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HD: Squashes + guest appearance

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[i]Magnum Opus[/i] hits, and Alfdogg makes way through the curtains...decked out in a Peyton Manning jersey, which goes over about as well as you'd expect with the New Englanders.

And Alfdogg obviously not trying to gain any fans heading into his WDW World title defense with Reject this Sunday at AngleSlam, as we go to Michael Buffer!

[i]The following contest is scheduled for one fall!  Making his way to the ring, weighing in at 239 pounds...he is the WDW WORLD Heavyweight champion...ALFDOGG!!!!![/i]

As we've stated, Alfdogg has held the WDW World title since December 26, 2004, almost 3 years...

Alf grabs a mic, and is immediately showered with boos.

So, we're three days away from AngleSlam...three days away from the big event in NEW YORK CITY.

*crowd boos*

You know, Boston has got to be the easiest city in the world...I mean, EVERYBODY goes through you guys for the big event, and this year, the OAOAST is no different!

*crowd boos*


Including, of course...*points to jersey*...Peyton Manning and the Colts.

*crowd boos*

Yeah, it's not so easy without your KICKER, is it?  Without your saving grace!  And I hope this OAOAST legend who's going to make an appearance tonight, didn't wrack his brain too much on these predictions...at least not as it pertains to the WDW World title, because this match is JUST as predictable as the Sawx choking away the division to the Yankees!

*crowd boos*

THAT'S what I'm talkin' about!

Because Reject, this Sunday...

The jobber attacks Alf from behind!

Well, whoever this young man is...

...what is this guy thinking?

Alf promptly reverses an Irish whip, and catches the jobber with a AA SPINEBUSTER~!

And Alf hasn't even taken his jersey off...

He's still got the mic in his hand, Cole!

Alf bends down to the jobber.

What are you thinking, my friend?  Your head's got to be as empty as the Boston Celtics' bench!

*crowd boos*

Alf goes to the top rope, still holding the mic, and delivers the FIVE-STAR ALF SPLASH~!!!!!11111  Alf pops to his feet, and walks a lap around the ring, soaking in the boos.  Alf then stops at the jobber's feet, and applies the SHARPSHOOTER, forcing an immediate tapout!


Well, Alf wins...

Alf keeps the hold on, as the referee tries to break, then smashes the referee in the head with the mic!

And he's not letting go!

You can't stop me!  I'm just like Tom Brady, I don't know WHEN to pull out!

*crowd boos*


Several officials make their way to the ring, and after a few minutes, finally get Alf to break the hold.  [i]Magnum Opus[/i] plays, as the officials wave for EMTs.

Well, this can't be a good sign for Reject this Sunday!

EMT's arrive with a stretcher, and move the jobber out of the ring, as Alf hops out and walks down the aisle.

Right now, let's go to Josh!

Josh Matthews stands backstage with "Disco Duck" Vinny Valentine.

I'm here with Vinny Valentine, who will be in action later tonight, in his HeldDOWN~! debut!

That's right, kid!  You know, the Celtics may have just traded for Kevin Garnett, but you are looking at the FIRST appearance of the real Big Ticket right here on HeldDOWN~!

Of course, Vinny Valentine, formerly of the WDW, which was sold a couple months ago!  How did you feel when you got the news?

Well, as far as I'm concerned, kid, those guys got what they deserved.  You see, WDW's problem was not enough Disco Duck.

What do you mean by that, exactly?

You see, WDW didn't realize that Vinny Valentine is AUTOMATIC...

*drum beat, accompanied by a horn*


*repeat sound*


*repeat sound*

and as the ladies know, much like MacArthur Park, I'm frightening in the dark.  But you can bet, here in the OAOAST, Disco Duck will love on forever!

*crowd boos*

Any more questions, kid?

Josh shakes his head.

Good, I've got a match to get ready for.

Valentine leaves, as Josh watches.



[i]Disco Duck[/i] hits, as Vinny Valentine makes his way out, to boos.

Time for the HeldDOWN~! debut of "Disco Duck" Vinny Valentine!

[i]The following contest is scheduled for one fall!  Making his way to the ring, hailing from Brooklyn, New York, and weighing in at 228 pounds..."DISCO DUCK" VVVVVVVVINNYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYY VVVVVVVVAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAALLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLENTIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIINNNNNNNNN

As Valentine gets in the center of the ring and dances, the camera cuts over to Coach, who is up doing the watusi at the announce table.

What are you doing?  Will you sit down?

Cole grabs at Coach's shirt, and tries to pull him into his seat.

[i]His opponent...from Phoenix, Arizona, weighing in at 236 pounds...Tim Scott![/i]


The two men circle the ring, and Valentine grabs a side headlock.  Scott backs him into the ropes, and shoves him across.  Scott executes a leapfrog, then tries a second, but Valentine catches him, and executes an inverted atomic drop!

Nice counter by Vinny Valentine into the inverted atomic drop!

Valentine stops to dance for a few seconds, then drags Scott into the corner and kicks away, sending him to a sitting position.  He then chokes him with his foot, breaking at the referee's four-count.

Well, from the things I've heard, Vinny Valentine is a very profficient all-around athlete, he doesn't excel in any one department, but he knows enough brawling, wrestling and high-flying techniques!

Valentine slowly picks up Scott, and hooks him, delivering a suplex!  He then rolls through.

And Valentine could be looking to put three together right here!

Valentine executes a second suplex!  He then picks him up one last time, and delivers a third conescutive suplex!  Valentine then chokes, breaking at the four-count.

Well, he's aggressive, You've got to say that for him!

Valentine scoops up Scott, and delivers a slam, then goes upstairs.

He's going for his big legdrop, which he calls Night Fever!

Valentine comes off the top, and delivers NIGHT FEVER~!!!






Vinny Valentine with a very impressive debut here on HeldDOWN~!

Coach starts dancing again as the camera cuts to the table.

Don't you start again!


[i]O Canada[/i] plays, as a Canadian flag waves in the background.  Suddenly, CWM walks onto the screen, drawing a HUGE pop from the Boston crowd!

So...the OAOAST came to me, wanting to get my predictions for AngleSlam, 2007.  Well, I've been watching the buildup, and I know exactly what's going to happen this Sunday, so I'm going to give you the privilege of my predictions.  OK, what's our first match?

*cut to clips of the Sk8er Boiz making an entrance and delivering the Happy Ending to an opponent, followed by Logan "Usher" Mann's WICKED LEFT HOOK~! and The Heavenly Rockers delivering the Electric Melody to an opponent, then the Sk8er Boiz vs Heavenly Rockers graphic.*

The Sk8er Boiz vs the Heavenly Rockers...the Heavenly Rockers, the greatest rock 'n' wrestling band of all time.  Well, you know, the Heavenly Rockers are definitely a trendsetting team, they've got all the tools it takes to get to the top, and they've proven that, former World tag team champions.  Unfortunately, they're going to be run ragged by the exciting high-flyers this Sunday, I've got to stick with my countrymen, I'm going with the Sk8er Boiz.  What's next?

*clips of the participants in the 10-man tag, followed by the match graphic*

Big ten-man tag match!  Don't see many of those anymore.  I'm going to make this one short and sweet...I look for Leon Rodez, the COD, and D*LUX to score a big victory for all of us who are pro-hot women making out.  The Enterprise...people with your views don't make it very far in my world.  You're going down.

*clip of Colombian Heat delivering the Colombian Necktie to an opponent, followed by the James Riggs Koppou Kick, followed by Riggs making out with Staci, followed by a clip of Heat's rap performance, closing out with the match graphic*

Colombian Heat, rapper extrodinare.  Not my type of tunes, but it's worked well for him, he's come a long way in his time.  This Riggs fellow is a very interesting character...very unique style, I like his style.  In the end, though, 24/7 title on the line, this is going to be a very fast-paced match, and I haven't seen many people work that style better than the Colombian Heat...I say the champ retains his title.

*cut to clips of Thunderkid delivering the Thunderbolt DDT to an opponent, followed by the Thunder Bay Throttle, followed by Strutter and TK posing with their respective belts and the match graphic*

The Heartland title, I love these matches!  TK, you're a big, tough guy, but I can't think of anyone who's done a better job representing my country than "After Hours" Felix Strutter.  After this Sunday, he WILL BE the undisputed Heartland champion.

*clips of Reject hitting the Eulogy, followed by the Five-Star Alf Splash, followed by Alf and Reject having a staredown and the match graphic*

Alf!  My good buddy.  You know, Alf has held that belt for quite a long time since beating me for it, but in my personal opinion, he's facing his toughest challenge coming up this Sunday.  Reject says this is his time, and I wish I could agree...but unfortunately, I know better than anyone that when Alf is faced with a big challenge, he rises to the occasion.  And I don't think this Sunday will be any different.  I think Alf will continue to tack some more time onto that reign, but don't worry, Reject, your time will come.

