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Ask Rob!

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OK, since I am only working part-time because my business partner fucked me over, I have alot of time on my hands before I pick the right job for me.  Anyway I figured you have ask the dictator and other threads like this so I will take a shot also.  The bonus about asking me though is, I will tell the whole truth and pull no punches, even if the question is about me in general.  Sooo.... since I have so much time, please can someone start this off?



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You know, I expected this one to be one of the first, thanks for getting it out of the way.  First off, I am not a dick to everybody, just most people in general I meet on this particular board.  Don;t get me wrong, there are a bunch of cool people here that make intelligent comments on certain affairs.  But then there are the other kinds of people that make comments with no backbone to thier statement.  Even though I make mistakes, I try not to make silly statements about things I know nothing about.  Getting back to ME.  This is a new me, I am going to try not to be a dick anymore, and avoid threads that will make me look like one.  So I guess, I am sorry if I was a dick to you in general, and hopefully you will not be a dick to me.  Did I leave anything out you wanted to know pertaining to that question?  Let me know, later



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Guest Kinetic
OK, since I am only working part-time because my business partner fucked me over, I have alot of time on my hands before I pick the right job for me.  Anyway I figured you have ask the dictator and other threads like this so I will take a shot also.  The bonus about asking me though is, I will tell the whole truth and pull no punches, even if the question is about me in general.  Sooo.... since I have so much time, please can someone start this off?



Dear Rob,


Why did you acknowledge "Ask The Dictator" when everyone knows that these "Ask..." threads were imported to this board by me--Kinetic--and mine was and is clearly the best?


Also, what do you think of Dames?  I think he's a pretty cool guy but I don't want him to know that I think that.  I'm considering hitting him during recess.  Would you advise that?




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Guest Kinetic

Hey Rob,


One more thing.  Do you think statutory rape laws are just a conspiracy by teenagers to keep all that sweet underage 'tang to themselves?  Age of consent has been bumming me out lately and I just wanted to know what your thoughts are.

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sorry kinetic, when I wrote this post I had a brain fart or something, I just couldn't remember, no disrespect to you, I hope you didn't take it that way, If you did i'm sorry.  


     Your first question is kind of cryptic, I don't know the true meaning of it, and I am sure it's not literal, so I think you can rephrase that one for me.  Second question.....

     I will answer your question with a question.  How could teenagers pull off that big of a conspiracy?  They would need operatives in the political system to pass such bills and laws, it just seems like a goofy question.  Anyway I am all for statutory rape laws.  I believe that it is necessary, because younger girls are so easily distracted, it's just unfair to them.  And the other way around.  Then again it's hard to tell now adays what age anyone is, my friends sister is 14 and she looks older than me.  Well I hope I answered your question, thanks for asking.



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Dear Rob,


Why won't Kinetic answer my question over in the Ask Kinetic thread. Is it because he no longer loves me?

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well I said i'd be honest so I will be.  Your last post in that thread was a little touchy feely.  I think you might have complimented him a little to much and he is afraid to answer.  To steal a line from Dennis Miller


Thats just my opinion.  I could be wrong.



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Guest crandamaniac
I will tell the whole truth and pull no punches


How can you pull no punches but be newly politically correct?


BTW, what's your favorite match of all time? lol

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well to answer your first question....Very very carefully, if needed I can manuever the pc to do what I want :)


    Secondly my favorite match of all time is flair vs steamboat from wrestlewar 89, classic match, 2 guys in their primes, awesome psychology, and a great angle to lead into my second favorite match of all time flair vs funk I quit match at the clash.  My favorite japanese match would have to be kobashi vs hansen from 92, I don't know the exact date, but you can recognize the match because hansen gave kobashi 2 black eyes from all the burning lariets he was throwing.  My favorite wwf match of all time is hbk vs diesel at good friends, better enemies.  I know it's not better in terms of austin/hart but I really enjoyed the stiffness of the match.  My favorite ecw match of all time is and always will be guerrero vs malenko 2/3 falls farewell match.  I saw them live a month before or so (it's hard to remember exactly) and it was the fucking shit.  Anyways I hope thats good, and from now on I will steal Dennis Millers line everytime


Thats just my opinion.  I could be wrong.



