if Debra does decide to press charges (and if she's telling the truth then she damn well better, but that's a whole other topic), Vince will likely decide that letting Austin go is better for the company in the long run than keeping him under contract. As far as anyone knows, at this very moment, Austin is still under contract. He has not been released. But that may change soon. Hell, it may change before I can hit the "add reply" button. We'll see. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Guest TheDames7 Report post Posted June 17, 2002 Seeing as how this story is being picked up nationally, if Austin were to be released, his response if he were to be in the NWA:TNA would be met with resounding boos. I'm not even sure that the Jarretts would sign Austin, considering Jeff's relationship with Debra and the fact that Austin refused to work with him before (although that is nothing now). Dames Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Guest Anglesault Report post Posted June 17, 2002 Austin was plain and simply looking out for his ownself! Not for what was right for business. Who's to say a 2/3 Month feud between him and the new "Monster" Brock Lesnar wouldn't have drawn Money? Wasn't that Austin's point? But Vince and Co. were saying "Two and a half months? HA! We were thinking more like an hour and a half!" Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Guest Smeghead Report post Posted June 18, 2002 Don't know if anyone's interested, but has the police report on their website. You can go there, or you can get a link to the report at the Torch. Or if you're lazy, like me, just click here. Debra's name is on the report. The name of her alleged attacker has been censored, but if you read the report, it's pretty obvious who it is. I apologize if this has already been posted. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Guest Report post Posted June 19, 2002 bump mods, pin this bad boy Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Guest chirs3 Report post Posted June 19, 2002 Well, for now the conversation's died down. If there's a new development, then we should call for a pin. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites