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Summerslam 97

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Putting Steve Williams' private life self-destructing in the back of my mind, I just finished watching the Austin-Owen match from Summerslam 97 for the first time. It's a fanfuckingtastic match, aside from the famously botched ending. It's about that ending, though, in which I have a question.


Why did they go through the planned ending of Austin winning the IC title? It was clear that Hebner, Owen and the announcers knew something had gone wrong after the Owendriver. Sure, they may've wanted the IC title on Austin, but they really should've scrapped that plan until they got a better understanding of Austin's condition. It also would've made for a slightly better ending to the match than what we were treated to, that of Owen walking around the ring and blatantly stalling for time, only to be rolled up in the World's Weakest Cradle by Austin (yes, it was amazing that Austin was able to move at all after what happened, but still). It's not like they haven't changed plans on the fly before, as the Final Four PPV from that same year indicates.

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Guest converge241

Its a good question , that ive often wondered myself.

I mean Austin and everyone knows he cant move so worst case scenario: why would you want him to risk permanent paralysis by having him go through with it? best case scenario in something like that is, they guy has a temporary stinger, so why not let Owen win and then book the "scare" into the story for the rematch. They gave it right back to Owen anyway. Stuff like this makes me wonder how concerned they are sometimes with their performer's health. See also: Mick Foley being booked on Raw the night after KOR 98

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only to be rolled up in the World's Weakest Cradle


CORRECTION: It was not a cradle attempt; it was a simple roll up. Hell, it wasn't even that. Owen merely fell on his back, lifted his legs in the air, and let Austin gently rest against them. The whole thing was business exposing, and I think that's what irked me the most about that match's ending. Even someone who doesn't know shit about wrestling would've seen right through that ending. Feh.

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Guest RetroRob215

I think Austin said that he wanted to finish the match because it was an important one for him and to make the fans happy.

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Guest bob_barron

There was a stipulation attached that if Austin lost he would've had to kiss Owen's ass.

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Guest converge241

I forgot about that stip until you mentioned it.

But like they couldnt have just had Austin do the same thing he did with kissing Austin's ass - pretend he was going to and then stun him.

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Guest dreamer420
The whole thing was business exposing, and I think that's what irked me the most about that match's ending. Even someone who doesn't know shit about wrestling would've seen right through that ending. Feh.

how could it not be, austin broke his damn neck.  the right call would have been for owen to pin austin and retain the title but not knowning how bad austin's injury orginally was probably made the match end with the correct winner.

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Guest J*ingus

Okay, what I don't understand is this: Austin still pinned Owen despite being barely able to move.  BUT, earlier that year at the Final Four PPV, they supposedly threw out the old finish (which called for Austin to win the title) when Steve blew his knee out and couldn't continue, and improvised a new one.  Double standard?

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Guest converge241

no kidding about that double standard..


you want to talk big double standards though?

Steve was supposed to win the title,so they had to go through with it because of the prestige of the IC title. In Novemeber a big deal was made by Vince about how Bret had to drop the title in the ring due to the time honored tradition.


so later austin just gives Rock the belt!!!!

and when Vince himself is champion he never drops it either????

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Guest bob_barron

Two totally different things.


Final Four- Austin was supposed to win, drop to Sid thanks to Bret.

They ended up switching it around.


For Summerslam there was a stipulation attached if SCSA lost.

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Guest TheDames7

I believe that it was supposed to be a Kiss My Ass match between Owen & Austin if I'm not mistaken.  Almost every match featuring the Hart Foundating had a stip going into that PPV.  The only one that I can vividly remember was the "Loser Eats Dog Food" Match between Bulldog & Shamrock, which debuted "The Zone" for Shammy.



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Guest converge241

didnt Neidhart have his beard on the line or something like that as well during that time?

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Guest TheDames7

Yeah, thats right.  Oh, and Pillman had to wear a dress if he lost...which of course, he did.



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Guest converge241

another querry too:

bret had Taker

Owen had Austin

Bulldog had Shamrock

Pillman had Goldust


who was Neidhart's rival for that time? i cant for the life of me remember...was it (just a guess) Patriot?

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how could it not be, austin broke his damn neck.


Then they should've called off the planned ending. I agree with you about how they should've just had Owen pin Austin.


As for the ass-kissing stip, considering a man in the ring had his goddamn neck broken, I think the stip could've easily been overlooked. Anyway, for all my complaining, it was a superb match. Moments like that are what I want to think of when I hear the name Stone Cold Steve Austin.

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Guest nWoScorpion

Clarify things.


Steve austin had to KISS owens ass only if he didnt win the title.

Pillman had to wear a dress if goldust def. him

Bulldog had to eat dogfood

Bret couldnt wrestle in US


and niedharty would shave his goatee if any member lost. (this was scrapped)

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and niedharty would shave his goatee if any member lost. (this was scrapped)


Where was the Anvil, anyway? He didn't appear in the broadcast at all, not even during Bret's post-victory celebration.

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Guest MillenniumMan831

On a RAW leading up to SummerSlam, Lawler actually made a comparison to Samson getting his hair cut off if Neidhart would get his beard shaved off. Alrighty then!

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