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Rob, You have been declared an enemy of the State of America and you and your pathetic topic are hereby under attack from the Grand Army of America. True I have no beef with you, but it is the wish of our glorious leader Kotzenjunge, that you be destroyed or at least perma-banned from this site. I have been banned from many forums before and I am still trying to think of tactics that will not result in a perma-ban from this site. For now, you are relatively safe, but just watch your back...

To steal a line from the immortal Hulk Hogan:

Whatcha gonna do brother... whatcha gonna do...

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thats very adult of you suptaft.  Honestly, do you see me going into your factions thread and talking trash?  I said I did not want anything to do with your little war game.  I do not want to get into arguements that get no where.  The last time that happened I mentally son'd (that's slang, it means I shut people up like I was their father) those guys because they had no backbone to their story.  I really want no part in your game, so please can you stop this nonsense?



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No. I shall not stop. I have been employed to take you and your topic down, and it is that goal that I will acheive. You speak of arguements that go nowhere, it is these very arguements that I will always win. It is my unique sense of logic that gives me the advantage to win every arguement that I engage myself in. So to you Rob I give an ultimatum from the State of America, stop posting now and no harm will come to you. For believe me I have ways of getting rid of vermin like yourself. Many ways.

Ta Taa

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you sound pretty stupid, but it is entertaining so please continue.  I wish I could see what you really look like, hahahhaa.



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Aww man, I sound stupid. I had better quit now. Rob shut me down, major burnage dude!! Please, if you aren't even going to give me a challenge then I could just hack your pc. I would like to have a good time though. Please enlighten me, why is it that I sound stupid. You are the one that was banned.

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please hack my pc, dude seriously, your using your mom's windows me pc and downloaded a few icmp packet tools and your going to "hack" me.  Let me tell you, that is why you sound stupid. I am an IT consultant by trade.  I get paid to protect companies from not being "hacked".  Now please stop badgering me.



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Guest Frankie Williams

Dear Rob,


My goat has fleas. Any advice on what I should do?

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I will stand in for rob because, my better nick got banned again :( .  Frankie, if it is your pet goat, you should probably give it a bath.  You don;t want fleas in your house.  If it is just livestock, hose it off, buy some flea repelant, sprinkle a little on and hope for the best :)



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Perfect PLex, I never acually neasured it, but's probably like 6-6 1/2 inches.  I am not going to lie and say I am a giant, but it works for me, and it serves it's purpose on earth well.  



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Guest Kinetic

Dear Rob,


Do you enjoy pornography?  If so, what type of pornography do you enjoy?  Where do you procure this pornography?  I've been going to this site called SublimeDirectory for a while now and I find it woefully inadequate, as far as satisfying my almost insatiable desire for pictures of bukkake and teenage girls.  Any suggestions?

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Kinetic, any man who says they don'y enjoy pornography is simply lying.  Me personally, I like looking at the asian girls dike it out, but each his own.  I procure my pornography from websites that I got the passwords to on IRC.  I don't look at it now as much as I did say 4 years ago, but hey, fuck it.  Subimedirectory is just a fetish site, I am not really down with that bukkake shit, too many dudes.  I have no suggestions for you.  I think everyone should find out for themselves what porn is right for them.



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If by IT consultant you mean 3rd grader then yes I might hack you. When I say "I'm going to hack you." I simply mean I am going to have someone do it. Granted my expertise in the field of electronics is far from addiquate, as I get confused as to how to turn on the computer, I could still have some spyware on your tail, rotting your computer.

BTW Windows ME is for pussies. Windows 98 all the way.

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Well, then I challenge you to "hack" me, or get someone to do it. This will be fun.  BTW if you don;t ask a question, don;t post in this thread, thanks.  Oh and untill you "hack" me, stop posting ignorant comments.  If you do "hack" me, then you have all rights to talk shit.  The challenge has been made, do what you must.



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Ahh, a challenge!! Does it make you mad when people post here? I completely understand. Hey that would piss anybody off. So therefore I will try to think of a question to ask.

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Wow!! He can count to twelve!! Someone get this kid a cookie. Can we get a decent comeback here? Something that doesn't start with "Yo Momma..."

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