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Guest DrEvil

Titus cancelled

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Guest DrEvil

Titus was one of my favourite shows and they decide to can it and put focking Greg the Bunny in its place. Fock you and the horse you rode in on too.

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Guest starvenger

>Fock you and the horse you rode in on too.


I think the spirit of the Waryr has taken over DrEvil...


Seriously though, nothing that Fox does should really surprise you.  They have exactly 2 hit shows, and don't know what to do with the rest of their lineup.  If it weren't for football, NASCAR, CART and MLB they'd probably be screwed...

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Guest dreamer420

I can't fucking believe that fox is cancelling Titus and putting on Greg the fucking Bunny in it's place.  Titus is a very clever and hilarious show and Greg The Bunny hasn't even produced anything I would call funny yet.  I hate fox.  When are they going to replace the Simpsons with reruns of the When Animals Attack Series?

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Guest dreamer420

is family guy gone officially?  i've heard about it being cancelled lots of times yet it was always come back on.

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Family Guy is too damn good to go unnoticed by any network, broadcast or cable. I pray daily for its reinstatement in some form.


Family Guy = GOLD.

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Guest Big McLargeHuge

Titus WAS hilarious, but this past season it bordered on Jumping the Shark what with that annoying neice being introduced.


Other than that, yeah I'll miss it.

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Guest CoreyLazarus416

Personally, I liked the niece. Well...the episode when it was revealed she was a lesbian, anyways.


Erin: "Charlie's here!"

Titus: "Hey, Charl...!" **realizes Charlie is a chick**

Niece: "Charlie..."

Charlie: "I'm so sorry, that note wasn't from me, it was from my friend Clarissa."

Niece: "Oh!"

**Charlie and the Niece kiss a few times**

Titus: "So you're a...I mean I'm the uncle of a...you're a..."

Niece: "A big dyke!"

Titus: "Yeah!"


Damn that's gold.


Oh yes, and when Titus was doing that end-rant on racism, and how everybody should just stick with their own kind.


Titus: "So we'll put all the blacks over there, all the Jews over there, all the Chinese over there, all the gays over there, all the purples over there, and the greens over there, and the blues...and the reds...**his hand, prviously used to motion where to put the minorities, is in the "Heil Hitler" position**...see how this can get out of hand?"

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What the FUCK is Fox on? I mean, holy shit. Shows like Futurama, Family Guy & Titus get cancelled, yet That Crappy 80's Show & Greg the Fucktard get to stick around... what the hell..


If Grounded for Life gets cancelled, I'm going to start boycotting thost bastards..

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Guest DrainYou42

As long as they don't cancel 'Bernie Mac' I'll be happy.


And yes, Family Guy was gold.

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Guest zacalex919130

Fox no longer shows Family Guy or any other comedy shows on Thursday. Instead they're showing shitty movies every Thursday night. I liked Titus. Fox used to be good but now it sucks ass. The only good shows now are The Simpsons, Grounded For Life, That 70s Show, King of the Hill, Malcolm in the Middle, and Andy Richter.

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