*clips of Landon Maddix applying the Dragon Clutch, followed by PRL hitting the Corporate Nightmare and Zack hitting School's Out, then clips of PRL and Zack celebrating victories and Landon celebrating his World title victory, followed by the match graphic*

Well, I'll tell you what...I was as surprised as anyone when Landon Maddix pinned Zack and took the belt from him.  We'll find out this Sunday if he's just a flash in the pan, or if he's for real...and we all know how Zack can rise to the occasion.  My personal opinion...I think we see a new World champion this Sunday...but it won't be Zack.  You see, Tha Puerto Rican...I think this [i]is[/i] HIS time.  He's fought hard for a long time, just like Reject, and come up short, but he's got to get over the hump sometime, and I think it happens this Sunday.  So mark it down, I said it was going to happen, so it's going to happen.  Thanks for coming, now if you'll excuse me, I'm going to get a beer.

CWM walks away, then the camera pans over as he leans back into view.

...CANADIAN, of course.

CWM walks away as [i]O Canada[/i] plays us into the...




[i]Punishment[/i] by BIOHAZARD hits, and Rick Heyross leads his team out to the ring.

Team Heyross set for action here on HeldDOWN~!  Let's go to the ring!

[i]The following tag team contest is scheduled for one fall!  Making their way to the ring, accompanied by their manager, Rick Heyross, at a total combined weight of 485 pounds...TEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEAAAAAAAAAAAAAMMMMMMMMMMMM HEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYRRRRRRRRROSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSS!!!!![/i]

Team Heyross made it a long way in Battlebowl in Syndicated last month, but unfortunately came up short in the big unification match a few weeks ago!

Team Heyross slides in and poses, then attacks their opponents!


And I think they're trying to send a message right here!

Moss and Benjamin hook one opponent with one arm under each leg, and each of their heads under an arm, and deliver an overhead suplex, right over the ropes to the floor!

Oh, and that guy goes all the way to the floor!

Moss steps out momentarily, then Benjamin quickly tags him in and ducks down behind the opponent.  Moss backs into the ropes, and comes back, as Team Heyross executes the DOUBLE GOOZLE~!

And they're going for it early here!

Benjamin goes up top, as Moss lifts the jobber on his shoulders, and executes the SUPER ROCKER DROPPER~!!!





Lot of pissed off people tonight!  Maybe a couple more guys who want to get out of Boston sooner or later!


Moss and Benjamin quickly leave the ringside area.

Well, Team Heyross definitely sending a message to the championship committee with that display, and they're not sticking around to celebrate!  Right now, let's go to...



[i]Renagade[/i] hits, and Reject makes his way to the ring, to the boos of the crowd.

Reject ready for action here on HeldDOWN~!  Let's go to Michael Buffer!

[i]The following contest is scheduled for one fall!  Making his way to the ring, hailing from the Bronx, weighing in at 235 pounds...RRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRREJECT!!!!![/i]

Reject slides into the ring, and poses on the buckles.

[i]His opponent, from Tampa, Florida, weighing in at 235 pounds...Steve Freeman![/i]


Freeman moves in for the tieup, but Reject delivers a foot to the gut, then backs into the ropes and executes a swinging neckbreaker!

And Reject off to a quick start!

Reject picks up Freeman, and wrings his arms, then takes him down with a spin kick!  Reject then sizes up Freeman...and drops him with the EULOGY~!!!!!11111

Wow, the OAOAST spent a lot of money on opponents for these guys tonight, didn't they?

Reject then goes to the top...and delivers a FROG SPLASH~!

Look at this!






Reject using Alf's own finisher to pick up the win here!

As Reject poses in the ring, Alfdogg runs out and grabs him from behind, planting him with a German suplex!

Speaking of Alf, here he is!  With a surprise attack on Reject!

Alf stomps away at Reject, then removes his belt, and slams it into his challenger's skull as he gets to his feet!

Alf with the belt right to the skull of Reject!

I guess Alf not taking too kindly to Reject's mockery!

Alf then picks up Reject, lays the belt down...and executes Reject's EULOGY~! onto it!

And a little payback from Alf, as Reject busted open by that beltshot!

Alf then picks up his belt, as the crowd showers him with boos, and poses over Reject, as [i]Magnum Opus[/i] plays.

And the crowd showing their disapproval of Alf here, not so much fans of Reject here...

Alf is in a BAD mood tonight!

And will this be the scene this Sunday at AngleSlam, when Reject challenges Alf for the WDW World title?  Let's go to...

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